View Full Version : Show Me To Life. (Jedi)

Makoto Neo
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:43:13 PM
ooc; Preferably want a Knight, but padawans closing in on knight status are welcome. Need two of yas.

"Bring Me To Life"

How can you see into my eyes
like open doors.
Leading you down into my core
where I've become so numb.
Without a soul
my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home.

(Wake me up.
Wake me up inside.
I can't wake up.
Wake me up inside.
Save me.
Call my name and save me from the dark.
Wake me up.
Bid my blood to run.
I can't wake up.
Before I come undone.
Save me.
Save me from the nothing I've become.)

Now that I know what I'm without
you can't just leave me.
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life.


Bring me to life.
I've been living a lie
There's nothing inside.
Bring me to life.

Frozen inside without your touch,
without your love, darling.
Only you are the life among the dead.

All of this sight
I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark
but you were there in front of me

I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems.
I've got to open my eyes to everything.

Without a thought
Without a voice
Without a soul

Don't let me die here
There must be something wrong.
Bring me to life.


Bring me to life.
I've been living a lie
There's nothing inside.

Bring me to life

* * *
Neo opened his eyes, awaking from a deep slumber in the cold belly of his starship ‘Verloc’. He sat up from the cold sleep chamber, rolling his stiff shoulder as he climbed out of the pill like container that held the ship’s crew during long journeys.

His mouth felt dry, and his body stiff – a feeling he could never get over easily when he woke up from the chemical induced deep sleep. Pulling on a Gi over his skivvies, Neo traversed the cold corridors of the dropship to the small cafeteria on the starboard side. Soypro and coffee that tasted like rust greeted his empty stomach with vigor, causing the wolf-kind to grimace at the taste.

After finishing his meal, Neo went to the cockpit and peered out the plastic window into blank space.

He forgot where he was going. And to add to the mix, the navigation computer wasn’t keyed in for any destination. For all Neo knew, he could’ve been floating in deep sleep to god-knows-where from hell-if-he-knew! Sitting in the cold, packed, chair Neo let his hands fly across the control panel and pulled up the star system last recorded.

“Ah, yes… “ Neo whispered to himself, revamping the coordinates to Coruscant – a four day jump by hyperdrive if he was lucky. Relaxing back, Neo felt the craft readjust her course and kick up in speed. For a bit, he was grim about returning to the Jedi aligned planetoid but he had zero to slim chance to turn back. From the readings, he was low on fuel and the core was damaged from something.

* * *
Four Days Later
* * *
“Shitty hardware!” Neo shouted, slamming his fist on the hatch panel. It wouldn’t open.

Slumping his broad shoulders, Makoto gave the console one dirty glance before heading out through the lowering plank which was used for cargo uploading and stored one APC for Neo’s personal use. Coruscant air assaulted his senses instantly, making him reel back slightly from being use to recycled air provided by Verloc’s internal systems.

Coughing slightly, Neo shrugged his black leather coat on before checking his weapons as the plank lowered to the ground. A trio of technicians greeted the wolf-man and registered the Verloc for occupancy of the pad before they went to work refueling the ship. Neo gave them specific orders on what not to touch, the APC being one of the expressed objects, before calmly walking down the walkway to the hoverlifts.

Approximately an hour later, he stepped into a random bar and got a Jack Daniel’s to go before continuing through the middle class section of Coruscant. He traveled fast, an anxious feeling that someone, or something was watching him. His eyes flirted about, as well as his ears moving back and forth to catch small hints of whispers or such what might’ve hinted at the nature of his stalker.

Finally, growling with anger, Neo veered into a clearing and stopped. “Come out,” he roared, “Leave the shadows and show yourself!!”