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Shanaria Fabool
Feb 18th, 2003, 04:22:32 PM
Shanaria Enters her room. being sore, stiff, brused, and mad, she finds it best that she just goes and spraws out on her bed. She wonders what the heck was going through Jamel's head when she was attacked on the streets.

Rognan Dar
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:15:03 PM
Rognan was about to leave the LQ when he thought that he would see how a friend was doing. He didn't have this kind of treatment when he joined, but he thought it would be good to let someone know that you think about them.

As he was turning a corner he saw a blue figure go into a room. It was Shanaria, the one he came to see, and to the looks of it, she didn't look all that happy.

There was a silent knock on the door to Shan's room.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:20:54 PM
Shanaria painfuly looks up at the door to see Rognan standing there. She forces a smile and sits up in a way that not much presure is being put in her bruises.

"Hi Rognan! come on in. I'm just trying to relax."

Rognan Dar
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:24:00 PM
Rognan entered the room, but saw that it was more then trying to relax, she was injured. He stepped closer and looked at the bruises.

"Are you alright, you look like you were in a fight?"

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:30:25 PM
"More like I was mugged...7 men pretended to give me directions back to The Order and led me into an ally and when in to beating me. I would have been fine if Jamel haden't taken my knife from me before I could use it."

Shanaria moves herself to the back board of the bed and leans aganst it and the wall, bringing her legs up onto the bed.

Rognan Dar
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:39:18 PM
"Jamel? Why would he do that? And is there anything I can do, get you a glass of water or something?" Rognan has a look of consurn on his face.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 19th, 2003, 03:05:09 PM
"I don't know why Jamel would do that, but I think that the little bugger hired them to beat me so he could come in and be the hero...That's the only explanation I can think of. Why else would he take my knife and let most of them get away. Only two of them were caught and thats because another guy came in and pulled them off of me..."

Shanaria streches and winces in pain.

"I'll be fine... Just need to sit for a little bit, but thanks for the offer. Plus, talknig to a friend always makes me feel better."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:32:48 PM
"I'm glad I can at lest do that." Rognan said with a smile. He then sat down at the edge of the bed.

"So, who was this other guy you mentioned?"

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:39:58 PM
"A man named Miryan no Trunks...the strange part is, he is a Sith Lord. Why he helped me I have no Idea. but he did help, he even gave me directions back to the Bar & Grill so I could get home."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:43:55 PM
"That is quite strange. I never heard of a Sith helping a Jedi before. Maybe the Sith are not what I have made them out to be." He said mostly to himself. "But where is, Jamel? Has he returned yet?"

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:52:36 PM
"I haven't seen him yet...I hope he get's into trouble with the council for what he did. The firs thing I did when I got back was to tell them what happend."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:58:36 PM
"Are you sure that was the best thing to do? What if he didn't plan it, what if it was all happened by chance, did you think of that? I'm not saying that your wrong, but I'm saying did you think this through? Maybe he was just making sure noone got killed when it could have been prevented? Thats all I'm trying to say."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:08:54 PM
"I would not have killed any of them...My father is that commanding officer on my home towns army, and a Jedi. I was learning bladed combat shortly after I spoke my first word! I know what I'm doing when it comes to fighting and I know that I can't hold off 7 men, without a weapon! Not many people can. And why would he take my weapon and not there weapons if he wanted nobody to get hurt... Even if he didn't plan this... He still stold my knife! I think the council had the right to know about what he did."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:15:42 PM
Rognan gave a thoughtful sigh.

"Maybe your right, and then again, maybe your wrong. Since you haven't heard Jamels side of the story, there is no way to fully understand what happened. But for what you just told me, it does sound suspisios."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:21:31 PM
"I do want to hear his side...I don't want to loose a the chance of havin him as a friend just because of a misunderstanding, but then if he did plan it......"

Shanaria leaves the last of her sentence said..

"So...How's your day gone so far?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:24:45 PM
"Good, until this bad news came. I was about to go have something to eat, and desided to stop by and see how your folding up."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:31:27 PM
Shanaria Smiles...

"Well at this exact moment, I'm doing more bruiseing up than I have folding up...Aside from today Ive had a good time here. though I do miss home.. I haven't had a good walk in a forest in a while"

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:34:31 PM
"Well, I would ask you to walk in the Garden, just as good as a forest, in my opinion, but you seem to be in need of healing, and walking would only make it more painful."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:19:06 PM
"Right now sitting would be better. But after i've healed, I wouldn't mind."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 11:43:16 PM
"Then I will be glad to show you it."

He smiled at her. The Garden was one of his favorite places in the Jedi Order, one that he would like to show everyone he met, and let the happiness he found there spread to everyone.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 21st, 2003, 12:18:20 AM
"Well I'll look forward to see this garden.."

Shanaria shifts her position and looks down at the bed

"Your a really good friend Rognan...I know I don't know you all that well, But I know that your a good friend...I'm kind envy Marga for having a boy like you"

Rognan Dar
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:38:15 PM
Rognan smiled as Shan complamented him, but when he heard something about Marga his smile dimineshed.

"What do you mean you envy her? And what was that about a boy like me?" He said giving her a wierd look. He didn't quite get it the first time, and wasn't sure what Shan was talking about.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:38:36 AM
Shanaria Get's a confused look on her face..

"You mean you and her are not dating? I just assumed...Well I've seen you having dinner with her in the B&G, and then you went to her quarters around dinner time another day. I thought with all these dinners alone, you must be dating her. And the way she acts around you It's obvious that she really likes you, even if she hadn't told m..."

Shanaria realizes what she is saying and stops her sentence there. She hopes that she didn't say to much. She hangs her head...

"Well, anyway, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Rognan Dar
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:02:30 PM
Rognan just sat there blank. Lots of thoughts went through his head all at once. If someone was reading his mind, they would have gotten lost. It took him a couple minutes to get his head back into gear.

"Oh." Was all he could say. He really didn't know what to say. He thought that Marga and him were just good friends, though he did see know that she was a little attracted to him, but didn't think of it like this. And how did Shan know and not him? Maybe it was a woman thing, he figured.

"No...we are not dating. The first dinner was a welcome to the GJO dinner......and the second...." He traled off, still stuck in his train of thought.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:49:14 PM
Shanaria looks up at Rognan, Smiles and laughs

"The second was just as friends..Right?...Well any girl that does get you as a boyfriend will be very lucky. Oh and Rognan, your not guarding your thoughts very well and your thinking so much at once it sounds like static"

Rognan Dar
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:03:00 PM
Rognan had to laugh, there was no way he could hide his thoughts.

"Yes...friends..." But now he knew that Marga thought of him more then that.

"Its just.......that no one has ever said that they liked me like that...."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:38:31 PM
Shanaria smiles...

"Do you remember when I first met you and Marga? I called you hansom and Marga kissed you on the cheek... You turned into a blubering mess for a little bit after that. After the kiss I sent a telepathic message to Marga, and she did a slight knod in responce.... Do you remember that?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:07:49 PM
"Yeah, I remember. I thought she was either playing around or making you jealous, something like that. Then there was silence, and I knew you two were talking telepathicly to eachother. But I had no idea what the nod was." He wasn't sure where Shan was going with this, and maybe it was best to leave it for Marga to tell him, but he couldn't resist his couriosness.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:23:39 PM
" I only sent her a quick message that asked if she has a thing for you. The nod was her answer..."

Rognan Dar
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:27:03 PM
"Oh....I see...."

What was there to say when there wasn't anything to say. What was there to do when he didn't even know the most simple things about girls.

"So....what am I supost to do?" He thought that Shan might know, after all, she is a girl.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 25th, 2003, 06:49:13 PM
"Be yourself...That's what she like, so keep it up. Do you have any fealings for her? If so then let her know. It's that easy! Don't change into the person you think she wants because of wants to be with you, It's best if the person she thinks is you, is really you!"

Rognan Dar
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:55:25 PM
"Uh, ok. So dont change anything, thats easy...but are you sure that she likes me? Do you like me?" Though it was a odd question to ask when the conversation was about someone else, but it just came out of his mouth.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 27th, 2003, 12:31:42 PM
"Yes I'm sure that she likes you... I have 3 sisters and 14 female couisns, all in the age group that they are looking at boys, I've seen that look on her face when she is with you many times from many young woman."

Shanaria smiles, shifts her postion, trying to ignore the pain it brings. She looks back down at the bed...

"Yes I do like you as more then a friend... but I let Marga know that I would not get in her way. I don't want to spoil the friendship that I have with you or Marga so it is best that I stay only a friend. Plus you and Marga are both human, though you came from diffrent places and cultures, you are both still human."

Rognan Dar
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:56:04 PM
"I understand that we should just be friends, but I couldn't help but ask. I like all the people I meet, there all interesting in there own way. Just never thought that anyone would like me like that."

Rognan cant keep all the excitment inside, he's starting to move often, not sitting still.

"And what about you? I'm Lorrdain, a humanoid, yes, but so are you. What do you mean by that?

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 27th, 2003, 05:52:19 PM
"At the DNA level Lorrdains are human, just as Corellians are also human. I am Omwatii which is a diffrent species all together. And there are lots of things that could go wrong in an Intimate Interspecies Relationships. Thats why I must stay just a friend."

Rognan Dar
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:25:42 AM
If you knew Rognan you would not say things that a small child would not understand, for just as a child, he would ask about it.

"Why wouldn't it work, what would happen that would not happen normally?"

There it was, out of his mouth. Though one of his age should know not to ask just anyone about it, but he did, and now waited the respons.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:43:08 AM
Shanaria Smiles and shakes her head slightly...

"You know what...Your like one big kid..."

She Sighs and goes to explane...

"Well say you had an alergic reaction to my sweat that caused your skin to breakout into an itchy rash... It's not like humans were built to have extencive exposture to Omwatii sweat, which is composed of a mild acid.

But if you want some more examples...How would you like to kiss a girl who's spit can melt glass, Or make love to a girl who's genitals have sharp spines inside them, or hug a girl that is used to hugging with enough force to crush your bones.....

Can you see what some of the problems could be now? I'm not saying that there will be problems I'm just saying that there is a stronger chance in an Intimate Interspecies Relationships that incompatibilty problems will occure."

Rognan Dar
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:40:51 PM
"Oh, I could see what the problem would be now, thank-you." Rognan would never be able to get those thoughts out of his head now, why did he ever ask.

"But if what you say is true, then if you sneeze, what would happen if you sneezed on someone?"

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:40:55 AM
"When a person sneezes it is manily mucuse that comes out, which is, in most humaniods, a dormant slime that catches germs and particals in the air. From most humanoid speices sneezing is harmless, and the worst that could happen is you could get sick."

Shanaria changes her postion, mildly flriting with Rognan and placing a hand on his leg..

"I'm not trying to frighten you enough that you won't consider an Interspecies Relationship... I have had two boyfriends that were human, and there was no trouble incompatibilty problems... Though I did have one human friend that broke out into a nasty rash anytime I touched him when I was sweating. The others liked the way my sweat felt on their body. They said it made their body tingle, and it felt very nice."

Rognan Dar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:10:44 PM
"I just hope I'm not around when you start sweating." He said in a joking manner. "It made your friends skin tingle, eh? I'm not good at understanding the physics of different speices, but I believe you know best about yourself. I just find it hard to understand. I mean you look humanoid, but underneath we are both different, but I'm just rembeling here and not even understand what I am saying."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:34:28 PM
"Just think of it this way... the diffrence between Omwatii and Humans are like the diffrence between butterfly and a moth... they may look alike but are completely diffrent. Or you could think of it like we are all jam jars, but not all of us have the same contents. Omwatii could be Grape jam and humans could be Rasberry jam."

Shanaria Smiles

"Your not rambling, your trying to understand...I'm just glad that all those xenobiology classes that my great uncle inflicted on to me, are being useful and I can pass on the information."

Rognan Dar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:51:17 PM
"And I am thankful to your uncle for teaching you so that you could tell me." He laugh, this was getting to be quite the conversation. But he still could forget about the fact that Marga liked him, and didn't quite know what to do about it. This showed clearly on his face for it turned into a quiet thinking stare at the wall kind of look.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:24:16 AM
It wasn't hard for Shanaria to figure out that Rognan was thinking about Marga...

"Maybe the best thing for you to do, is go and talk with Marga. I'll be fine here, alone. Plus I think I could use some rest. Just be yourself, no matter how much of a dork you think you are acting like, It's you and people have to live with it... and the best way to get over the fact she likes you, is to go and confront her about it."

Rognan Dar
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:26:57 AM
"Are you saying I'm a dork?" Though he didn't think thats what she ment, he still wanted to hear what she had to say.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:31:00 AM
" NOOO! I dont think your a dork... but you seem to get a little squimish when it comes to talking about things like Love, Sex, and Girls."

Rognan Dar
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:50:44 AM
"Well, I would have to disagree with you there. Its mostly....that I'm liked that is what makes me excited, or as you but it 'squimish.' Its just....No one has ever, I mean ever liked me, or at lest me knowing about it."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:20:00 AM
"Well, sometimes a girl doesn't want to let a boy know they like him before they knoe he likes them....Do you like Marga?"

Rognan Dar
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:03:37 PM
Rognan paused of a moment, thinking about the question.

"I dont know, Shanaria, I never thought about it before, I just thought we were friends, like you and I, but......I just dont know at this moment...."

Rognan continues to think about it, trying to see if he does like her back.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:13:15 PM
"As I subjested ealrier, maybe you should talk to Marga about this... I have a hard enough time reading her mind when she is in the room, let alone when she is elsewhere."

Shanaria Streches and winces in pain....

"I could use some rest, I'll most likely feal alot better after I get some sleep."

Rognan Dar
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:19:06 PM
"Ok, I hope you get well, and thans for the advice."

Rognan stood, up and smiled at her.

"Now get some rest. If you want I can come back if you need anything."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:26:00 PM
Shanaria stands and smiles at Rognan, then says as she painfuly walks over to the door....

"I hope you can work things out with Marga...She really deserves a nice boy like you."

She opens the door for Rognan...

"You have a good day Rognan...I'll call you first if I nead any help. Ok?"

Rognan Dar
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:34:17 PM
"Ok, I see you around then."

With that, Rognan headed out the door and heard it close quietly behind him. By now he forgot what he was going to do before coming here, so he just walks out of the living quarter, thinking to himself.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:59:48 PM
Shanaria watches Rognan walk down the halls for a moment, then closes the door, and heads to bed. hoping that she will feal better in the morning.