View Full Version : You will be damned (open)
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:49:04 PM
The crimson liquid stained his clothes, stained the wooden boards of the floor. It dripped from his wounds leaving a trail behind him. He would be easy to follow. Easy enough if they really wanted to follow him. But there were few who would follow where he had gone. Few mortals who would willingly set foot inside the doors of the Roonstone Inn. Everyone knew it was a lair – for vampires.
He knew this too, only right now he didn’t care – or more really, he wasn’t thinking clearly enough to care. If he had been thinking along the lines that he normally thought along, this place would have been far off of his radar screen. He wasn’t fool enough to mingle with vampires.
But he was foolish enough to involve himself in gambling. It had, at first, been nothing but a silly bet among friends at the races. It had evolved into something more than that and his last bet had put him in a world of debt – in a galaxy of trouble.
They’d come looking for him, of course. The bookies. And their answer, when he’d been unable to pay had been to make him a contestant in one of their other rackets that they had going – dog fighting.
The beast had made good work of him, but he was young, just short of twenty years old and strong and resourceful. And when he’d seen his chance for escape, he had taken it. Though they’d released one hand from the binders, they’d left them dangling from the other hand. And there it still dangled, shimmering in the dim light of the tavern.
He stumbled over the threshold, leaning heavily on anything that offered support before he fell to his knees, too weak to stand, too proud to ask for help.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:00:11 AM
Alana glanced down at the man who fell almost at her feet. A dispassionate gaze from her hue shifting eyes. There had been many that fell at her feet bleeding. The only thing that was different was she had not caused the wound. Her finely arched eyebrow shot up at the sight of his missing hand. The Sith Lordess had just fed so the blood held little interest for her. She was more curious as to what this man was running from.
Alana stood up, snarling a command to her Shrine guardians to ready her transport. She bent to the collapsed figure, and picked him up in her arms. A few men muttered at her slight figure, and the power she exhibited. Her glare caused them to bite there tongues, and look away in fear.
"It seems you have bought another moment in time Mortal." She whispered softly as she carried him to her ship. The Vampyre settled him into the seat next to her. A cold smile tugged at her crimson lips. "Until I find out what I want to know." She finished the whispered words.
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:45:45 AM
It was so soft, the seat that he’d been placed in. Or at least, in his state, it felt to be soft. Softer than the floor he’d collapsed upon. Softer than the sand on the floor of the ring where he’d faced the dogs. His head lolled back and a small sigh escaped, a mixture of relief and pain.
His eyes remained closed for a few moments longer, languishing in the fact that he did not have to run. The one that had carried him, her touch had been strong yet….gentle. And he felt no imminent sense of danger. Even if he had, he would not have moved, not at this moment.
After some time, his parched lips parted and his eyes finally struggled open. It was a ship that he appeared to be on, though he hadn’t the faintest clue as to whose it might be – until he saw her. He knew in an instant that she was the owner – the commander for certain. Everything about her exuded power and control and…and there was more. It wasn’t anything that he could put a finger on, but he found himself drawn to her – in awe of her. Perhaps it was his weakened state – the loss of blood and pain confusing his eyes and clouding his mind.
But weakened state or not, her presence made him feel as if he should recognize her power, respect her and what she had done for him. He struggled to his feet, swaying as he stood and steadying himself by gripping tightly to the edge of the seat. The binders still hung from this wrist, clanking against the back of the seat and his other arm he instantly cradled to him, inhaling sharply at the pain that throbbed from the loss of a limb.
There was silence that hung in the air between them, perhaps each of them sizing up the other. He was force sensitive, trained to some degree, but it wasn’t something he had taken all that seriously. In fact, there was little he had taken seriously up to this point in his life, which was perhaps how he’d gotten himself into such a predicament.
But his sensitivity told him enough to make him aware that this woman he was with was not any ordinary woman. There was something dark about her and he realized in an instant that he might have gone from one bad situation to another.
“Hi.” He stated rather lamely, the knuckles of his hand turning white as they gripped the seat perhaps a bit tighter.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:24:00 AM
The Vampyre Lordess had felt the boy stirring. His body sent out waves of pain, and discomfort. Alana glanced over to him, his sweat soaked face telling her that his had come very close to death. He now sat even closer to it. She turned her eyes back to the consol, her fingers flying over it with remembered ease. They would arrive at Roon within a few moments.
When he rose from his seat, a small smile played over her face. He was tenacious to say the least. His wound should have kept him in the dark oblivion that horrendous pain always brought.
"Sit... Soon you will be floating in a bacta-tank, and your wounds will be healed." Her sirens voice broke the silence. "For now there is no need for you to worry."
The vampir turned her eyes back to the controls, her ship crested a small hill, and before them laid out was the Shrine of the damned. Its black marble towers reaching for the purple sky. Soft mists clung to the ground, giving an eerie appearance of the huge manor floating.
As they docked, Alana turned her feral eyes back to the youth. Her crimson lips parted slightly. She was a timeless beauty, with a face of an angel. Her black hair fell in waves around her lithe form. Though she appeared to be small and fragile, her eyes told a completely different story.
"I am Alana Stormcloud by the way..... You are?" A playful look filled her face. She could have easily delved into his mind. It was one of the things she had mastered long ago... But she had wanted to hear his story and his name from his own lips
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:45:57 PM
He had continued to stare at her after he’d spoken, only to see a small smile play over her lips. Her lips that he could barely take his eyes from.
Sit... Soon you will be floating in a bacta-tank, and your wounds will be healed. For now there is no need for you to worry.
Though he did not intend to in mind, his body obeyed her command and sank back down into the seat. He raised his hand to brush a drop of sweat from his eyes, the binders clinking annoyingly as he did so.
She had told him he had no need to worry – for now. For now. He had heard these words and understood the meaning behind them. She would offer him help. She would save his life. But in return….there was something that she would want. And she seemed the type of woman who always got what she wanted.
He was silent as they docked, his eyes flickering to the stump of his wrist and then sickened, away. He had gotten involved in something he had never planned to be involved in. Something way over his head. And now he had paid the price for his stupidity – or as it seemed, would continue to pay the price, he thought as his gaze flickered back to Alana.
She was beautiful and his gaze lingered upon her. It was not in a lewd sort of way, for he was neither this type of kid, nor did he have the energy to be in that state of mind. Rather, he liked to gaze upon her, drawn to her as mortals are to the seductive ways of vampires.
I am Alana Stormcloud by the way..... You are?
He noticed an almost playful look spread over her timeless features. He wanted to look away, but instead found his lips responding, his name slipping off them though he’d had no intention of telling her.
He heard his own voice as it spoke, sounding weary and defeated to him, though someone less critical of himself might have heard the stubborn pride that kept him alive.
“Where are we…?” He asked, curious despite the state he was in. It was time he started taking life a little more seriously it seemed – and so now would he begin. He wasn’t sure what she would want of him in the end, and it would be good to know at least where he was if he had need to try an escape.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:51:56 PM
Alana stood up from her seat as the doors opened letting the soft light of the hanger bay spill in. She stood next to him, her eyes searching.
"A pleasure to meet you Kolarik," her husky whisper filled the small area. Extending her finger, the Lordess lightly touched the oozing wound, a soft glint filling her hue changing eyes.
"That to can be taken care of, a new hand perhaps? As to where we are, you are now at my home. The Shrine of the damned bids you welcome. You are in my protection Kolarik, but do not wander far from where I place you. If you find yourself lost call to me, and I will come." Reaching out she helped him from his seat. Her powerful hands lifting him as though he were no more than a child. Her small frame hid her true power well.
ooc:sorry for the delay, and the short post... Still not up to par lol:p
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:18:05 AM
He was tired. So tired. The pain of his wounds and the loss of blood had drained the energy from him. Yet valiantly he fought to remain awake and aware.
Alana had moved from her seat and stood just before him as he sat slumped in the seat.
A pleasure to meet you Kolarik, She had whispered as she reached to touch gently upon his wound. He thought he saw a softness in her gaze as she looked upon him, but he couldn’t be sure.
That to can be taken care of, a new hand perhaps? As to where we are, you are now at my home. The Shrine of the damned bids you welcome. You are in my protection Kolarik, but do not wander far from where I place you. If you find yourself lost call to me, and I will come.
The Shrine of the Damned. Vampires. He had known there was something about her…..and now he knew for sure. Alarm revealed itself in his features, namely by the way his eyes had widened and his face had paled even more than it had been.
But before he could protest, she had reached to help him from the seat where he was resting. She’d done it so easily – her power was deceiving in comparison to her frame.
He’d been so caught up in her first few words, he hadn’t quite processed the rest of what she’d told him. To remain where she put him. To call to her if he got lost. But no matter. Being on his feet again was miserable and he swayed unsteadily on his feet as they walked down the ramp and into the hangar bay.
He wouldn’t be going anywhere, at least not until he’d recovered a bit.
His breaths were slowly becoming a bit shallower and his body that had once supported him so ably now felt weak and vulnerable. He would have been terrified had he had the strength or the energy to worry. Instead he relaxed into the arms that supported him, allowing them to lead him wherever they chose to take him.
“Where are we going?” He eventually asked, his voice just above a mumble.
(ooc: No worries. :) Sorry you’ve been sick. Hope you’re feeling back to normal soon!)
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 2nd, 2003, 02:13:46 PM
Alana looked over at him, her eyes glimmering, not with kindness but with a hunger. She would know his story, she would then know the sweetness of his blood.
"You my friend are going into a bacta tank, until you are fully healed." She stated in curt tones. She motioned the shrine guardians over to her.
"Place him in the tank, protect him until I can return. Replace that missing hand also." Her words became muted as he was lowered into the bacta. Her eyes slipping from hue to hue as she watched. She ran her fingers over the glass. Her two sharp teeth extending as his eyes locked on her.
"I will know your secrets..."
Mar 2nd, 2003, 02:50:04 PM
He had not seen the look she had given him, so focused was he on putting one foot in front of the other until they’d descended the ramp. This was probably best, for he would maybe worry a little less.
You my friend are going into a bacta tank, until you are fully healed.
He’d never been placed in a bacta tank before. He’d never really been ever injured enough to need it. He felt hands come to aid him and carry him over to a tank. And then the bloodied clothes he wore were removed from his body. He made some effort to fight this, but it was not enough.
As his toes and then the rest of him sunk into the water, he fought to keep his head above the surface. But he was held there and he struggled to hold his breath for as long as he could, not believing he would be able to inhale and breathe it in.
And when his breath had reached the end, he finally inhaled, struggling at first to adjust and panicking, splashing and fighting to escape.
But in moments exhaustion overtook him, and relaxed him. Through half lowered eyelids he peered out through the tank.
She ran her fingers over the glass as his eyes locked upon hers. He could see them, those sharp canines seeming to gleam.
I will know your secrets...
He panicked at this, inhaling too deeply and choking for a moment, and then she was gone.
He had no idea how long he’d been in the tank, but he awoke at some point later on. Likely, it was a day or two later. He was no longer in the tank, but seemingly lying in a bed. He was heavily sedated and confused regarding his whereabouts. Of course, the darkness of the room and the fact that his eyes had not yet adjusted to it didn’t help. But he didn’t need his eyes to feel the presence of another there.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:49:03 AM
The Vampyre Lordess stood in the far shadows of the room, surrounded by the wraiths that had come to view her as there mistress. The mother’s blood flowed through Alana's veins, and they could feel the power of the one who came first. Her hands caressed the clinging figures, there hands like those of errant children seeking approval. Alana's glowing eyes watched the new arrival intently, his wounds healed, and his hand replaced as she had commanded.
The Vampyre had seen many mortals pass through the halls of the Damned. Many had joined, and even more had died. The shrine was not a forgiving place when crossed. One way or another you would taste death in its dark structure.
Though the room was dark, and heavy with shadow, Alana could see clearly as though the sun shone within. She stepped forward, her eyes cold and heartless. The smile on her face did not match the predatory look. She was beside his bed within moments, her hand pushing the hair off his forehead like a loving mother.
"I am here to know your secrets Kolarik." Soft chanting filled his head, she began to weave the spell that would open his story to her. It was just one of the many things she had excelled at in Sith magic. Alana stepped into the muddled mind of the man who lay prone before her. A visitor in his memories.
"Tell me your story." Her soft whisper flooded his soul.....
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:15:01 PM
He groaned softly, groggily as she reached to brush his hair from his forehead. Her touch was gentle, the touch of a mother that he had not known for quite some time now. He could not yet see the smile on her face, or the coldness in her eyes.
He knew only her touch, and it seemed to command him. From behind the haze of drugs meant to sedate him, his mind and body stirred.
I am here to know your secrets Kolarik.
Though her voice was soft, and her touch gentle, her words were alarming. So many secrets. So many things he didn’t want to tell anyone. Soft voices began an inebriating chanting within his head. He could feel himself sinking, falling back into time, perhaps. It was uncomfortable, the feeling of falling and falling and falling.
Tell me your story. Her words made the fall seem less crazed and out of control. Her words were a soft whisper that he seemed to inhale. Every living part of him felt her presence there, touching even upon his soul.
On the bed he stirred slightly, lifting his head and then letting it fall back against the softness of the pillow. An arm lifted, coming to rest over his eyes, as if he could shield himself from memories that began to flood back.
He was your average kid. Or seemingly average. He’d been taken from his home at a young age, his mother plagued by psychological demons that would not release her and his father leaning too heavily on booze. His father had eventually left, simply up and leaving without a word. Its hadn’t taken long for the state to take him into their custody and ship him off to foster home after foster home.
It didn’t bother him, really. He was a rather easy going kid with a love of life and so he made the best of things. He didn’t ever look back upon his childhood with regret, but rather feeling fortunate that he’d had the chance at life in the first place. Over the years, he’d tried to keep tabs on his mother, but he’d been moved too many times from one home to another, and likewise, she had been in one state facility and on to another as well. And his father, well, he’d written him off.
He’d finished school and like any other kid who didn’t have the money to go on to university, he’d found himself a job. It was with an interesting group of guys, and they’d for the most part kept an eye on young Kolarik.
They took him with them after work to bars, strip joints, and on the weekends, to the races. It had begun with a simple bet placed. A simple hunch, or perhaps the force giving him the insight to know the winner well before it crossed the line.
This strange ability to foresee had gained him celebrity status among his hard working coworkers, who worked harder than they should have for the rather pathetic salaries they received.
They all began to rely on him to pick the winner, and as the winnings grew, so too did the number of bets the kid began to make.
It became an addiction for him. And one wrong bet, for a whole lot of money, put him in debt. In debt that he had no way of pulling himself out of in time. They’d come after him.
The bookies, of course. It was a new underground world that
Kolarik had known little about. And probably would have preferred to remain ignorant of had he been given a choice.
At first they’d merely knocked him around, trying to scare him into somehow coming up with money. And when that hadn’t worked, when he hadn’t come up with the money, they’d decided to find a way to make it back from him.
They’d kidnapped him, essentially, and let him in on a little secret of theirs. They ran an underground dog fighting racket.
Dog fighting was illegal on most planets, as it was where he’d been taken, but it made a lot of money. And perhaps what would make even more money, was a fight between a dog and a human.
And he would be that human. Until they’d made back their money from him, he was going to be their human competitor.
He was kept in chains most of the time, all limbs but one being released for the fight. They’d under estimated him the first few fights and had made modifications each time to try to even out the competition.
Each time he would return victorious, though bloodied and the victim of rather nasty bite wounds. This last time, they’d put him in a ring with two dogs and halfway through, it appeared that the bookies would lose their human competitor.
Kolarik had plead with them to release his hands from the binders, for that was their latest strategy to keep him from winning so handily. And to save the fight, they’d granted his wish. One of them had hacked off one of Kolarik’s hands with a rusty hatchet. As the binders slipped off the wrist, the bookie made some comment about how Kolarik had gotten his wish.
The pain of the wound had him oblivious to most things, though he did recall the nauseating stench of flesh burning as they, to some degree, cauterized the wound before they’d returned him to the ring.
As if to taunt him, they’d flung the hand down into the ring. He’d used it to distract the dogs, getting them to fight over the flesh on it and then he’d made a run for it.
Oddly enough, attendees of the fight made little effort to stop him. Perhaps they thought the dogs would be sent after him, and they’d get to bet on who would win in the pursuit. Kolarik didn’t care, he only ran as fast as his legs would carry him.
He would be easy to follow, for he left a trail of blood as he ran and ran and ran. Until he’d seen the Inn with its dim lights indicating that despite the odd hours of the night, 3AM, it was open.
And then he’d stumbled inside, falling to his knees, for his legs would not longer support him.
Alana was able to walk this rather shortened version of his life, and restlessly, he shifted as the memories flooded back.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 4th, 2003, 06:01:56 PM
Alana's eyes narrowed as she watched his memories unfold in front of her. He had been through a lot this one, some things even she would grimace at. His luck, which he seemed to rely on, was more then likely a fair amount of medi chlorines in his blood. Though to be sure the Sith Vampyre would have to feed. Soft whispers fell from her crimson lips, in an ancient tongue. They were mere croonings, soothing his troubled mind. She did not know why his past bothered her so much. She to had been through horrendous things, and she was not one known for pity.
Alana's had kept up the caressing motion of her hand, smoothing back his sweat dampened hair. Trying in her own way to soothe his troubled mind. If other were to stumble upon the scene they would find themselves as perplexed as she.
"Do not think on this anymore. The men, who you owed a debt to, now owe you one, and I will see to it that they pay in full young one. You will be safe here, and you will find darkness, though fearsome can be had by you." She spoke softly, her eyes straying to the pulsing vein at his neck.
She would let him awaken, and give him a choice so rarely given. She could see him stirring from the drug induced sleep, and the mind hold she had broken.
Mar 4th, 2003, 06:28:55 PM
He could hear her promise, the words somewhat registering. But mostly what he got from them was the feeling that he was no longer in danger as he had been only moments ago.
The arm that had covered his eyes moved to rest on his chest.
The hand that had caressed his forhead was still there, and he was grateful for it. Her cool touch to the warmth of his skin was soothing and he felt himself coming closer and closer to awareness.
Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the light and he could see just enough to recognize her. Alana. The one who had brought him here. Though he could see images of her, teeth gleaming sadistically, he was not, at the moment, afraid.
In the darkness, he sighed softly, though it bordered on perhaps a sort of whimper as he shifted slightly. He was well on the road to recovery, mostly healed, though some spots were still rather tender.
He could see her much better now, a soft light seeking to come in through the heavy drapes over the window. It outlined her, giving her timeless beauty a sort of glow to it.
His lips parted, and his tongue ran over them, yet his gaze never left her. Though her spell of before was broken, the vampire in her still worked its magic, seducing him with no effort whatesoever.
He could not take his eyes from her, admiring her though he found himself intimidated by her presence.
"Where am I?" He asked, his voice husky from sleep.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 4th, 2003, 06:45:08 PM
She smiled a small smile as his wary eyes traveled over her face and form. She knew the power, and allure her vampiric body possessed. She in fact used it to its fullest extent. Her powers of seduction were enough to draw even the studious in. Her cool hand paused for a second on his warm brow, resting there as he eyed her. She could tell though unsure his fear was fast fading.
"You are in the Shrine of the Damned Kolarik.... Remember my words from before if you please. Do not wander far from where I place you, and if trouble should find you, you only need to call my name. I am as you know a Vampyre. I heard your mind whisper it. I have an offer to make you, it is purely your choice to take it." Alana explained in a flat tone, though her eyes glinted with mirth. She found it strange she did not lie to this one. Perhaps a kindred sprit, or perhaps not... but there was something about him.
Alana settled on the side of his bed. Her cape taken off and flung over a chair in a blink of his human eye. Her bare, pale shoulders glistened softly as if dusted with a fine golden dust. Her eyes shifted colors rapidly in the soft light that surrounded her body. Leaning down she looked deep into his eyes. Her hand that had been so soothing before on his brow, now rested flat on his chest.
"Do you want to hear the offer?? Are you ready for that?"
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:43:30 AM
You are in the Shrine of the Damned Kolarik.... Remember my words from before if you please. Do not wander far from where I place you, and if trouble should find you, you only need to call my name. I am as you know a Vampyre. I heard your mind whisper it. I have an offer to make you, it is purely your choice to take it.
Alana’s words, her answer to where he was, her reminder to him not to wander far from where she’d put him, to call out to her, these words were familiar enough that he knew he had heard them before. He could not recall when or where, but they were familiar enough that they seemed to echo in his mind like a familiar spring breeze after a long, cold winter. Tiredly, he nodded.
For a moment longer her hand had lingered on his forehead, and then she had settled on the edge of the bed, the cape she had been wearing draped over a nearby chair. As her hand moved to rest upon his chest, he could feel the pounding of his heart beneath her hand. And it was likely that she, too, could feel it. As he began to awaken more, his world coming back into focus, his body began to respond.
His gaze flickered to her bare, pale shoulders that glistened softly in the dim lighting of the room. It was as if a spell of magic were cast about her, drawing him in and removing from his mind any trace of having known a life before encountering this woman.
As her eyes stared into his, he slowly inhaled, breathing in the power that she held over him. He sought to sit up, rather than lie completely prone. She allowed him this, and he shifted, sitting up for a moment, and then sinking back comfortably against the pile of pillows and gazing upon her.
Do you want to hear the offer?? Are you ready for that?
He could not have known that her behavior was slightly out of character for her – to treat him with such kindness. But with each moment that passed, he felt less and less a fear of her, and more an awed sort of respect and admiration mingled with desire. Finally, slowly, he nodded.
“Yes, I’m ready.” He answered. His dark eyes blinked. He was fully aware, though the proximity of Alana was intoxicating, and he couldn’t help but feel somewhat drugged by her presence.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:07:52 AM
Alana gave a slight nod at his answer, she had in fact expected no less. Though weak from what had been done to him, he also had strength of sprit that enticed her to make the offer in the way she did. She kept her hand on his chest, even after he had sat up, his skin warm and mortal under hers. His beating heart making her hunger all the more acute.
"I offer you eternal life Kolarik, though the price you pay will be high if you choose to accept. The light will forever forsake you. You will become one of the damned, forever bound to me, and the Shrine. But the rewards are all the more sweet for it." She stated simply. Her eyes never wavering from his. Alana pressed closer, she did not want him to say no to her offer, his death would be a loss to the dark side.
The Sith Lordess pressed closer, her sweet breath warm on his face, her arm bent as she pressed her chest almost to his. "You will have power undreamed of by Mortals. The dark side will do your bidding. You will become as no other." Her husky whisper left promises hanging in the air between them. Her voice, chanting in a vampiric tongue, wove a scene of what he could be.
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:32:50 AM
I offer you eternal life Kolarik, though the price you pay will be high if you choose to accept. The light will forever forsake you. You will become one of the damned, forever bound to me, and the Shrine. But the rewards are all the more sweet for it.
As she pressed closer, he thought less of the consequences, and more of what he wanted in the immediate moment.
Her sweet breath was warm on his face, and for a moment, his eyes closed, before opening and flickering back to her, gazing upon the smooth, pale skin that was so close to him. She was even closer now, her body pressed almost to his, teasingly close, but agonizingly far. In an unconscious reaction, a hand rose to caress her cheek. It seemed so smooth, and he hadn’t been able to resist touching it, to know if it truly was so soft and smooth as it appeared.
You will have power undreamed of by Mortals. The dark side will do your bidding. You will become as no other.
He heard her promises, her husky whisper only making them all the more enticing. A part of him wanted to ask why she would offer this to him, for it seemed like something too good to be true. Another part of him told him to simply accept. He found the middle ground.
“Why would I refuse…?” He stated, more than asked. It was not spoken in a cocky tone, but rather one of perhaps a hint of confusion. Why would anyone refuse such an offer? How could anyone refuse it when offered by her?
His heart had begun to beat perhaps a bit faster, feeling as if it were pounding in his chest. He could still feel the coolness of her touch and his other hand came to rest on hers, caressing it in an almost hesitant sense of wonder.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:57:11 AM
“Why would I refuse…?”
A cold smile tilted the corners of her crimson lips at his response. There was no reason to refuse in Alana's mind, to do so would be pure folly. Her head cocked to the side into his hand as he ran its warmth over her cold skin. A remembered response to a delicate caress. She then knew what it was that had made her so enticed by his presence. He made her feel humanity again; he possessed a quality that made her respond as a woman, instead of a Vampyre.
Her eyes narrowed slightly at this thought. She had clung to that piece of her for so long that she had not even felt it slipping from her grasp. This Mortal man who lay before her had brought it back in a bitter sweet rush. She, who had loved many, had in fact prided herself on how many men she had enticed with her sensuality as a Vampyre, stood exposed, and all too human before him.
Alana turned her eyes from him for a moment, lost as she had not been since her uncle had explained who she was. Her eyes that always slipped from one hue to the next fixed, and remained on a silver blue, one that her uncle would recognize if he saw them. Her blood red lips parted slightly, a small quiver, and then they were still. Her eyes turned back to his, he could see the hint of the red tinted tears that had pooled there, but did not fall.
Leaning in she paused, and let her eyes slip closed before her lips settled on his. Kissing him in his Mortal body, tasting the warmth before she took it from him. The Sith Lordess wondered if he would retain the quality after his blood ran cold…
Mar 5th, 2003, 12:24:18 PM
At his question she had turned from him. He had watched her intently, perhaps not understanding for sure what her reaction might be. When she turned back to him, his eyes stared into her pools of silver blue. At the corners of them, there were red tinted tears.
He wanted to ask, but the question was brushed from his lips as she leaned to kiss him. He responded to her, his eyes closing at the touch of her lips, the faint taste of blood lingering there. Every part of him longed to feel her closer to him. It was tender, this kiss, for he was somewhat tentative, despite the growing desire that threatened to consume him.
When, for a moment, their lips parted, he gazed into her eyes once again, his carrying a questioning sort of expression in them before he leaned to kiss the tears from the corners of her eyes.
And then he licked the blood stained tears from his lips. His demeanor might have changed subtly. The taste of blood was enticing. It was so sweet coming from her tears, and he wanted to taste it again upon her lips. Though still somewhat tentative, his lips trailed to hers, his mortal breath warm upon her cheek, his lips brushing against it to feel once again the smooth perfection of her skin. And then his lips found hers once again.
Though there was hunger in his kiss, there was no sense of immediate urgency. She had woven a spell upon him that would forever keep him in her control, forever make him her servant.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 12:47:29 PM
Alana reveled in the feelings he induced in her empty soul. She allowed his lips to pass over her smooth skin, allowed herself to be human in that one small moment. Though her red tinted tears that wet his mouth would taint his blood, Alana knew it was not enough to turn him, to make him forever hers. When he once again kissed her, hesitant, and unsure, her teeth extended. They bit into her own lip reminding her just who, and what she was. Her hands found his shoulders, and she pressed closer. She did not want him to pull from the kiss to follow.
A small sharp pain made him catch his breath; she had pierced him with a kiss as deadly as time itself. His blood flowing freely past her crimson lips. He would weaken to the point of death, but it would be a sweet release. It was then up to her to give him the blood he would need to be free of the chains of humanity.
Alana deepened the kiss feeling his heart stutter, and slow. Her eyes snapped open, they looked into his own. A soft glint of remembered pain filled her eyes before she bit into her own tongue, giving him the darkness that tainted her blood. Giving him the gifts that made her who she was, and the powers she controlled.
"I have held onto humanity, even in this soulless life I lead. I did not feel it weaken, nor did I realize what was taken so long ago. But you reminded me.... Do not let go of the small part that can love Kolarik. Remember...." Her soft whisper filled his mind through the force.
She pulled away from the tender kiss.... For her she had not given enough of her blood. With a quick slash a wound appeared at her throat, her white skin stood out in drastic contrast to the red of the blood. She drew his lips to her tender flesh, and bid him to drink.....
Mar 5th, 2003, 01:30:45 PM
He could taste the blood. So easily could he taste it that he knew it was her blood and not the taste of another that lingered. And then she had pulled him closer to her, pressing him to her with a strength he could not have rivaled in his mortal form.
He felt a sharp pain made him catch his breath and for a moment, he struggled. She had not warned him of what she would do exactly, and panic set in as he feared for a moment that she had tricked him.
As the blood drained from him, he sank lucidly against the pillows, no longer struggling, but rather giving in the slowing of his heart, and the surreal feeling that began to sink into his veins.
He knew, somehow, to open his eyes at this point, and he found Alana’s staring into his own. He had come to the brink of death two times now. Alana had saved him the first time and now….this second time…..
It was then that he tasted blood again. As their tongues met in kiss, the blood from hers flowed to his. It was enough to awaken him from the brink where she’d taken him.
I have held onto humanity, even in this soulless life I lead. I did not feel it weaken, nor did I realize what was taken so long ago. But you reminded me.... Do not let go of the small part that can love Kolarik. Remember....
He heard her words. They were forever imprinted on his mind, and forever he would hear her whisper as he walked the streets – damned for all eternity. He would not forget. Would never be able to forget.
And then she pulled away from him. His eyes had fluttered closed for a moment, then opened to see the blood as it dripped from her neck. And in that moment, he felt it. A lust so powerful that he reached for Alana and she let him pull her closer to him, bidding him to drink from her tender flesh.
He was no longer tentative. He knew now what he wanted and he knew that she desired for him to take it. Her blood as it passed his lips, sweetened his tongue and awakened his veins was addictive. It was something new and powerful and he wanted the taste to forever remain.
He could feel it now, something beginning to change within him. He shifted slightly, altering their positions so that Alana was now the one to lie on the bed as he leaned over her. He rested on one elbow, the hand of the other arm resting along her neck, his thumb caressing gently.
For a moment, he pulled away. He wanted more, certainly he wanted more blood. But he could feel things changing, and his gaze locked with Alana’s, questions abound in his dark eyes as if hoping to confirm that what he felt was normal. He knew, somehow, that she could know his thoughts, hear them without him speaking.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 01:51:41 PM
Alana's small gasp of pure pleasure escaped as he touched his lips to her throat. Feeding from the cut she had made. There was nothing as erotic as two vampires sharing the dark gift. She could feel his mind opening to her as there blood mingled, they were forever bound to one another in mind. Of all the humans she had turned, she had never felt such an open mind. One hungry for knowledge, and for the blood they needed.
As he tapped into his new found strength, and pressed her under him she smiled. She could have easily overpowered him but she found pleasure in his aggressive movements. When he pulled away, a soft sigh of disappointment was pulled from her. To turn another was a pleasure that she always cherished.
He looked at her with so many questions, so many doubts of just what he was. The one that stood out was his question of normalcy. Alana brought her hand up, brushing the hair from his forehead as she had done before.
"What you are feeling is very normal Kolarik. Well normal for us anyway." She answered in a husky whisper. Alana opened her mind to him, showing him her turning, and letting him feel the pleasure she had taken from her first taste of the dark gift. Her lips, that were stained with there blood tilted in a gentle smile. She knew he had taken her words to heart, and she thought perhaps he would keep what she was loosing her grip on. The one thing she had strived to retain, and that he had given back without knowing. A small amount of humanity, to remind her of a mother she had loved, and an uncle who she thought had taken so much.
Mar 5th, 2003, 02:22:14 PM
She’d reached to brush his hair from his forehead. It was forever falling in his eyes, sometimes giving him a youthful, shaggy dog sort of look about him, and at others times, combined with the hooded gaze he sometimes gave from beneath, it was a sort of alluring, come hither sort of expression.
What you are feeling is very normal Kolarik. Well normal for us anyway.
He had allowed a somewhat shy smile with these words, though the look of hunger never left his eyes. The huskiness of her voice was still seductive to him and he reveled in the attention that she was giving him.
As she opened herself to him, in his mind, as if seeing it through wide open eyes, he was able to see her turning, able to feel the pleasure she had taken from her first taste of the dark gift. Involuntarily, his eyes had closed, for he’d felt it as easily as he felt his own emotions and physical reactions.
Her blood was upon his lips, still, and his tongue ran over them before he’d looked away for a moment, and then back to Alana.
“Ive never felt something like that before….” He admitted, referring to the erotic feeling of drinking the blood of another. Alana in particular, as he had never before tasted the blood of another.
“Will it always be like that, or was it just because this was the first time?” He asked, his expression forming somewhat of a mischievious look at the thought that he’d experienced ‘the first time.’ He was, afterall, a young man. And a young man who knew little of vampires, save for the fact that they were dangerous.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 02:41:13 PM
“Will it always be like that, or was it just because this was the first time?”
Her laughter was as soft as a sweet summer, and as intoxicating as a sirens song. Her eyes lit with pleasure at this question.
"It will be different with each one. It can be as sweet when you share a vampire’s blood, and when you take a human. There is nothing to compare to what we feel when we share from one another but to take from a living being is, with each one, euphoric." Her eyes traveled over his face, he appeared so young, as did she, but there was something in his eyes that made her dead heart want to pound. His timeless beauty that he would achieve would only enhance his charm, his hooded eyes would draw many to him.
"I think you will rival even me in the game of seduction Kolarik. She moved her hand to the back of his neck, drawing him back to her, she once again wanted to taste his lips, still warm with mortality. Though fading fast, replaced with her searing heat.
Mar 5th, 2003, 03:12:51 PM
She had laughed at his question, though he didn’t get the feeling that she was making fun of him. Rather it was intoxicating, even to him as the mortal within him faded. He could feel her pleasure as well as see it in her eyes, and he allowed it to wash over him, doing nothing but giving himself freely to her.
It will be different with each one. It can be as sweet when you share a vampire’s blood, and when you take a human. There is nothing to compare to what we feel when we share from one another but to take from a living being is, with each one, euphoric.[/]
He heard her words and processed them, but at the moment, it wasn’t the blood of another that he wanted, it was [I]her blood. The one who had taken his life only to give him another.
As her eyes traveled over his face, he gave in to the attention, basking in it, and no doubt playing the part. He was easily seduced by her, and was learning, rather quickly, that it was, all of it, a game of seduction. A game he would no doubt enjoy playing.
I think you will rival even me in the game of seduction Kolarik.
He had chuckled softly at this, the sound husky with the lingering lust that he could not, and did not have any desire to be rid of.
As she drew him back to her, he relented, his hand remaining for a moment on her neck as he too, held her close, and then trailing from her neck, exploring. His fingers lingered on her collarbone for a moment, for her shoulders were bare and her skin, to his touch, felt electric. And then they traced downward, gently, yet with a subtle aggressiveness.
Her lips still felt cool to his, though by the moment, his were beginning to match hers. This kiss was no less erotic for him. Perhaps it was even more so this time, for he was well under Alana’s spell. He had tasted her blood, and forever would he remember it, always desiring to taste it once again.
Teasingly, for a moment, his lips left hers and traced to her neck where already the wound had closed. With a test of his new elogated canines, he nipped her, a drop or two of blood pooling on the surface.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 03:28:04 PM
Alana closed her eyes to his touch, reveling in it. The passion of a Vampyre ran deep, and no one would know the fire that could be traced along the path of finger tips. No one that were not of the damned anyway. She tilted her head to the side, giving him free access to her slender neck. His lips played there, as well as his newly formed eye teeth. He nipped at her skin, barley breaking the surface with his unsure touch. Alana's hands found there way into his hair, pulling him closer, and in the process causing his teeth to sink deep into the vein.
Her blood once again washed over his wanting lips. Her soft moan was the answer he needed to know she shared in the pleasure. As he once again tasted her blood, she to sank her teeth sharply into his shoulder and sipped at the blood that formed there. It caused him no pain but instead spun him out of control, giving him the sure knowledge that there was no pleasure as great as this.
"Sweet is it not? When we hunt I will show you the pleasure of taking innocence." Alana’s voice was husky with lust. She wrapped him in her dark embrace, willing him to know her every want and need. "He was now and forever a child of the Damned..."
Mar 5th, 2003, 03:59:05 PM
As he tasted the blood from the tentative nip, Alana had entangled her hands in his hair, pulling him closer. This time he sank his teeth into her neck, and there was nothing about the moment that he would ever regret. He loved the way it felt for his teeth to sink into flesh. He found ecstasy in the blood that flowed from the wound, drinking it without a second thought. Never would he think of being a vampire as damned.
Or, at least, not at this point, he would not.
He heard her soft moan and this only made it easier, only made him want her more. As her teeth sank, in response, sharply into his shoulder, he had groaned, knowing instantly that there could never, ever be any greater satisfaction than the realm to which Alana had taken him.
Sweet is it not? When we hunt I will show you the pleasure of taking innocence.
Her words, the lust in her voice had drawn him away from her neck for a moment. His eyes gazed into hers and he leaned to kiss a droplet of blood from her lip.
“I find it hard to believe it could compare….” He replied, his eyes staring into hers for a moment. As he spoke, his hands continued to caress her, wanting to know every inch of her.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 5th, 2003, 07:32:34 PM
"There will be many times you will take great pleasure in the moment. There is a big difference in drinking the blood of one of your own kind compared to the taking of a mortal. Though the pleasure may be different, it can be just as euphoric as I said." Alana explained softly, her mind elsewhere.
She was enjoying the attention the newly turned Vampyre was creating in her. Though she had turned many he seemed to bring about feeling she thought long dead. It was not lust that he offered her but a remembered tenderness that made it so much more. His curious hands worshiping her form, his eyes devouring every inch of her exposed mind. He was intoxicating to her senses to say the least.
She the seducer had been seduced. It made her lips quiver with laughter. Her eyes locked on his, filled with want. She to explored his exposed flesh, wanting to know ever turn and contour. Suddenly she was hovering over him, he had not felt her shift, nor had his new eyes caught the movement. All he knew was that she was replaced in the position he had been only a second before. Her long hair fell in soft waves across his chest, her glimmering eyes peered intently into his. Her slight frame belied her powerful grip.
A smile born purely from the hunter in her curled her lips. She propped her elbows on each side of him, pressing her chest to his, her mouth caressing his in-between her words.
"I want to hunt with you, to see the mortal women swoon under your gaze. To know just what you feel when you see the power you hold. I would know the pleasure you take when a mortal’s blood spills over your lips for the first time." Her eyes grew glazed at the thought. Through him she would know what she had all but forgotten.
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:48:26 PM
There will be many times you will take great pleasure in the moment. There is a big difference in drinking the blood of one of your own kind compared to the taking of a mortal. Though the pleasure may be different, it can be just as euphoric as I said.
His head titled slightly as she said this. He believed her words, he just didn’t believe they applied to him, necessarily. Nothing would compare to her touch or her kiss. Though if she wished to believe this, there was little he could say or do that would convince her otherwise.
And so he said nothing, but only shook his head slowly, a smile creeping over his lips. As he did this, his fangs only became more visible, though oddly, somewhat becoming on him, perhaps. The strange mixture of youthful innocence combined with the darkness of the damned.
For a moment, she seemed to study him. He could feel her desire for him, but other thoughts she protected from him and he did not know the vulnerabilities that she felt, or the renewal of feelings long since thought to be extinct.
Before he knew it, he found himself beneath her, her body pressed delightfully to his. He didn’t question how it had come to be, but rather drank in the moment. Her long hair spilled over his bare chest. With his newly heightened senses it both tickled and teased and he ensnared his fingers in it, pulling her lips to his.
When they pulled away, a coy smile seemed to settle on her lips and he got the distinct feeling of being a prize of sorts that she had just won. And he was fine with it. His gaze studied her as she propped her elbows on each side of him, her chest pressed to his, her mouth caressing his in-between her words.
I want to hunt with you, to see the mortal women swoon under your gaze. To know just what you feel when you see the power you hold. I would know the pleasure you take when a mortal’s blood spills over your lips for the first time.
He had shifted slightly, letting his head fall back to the pillows, a satisfied sigh escaping as he did. And then his expression echoed his curious nature. He found her request somewhat curious, for he couldn’t know what it was like to be her, having a chance to live the first few times over again through the eyes of another.
“If that’s what you want,” He began with a mischievous grin, “Then that is what you shall have. But…..” His gaze held hers, his eyes narrowing slightly, mischief dancing in them as he prepared to offer her the condition under which he would do such a thing.
“I want to know in turn what it is like for you…..”
And then he allowed a full grin.
“I wouldn’t hunt without you, anyway.” He added, somewhat shyly.
“I don’t know how.” These words were full of innocence and it was reflected in his expression. He knew nothing of being a vampire, and depended completely at this point upon Alana to teach him the ways of the damned.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 6th, 2003, 02:33:54 PM
“I want to know in turn what it is like for you…..”
Alana smiled at this, her eyes wide at the thought of it. She had never linked and opened her mind when hunting. It would be a new experience to pass on, what she felt as she fed.
"Then it shall be." She answered softly, her eyes looking into his quizzically. His emotions and wants were so very innocent, even with the dark side now prominent. She wondered how mortals would react to it. The allure of a Vampyre, and the innocence of a child. She found it to be quiet intoxicating.
“I wouldn’t hunt without you, anyway.” He added, somewhat shyly.
Her smile broadened, tilting the corners of her lips further. Her eyes glimmered with laughter. "One day you will hunt alone, it seems vampires look for solitude at times, though we crave the company of our own at times." Alana's eyes grew sad for a moment, the pools of blue darkening with bitter sweet memories.
"I have never been one to enjoy that." Her soft whisper followed. "Even a child of the damned knows loneliness." The Sith Vampyre ran her hand through his hair. Enjoying the moment of reprieve.
"I will teach you to hunt. To wrap your victims in a dream scape of your choosing. To give them pleasure or fear. You will have the power to bring even the strongest to there knees." Her voice filled with promise, she would teach this one all the pleasures of the vampir....
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:00:23 PM
One day you will hunt alone, it seems vampires look for solitude at times, though we crave the company of our own at times.
His expression was disbelieving. Perhaps it had been the lack of attention he’d received growing up, but he couldn’t picture himself wanting times of solitude. He liked being around people and the fact that his blood now ran cold would likely never change this about him.
I have never been one to enjoy that. She’d whispered, seeming to echo his thoughts.
He’d closed his eyes, content as she ran her fingers through his shaggy locks. As she began to speak, promising him more than he’d ever expected possible, his eyes drifted open again.
I will teach you to hunt. To wrap your victims in a dreamscape of your choosing. To give them pleasure or fear. You will have the power to bring even the strongest to their knees.
At this comment, he had merely offered a small smile. It wasn’t the others that he cared about at all – it was impossible in her presence to think of anyone but her. He lifted his head from the pillows to beg a kiss from her, and when she consented, he nipped her lip. It was a teasing sort of gesture, and as he looked to her, her blood upon his lips, his eyes stared intently into hers.
“But could I bring you to your knees?” He asked, his desire for her dancing in the depths of his eyes.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:16:42 PM
“But could I bring you to your knees?”
Kolarik's eyes delved into her very soul, his words enflaming her passions as no other had done. "Have you not already done that? When you lay at my feet, did you not entice me even then? I have had others there before you, and none, save for yourself, have ever given me pause." She said in dulcet tones. Her teeth nipping his lips back, her tongue catching the small droplet of blood that pooled there.
"I have brought men under my spell many times young one, but it seems I am the one who resides under your spell." Alana's mouth closed over his.... A kiss that deepened with each passing second. There was no need to breath, being what they were but she could feel herself wanting to gasp.
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:51:04 PM
Have you not already done that? When you lay at my feet, did you not entice me even then? I have had others there before you, and none, save for yourself, have ever given me pause.
He was not one who was insecure with himself, nor was he one who was overly confident either. To hear these words from her did not make him cocky, but it did give him some sense of understanding of Alana. Something he wanted very badly to know, but would not rush.
As she nipped him back, he groaned. It would take some time for him to get used to the difference in the way things now felt. At the moment, this smallest gesture from her was enough to give him a sense of pleasure he had not known before her. His eyes watched as she licked her lips, his blood upon her tongue.
I have brought men under my spell many times young one, but it seems I am the one who resides under your spell.
He didn’t try to speak as her mouth closed over his. There was little need to speak words that could be provided by this physical gesture. With each moment that the kiss deepened, he felt only a more urgent need for her. He had been passionate before, sensual by nature. But the kiss of the vampire had increased this tenfold. He felt that he would never get enough of her.
Perhaps she was under his spell, but he, too, was under hers. And together they have woven an intricate web of emotions – hers feelings long forgotten, awakened once again, and his innocent, yet not so new to him that he could not understand the possible implications.
At the very least, he knew that he desired her, and knew that while perhaps there would be others, there would never be one that could create a fire that burned so out of control within him. He would forever and always be a slave to her, thriving on any attention that she chose to give him.
And something deep within him wanted to make her his, as well. Make her the slave to him that he was to her. She was the seductress, without a doubt she was the seductress. But he, too, liked to play the game. Not a game of doubt, confusion, or jealousy – but rather a game of passion and seduction. A game that awakened the very thing vampires too often seemed to lose– the fire that burned within their soul.
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