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Zasz Grimm
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:30:21 PM
Zasz had been doing exactly as his Master instructed for the past week and a half. He had watched Senator Ruo'trey's every move. Zasz pretty much knew his daily schedule, where he went. And upon closer looking, he had found out the man's tastes. His likes were many, dislikes few. Truthfully, he wanted what was best for his people...

As Zasz waited for the Senator to do his weekly meeting with his political 'group', he thought. What was Hobgoblin going to do with Ruo'trey? No doubt kill him, but what if he cooperates...Probably still kill him, or use him as a back up. He shook his head.

Just then the Senator and his security force strolled out of his home. Zasz hung back for a moment. The Senator hesitated and then spoke. Instead of taking a transport, he started to walk...

Apparently they were going somewhere else...and on foot. Simple enough. Zasz took up a spot and hid until they all had passed, and when that was over, Zasz moved in their wake, keeping to the shadows, out of their vision...

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 18th, 2003, 07:42:42 PM
“To the shadows he clings,” a whisper directed itself to Zasz, although there was no apparent physical presence to accompany the voice; none to the visible eye, at least. Surely the Dark Jedi felt a presence though, one which seemed to be seeking him.

“It's ironic,” the voice finally revealed itself, stepping to the side of Zasz - just watching him. “One who preys, is now the prey himself.”

Just a day or so before Grev had arrived on Bothawui, with specific instructions from a familiar being. The details were foggy, but fate had led him to where he needed to be. This man was the one he sought. He couldn't explain it, but he knew it.

“The man with the crimson hair. Have I found him?”

Zasz Grimm
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:49:04 AM
Zasz had slowed down his following of Ruo'trey after he heard the voice. And now that this man had made an appearance. Zasz would have taken him down and incapacitated him, but it would ruin his following of Ruo'trey, and his security would be all over him. Zasz narrowed his blood red pupils just as the light seem to shine on his face, illuminating his crimson hair and eyes....

As he had his hand on his lightsaber for the moment, Zasz inspected the man. Who was he? Why was he looking for him...And he spoke as if Zasz's Master had sent him...

..."You speak in riddles. Tell me, have you visited with my Master, Hobgoblin, perhaps?"...

Ruo'trey and his escort were now long gone. Zasz probably just missed out on something of importance, so this man better have a very...very good explanation for this interruption...

"Perhaps he sent you here to die...Hm..?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 19th, 2003, 04:39:00 PM
Grev could see the fret in Zasz's eyes. He noted the man's sudden hand movement to his lightsaber, taking a slight step as to ready himself for some form of assault. Finally the man spoke.

"You speak in riddles. Tell me, have you visited with my Master, Hobgoblin, perhaps?"

Suddenly he felt a comforting ease. This man knew of his encounter with the Hobgoblin, or at least he was assuming so.

“I have,” he replied squarely, eyeing the man with a brief stare before side glancing down the street - the Senator was long out of view by now. He bit down, expecting some type of reparation from the man for disrupting his assignment.

He was still weaponless; and almost completely defenseless.

“I was sent to discover my fate. Should it be death?”

Zasz Grimm
Feb 19th, 2003, 04:45:40 PM
Zasz stayed his hand. He looked to the man, while still letting his hand rest on the cold steel that was his lightsaber's hilt. Arching a brow he decided to speak...

"If I was going to kill you, you would already be dead. No. No, if my Master sent you, it was for a reason. Maybe he meant for you to help me on my assignment, or perhaps take you to Vjun..."

He watched Grev's facial reaction as he spoke. He was emotionless. Zasz grinned inwardly. He could remember being like this man not so long ago...

"Your name?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:05:10 PM
A bit relieved that the man had decided against attacking him, Grev's posture eased a bit more as he continued to listen to the man speak. Vjun; that is where he needed to be, or at least where Hob intended for him to be. This ‘assignment’ could prove itself interesting as well.

“Grev,” he said replying to the question of his name. “Grev Drasen. I never caught yours?”

Hob had never mentioned a name, but only an indefinite description of the man. It was apparent he would be spending a deal of time with the man until their arrival on Vjun - which could be any set amount of time considering the circumstances.

He unfolded his arms from his chest, his eyes wandering towards that of the street.

“The man you were following... shouldn't we hurry?”

Zasz Grimm
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:51:57 PM
"That's because I never gave it to you...Zasz Grimm.."

He looked where the Senator had left and had gone. He grimaced as he looked back to Grev. He thought for a second. Perhaps Hob had planned it to be this way. That maybe in Grev's being here...he was to learn something?

"Yes...we...should get a move on."

And with that, he turned his back to Grev. He stuck to the shadows, as he did before, but was now more cautious. He didn't want anyone else seeing him, or Grev.

He ran quickly, making up time, at this rate he should catch up with Ruo'trey. He didn't look back to Grev, if he kept up, he did...

When they stopped, the Senator was meeting with another man, one dressed in solid black. Odd...he never did this before.

Zasz stayed back towards a wall, but as some people started to walk by, he somewhat blended in. He could feel Grev with him, so he decided to speak..

"Interesting....And yet suspected..."

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:25:24 PM
With little room for a reply, Grev hurried behind Zasz just as quickly as he had departed. Adhering to the shadows, just as Zasz, the pair jogged for a little ways until finally gaining their lost distance back to meet up with the Senator.

Bending slightly, Grev rested his hands on his knees to re-establish his accustomed breathing. As he watched on, he heard a whisper regard him from Zasz.

Hearing the man's words, he eyed the man suited in black. Albeit he wasn't coherent with what exactly this mission was about, one could only assume the exchange that was taking place between the two.

Politicians are corrupted. That was inevitable, what exactly was taking place with the Senator, Grev was unsure of.


Grev questioned back, withholding his voice to a whisper.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:45:03 AM
Zasz looked to Grev. He didn't understand, well, Zasz would educate the young man while he was with him...

"As I've been watching our good Senator here, he's been watching his political rivals. I've suspected that he intends on having them permanently removed.."

He looked to Grev. Zasz was silent for a second, and then turned back to Grev. Still thinking, he spoke...

"I doubt he would really do it. The Bothan's would be in such an uproar he would be removed...Not that it isn't going to happen anway.."

Zasz smiled..


imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:53:02 PM
“No,” he spoke in reply, his eyes still paying a close attention to the Senator and his companion. He turned back to Zasz, who had just briefly overlaid the gist of it all.

He stood up once again, allowing his back to straighten as he waited for further instructions.

What now?

Grev pondered on the question of asking what connections were between Hobgoblin and the Senator, but decided to leave the subject alone. It wasn't any of his concern what reasons they had for observing the Senator's business, and nosing in their business wasn't something he thought wise of.

This particular man seemed angered enough with him as is.


He stood, waiting for Zasz to speak.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:55:50 AM
He watched as the man dressed in all back finished up with the Senator, and then made a speedy exit. The Senator then turned, and with his security force, left the area, and was apparently headed back home. Zasz didn't need to follow back. So he waited for them to pass, seeming to be talking with Grev...

As the group passed them by and were gone by some distance, Zasz turned..

"I take it you don't talk much...?"

Grev wasn't given the oppurtunity to reply to the question. Zasz had done a rather quick spin kick that landed just below Grev's through, about on the Colar bone, causing him to loose what breath he had in his lungs for a second..

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:57:16 PM
The oncoming kick was all to suspected; yet Grev made no effort in preventing it from taking place. Instead, he embraced the blow, and the well-placed foot caught him directly where it was surmised to — blatantly across his collar bone. For a moment every ounce of breath in him escaped in one quick exhaling, as he dropped to one knee. His palm resting on the pavement to keep himself from falling.

He glanced up at Zasz from his crippled stance, only assuming for a supervening attack to follow up from the Dark Jedi. There was none.

“Is that all?”

Perhaps it was an innocent response, meant for just a sincere question; or maybe it was just the bantam lot of sanity which all the boy had left just breaking down. Whatever it was, it was assured that the one before him wouldn’t take it lightly. A beating was about to ensue, at least that was the only thing running through Drasen’s mind at this point.

But the sickening factor of it all remained. He somewhat enjoyed the punishment.


Zasz Grimm
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:54:12 PM
A snap hiss was heard and suddenly the area around the two was illuminated with a blood red light. Zasz looked down to Grev as he let the lightsaber blade fly towards his head. He would kill this fool...


Coming to the realization of what Grev just said, he stopped his blade only centimeters from Grev's neck. He looked to him curiously, eyeing him. Was this why Hobgoblin sent him a broken man? Zasz would have to answer his own question...

"Tell me, Drasen...Were you in some kind of group before you came to find Hobgoblin and myself?"

He waited for an answer, his lightsaber blade still hovering near Grev, ready to end his life...

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 8th, 2003, 10:40:49 PM
The febrile tip of the lightsaber was well felt against the neck of Grev, as all he could do was sit helplessly on one knee, awaiting for the Dark Jedi to opt his fate. The utterance of his last word was unexplained. But it had saved his life.

Then the blade froze, and a question was asked.

“Perhaps,” he swallowed what seemingly would determine his life, his eyes lifting to that of the man above him.

“The Sith Order called itself my home,” he continued, “Before they placed the knife in my back.”

Zasz Grimm
Mar 20th, 2003, 09:34:09 AM
"Ha! They are notorious for betraying members. Trust me, I know."

Zasz deactivated the blade, and it retracted quickly with a dying hiss into the hilt. He clipped it to his belt and looked down to Grev. Perhaps they could help each other. Perhaps they could get revenge on The Sith Order.

"Maybe we could be of help to each other...."

Grev looked up from his seated position on the ground, Zasz smiled but was still cautious, after all, he was still Sith...

"......I despise The Sith Order, they threw me out a very, very long time ago. Let me teach you, and together we can seek retribution..."

He offered his hand downwards to Grev, to help him up, and perhaps spark a new relationship. That of Master, and of Apprentice.

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 21st, 2003, 10:39:47 PM
For a moment the offered hand was only met with a blank stare, the trust, or lack of, was shared mutually from Grev’s end as well. He was still capable of death at the hands of this man, but his words seemed convincing enough. He sought after retribution from the Order, and in the back of his mind, behind the absurd thoughts; he knew he wouldn’t be capable of doing it alone.

“Your words are enticing,”

He muttered, although unseen, a grin was slowly forming on his sickly like face. With that he took the man’s hand and stood.


He finally spoke in agreement of the Dark Jedi’s overture.

Zasz Grimm
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:59:48 AM
"One would think someone would have more words than that..."

He arched his brow to Grev, then looked around. He had to get back on track of his target, his mission, why he was even here at this moment. And now that Grev was with him, he could use him to his advantage, having two people to watch one would be better. He started to walk...

"Come..we have much work to do, and then, we must report...."