View Full Version : Hikyuu: Fan Fiction (Not Role Playing)

J'hrea Alsac'lynol
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:57:14 PM
Whispering winds wheezed delicately over the green scorching valleys, as soundless rustling of leaves lulled in the land of the warming char. The increasing beauty manifested itself during the rising of the sun. Its power materializing from its slumber- as all were in the previous evening. A strong relief coming from the dawns blissful tepid compared to the dusk’s cold breath. The sun blossom more then vegetation upon the world below. The awakenings of inhuman creatures: preparing for their daily chores across the land. Meanwhile, the humanoid creatures scattered in their shelters, preparing for their own daily breakfast. This was a wonderful time of year; no it was a wonderful land- much more then just a “time of year.”

“Gah…” Gradually a 16 year-old boy named Jujutsu Hikyuu gained small amounts of strength for his late consciousness revival. Slowly squeezing his eyes holding onto the last ounce of his image of dreams, that had drifted through his mind during the warm evening between his sheets. The window nearby his bed leisurely allowed the shine of the sun to glow upon him, yelling at Hikyuu to sit up. The young boy’s dark blonde hair threw back as he shifted into a seating position upon his mattress, staring toward the door for a entrance, but nothing had even came into his realm. Hikyuu knew this- he knew this because, the smell of the greeting morning food had seamed through the cracks. Bustling its way into his small, youthful nostril, enabling him to detect of the situation. The scent was lush, his mouth urging with a droll that fell onto his coating sheets, while his nose wiggled with an exuberant sensation.

“Baka!!” A feminine voice stated softly, but dryly. Abruptly interrupting in Hikyuu’s craving moment.

Hikyuu took three glances around the room, and nothing was in view that held a voice- not a being at all! Frustration began to creep within his emotions, as his expression adjusted along with that of his emotions. His lips curved downward in a serious, stern frown, and his eyes curled with dissatisfaction, as water rolled along the bottom line of his lids.

“Where are you?!” Hikyuu bellowed displeased as he growled between his closed lips, as he held tightly onto the edge of his sheets. Clutching them within his palms, curling them into small balls. His eyes shifted once more to the window that allowed him to awake with its illumination, and there it was. There the one that called him a fool (Japanese: baka=fool) stood proudly outside the sheltering.

Haya stood in the view of the window on the branch of a tree. Her hair flung over her forehead and sleeking down her crystal blue eyes in its pure vibrant, light form, cut short around, but fittingly hinting her youthful, yet beautiful face. Her smooth lips curved slightly, forming a smirk. Her blue jeans and white shirt clashing fittingly together in the shuffling touch of the wind, which constructed a violent whistling sound.

“Come on, we must get to the Dojo!" Haya announced, her voice muffled by the air and closed door.

“Food First!” He muttered to himself and in a response as he swung from the bed, his nightclothes ruffled from his rest and rolls along the mattress. Putting his feet slowly into the fuzzy blue slippers below, he began scratching his head. Wearingly walking to the door he began a whistle, his hair draped over his eyes as he began his daily tradition.

Venturing slowly toward the door, gradually placing his finger-tips to touch the bronze metal doorknob as his eyes roamed, absorbed by the nightly touch of doze; around the room for one last glance before his taking to chores of life for the day.

The door slowly opened to the sound of life: sizzling pops of his mother creating the weekly morning eggs and the fuss of his younger cousins “playing” ninja. This was “life”, ‘not enjoyable at all. He muttered to himself twice, responding profoundly shaping the intent of the comment.

Hikyuu sluggishly walked along the halls, feet creaking slowly along the wooden surface below, and his eyes closed swollen. Stepping into the kitchen; his feet sliding across the tiled surface, he moved slowly- his head maneuvering upward to observe his new surroundings and compare them to the days previous. His vision capture the delicate work plastered upon a plate left on the table. Yellow scrambled eggs and a big large piece of sausage and ham. It was to be a delightful brunch, or at least he hoped!

”FOOD!!” He yelled loudly with enthusiasm as his feet took two paces forward letting the kind aroma run through his nose, and a sensation thrill through his being leaving him tingling with joy and glee.

Leaping to the seat before the white smooth plate, filled with morning breakfast, his butt slipped instantly along the polished seat, and he fell harshly upon the floor. Abruptly his head could be heard bonking loudly against the surface. Slowly Hikyuu stood, weary by the outcome of the incident, holding his head in treatment of the throbbing pain, staring upward to his mother washing the dishes, doing early morning chores that should’ve been done by him in the prior evening

“Mom…!” He grumbled, pointing toward his chair attempting to get his mothers attention. “Who did this?” He asked furiously grinding his teeth together, allowing the words to slitter from the two barriers.

Slowly, his long pink haired mother turn, her pink clear crystal eyes piercing gleefully toward her only son, smiling only a bit, holding a white plates in her hand and a blue small moisten rag washing the platter.

“I-” Her soft toned joyful voice abruptly was cut short with small accumulating giggles sprouting in the background. Two youths snickered, battling each other in a sound wave, and roaring into the ears of the doozey, angered Hikyuu. The young boy quickly gritted his teeth, and clutched his fist. Hikyuu’s muscles growing tense as he slowly rolled up his right sleeve, bulging his muscles, while a vein popped on his forehead, losing sense of all saneness.

“SHUT UP!” Hikyuu barked, throwing his fist into the air, bulging muscles heighten more intensified by the second. His head swung over his shoulder, glaring downward at his younger cousins eyes scorching with rage, as his fist was gestured upward in a sign of a “beat-down”.

“Oopsie……” The two young boys woefully muttered, and took glances at each other, then leers at the solid mat before, humming to themselves as they fiddled amusingly with their fingers fearing the worst.

Hikyuu’s shoulder slowly was grasped softly by a slender hand, feeling his tense muscles relax and his anger compress, his head rearing downward along with his raised arm of furry, eyes solemnly shifting downward.

“It’ll be okay, Hikyuu. Just go eat your food” His mother leaned downward, whispering gently in his ear, mirthfully curving her lips with glee, smiling toward her son as her hand eased off his ruffled fabric. She took a quick dazzle toward the clock set above the kitchen sink. “Son, eat fast, you better get ready for school, or you’ll be late,” She said worriedly after her quick glance at the clock, stepping back from the sink heading toward the two children that caused all the intermission.

Hikyuu followed his mother’s orders as usual and sat slowly down into his seat, attentively dispatching the liquid along the chair before hand, reassuring himself of safety. Suddenly a burst of enthusiastic energy whirled within him, as his eyes blared toward the food, iris shining with the reflection of the food. The nicely plastered eggs on one side, as the meat was fittingly set on the other clumped into a bunch like he liked it. Screwing his expression into an adjusted grin, curving back his lips and baring his teeth, grasping tightly to the silver handle of his fork. “Mmmmmmmm! FOOD!” He murmured under his mouth exuberantly, shifting his mouth into an “o” preparing his stomach for the fresh sizzling meal. His fork dived inward, piercing sharply with its tips into the yellow grub. Playfully twirling his lush food to his mouth, he delightfully graved the moment, as it felt as this could last forever, but it was all yet a fantasy book. Abruptly he was halted, as a quick “bang” of his wrist forced him to drop his fork back onto the white platter before him, eyes screwing to the side, furrowed down in ire, eyes boiling, until his vision and mind vanquished all the uncertainty of whom it was? Sakura-sama, his mother! ‘But why?’ he wrestled with the idea concealed within his mind, not dare to report these words from his mouth.

“You gotta get to school, no eating today, kiddo!” She exclaimed in an orderly-fashioned, as her hand stroke to the side, finger pointing toward halls where his room was consumed.

“Yes sir!” He grunted under his breath, as he clutched his palm, balling it into a strong bulging fist, grasping tightly to the ounce of anger whirling inside of him still after the situation arching in the background of his mind, and the background of time.

“What was that? DID I HEAR SOMETHING?” She roared between her gritted teeth, allowing the air to act as a propeller to excel the words higher in volume.

“Sorry, Mother!” He screeched lightly, heading slowly toward the room along the rug, his feet tingling within his fuzzy blue slippers, eye facing downward to the ground, amusingly counting all the fuzzy strains poking out of his unique slippers. Slowly he opened the door, closing it harshly behind him as he mumbled unpleasently to himself about the day so far.

Hikyuu joined Haya outside, jumping from his window; leaving a note of his where-a-bouts on the bed. His blonde hair waved back, as he hit the surface and went running to catch up to her down to the road, outside of the sheltering area. Out of the small gates, he went down the hill. His dark vanilla colored shirt, printed with the words in shaded black "Greatest" in Japanese Kanji Symbols. The top of his outfit clashed nicely with his pants, which were tight at the time, but soon be be hanging downward, without the generosity of his belt. Along his chest was the strap for the bag, hitting repeatidally, in a rhtymic fashion against his back, concealing his paper-work for the school. Most of the time he would forget his work-man, was today different...

The two walked together down the hill from Hikyuu’s house. Side-by-side they walked- heading toward school for another day; visibly noticeable that Hikyuu was taller. Yet their height difference would never change, the day would be different somehow- and the both of them subconscously knew it…