View Full Version : Mother/Daughter Day, Girls' Day Out, or TOTAL BEDLAM! (Open)

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:43:56 PM
Feather boa?


Too trashy.



Too casual.

Taataani tore through her wardrobe with reckless abandon, lobbing crumpled articles of clothing over her shoulders as she plowed through closets and drawers. Huffs and sighs of increasing exasperation content issued from her pouting lips as she tossed clothes aside, not satisfied with any of them. The moment she found something provocative, she tossed it aside, knowing that it would upset her guest. However, when she found the alternative, it always seemed far too prudish for her likes. Just when she was about to give up...

"Ah ha!!! Perrrfect!"

She pulled a dress from beneath a small mountain of clothes, and held it up to her lithe, tan-marbled frame. It was a pastel yellow Sunday dress, with little blue flowers dotting it in even spaces. It looked decently tasteful, though cut a bit low and riding a bit high for traditional tastes. Still, it suit Taataani's purposes just fine. She worked herself into the dress, and fidgeted as she stepped up to a mirror. Her tail slinked up the back of her dress, and pressed against the zipper tab, fastening up the back. She pomped and posed, pouted and puckered, and poked at the faintest trace of middle-age pudge that was beginning to accumulate at her tummy. Frowning, she flexed her abs, and the pudge temporarily disappeared. So, she wasn't getting out as much as she used to. She'd find time later. Shrugging, she took up her hairbrush, and sent it through her platinum locks a few dozen times, encouraging it to conform into lazy waves that fluffed outward at her shoulders.

"And jI usssed to be ssso prrrettjy."

She canted her head to the side, looking a little melancholy. Of course, she was still by nearly any standard very attractive, but such is relative for a Cizerack, and especially a Cizerack female in a bit of a mid-life crisis. She sighed, and went to work applying makeup, in light tones that would complement her attire. Looking at her chrono, she paused.


She accelerated her makeup job by a factor of three, and fished her bare feet into matching pumps as she applied some eyeliner. Grabbing her purse and keys, she was out the door, just as she put the last of the eye shadow away. Once back in her purse, she retrieved her comm device, and activated it, entering a number loaded on quick memory.

"Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa, mjy darrrljing kjitten! Arrre jyou up? Wake up!"

She smiled sweetly into the mini viewscreen, and adjusted her glasses on her nose as she strutted down the stairs to the B&G.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:00:00 AM
Saa's commlink beeped. There was a movement under the huge white comforter on the queen sized bed, and a muffled voice that may or may not have been cursing. A slim brown hand snaked out from underneath the covers and fumbled on the nightstand for a moment while the comm beeped, and then reached back and pulled the covers back.

Wrapped around a sleeping Cirrseetto, Saarrreeaa barely even opened her eyes as she flicked the comm on. She eyed her mother as Cirr started in his sleep at the sound of Taa's voice. "Do jyou know what tjime jit jisss, Motherrr?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:06:30 AM

Taa leaned closer to the screen, and spoke in a high, chipper tone that caused some of the more bleary-eyed patrons around her to jump with a start.

"jIt'sss tjime to wake up! Rrrememberrr! Todajy'sss ourrr dajy out! Come now, mjy ljittle cubljing...gjive poorrr Cjirrrssseeto a rrressst. jYou can thjink about mjy futurrre grrrandchjildrrren tomorrrrrrow!"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:10:45 AM
"Motherrr..." Saa sat up, grabbing a sheet to her body, as Cirr rolled over sleepily. They had been up nearly all night...but... She looked closely at the vidscreen. "Arrre jyou jin a barrr? jIt'sss njine o'clock forrr frrrell'sss sssake!"

Without waiting for an answer, she threw up her hands, the sheet falling down. "Neverrr mjind. Tell me wherrre jyou arrre, jI'll be therrre jin half an hourrr. jIf jit'sss clossse enough! But Cjirrr jisss comjing too."

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:23:31 AM
"Oh, don't sssound ssso sssuprrrjisssed! jIt's Yog'sss! When have jI everrr been an alcoholjic?"

She listened to Saa complain and protest, and insist in Cirr's company.

"Oh....that'sss fjine, dearrr."

Taa chimed, sitting down at a table, as a waiter approached.

"Brrrjing hjim along. We could ussse a ljittle extrrra mussscle. jI wanna go ssshoppjing! Among otherrr thjingsss."

Her smile broadened when the waiter returned, bringing her a brightly-colored mixed drink.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:41:30 AM
Saa's hand found the comm and disconnected her quiet bedroom from the noise of her mother's voice. She collapsed down into Cirr's arms, and sighed as he wrapped her up close.

The small female let her eyes close...and then jerked awake once more and pushed away from her manservant. "We have to get gojing, Cjirrrrrr."

Twenty minutes later, freshly showered (five minutes each, a new record), and dressed casually (not too flashy!), the pair of Cizerack exited their penthouse and took the express turbolift to where a taxi waited for them. Saa looked back at the huge Sector Rangers building, and hoped that Sasseeri wasn't somehow watching her from her office window.

Cirr helped her into the cab, and fifteen minutes later they were walking into Yog's. Saa sighed at the sight of Taa and an empty glass with a pink tinge to it. "jI thought jyou sajid jyou werrren't an alcholjic? Motherrr..." She hugged her mother, and made to sit down.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:07:46 PM
It was times like this that Cirrsseeto was glad that he couldn't blush. Saarrreeaa's mother was....bizarre. At the drop of a hat, she could change moods, and Cirrsseeto tried carefully not to give her any ideas.

"Hello, Taataanji."

Smiling politely, he sat next to his mistress, so that she was between him and Taataani. Snuggling close, but careful not to crowd, Cirrsseeto was ever the attentive partner. Especially due to the precarious nature of his Mother-in-Law. Taataani seemed carefree, but she was an expert in the "Quick Rebound". Not that Cirrsseeto could do anything about it. Who was he to object? Besides, whenever Taataani wasn't idly coveting her daughter's playthings, she seemed...nice. But Cirr always banked on a "better safe than sorry" approach, whenever he could expend the time to think about it.

Suddenly, his blue eyes wandered from Saa's face. Not at all prone to voluntary infidelity, there was another, more alluring motive.


Cirr's nostrils flared as he took in the delightful smells of dozens of entrees and meals. It had been two whole hours since he'd eaten!

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:19:02 PM
"jIt'sss onljy one." Taataani sighed exasperatingly, rolling her eyes as she slurped up the dregs of her drink.

"jYou'd thjink that jyou werrre mjy motherrr, ljittle one. Am jI ssso sssenssselessssss and sssenjile jin mjy old age?"

Her facial expression took on a look of mock-sadness in an obviously barbed guilt trip. Before Saa could react however, Taa cackled in an energetic laugh, her ears fluttering.

"Sssee, jI knew jyou'd get ssso farrr jinto jyourrr job, that jyou couldn't fjind tjime to enjojy jyourrrssself awajy frrrom jit. jYou've alwajysss been ssso ssserrrjiousss, Sssaarrrrrreeaa. Even asss a cubljing. jYou alwajysss had to be the one to pjick teamsss forrr all jyourrr ljittle gamesss."

The waiter returned, complete with a fresh glass, and what the establishment had come to call, in PC terms, "Cizerack cultural appetizers", which were whatever was small, alive, somewhat-palatable, and able to be mass produced. He stayed near the table, though at a distance from the "food", to get drink orders from the two new guests.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:33:54 PM
"jI jussst want a waterrr," Saa turned to her mother, exasperated at her attempts at humor. "We arrren't gojing to be ssstajyjing long, rrrjight?"

Cirr's hand had been making little circular motions in the small of her back as he reached with his other hand for the appetizers, and his movements abruptly stopped at the mention of leaving. She amended, "Well, afterrr brrreakfassst, at leassst." She ordered a smallish meal by Cizerack standards, and doubled it for Cirr, who's hand returned to its idle movements.

He only needed one hand for appetizers. He fed her one, and she smiled as she chewed it, but then her attention was driven back to Taa. "Wherrre arrre we headed todajy, Motherrr?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:40:46 PM
"Kjitten...jyou'rrre the one wjith a PDA. jI onljy keep trrrack of bjirrrthdajysss and bank holjidajysss!"

She reached forward, picking up some sort of shelled prawn, and with a quick slurp of supple lips, unzipped the poor creature from its shelled sanctuary, to be quickly eviscerated and swallowed. Tossing the empty shell over a shoulder, she smiled.

"Thessse thjingsss, jI do them asss the jinssspjirrratjion fjindsss me."

The blank stare returned by Saa was an unspoken message that 'That isn't going to cut it!'

"But...jI fjigurrre the Coco Djissstrrrjict Mall mjight be a good ssstarrrt?"

She smiled toothily, then popped a baby bird in her mouth.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:06:00 AM
The food arrived fairly quickly, mainly because none of it was cooked. Cizerack had very high metabolisms, and required a lot of calories simply to keep them going. If one missed a meal, they'd quickly become sluggish and lethargic.

Of course, Saa and Cirr had had a meal sometime during the night...it was hard to pinpoint when, as it had been a spur of the moment sort of thing. But, one had to replenish one's strength. "The Mall jisss a good jidea. jI haven't been ssshoppjing jin a whjile...." She spoke around a mouthful of something red and raw, "jI've been ssso bussjy wjith worrrk, jI guessssss jI need a dajy off."

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:09:58 AM
"jYou know..."

Taa worked out speech in between dewback ribs, the sounds of chewing punctuating morsels of conversation.

"...jI know the perrrfect wajy to celebrrrate afterrr that."

Stripping a meaty bone clean, Taa licked at her lips, and leaned close.

"A makeoverrr!!!"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:11:20 AM
A...A....makeoverrr?! Saa felt a sudden urge to scream and run away from Yog's, but Cirr was still eating, and she didn't like the thought of leaving him alone with her hormone driven mother.

She forced a smile. "That sssoundsss....njice...."

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:15:22 AM
"jI knew jyou'd ljike jit!"

Her blue eyes squinted to slits as she smiled ecstatically.

"jI mean...we alrrreadjy look ssso clossse aljike! Well...except jyou have jyourrr fatherrr'sss earrrsss....jI thjink."

She snapped out of her rambling monologue.

"And we could even drrressssss Cjirrrrrr up too! He'sss a good bojy, he dessserrrvesss jit. Majybe sssome rrrjibbonsss....and hajirrr extensssjionsss. How handsssome!"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:18:30 AM
Cirr's ears went down, but he didn't stop eating (now with both hands). Saa's eyes widened a bit at the thought of Cirr dressed up like a doll, and she quickly interjected, "Oh, no, jI don't thjink jI'd ljike hjim drrressssssed up. Besssjidesss, he hasss to carrrrrrjy the bagsss."

Hopefully her mother would buy that, and leave poor Cirr alone. He lived in terror of the female already, no need to make it worse. And...it looked like Coco Mall was coming up, as breakfast was nearly gone already. Saa took a napkin and daubed away a bit of blood from around her mouth. Okay, so it was a lot of blood. "Arrre we rrreadjy to go?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:27:19 AM

Taa forced down some unrecognizable creature's hind leg, and gulped, dabbling away at the various amounts of offal that still clung to her face and hands. Flinging the spent napkin aside, Taa cut loose with a frightful, bass-filled belch. She'd refused to conform to some picky bits of Forrda etiquette, one of which frowned upon such gaseous appreciation of a nice, filling meal. Patrons around the bar turned to look at her, but she was nonplussed. To her, it was plenty proper.

"Oh, majybe we'll sssparrre Cjirrr the efforrrt."

She scrutinized Saa's manservant as he licked himself clean.

"jI doubt longerrr hajirrr would sssujit hjisss bojyjisssh charrrm."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2003, 03:40:48 AM
Saa looked around, and then grinned at her mother, and let loose a burp that put Taa's to shame. The lithe female licked her claws clean, and brushed her hair back with one hand. "Ssshall we?"

She didn't really want to go out with her mother, but if she had to, she was going to make the best of it.

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:26:21 AM
"jI'm done. Cjirrr?"

Saa's manservant finally tidied himself up, and pushed the plate of debris to the center of the table. Taa's smile broadened widely, and she clasped her hands together in glee.

"jI can't wajit! Come on! Arrrvauldsss opensss jin ten mjinutesss. We can bujy sssome matchjing pumpsss!"

Rising from her seat, Taa walked briskly with her daughter and Cirr, exiting the B&G. As she walked, her eyes were constantly on the lookout, spotting potential 'targets' as she went. No doubt, Saarrreeaa did the same. It was natural...almost a reflex. Turning to Saa, Taataani whispered in a conspiratorial tone.

"That Jedji overrr therrre, mmm? Wouldn't mjind unwrrrappjing thossse rrrobesss?"

She winked to Saa.

"jI want one. Want to sssharrre?"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:25:30 PM
Saa cast an expert eye over the male, and shrugged. "jI've ssseen betterrr. Anjywajy, jisssn't that jyourrrr masssterrr?" With the long blonde hair, from behind the male looked like Dasquian. Saa preferred her males to be a little bigger and stronger.

"Motherrr, jI don't sssharrre." Wjilljingljy. She smiled sweetly and pointed to the left, "Anjywajy, he looksss prrromjisssjing." A taxi driver at the curb looked up as the trio approached his cab, and quickly started the vehicle. "jI bet he can rrrealljy take a gjirrrl placesss." She laughed at her own joke, and poked her head in the window of the cab, flashing the male her bounty of cleavage.

"Can jyou take usss to the Coco Djissstrrrjict Mall?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:29:17 AM
Cirr held the door open as Taataani and Saa slid into the back seat. Sliding to the far side, Taa yawned widely, fangs glinting and tongue curled up.

"Oh mjy, jit'sss not even noon, and jI'm alrrreadjy sssleepjy."

Her yawn evolved into a stretch, which was a creative bit of movement in the taxi. Her tail stiffened, and smacked against Cirr as her toes curled beneath the driver's seat.

"jIf jyou don't have a tassste for elf, thatsss fjine bjy me, jyoung one. Dassqujian would make a wonderrrful mate, jif onljy jI could pull hjim awajy frrrom hjisss busssjy ssschedule to notjice me."

She 'hmphed', and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Am jI that unattrrractjive now? Wrrreched enough forrr hjim to be entjiced bjy a blue ssseductrrressssss. BLUE!"

Taa went from self-loathing to indignation in an instant.

"How unssseemjing! jI don't know how he can ljive wjith hjimssself, bejing ssseen wjith herrr. jI could flajy herrr aljive! Sssometjimesss, jI wjisssh thjingsss herrre werrre done Carrrssshouljisss-ssstjyle. Asss open-mjinded asss jI majy be, jI can't ssstand to be jignorrred."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:59:07 AM
"Blue?" Somehow Saa didn't want to know. "Motherrr, jyou have to behave ljike a New Rrrepubljic cjitjizen on thejirrr homeworrrld." She waggled a finger good naturedly at her mother. "No flajyjing aljive!"

Saa snuggled into Cirr's side comfortably for the ride to the shopping district. "Dasssqjian jisss even old fassshjioned bjy human ssstandarrrdsss. And jI djid a ljittle djiggjing on hjim...djid you know he'sss got a twjin brrrotherrr? jIdentjical." Saa winked as that little tidbit brightened Taa's eyes. "jI wouldn't mjind sssharrrjing two."

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 22nd, 2003, 03:09:10 AM

A gleam returned to Taa's eyes, as she smirked sidelong at her daughter.

"Oh, wouldn't that be fun! Twjinsss....we could have matchjing clothesss and matchjing matesss!"

She sighed a bit, fluttering her ears.

"Perrrhapsss jit'sss jussst a pleasssant dajydrrream. Dasssqujian jisss farrr too prrrudjisssh forrr sssuch trrreatment rrrjight now. jI need to get hjim drrrunk and loosssened up!"

She sighed again, a bit more despondently.

"jI need anotherrr male."

She looked at Saa.

"jI'd alssso ljike sssome grrrandchjildrrren, jif jyou'rrre not to busssjy."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 22nd, 2003, 03:18:18 AM
Saa winked at her, "Do jyou want me to get ssstarrrted rrrjight now?" Cirr's ears picked up at that comment, but her next set them down again. "Motherrr, jI'll have chjildrrren when jI'm rrreadjy. jI'm jussst not jyet."

At Taa's disappointed look, she added, "jYet." Sssasssssseerrrji would love a couple of cubsss rrrunnjing about the place, jI'm sssurrre. They would be leverage against her, and Saa wasn't about to get herself into a more vunerable spot with her aunt. "Whjy don't we fjind jyou a njice male todajy? Forrrget about Dasssqujian."

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:31:52 PM
Taa made a face, and her ears swiveled a bit.


She adjusted her glasses.

"We'll sssee. jI won't rrrule jit out, though."

She elbowed her daughter gently.

"jI'll extend the offerrr to jyou, asss well."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:09:32 AM
She took the elbow with no comment, but her ears flattened slightly. jI am not gojing to talk about Sssanjisss..not wjith Motherrr. Saa looked out the window, and then back to Taa, a rueful smile on her face. "Okajy. Deal. But no fajirrr corrrnerrrjing one, or trrrjickjing hjim. Plajy njice."

She winked as the cab stopped and the cabbie swiveled around. "Here we are ladies." Saa leaned forward and handed him the fare, and the three Cizerack piled out of the taxi on the platform outside the shopping center. Saa looped her arm through Cirr's, teasing his tail with her own, and then grabbed her mother's arm as well. "Well, what arrre we wajitjing forrr?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:35:38 AM
"Nothjing. jI'm jussst not asss sssprjy asss jyou! Hold jyourrr horrrsssesss."

Taa slipped out of the cab, trailing Saa and Cirr, and closed the door behind her.

"Ahhh...wherrre to fjirrrssst?"

Her eyes scanned through the various shops on the first level, coming to rest on one.

"Nacjy'sss! Thejy'rrre havjing a sssale on tank topsss!"