View Full Version : Small Things Come In Large Packages

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:20:45 PM
(continued from http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21895 )

As the ship streaked past the stars in hyperspace, Tatiana could sense the little Kindermore beginning to stir. Sliff was a mischievous creature indeed, that she could sense quite well. There was something else though that troubled her. She very much wanted to take his life that very moment, but the Force told her he had some use to her that was yet unclear. She would find out soon enough though.

She approached him where he lay on the soft plush bed. The room was dark with only a little light coming through the open doorway. She sat on the edge of the bed and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Awake little one." Her soft and soothing voice reached his ears causing him to open his eyes. She looked down at him and smiled. "Sleep well?"

Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:05:32 PM
Shinny trinket's of gold, bag's of wondrous object's filled the Kinders mind as he traveled within that mysterious world known as a dreamscape. Friend's from Sliff's past played game's of hide'n go seek, picnicked with him on the cool grassy slope's of Kindermor, that place he called home. A smile eased its way across Sliff's face as the images of his past run through his subconscious, a place he loved more then ever to adventure in.

Suddenly, a heard of Ton-tons ran past him, knocking the wee little fellow to the ground in their stampede past him. The Kinder cursed under his breath as his after lunch supper was trampled into the dust.

"You dirty ole, hairy ole...Poodoo piles of..."Sliff hurriedly stood to his feet, shaking his tiny balled fist at rapidly exiting heard of Ton-tons. Then all the sudden, Sliff felt a gentle nudge on the back of his shoulder. The Kinder spun in a one eighty turn only to find a Ton-ton standing right there looking directly at him. Then it spoke to him!...

"Sleep well?"

At that moment Sliff's mouth dropped open in utter fascination...This was his lucky day! Credit sign's (Dollar Sign's) flashed in the little Kinders eye's as he realized the fortune he had just stumbled across.

"Oh joy!...A talking Ton-ton!" Sliff exclaimed as he jumped up and down, clapping his hand's together in sheer excitement.

Then he woke up...

"Hey,...Your not a Ton-ton!" The Kinder rubbed his groggy eye's with both hand's, trying to figure out what in the frell was going on.

"I had the chance of a life time lady...And,...and yooou had to go and wake me up!" The Kinder said in a scolding fashion, sitting up to look Tatiana square in the eye's as she sat next to him.

"Do you know how much money someone could get for a talking Ton-ton angel woman." Tatiana didn't seemed to amused at the moment so Sliff finished up his sentence before she could respond.

"Well, more then you could ever imagine!...Hey,...where am I?" The Kinder glanced around curiously at the lavish compartment of the ship he was now in.