View Full Version : Within the Fire: Metropolis Enterprise (Shanaria/Open)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:10:03 PM
Jamel's speeder raced through traffic, darting from side-to-side to weave through the bundle of cars. The young Jedi had done fairly good, specially since he had very little strenght in flight, drive & transportation ability. The best thing he was best in during mechanical or technological mobile acts were probably being a passanger. The wind moved through the two's hair as they came to the end of traffic, turning to the left toward one of the highest buildings in the world covering metropolis. Landing upon the concrete foundation in the parking lot of a gigantic, monsterously wide mall. Placing his hand upon the identification plate, they registered him in and slowly the engine came to an end. Placing the levitating car upon the ground with it's boosters no longer blazing it's fiery blast.

The two doors simultaneously open from an automatic switch when the speeder located their area on it's datapad screen. Placing his datapad into the screen he downloaded the information, and Jamel quckly dashed out. Glancing over his shoulder at the tall, strong, petite 13 year old with a gaiety, slick grin upon his face. Reaching into the speeder as his glance came to a search within the levitating car. Grabbing his cloak, which was an accessory to his Jedi garb which had been wearing at the time, and on a regular basis. Swingint it on, he placed the hood over his head and began drifiting along the long ramp toward the massive shopping complex.

Taking a look over his shoulder at the taller 13 year old girl, he waited patiently for her to catch up.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:43:27 PM
When the doors to the speeder open Shanaria gracefuly steps out. She runs one hand through her hair, and looks at the gigantic, monsterously wide mall. In her normal Flirtatious manner she struts over to Jamel. With her skin tight, blue bodysuit hugging her form, accenting every curve, It doesn't leave much to a persons imagination to figure out what her outfit hides.

*So why did you choose to bring us here, Jamel?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:05:22 PM
Jamel turned suddenly, heading toward the door with his gesture beckoning for her to follow. Placing his hands together, covering them from the cold wind that dwindled past, his lips locked during their long walk along the ramp. Silence came like a cloth over a victim in a murder case, leaving the conversation dead until Jamel had the ability to speak once more, or response in some fashion.

Coming before the door, he reached for it, slowly pulling it open, with a mannerly motion to the side to allow her in. Staring toward her as she stood there, he began to speak finally, his voice casual and joyful.

"Mostly because I want to get a Ilum crystal for my creation of a lightsaber. Also I want to see you pick some new clothes out, though what you have on is nice." The boy simply said, his lips arcing into sly, somewhat mischevious smile.

The smile dimmed down as she ventured in, and the tile floored under her projected the sound of tapping shoes against it. Jamel quickly following behind her, his lips pursed forward in thought. Contemplating where he would begin the hunt in the mall.

Placing his hand within his palm, he grasped his datapad. In the speeder he downloaded the setting for the mall, and it would be easy to access though he had many files and data within his information pad. Pressing down on the bottom with the hologramic image coming up, he began shifting his finger upon it. Delicately motioning through the files with his hand, it came to the section of his settings. Shifting his hand forth upon the file, it opened up all the areas that he created & downloaded upon his datapad.

Searching through for the latest, he went past many taverns, the Jedi Temple & the Bar & Grill. Finally reaching what he seeked, he went into the file with the map coming up. Finding the location, the two began on their path to the destination.

"So, don't you want to get a Jedi garb. Since I have indentification numbers imprinted in my palm I can pick 'em up, just like I'm doing with the Ilum crystals?" He asked, his voice casual yet firm and genuinly concerned.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:20:37 PM
Shanaria follows Jamel into the mall.

"If you like what I have on now, then why do I need a new outfit? I do have others at my quarters, This is just the one I like the best. I also have about 7 other outfits that are exactly like this one."

Starts to walk through the mall, Looking at all the other people in the mall, not even giving the Stores the slightest bit of her atention.

"You know not all Jedi have to where those stupid, ugly, robes. Only those that want to let everybody know that they are Jedi should. I know from experance that thoses robes can cause alot of trouble. I will only ware the formal robes when I have to and I have a set of them in my room."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:41:56 PM
Jamel glanced over at the fellow Padawan, his lips arcing a tad to set a smile on his face. Their was a sense of truth in those words, but still she hadn't found the real reason of his attire. Heading through the mall he continued looking at stores, though he never really liked luxurious places such as these, they provided very good for certian situations.

Finally reaching the destination, "Sectors of the Mystic", he placed his hand onto the identification plate for his entrance. Slowly the door gate opened before them, allowing the two to enter the store. Searching, Jamel found the place to be very organized and as it's company title hinted, very mystical. Hearing a sound of feet squeking along the cleaned tile, he became quickly alert, his head shifting to the place he heard it coming from.

Coming out the back room was an old human creature, it hand tightly clutching at his cane for aide. The man had a white beared that dangled down with his eyes similar color. The pale covering over his eyes suggested he was a blind elderly man, and since he had no hair he probably was in his late 80's or even further down the rode of numbers.

"Excuse me, mister." The youth interupted the moving man's motion, the old human aimlessly looking up, or was it aimless?

The man stared at the young child, his lips opening to show a toothless grin. It was clear that he could see, but how, with no pupils or anything that could suggest sight was possible in his eyes.

"Ah..your probably wondering how I can see, 'eh?" The elder smile diminished as he ventured back into the storage area of the store, with Jamel curiously walking behind.

"Well I'm force-sensative...I have the ability to see with the help of the force young'n." The old man seat, coming down onto his seat as he stared up to the heavens, seemingly thinking fo something.

As the old man contemplated the two young Jedi took seats near him, their ears intuned to listen intently.

"Well it's been about 130 years since I left that damn Jedi Order. Damn fools were blind, they didn't even know what was coming for 'em." The blind man began to grind his gums together inside his teeth, until he once again found his eyes back upon the two youths.

"So whatcha want in here, kids?" He asked, his lips pursing out, shifting back and forth as a gesture of interest.

Jamel was stunned by the story, he able to understand the truth of this "blind" comment on the Jedi Order from his studies about the Empire, and how they took over. It was clear this man was very intelligent, and far more expirenced than anyone but Master Yoghurt & the G.J.O in the force.

After a second of regaining his composure, the Force novice began with his responses.

"I am seeking for an Ilum crystal for my lightsaber construction."

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 02:20:13 PM
When they reach the store know as 'Sectors of the Mystic' Shanaria enters with Jamel. She watches and listens to the old man in sliently, but desides to stay standing. She was not impresed by any of the old man's actions or words, She had no doubt that her Grandfather, Kez Fabool, could easely out match this Man's Strength, Knowlage, and Age with The Force.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:20:48 PM
The old man stood slowly, his eyes aimlessly staring at the young gal. His mind was active, no matter the age he was, and he could feel the sense of confidence in her long line of Jedi. A toothless smile came once again, as he began with yet another statement.

"You know, their's a weird saying about those who don't listen without care, 'They learn nothing.' " The old aged Jedi smirked, a single tooth saw far in the back of his mouth as he began a walk out of the storage area and into the main sectors.

The young child, Jamel Croko'yn quickly jumped out of his seat, rushing through the maze in the storage to exit. Coming before the old lad, he leaned against the glass counter, wondering what the man would say next. It seemed that the young Jedi found interest in the man's origin, and he knew now not to close his ears in the presence of excellence, and superior.

"Master..Master? What is your name old former Jedi?" The teenaged youth asked, his lips slanting in interest, though he felt comfortable.

The elderly man was slow to reply, he found the importance of finding the "crystal", instead of answering quickly. The man was clever, and a good answer was always given after a time of contemplation. Searching for the crystal, he reached up to the highest self, a smile coming to his face. The aged man was clearly able to use the telekentics, which he displayed with one single gesture of his hand, pulling the item to his palm. Clutching it with his delicate touch, he placed it softly upon the table.

"My name is Su'rula--Takui Su'rula." The man said in a proud, humorous fashion, followed by a small snicker. The old man clearly wasn't always serious, which Jamel admired. A youth of his past probably would like something amusing for a change. "So, here is the crystal--I hope you have the other equipi--"

The boy quickly interupted, his voice shrieking out, but because of his physical marutiy his words were more firm, and voice strong like a man. "I do, I acquired them when ordering them from different planets.

"Okay, you better get out of here, I think the gal who is with you is beginning to find a sense of discomfort in my store." The old man said, gesturing an exit for the two.

During the command, the young boy gave a joyous wave and was quickly out the door. Awaiting the response to his exit from the gal.

"You going to come?" Jamel confusedly inquired.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:28:35 PM
"You know, their's a weird saying about those who don't listen without care, 'They learn nothing.' " The old aged Jedi smirked, a single tooth saw far in the back of his mouth as he began a walk out of the storage area and into the main sectors.

Shanaria finaly responds to the old man..

"A person that assumes that the capabilitys of anybody, is an idiot. And a person that listens to an Idiot is only a bigger one."

She stands around intill Jamel has gotten his crystal, then she turns to leave. Once outside she says...

"I don't see any reason that I needed to be here. So unless you can come up with a reason soon...I'll be leaving."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:35:18 PM
Jamel just shook his head in responses, wondering why she was so blind when her mind was so clear & able. She must have been as the old man had thought she to be, a woman with her ears closed. Their is no such thing as an idiot in the young boy's book, only those who are misunderstood, or whom act idiotic.

"You may leave if you wish." The boy said solemnly, heading down the mall, aiming for the data-store, to download some information into his datapad for research.

Heading down the long long hall, his feet tapped against the tiled surface, his hands held behind his back as his hood was blown violently by the wind of a door opening.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:37:19 PM
"Well then, You Have a good day Jamel...I'll see you back at the Living Quarters...If you still want that date, just tell me when and where."

Shanaria walks out of the mall alone and onto the open streets....

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:53:15 PM
The young Jedi glanced over his shoulder in confusion at her responses. The realization of the actions that had transpired shocked him to a motionless stand in the middle of the mall. It was moments later when he realized the situation was part of the long road in reality.

She doesn't know anything about these streets, I'll have to follow her.

Rotating his body he rushed forward, heading toward the door at high speeds, accidently bumping into the citizens that had been having a nice day in the gigantic wall, filled with so many things to buy. Sliding to a halt before the door as a Twi'lek walked in, he waited.

Impatiently pushing the door as the Twi'lek male gave him a single nod, he was out on the streets, searching for the girl that he had placed in this situation. An altercation had came to be, and it was clear she as a untrained Padawan wouldn't have the ability to compete against anything that struck at her out there.

"Damnit.." He said as he sped down the long ramp toward his speeder. Placing his hand upon the identification plate, the engine responded with it's blazing heat firing from behind. Creating a sense of comfort in his seating, he put on the levitational device.

As the process went on, the youth's mind began to be drained with negative thoughts about the fellow Padawan, Shanaria. Igniting the engien boosters once more, the item fired forth, heading for the traffic to find some signal of Miss. Fabool.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:53:30 PM
The young Jedi glanced over his shoulder in confusion at her responses. The realization of the actions that had transpired shocked him to a motionless stand in the middle of the mall. It was moments later when he realized the situation was part of the long road in reality.

She doesn't know anything about these streets, I'll have to follow her.

Rotating his body he rushed forward, heading toward the door at high speeds, accidently bumping into the citizens that had been having a nice day in the gigantic wall, filled with so many things to buy. Sliding to a halt before the door as a Twi'lek walked in, he waited.

Impatiently pushing the door as the Twi'lek male gave him a single nod, he was out on the streets, searching for the girl that he had placed in this situation. An altercation had came to be, and it was clear she as a untrained Padawan wouldn't have the ability to compete against anything that struck at her out there.

"Damnit.." He said as he sped down the long ramp toward his speeder. Placing his hand upon the identification plate, the engine responded with it's blazing heat firing from behind. Creating a sense of comfort in his seating, he put on the levitational device.

As the process went on, the youth's mind began to be drained with negative thoughts about the fellow Padawan, Shanaria. Igniting the engien boosters once more, the item fired forth, heading for the traffic to find some signal of Miss Shanaria Fabool