View Full Version : And Justice for All... (open challenge to a Dark Sider)

Feb 16th, 2003, 07:09:47 PM
He can still remember the scream. He had been wandering the streets of Coruscant, simply walking and thinking. All was calm and serene. Out of nowhere, the calm shatters. A scream rings out behind him, drawing him sharply out of his reverie. His head whips around as he sees a woman fall the ground. A dark figure moves away at rapid speed, but he is unable to give persuit. The woman must be attended to first. Her eyes roll back in her head as she lays slumped against the wall, blood dripping down the wall's surface. It appears as if she has been flung into the wall violently, and with great force. It is unlikely that a person could do this with brute strength. The Force must have been used. The woman begins to gain conciousness, but the pain she is feeling is obviously distressing her greatly. He reaches into her mind, calming her. She could very easily die from shock if he's not careful. He calls for an ambulance, staying with the woman until help arrives. As they take her away to operate, he whispers in her ear...

There will be justice... mark my words...

But that was two weeks earlier, and with each passing day, the suspect gets closer and closer to escape. Fortunately, Akrabbim had the presence of mind to take an image of the woman's attacker while he was comforting her. It was blurry and indistinct, but it had been enough to lead him to his present location. He sits in the shadows of a rooftop, using a viewfinder to peer into living quarters in an adjacent building. With luck, his quarry should show up soon...

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:50:18 PM
*It had been a good night, the sky was devoid of cloud, and he'd managed to get in a good 3 hour session with the man known as the best swordsmith in the galaxy.. MnT had been learning off him for a while now, wanting to build up his own smithing skills as much as he could.. He knew he was good, but then, it wasn't like he had little he could learn from the Best, right? He was happy, he was calm, and he was about to go get something to eat, when he had felt a hand grip his shoulder, and a blaster push into his back.*

Give me your money, or God Help me I will Kill you..

*MnT sighed.. He was not about to let something like this ruin his evening. Probing his mind for a moment, he realized that he would Indeed kill him, that he had killed before, and for the same reasons..*

... Pathetic..

*He spoke the words quietly, and he barely had time to realize what he'd said, before he spun on his right foot, and smashed the heel of his left foot into the man's skull with a crushing blow.. Unfortunately, MnT had made a mistake, and the sudden blast of the law enforcer's whistle described exactly what it was..*

*Simply put, MnT could not be arrested. He doubted the law would look kindly on that he was Sith, and he really didn't want to deal with the enforcers right now. Turning to the nearest alley, he began dashing down it with a speed he knew they could not match.. Suddenly however, he felt something smash into his side. Looking as he fell, he released a force push by reflex, powerful enough to both knock her off him, but also slam her into the wall beside the two, with a piercing scream, and a wet sounding crunch.. Furious both that she had tackled him- obviously trying to be heroic about something she knew naught of- and that he had had to resort to such an action against someone who was essentially innocent, MnT got back up and took off up onto the rooftops where he would less likely be blocked.. He'd felt the presence of a Jedi nearby watching as he left though, and he felt that it wouldn't be the last time he dealt with them during this matter..*

*2 weeks had now passed, and MnT had felt the Jedi searching for him the entire time.. Searching, coming close, but never acting.. The Sith Lord had grown bored of this. It was time to draw out this Jedi, and see what he had in mind.. Landing silently on the roof behind the Jedi, he saw the man peering into people's rooms with a viewfinder.. Stepping up behind him, MnT smirked and spoke..*

... I wasn't aware voyeurism was a Jedi trait.. Isn't that illegal?

Feb 18th, 2003, 05:10:38 PM
Akrabbim replaces his viewfinder in his gi as he stands, turning toward his suspect. The face matches the image he took from the womans mind. This was him, without question. Covering himself in illusion, he draws his swords, but appears to be empty handed.

As is flinging an innocent woman into a wall as flee local authorities. I can only guess as to why you were even fleeing them in the first place.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:32:17 AM
... As is being shot in the back and robbed, in it's stead? Such typical Jedi behavior, prosecuting before investigating..

*As he spoke, MnT prepared himself to draw either sword or sabers if either came to need..*

... I was running because as a Sith, the local authority would believe naught of my using self-defense against someone threatening to kill me if I did not allow myself to be robbed.. The woman tried to stop me, and it was by reflex alone that I attacked her as such..

*Tilting his head as to provide a quizzicle expression to his next statement, the Sith Lord continued, his tone stating facts, rather than asking questions..*

... But I will not turn myself in, and you will not accept my words as justice..

Feb 20th, 2003, 07:37:39 PM
I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable. You say you're innocent? Then you have nothing to fear from local authorities. You will come with me.

His glowing blue eyes shine brighter.

I will not ask again.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 20th, 2003, 08:45:31 PM
.. I am not innocent, Jedi, because I Did attack her, be it the byproduct of self defense or not.. I am a Sith, do you think me ignorant enough to believe that the Law enforcers, or even You Alone would not love any chance available to have me locked up, and drugged beyond concious thought?

*He knew this off experience.. He could not currently put a name to the memory, but there had been a Sith, a friend of his, whom he'd had to help bust out of a prison, where she had been so full of chemicals that she could barely remember her own name, let alone how to pronounce it..*

Feb 20th, 2003, 11:26:04 PM
Excellent logic... since you assume you will not be believed, that makes you free to do whatever you like? There are laws, and they must be obeyed. Come quietly, or I will take you to the authorities by force.

He maintains the illusion of himself standing still. However, he crouches slightly, preparing for an attack.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 21st, 2003, 12:42:22 AM
.. Excellent listening.. I am not doing Whatever I Like, I am simply not going to let my life be reduced to a drooling state, because she happened to catch the wrong end of my reflexes, when tackling me out of nowhere..

*This was odd.. The Jedi was just standing there, yet there was a slight whisper in the back of MnT's subconcious that was telling him to watch out.. But for What?*

Feb 21st, 2003, 06:29:26 PM
Rationalize all you want, you're not leaving.

Akrabbim releases a blast of Force Blindness, washing his vision out in a bath of white light. Just after he sends the blast of light, he leaps forward, sword hilts extended. He is not ready to use lethal force.


Miryan no Trunks
Feb 22nd, 2003, 07:33:56 PM
*Cursing silently to himself, MnT crushed his eyes closed, and honed in on the man with the force. He was closing in quickly with an obvious leap, and as such the Sith Lord had very little time to react. Very well, if the bastard won't even Start a fight honorably, why Not take advantage of this....*

*Taking the brief moment before the Jedi was just out of striking distance, to focus as much force energy into the ground between the two as possible, MnT allowed the energy to release upwards towards the Jedi as he passed above it. The powerful force push from below knocked Akrabbim high into the air, by far further up than any normal person would be able to land from without breaking anything.. MnT considered for a moment, moving to where the man would land, but when attacking a descending foe, Both parties are in a very vulnerable position.. Better to wait for him to land before going on the offensive..*

edit: Fixed up to work more good.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:50:36 PM
Akrabbim's illusions fade instantly as his concentration is blasted. With no telekinesis to speak of, slowing himself with the Force will be nearly impossible. However, he can control his weaponry with a good degree of skill. He holds on tightly to one katana with his right hand, and slows his fall with it. With the other hand, he draws three shuriken and flings them at his opponent. Even slowing himself as he is, this fall will not be fun, to say the least. He covers his shuriken with an illusion, multiplying their number to around 30. Bracing himself so as not to lose the illusion upon impact, he lands hard on the ground, nearly losing his breath. His left katana skids away on impact, so he quickly grasps the remaining katana with both hands. He'll have to retrieve the weapon later. For now, all he can hope is that the shuriken bought him enough time to regain his footing.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 8th, 2003, 01:39:21 PM
"... Shuriken? Well, at least he isn't using a gun.."

*With an audible grunt of effort, MnT pressed off backwards, hoping to clear out of the way of the incoming disks before any of them drove into his flesh. He was unsuccessful.*

*For the most part, he had indeed avoided the weaponry, but there were two that strayed from the main group, and as MnT cringed, he watched them plow into his legs as he leapt. Into and through, without making a wound. As realization came over him, and he landed a good 8 feet back from where he had jumped, he heard the distinct metallic tings of 3 stars hitting the rooftop. The sound only helped to confirm what he had already concluded..*

... Disgusting Jedi, are you so weak that you cannot fight without fooling with your opponent's mind?

*As he spoke the words, he looked over at the rising form of Akrabbim, who was now wielding a katana in his right hand, another one sprawled on the ground a good number of feet away.*

"... Apparantly..."

*He answered himself in thought, while using the force to pluck up the three shuriken from where they lay on the ground. A quick glance back and forth located a pile of thick wood beams, likely stacked in preparation for an upcoming renovation, and with little more than a flicker of his eyes, the three stars launched from where they were hovering in the air, each burying it'sself deep inside one of the beams.*

*Now it was time to deal with the Jedi. With a grin, he reached his right hand out, and Akrabbim's second Katana leapt from it's place on the ground, almost into MnT's hand. He quickly studied the hilt and blade through the force, having seen before such weaponry where the owner had a pressure switch in the hilt connected to a booby trap if the person holding it didn't know how to stop it. If this one was safe, what irony there would be in fighting the Jedi with it. Of course, it wasn't like he lacked his Own swords, but considering the length advantage of Damnation's Touch, and the fact that his sabers were, well, sabers, it simply would have been unfair and dishonorable to use them..*

Mar 11th, 2003, 10:16:49 PM
Akrabbim supresses a smile as the man thinks to use his own weapon against him. So many mistake the weapons for simple archaic relics. In truth, the quantum metal they are composed of make them quite equal to any saber. But even more foolish was his choice of taking one in hand. True, telekinesis is not Akrabbim's strength. It is actually quite strong, albeit limited in scope. To control something on the fly for him is impossible, but if he studies an object, literally molecule by molecule, he gains great control over it. He has done so with his own weaponry.

No matter... let the man try to use the sword. When the time is right, it will fail him. He advances on the Darksider, sword raised, and prepares to strike. He launches an illusion quickly, appearing to strike at the man's head. In reality, he ducks low, rushing forward in a strike at the man's knees.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:47:08 PM
*As his opponent advanced, blade up and ready to attack, MnT stood his ground.. Almost foolishly it seemed to the Jedi, until his illusion brought itself into striking range, and swung. Suddenly, with a force-aided movement almost too fast to even be concieved as a blur, the Sith sidestepped to Akrabbim's left, where his right-wielded saber would be less able to hit accurately, the second saber now flashing fatally close to Akrabbim's lowered head - which to MnT's senses, was the Jedi's midsection.. As far as MnT could tell, Akrabbim's outstretched saber would likely be unable to pull in fast enough to deflect the attack, and as it was, it appeared that even under the illusion, he was far from wrong..*

Mar 20th, 2003, 09:22:39 PM
The man's blurring motion nearly ends the fight as the man's counter attack comes low. Fortunately, Akrabbim is left handed. Because of the position of the blade as he moves in, his blade is in the correct position to intercept the man's attack. Their blades lock, Miryan to Akrabbim's left side. The impact of the two swords stops Akrabbim cold, still in a crouch. Quickly, Akrabbim rises, lifting his shoulder directly into Miryan's chest and the corner of his skull toward his nose. Akrabbim presses his attack, not letting up.