View Full Version : Calling Dasquian Belargic

Jenos Turner
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:30:52 PM
After unpacking Jenos roamed the halls with his droid friend R2-D4 taking note where everything was. He then came upon the training area, not knowing what to expect he entered cautiously

Jenos grasped in surprise to see just how beautiful it was, he hadn't seen anything like that in a long time

" Ok, I feel I'm ready now. R2 you can deliver the message to Knight Dasquian Belargic now, that I request to meet him here."

Jenos smiled as R2 scurried away to deliver the message, he was slightly nervous because he really didn't know what Jedi training would be like

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:51:21 AM
There had been a bleeping at his door, and when Dasquian had answered he had found a small R2 unit. The little droid rolled off and lead him in the direction of the Academy as he read the message it carried, smiling to himself. He had never been formally summoned by a Padawan, let alone through a astromech droid, and was eager to see which of the would-be Jedi he would be training today.

As he entered the open-plan training room, still in the droids tow, he saw a man stare in awe at what was around him.

“I presume you are the one who asked for me to meet you here?” he called out, as the man jumped, startled by his voice.

“… I’m Dasquian.”

Jenos Turner
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:01:35 PM
Jenos was too busy thinking about what might happen, that he didn't even notice R2 come back with the Knight behind him. When he had heard the man's voice it brought him out of his train-of-thought, with a slight jump.

Jenos turned around and smiled, and then nodded his thanks to R2

" Yes, that's me. My name is Jenos Turner and I was wondering...I...I...mean hoping that you would train me to become a Jedi."

When he was done speaking he did a slight bow, and smiled slightly. He hadn't been this nervous since, he had beaten a wookie in a game of sabacc

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:28:08 PM
“Certainly, Jenos,” the Knight replied with a smile.

“Before we begin, why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself… your past… why it is that you want to be a Jedi.”

Jenos Turner
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:31:07 PM
A bright smile came upon Jenos's face " Thank you very much"

He then went on to talk about his past

" Well a long time ago war broke out on my planet, it was total chaos. Two royal families were fighting the war to end all wars...but I guess it didn't go as they planned. During all this I was brought up in a caring household, and I heard stories about the Jedi, of how they help and defend those who can't defend themselves."

Then Jenos's voice had a hint of sadness in it

" Years after that war was over a Sith came, and took over. He left many dead people in his takeover. My parents saw that I had shared an ability that he had, so that's when they told me to seek out the Jedi and become one. So that no one will ever have to die needlessly."

Jenos looked to his new Master and smiled slightly, even though he remembered vivdly what had happened there was something about this place that made him feel...at peace.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:26:05 PM
“Ah,” Dasquian responded sadly, “I am sorry for the losses on your planet, Jenos. Sith seem to never tire of torturing the people of this universe.”

The Jedi shook his head and sighing slightly continued.

“I take it then that you know nothing of the Jedi ways so far?”

Jenos Turner
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:27:11 PM
Jenos shook his head

" All I know is that the Jedi use something called the Force, and that's what gives them their powers."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2003, 08:53:11 AM
“Yes, it does give us abilities that others do not have. You see, it is essentially a living thing which is found in us all, and we as Jedi are able to tap into it… since it is one with everything, we can influence things not only within us – such as our strength – but things without … such as when you use the force to lift something.”

“That,” he continued, “is what we will be doing today.”

Jenos Turner
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:05:05 AM
Jenos's eyes sparkled with excitment, and and eagerness. He remember hearing of Jedi moving things, and lifting them...but he never realized it was the Force

" I'm ready whenever you are."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:46:10 AM
“It is a very simple training concept, I assure you.”

Dasquian paced to the equipment chest in the room and retrieved from it a credit chit. It was of little value, and was equally light weight.

“This chit here is influenced by the midochlorians in the air all around us … to affect it, all you have to do is visualize what you wish to happen. Once the Force is channelling through you, your will is realized and the chit,” he said, as the small item lifted into the air off of his palm, “Is lifted.”

Jenos Turner
Mar 6th, 2003, 01:15:20 PM
Jenos listened closely to what Dasquian had to say. When he was finsihed talking Jenos nodded, that he was ready to try

He concentrated only on the chit. He visualized it raising 3in. high than his master already had it. First two minutes, then five, after that Jenos just stopped. His face was shinning with a slight bit of sweat, that had formed.

He then remember something from the stories he heard, something about the Force being all around him? Jenos thought it was worth a try, so he focused on the Force that was around him. After a couple of seconds, he could feel the faintest tingles of a energy. He almost jumped with joy, at what he had just felt.

Remembering the task at hand, he again focused on raising the chit. After about two minutes it began to wobble in the place it was in the air, not quite what he had in mind but it wasn't that bad either.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 8th, 2003, 06:46:41 AM
“Try and call it to you, Jenos,” Dasquian said quietly.

“Control it in the air and float it by imagining the space around it shifting and pushing the chit forwards.”

Jenos Turner
Mar 21st, 2003, 09:12:59 AM
Jenos nodded

He focused more on the Force, and spoke in his mind as if the chit was a person. Suddenly the chit started moving towards him, slowly but surely Jenos had accomplished the task at hand.

He reached out a hand and made the chit fall into it, then presented it to his master

" I did it, I actually did it!"

Jenos tired to hide his own suprise, but failed

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 25th, 2003, 01:31:15 PM
“Now, try to control it in the air – float it around yourself, push it back and forth. Once you’ve done that,” Dasquian said, as he lifted a hollow metallic sphere into the air.

“We’ll add this item into the task, so you have more to control.”