View Full Version : Due to...

Makoto Neo
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:23:43 PM
Recent events over AIM, I'm being clearly forced to change my SN to reduce the level of harassment I've been getting from certain individuals who shall not be named.

Be assured, it's not a single person here. :)

But, if you have infernofoxs listed on your AIM list; for future IM convos, please delete the forementioned SN and replace it with KhellFate.

Thanks :)

Makoto Neo
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:53:07 PM
I'll be using infernofoxs for another week, giving me some time to inform some peeps of the switch. So no absolute rush needed to switch..

Somebody IM me sometime ^^;; I'm bored..