View Full Version : Can you hear the whisper of black? (Open)

Lord Soth
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:39:43 AM
Silent wind's of change blew past Soth as he held a vigil watch over the haunting landscape of Roon. The dark enchanting song of night lingered with it's silken touch, calling in soothing melodies that bore the voice of siren's of distant times. Ageless mountain's of purple and mauves caressed the rosy sky line where the accursed star had just set. His raven hair whipped about his face, the long soft robe about him whispered tones unheard. Soth's eternal eye's beholding the wonders of the night that mortal's were unaware of, unconscious of...

His embrace was one of mysterious passion that he held tightly, firmly as a scholar who held the sharpened quill with his thought's pressing him to write. This common place was one of refuge, saluted and self reflection since the time he trod its sacred grounds. "Would this wonder fade into infamy?" The Death Knight pondered. The kindred of his kind knew not the challenges that faced them so...A great formidable darkness loomed on the horizon as sure as the last fading ember's of light settled and dissipated, giving way to the inky vale of night.

"And they know not the hour that besets them, even now do they not comprehend its deadly resolve that lurks ever so near," came Soth word's in smooth even tone's that mingled with the gentle fragrant breeze.

Feb 14th, 2003, 03:13:11 AM
It was not often, the old one came to the Shrine. He wasn't a member, and never planned to be one. Philosophical difficulties would always keep he and Saurron seperate in their beliefs.

As he walked onto the plains of Roon, he stared out towards the hunched figure on the grass.

"Ah yes...the Hunter's Moon," he said to Soth, as he came up next to him.

"Isn't it...lovely."

Lord Soth
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:28:29 PM
The Death Knight stood to his full height as the Old One silently glided over the grassy knoll to were he was. His faint foot step's only audible to those of the Damned. The tall, dead grass gently swayed with the winds breath. Roon's erie moon light spilled and cascaded through the heavily blanketed clouds, casting the carpeted landscape in tones of blue's and gray's.

"It's been over a century Leon since we last spoke." Replied the Death Knight in the ancient dialect of their kind, leisurely cupping his ashen hands behind him. Soth's unblinking gaze rested on the Hunter's Moon that was in distance, now the size of a child's toy ball.

"Indeed,...Like a dreary beacon amidst the storm...Always reminding us of what we are, what we must do,...Night after night." Soth's porcelain like features remained stoic as he continued.

"The time of reckoning is upon us,...My friend...The young ones grow passive and ignorant to the pending doom Chriton present to our coven family."Soth paused as he slowly turned his head towards the Old One that was now standing beside him.

"Is this,...why you have come?...Ashiva's voice,...Calling you to the rank's for the final war that titter's in the balance?" The Death Knight questioned smoothly, his endless eye's glistened and sparkled like two fiery jewel's with an unholy power behind them.

Feb 15th, 2003, 10:43:51 PM
"No," Lacroix replied, his face impassive, "I have come to see Roon again.

"It's not often I get to come visit here. I do keep myself quite busy."

He took a breath, "I am here simply to see how the Shrine is. My last visit was only to the library. I thought I might see all of it this time."

Lacroix walked around Soth, "As for the younger ones..." his eyes looked sidelong at the Death Knight, "I would have thought Saurron and yourself would have taught them the vampiric ways.

"Is it that difficult to control the younger ones?"

Lord Soth
Feb 16th, 2003, 01:54:09 AM
Soth pondered Leon words for long moment's before he spoke, returning his sight back to the pale orb that seemed to move rapidly on it's own nightly course...

"Indeed,...They are bold with their newly found freedom I must admit Leon...However, they do know their place as well..." A slight chuckle escaped the Vampyre's lip's as he finished the sentence.

"Oh,...The folly of the young...Something only time and discipline can remedy my friend." The Death Knight paused once more, soaked in deep thought's as the distant past was notorious for when longevity was involved in the equation.

"Come, I will show you to your quarter's." Soth turning abruptly to Leon, gesturing smoothly to a faint, almost undetectable path that would take them back to the Shrine of the Damned...

"We have much to discuss, or perhaps you seek solitude during your stay with us."

Feb 16th, 2003, 02:02:04 AM
"I am only here for a few days, Soth," Lacroix replied as the two walked down the path.

"Who I encounter is completely up to them. I take Saurron is still here? Somewhere in the darkness?"

Lord Soth
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:53:00 AM
The Death Knight slipped his pale hand's within the long sleeves of his robe. The creaking of old oak's groaned with the wind's touch as the two neared the edge of the Dead Forest not far from them.

"To and fro...My master's path is always uncertain...As yours Lacroix..." Soth's focus remained affixed on the woodland's ahead of them. His mind in that moment reached out to the dark-side of the force, snaking tendril's that weaved their way through space until they settled on a desired location he thought of.

"He resides on the Sanguine as we speak." Came Soth's hesitant reply after he confirmed Saurron's whereabouts on the Eclipse Destroyer.

"Do you seek him my friend?"

Feb 16th, 2003, 02:57:12 AM
"Yes," Lacroix said, "It would be...nice to see him again."

He let a small smile, almost a smirk of a smile, come onto his face.

"But a tour of the Shrine would also be very, very interesting as well. To see if it has changed any since the last time I was here.."

Lord Soth
Feb 16th, 2003, 03:26:11 AM
"If I may...You and my master...How long have you been aquatinted?" Soth questioned in earnest, his curiosity peeking as the two Vampyre's past into the shadow's of the Dead Forest.

Many a mortal and fool alike had lost their way along with their life's within the never ending twisted maze that wound beyond them...Yet, the Creature's of the Damned gave no thought to the place they entered boldly that other's had coined haunted and forsaken.

Feb 16th, 2003, 03:46:33 AM
"Saurron and I have had the pleasure of each other's company long enough to know what makes people change," Lacroix said semi-mysteriously. It wasn't his place to talk to Saurron's 'child' about his past. If Saurron wanted to tell Soth...then it was his business.

"We've known each other for a long time. A very long time. Before you were born."

Lord Soth
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:33:01 AM
Soth let Leon's echoing word's fade into the crisp night air before he spoke...Something disturbing fell over the Death Knight's mind as the two pressed on deeper and further onto the path before them. Wisps of fog rolled methodically across the floor of the forest...The Dark Knight paused in his stride. His unfeeling, cold eye's narrowed at Leon then subsided momentarily.

"I assure you my friend...Before Saurron...I was." Soth voice carried a tone of steel. However, this time, the Death Knight slowly circled Lacroix suspiciously, his eye's on every subtle movement, every gesture that escaped Leon.

"Tell me Leon...What is the true purpose that brings you here after so many year's of obscurity and disconnection with the coven..." The Death Knight walked around Leon, coming full circle until he faced the Old One once again.

"I sense,...That you seek something other then my master. " The Death Knight's eye's bored through the Vampyre, reading him as he had the power to do inwardly.

Feb 16th, 2003, 04:39:59 AM
"I am simply here for a visit, Soth," Lacroix said, knowing the Death Knight was attempting something.

"I wish to see what the vampire kind is these days. The last time I had any connection was with the very young one, Alana Stormcloud.

"I am here to see what the younger...brothers and sisters are."

His eyes stared into Soth's.

"Or did you, the Death Knight Soth, have any better plans?"

Lord Soth
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:24:34 PM
Time its self seemed to stand still as the two Vampyre's piercing eye's locked in a deadly dance for what seemed an eternity. The Death Knight stepped back from Leon, his gaze remaining engaged with the Old One's.

"Yes, of course...My apologies Leon." Soth's bearing changed dramatically as he slightly bowed to the ageless man. Nevertheless, the Death Knight's well guarded thoughts continued to linger on Lacroix ambiguous word's of inquiry to the Shrine.

"One can never be to careful in parlous time's of conflict..." The Death Knight's armored frame eased visibly as he gestured to the murky path they were on.

"Forgive my rude behavior...I have detained you to long...Come, its not much further."

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:12:25 PM
Alana sat curled up in a settee, her long legs tucked under her. Her hair fell over her face obscuring her delicate features, in her hand was a quill dipped in black ink. It was a forgotten relic in this time but Alana had always loved the sound it produced as her words tumbled onto the fine paper. The soft scratch was the only sound heard in the Grand Parlor.

Her tongue was pressed to her lower lip. Her eyes locked and distant as her memories flew from a quickly moving hand. The Lordess had been writing her thoughts for as long as she could remember. Not long after her mother had died. Well the implanted memory of her mother dying.

Alana's hand paused momentarily at that thought, a look of pain crossing her otherwise unreadable face. It was the one spot that never seemed to heal. A soft sigh escaped her crimson lips....

Feb 18th, 2003, 12:46:19 AM
Lacroix nodded, "Very well...lead the way Soth."

The two continued the journey through the passageway, Lacroix's eyes taking in the entire place. It was filled with cool moss and vines. Certainly pleasing to the eye, but Lacroix preferred the city of Coruscant and its technology.

The Death Knight and the Old One came into the Grand Parlor and stood around.

"Ah...Alana," Lacroix's voice came across the hall as he saw the young vampire.

"It is good to see you again."

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:15:47 AM
Alana lifted her head up from the parchment that lay on her lap. A familiar voice calling her back for bittersweet memories. For a moment she did not answer, still lost in thought, and then a smile filled her face.

"Leon... A pleasure it is indeed. I did not think to ever se you in the halls of the damned." Alana uncurled her body from the couch. Laying aside her thoughts without a backward glance. Her arms outstretched to Leon. Though they had not known one another long, the Sith Lordess had been quite taken with the older man, in a different since than the way she viewed other men.

Feb 18th, 2003, 01:20:32 AM
"I am here," Lacroix had a bit of a semi-smirk on his face, "To take in the Shrine. And see how it was.

"And," the old one said, gazing around the room, "I came to see how the young ones were. And to meet them as well."

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:26:11 AM
Alana smiled and clasped his arms in hers. "I see, well I am sure they would all love to meet you Leon. I see you have Soth as your guide. He knows every inch of this place. A few not even I know." She dropped a wink at her brother in blood.

"Have you called all the fledglings my brother?" Alana turned to the infamous Death Knight.

"How long will we have the pleasure of your company Leon?"

Feb 18th, 2003, 01:38:16 AM
"A few nights at least," was Lacroix's reply, "Perhaps as long as seven.

"I come when I want and leave when I want. If the Shrine's council is fine with that? I try not to overstay my welcome here in on Roon."

Lord Soth
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:52:22 AM
Soth nodded to Alana, allowing the two Vampyre's the time to finish their pleasantries before speaking.

"Your stay with us Leon is extended as long as you wish." The Death Knight bowed slightly to the Old One.

"Perhaps we can retire to the bar Alana,...I'm sure Leon would be interested in a bottle of our finest vintage wine." Soth eye's trailed slowly to Alana's as he gestured to the arched doorway to their immediate right.

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:56:53 AM
"Of course you are always welcome Leon. It is our pleasure to have you here." Alana said, taking his arm in hers. She nodded to Soth.

"Yes some refreshments, and then a tour. Perhaps we will run into a few of the others littered about the Shrine." A teasing smile tilted the corners of her mouth....

Feb 18th, 2003, 01:57:54 AM
"Very well," Lacroix said, a pleased look on his face.

"Please...lead the way."

Lord Soth
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:18:55 PM
The high vaulted room the three walked into was filled with wonder's and oddities that aroused the curiosity upon first glance. Ancient weapons, armor and other fascinating relic's adorned the lavish chamber. Statue's and tapestries, priceless other pieces of art gave the room a feeling of immense wealth and indulgence that the Vampyre kindred were known for.

As Alana showed Leon to the sitting area near the center of the room, Soth broke off from behind them to prepare drink's for the newly arrived guest at the personal bar along the wall. After fetching two vintage wine bottle's and three jeweled goblet's, Soth returned, uncorking the rare Haypen wine in Alana and Leon's presence. The delicious looking wine had a sweet aroma as it filled the ornately tooled goblet's Soth had sat in front of them.

"Please,...The wine is most soothing and delectable to the pallet." The Death Knight gestured smoothly, inviting the two Vampyre's to drink with him as he raised his own chalice in a silent toast.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:56:49 AM
"Is there not a glass for me Soth?" Tatiana stood at the doorway glaring at her lover. He knew full well that she had been following them since the moment he had gone to greet Leon. Wherever the Death Knight's presence was, Tatiana was not far off.

She approached the trio of vampyres seductivly. Pausing in front of her lover, she leaned in and kissed him passionately. A small trail of blood could be seen tracing Soth's lips as she pulled back. She licked her lips and spoke again looking back at the unknown vampyre. "I don't believe we've met." She trailed her eyes up and down his body lustfully. "I am Tatiana Nuevole."

Feb 19th, 2003, 03:51:22 AM
"Leon Lacroix," Lacroix replied, taking her hand and kissing it.

He smiled as he did so.

"A pleasure to make you acquaintance."

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:26:18 PM
"Hey Boss", a hollow voice echoed across the empty hall belonging to a pale, cruel face. Venomous snake eyes look over the other occupants. Settling once on Alana and Tatiana, Dirjj performed a curt bow in order, "Greetings Lady Alana ... and Lady Tatiana, always a pleasure to catch you two."

Again, his eyes settled on Lord Soth, flashing a grim grin, "... Lord Soth!"

Finally his eyes caught Leon Lacroix, an unfamiliar face. His grin faded away. A complete stranger. But an obvious highly esteemed guest with the coversation and cordial manner of the Masters which he had witnessed in the passing corridor. He nodded to Leon Lacroix wordlessly.

Feb 21st, 2003, 11:50:32 PM
Lacroix returned the nod, a small smirk-like smile still on his face.

He took a sip from the wine, marvelling in its flavor.

"An excellent wine Soth...you know how to pick your vintage. This is pre-Empire isn't it? An excellent selection.

"Leon Lacroix," he said to the stranger, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Lord Soth
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:29:20 AM
"Indeed it is...Very rare you might say Mr. Lacroix..."

After the Death Knight addressed Leon, his attention was then drawn back to his lover, pulling Tatiana back to him then kissing her passionately as if no one was in the room other then themselves. It was a rude display and gesture in front of any guest, however, it was a Vampyre's way of thing's.

After a few moment's, Soth glanced over his lovers bare shoulder who was now laying across him on the plush couch adjacent to Leon and Alana. Soth gaze was one of seething delight as he shot Dirjj an equally wicked smile.

"Ah, yes...Leon,...This would be Dirjj." Soth gestured smoothly to the fledgling Vampyre, a note of sarcasm was evident in his voice as he eye'd the understudy.

"He's one of our newest additions to the family here at the Shrine...One that has great potential from what Alana tells me." The Death Knight let his ruby lip's caress Tatiana's delicate neck while his piercing blue eye's remained on Dirjj.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:43:53 AM
"Is that so," Lacroix regarded with interest, the new fledgling. This would be quite interesting indeed.

"How do you regard your relationships with mortals Drij?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:55:21 AM
Lord Soth cut-in just as Dirjj was about to offer his hand and commence proper introduction. He listened to the exchange between Leon and Soth when the stranger asked him a question regarding mortals. It caught Dirjj off guard and he actually had to collect himself. And he responded, "My relationship with mortals is ambiguous at best. Sometimes they are just a means of survival and other times they are just a means of seeing things through. Or they are altogether worthless," he stated coldly.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:49:16 AM
"Weren't you not one before you became a vampire?" Lacroix asked, staring at Dirjj.

"Do you not find them...intriguing?" he challenged the younger one to see what his reaction was.

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:51:04 PM
He eye-ed the elder vampyre curiously, "Yes, I was once a mortal but I do not exactly consider them an understudy. They are too pompous and self-absorbed. I am not going to wast my thoughts on them. But what they are a necessary part of the universe, a means of progressive harmony. Like unenlightened cattle. I only concern my self with our vampyre brothers and sisters. But humans, on the contrary, are an undeniable nuance. I have very little tolerance for them. And what are your thoughts precisely on this subject, Mr. Lacroix?"

Feb 22nd, 2003, 05:37:36 PM
"Human...have their uses," Lacroix replied, "And they're an intriguing species. Certainly one with their own uses.

"But," he said, another drink from his glass, "We are immortal...their betters. But mortals are always interesting to study and learn from. They have the tendancy to surprise more often than not."

Lord Soth
Feb 22nd, 2003, 07:08:37 PM
Soth continued to run his lip's over Tatiana's smooth porcelain like skin as he listened to the two Vampers converse. His razor sharp fang's brush ever so lightly against her delicate neck until he located the desired spot he was looking for. Slow, the ivory tip's broke through Tatiana's flesh, a moan of pleasure escaped her as she arched herself back in that moment of sheer ecstasy. Crimson stain washed over Soth's mouth as he took in her essence.

After a brief moment of feeding from her, the Death Knight leaned back upon the couch they were on. A curtain satisfaction played on his features as Tatiana's precious blood effortlessly spilled from his darkened lip's, his eye's diverted to the ceiling as the "rush" over took him within the same moment. His eye's then slowly lowered to Leon, a look of intoxication seemed to fill his face as he spoke.

"You see Leon,...Out of the mouth of babe's." Soth interjected before Dirjj could reply back to Leon's educated statement regarding human nature. His steely eye's rested on the Old one's briefly then trailed over to Dirjj's, seemly boring right through him as they connected with the fledglings. A wave of unsettling power fell over Dirjj's form, one of death and despair...A preternatural knowledge within that moment hit him as he peered into Soth's endless pool's.

"I am the fateful key to all the Creature's of the Damned Dirjj...And their undoing. Never forget that young one." Came a cold hallow voice within the young understudies mind. The Death Knight's cryptic word's almost pushed Dirjj back physically in his stance as he felt Soth reading him inwardly. Soth then continued out loud as if nothing at all had even occurred between them.

"Bravo,...Spoken like a true Vampyre...Is this a perception you learned through experience Dirjj?...Or one that was taught to you by your master?" Soth mocking word's stung him, the Death Knight's eye's issued a challenging look of dissension to the young one.

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 23rd, 2003, 02:21:07 AM
Dirjj felt the powerful essence of Lord Soth invade his innerthoughts, like a brooding storm coming over the horizon. He had perhaps spoken out of line but again on the subject of mortals, life meant little. Dirjj suffered a great emptiness towards his fellow humans. Always had, nothing was a larger grievence during his mortal life. It was hard to admire what you despised most. Fools and dreamers but the end of all is death... for most, but man continues to chase, he thought remorsely.

Enduring this humbling in the presence of an audience was quite painful. Yet, he feared and respected Lord Soth above anyone else. He grew shifty eye-ed and swallowed, "Of course my Master would never teach me such rubbish, pardon my ignorance Lord Soth. Mr. Lacroix, you strike me as as a most eloquent and learned man, please accept my apologies sir," flashing a plastic grin then he winked solemnly in Soth's direction.

Lord Soth
Feb 23rd, 2003, 04:24:23 PM
The Death Knight slightly nodded to Dirjj, however his paralyzing eye's remained on the young Vampyre...Soth could see and sense within the Sith apprentice something worth mention.

"Your steadfast conviction's regarding mere mortal's is correct Dirjj...They are nothing more then food on our table's...As we are the true keeper's of their lost soul's. Being's that look in vain for the higher purpose of life, yet lacking in their quest to find it." Soth paused in his word's briefly, his pale hand slipped through Tatiana's raven black hair as his eye's met with hers then trailed back to Dirjj.

"Blinded with foolish ambition's and dream's as you have appraised accurately young one. Delusional and narrow minded,...Indeed. A world unto their own,...One that is filled with hypocrisy and confusion." The Death Knight returned his gaze back to his lover, his countenance softening somewhat, then he continued smoothly.

"Yes,...This is their lot in life as it is also the ultimate path of ruin that lead's them to nowhere...Only to a fateful end as naked as the day they were born."

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:15:05 PM
Tatiana closed her eyes as her lover gently caressed her body and fed from her. The wound on her neck quickly closed up and healed as Soth's lips pulled away. Despite the distraction Soth gave to her, she had been listening intently to the conversation that had been taking place between the vampyre's. She could sense a certain tension between Dirjj and Soth, though she couldn't figure out what had let to it. It was of no concern to her though. That was their business.

She had noticed that Soth had been looking directly at her while he spoke of mortals and their foolish dreams. She knew he was making reference to the person she had once been. Not wanting to remember those painful memories, she looked down and began to play with Soth's fingers and changed the subject. "So Leon, what is it that brings you to the Shrine after having been gone for so long?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:18:08 PM
His lips broke into a wide grin and laughed, "Boy, ain't that the truth, there is an old sayin imparted on me long ago which goes 'For every mortal dream there is a fool'. Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me Lord Soth."

His laughter grew louder and somewhat crueler while he reached out and grabbed a bottle of choicest ale from the bar. His laughter simmered down to a chuckle and disappeared completely as he took a moment to examine the bottle carefully. Appraising it before popping the cork with his thumb. He lifted the bottle slowly his lips and swallowed thirstly of it's sweetness, a little bit of ale streamed down his chin while he drank. Soon he pulled the bottle away from his lips as he let out a soft audible sigh.

Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:56:54 PM
"Simply a visit, my dear," the old one replied, "I thought it might be best to come and see what the younger generations were up to.

"After all, I so rarely get to see them."

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 23rd, 2003, 10:44:21 PM
Dirjj sat down at the bar and turned looking circumspectly at Leon then his eyes averted over to Tatiana and Soth. Noting nothing but silent stares he closed his eyes and raised the bottle to his lips again, throwing his head back and drank deeply of it's contents, in mere moments he emptied it dry. The fledgling opened his eyes and thoughtfully discarded the bottle on the bar beside him.

He sat quietly looking through the glass of the empty bottle, Dirjj watched the images of the vampyres reflected back at him. His back remained turned to them while waiting for another to speak forth.

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:27:06 PM
Alana had sat quietly and listened to the exchanges being made. She had always been one to go against the flow, even as a foolish mortal. It was who she had been designed to be in her up bringing. She was more like her uncle than even he liked to admit. She could see great promise in her young apprentice, as she knew Lord Soth could see it. She could also see that he to, was one who would go against the flow.

A cold smile formed on her lips. "I to find them to be, at times, as bothersome as ants. But there are a few that are more than note worthy Dirjj. Do not think that they are all cattle. Some, though they may be below what we are, hold great power, and should not be taken lightly. As for being fascinating, it is true they amuse me endlessly with there antics and we must never forget we to had the same humble beginnings. Even the oldest among us." Alana said, shooting Soth a wicked smile...

"Come Dirjj, sit by me, and fill my glass with what you are enjoying so much." She chuckled softly...

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 2nd, 2003, 05:23:05 AM
Dirjj shifted his eyes on Alana, his beautiful master, the one that had turned him, listening intently to her add personal thoughts to this evening's discussion. Everything that she had contributed rang true to him because he spent over two decades living as a mortal human being. Always suffering their unendurable weaknesses and blindness. Tormented by it. Yet there always remained wise and powerful people who can manipulate events and others within this diverse universe, that stood out amongst the cattle. Great men and women.

His head sorta lulled to the side and picked up a bottle. He shuffled over to the couch upon which Alana sat and took his place beside her. Dirjj looked over at her, observing her pale close-set eyes that were almost leonine like a predator, smiling drunkenly. He placed his arm across the back of the couch and filled her glass carefully with ale, and watched the pulse beating in her pale neck. A yearning pain dully burned raw in each nerve running through his body, a welcome aggravation. Fangs distended ever so slightly beyond his control. An uncontrollable hunger demanding satiation.

"Every tittle and word you spoke I will take to heart, Lordess. Always remembering the unpredictable nature of mortals and their role in this great universe of ours," Dirjj noted, his head nodded absently with raised eyebrow.

His bloodless lips pulled tighter as his hunger grew in closer proximity to his Master.