View Full Version : for a good laugh...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:54:13 PM

I was talking with Ezra (Vexx) and was telling him about Jamel's thread here at SFF and this is how he responded...

Tianje X: I dont like talking about others but Ive got to say it..........wait! first tell me that youre not Jamel Cro'oyken
VexxDuKrinn: huh?
Tianje X: the char...jamel Cro'oyken
Tianje X: or however its spelled...youre not him, right?
VexxDuKrinn: no, thats not me lol
VexxDuKrinn: I only have Ez and Epona
Tianje X: Whew!!!
Tianje X: Ok then.........
Tianje X: Jamel is a friggin twit!
VexxDuKrinn: lol
VexxDuKrinn: hehehehe
Tianje X:
VexxDuKrinn: lol yep!
Tianje X: *falls over from trying to understand
VexxDuKrinn: looking for shadowfeane operatives...got two and still dont know its them lol
Tianje X: LOL
VexxDuKrinn: its that drink he sipped me thinks lol
Tianje X: And he seems to think that we're a dealership LOL
VexxDuKrinn: LOL
VexxDuKrinn: Hera's used speeder and transports.....come on down! she'll cut the prices in half!! and if that dont make ya wanna buy it, she'll cut YOU in half!! LMAO
Tianje X: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tianje X: Can I c/p that and show it to her?
VexxDuKrinn: sure!
VexxDuKrinn: lol
Tianje X: lol, thanks...thats funny!
VexxDuKrinn: no prob lol

LOL! Is that not funny?!

Feb 15th, 2003, 02:30:32 PM
yeah, too funny - Hera, the intergalactic Bob Barker. :lol

Jamel is one crazy kid.