View Full Version : Ship Wrecked?
Dae Jinn
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:54:05 PM
Dae Jinn sighed, raising a hand over her eyes and reading the address again. Yep, she had the right place. She sighed, and walked into the open garage door. Her ship had been, well, damaged by a certain lupine. The hull had a huge hole in it, and the hyper-drive was missing. She was lucky her pilot had even gotten it here, to this little gungy garage. Now it was her job to see how much it would cost, if it was even fixable.
She stepped inside, pulling her jacket tightly around her and making a face. It was greasy, and it smelled funny. She looked around, but couldn't see anyone. Walking further inside, she called out to anyone who might be working.
"Hello? Anyone home?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:37:23 AM
"Just a second!" A voice called back, seeming to resonate from beneath an old panel speeder. A minute later, a low metal rolling sound followed, and a mechanic's gourney rolled out from beneath the speeder with Tevit laying on it.
He was wearing plastic goggles to keep things out of his eyes, and a pair of heavy leather gloves as well. It also appeared he was sporting a pair of funny looking khaki trousers, but when he stood up it became apparent that they were a pair of coveralls with the top half tied around his waist by the sleeves.
Pulling the goggles down to hang by their strap around his neck, Tevit strolled over to the door while takign off his gloves and sticking them in the impromptu waistband of his coveralls. "Hello, sorry about that. What can I do for you, miss?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:54:48 AM
She blinked. He was....furry. But kinda cute. A smile crossed her lips, and she nodded.
"Hi, I'm here about my ship. My pilot brought it in a week or so ago. Missing hyper-drive, huge hole in the hull."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:25:30 PM
"Oh, that one," the mongoose replied, nodding, "Yeah, she's in the next hangar, here. Follow me, if you want."
Tevit hadn't missed the look she had given him, but, reailed professional and led Dae back outside and to the adjoining hangar to see her ship. Flipping on the lightswitch, even though the skylights were almost light enough, Tevit walked in and explained, "Well, as you can see, I got the hull patched, though it was no easy job. But, the hyperdrive is still waiting on some power inverters I ordered. Should have been here yesterday, but, somehow they got delayed. Once those get here, it should only be a few hours before she's all fixed up and yours to take home."
The hull patching had been a rough job, and didn't look very elegant, but it would hold up agaisnt the vaccum of space, and a good impact as well. Taking a moment to re-tighten the knot made of of his coverall sleeves around his waist, Tevit tried to smaile and explained as Dae looked at her ship, "I know it's not the most beautiful patch job, but, I don't work on bodies that much, mostly work on the insides."
Dae Jinn
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:26:18 PM
"Nah, it's fine, as long as it can fly, it doesn't matter." She reached up and ran a hand over the patched up hole. It seemed soild enough to her. She turned and grinned at him. "A good job though. But, I figured the ship would be fixed by now. I won't have a lift home for a while, there a bar around here?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:58:52 PM
Tevit shrugged and replied, "Well, I figured the parts would have been here by now when I ordered them express."
"And, as far as a bar goes, there's one about a mile or two down the road. Not much of a place for a lady, though," he explained, not really fancying the idea of his client going to that particular one. "There's another one that's a bit nicer a little further than that, though. I could give you a lift, if you want."
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:12:18 AM
She laughed, knowing exactly which bar she wanted to go to.
"It's a nice enough day, I think I'll walk. You're welcome to come along, if you like. Get a drink and a bite to eat. My treat."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:28:41 AM
Tevit looked back at the garage, then shrugged and said, "Aw, sure, why not. Can't finish your ship without those parts, anyhow, so, no need to stick around here. Just a second, let me grab my boots; that hot pavement is a killer on bare paws."
Tevit led Dae back out of the second hangar, shutting the masive door behind them, and headed into the main building where he took a seat and pulled on a pair of rather heavy looking boots with several metal plates on them. After that, the yellow-furred Nehantite stood back up and turned around, untying the sleeves of his coveralls and pulling it on correctly before zipping up the front and turning back to face Dae. He rolled up his sleeves, securing them with built-in straps, and then smied as he said, "So, shall we? Oh, and, I nearly forgot. I haven't introduced myself, I'm Tevit, and you might be?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:40:48 AM
"Dae, Daetana Jinn." She gave a little wave instead shaking his hand but gave him a warm smile. She followed him outside, and they walked side by side down the street. Dae slipped off her jacket, revealing a black tank top and short skirt, and held it on one arm.
"So, Tevit, tell me about yourself. Do you usually join clients for lunch?" She flashed another grin, taking a pair of red lensed sunglasses from her jacket pocket and slipping them on.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:47:02 AM
"Only when they think to invite me," Tevit replied, his mood light. He was glad Dae wasn't mad that her ship wasn't done yet, after all, there wasn't much he could do about it.
"And, about me, well, not much to tell. I'm from Nehantish, and basically always been a mechanic of some sort. Buddy of mine and I decided to open up our shop, and here seemed like a good palce to do it. Not exactly been what we hoped, but, it's a living, and we get to be our own bosses, so it all works out in the end."
Tevit was used to the glare of the bright sun, and his red eyes barely even started to squint as he looked over at Dae. "What about you, Dae? Do you normally take your mechanics to lunch?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:53:22 AM
"haha, no, I've never been to a mechanics in my life, actually. I've always left this kind of thing to others." She shrugged. "I don't fly the ship, nor do I know how to. That's why I have a for taking you to lunch," Dae gave him a quick grin and laughed again. " I enjoy being in the company of an attractive man."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:01:01 AM
Attractive? The thought rang in Tevit's head. He hadn't expected the compliment, and was slightly embarassed. Thank goodness you couldn't see his face turning red beneath his fur. "Gee, um, thanks," was all he was able to manage at first, still a bit taken aback.
"And I can't say I mind being in around a lady like yourself, either." He grinned, his smile pulling back to expose his white teeth. Brushing some errant headfur out of the way, he added, "Though I'm not sure if I'd really qualify in the attractive category, I mean, I'm not that special, really."
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:09:34 AM
"Oh come on," Dae gave him a light nudge with her elbow. "You're adorable. Plus, you own your own business...and you're good with your hands. A lot of women would find that very attractive."
Her grin had been replaced with a sly smile. "I think you're attractive, so I'm sure other women would too."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:18:13 AM
Tevit looked down at his paws, and grinned a bit to himself. "Well, I guess so, but sweet-talking isn't going to get me to lower your bill, you know, Miss Jinn."
Though, as much as be believed what he said, there was the distinct possiblity that he could be wrong. And, in any case, Tevit sure didn't mind getting complimented by a woman who looked like Dae did. Not one bit.
The sun was beginning to really get to him through his coveralls, and he thought aloud. "Man, starting to wish I hadn't gone and put these things all the way back on. It's a hot one today, especially with fur."
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:27:10 AM
Dae brushed her hair back out of her eyes, still smiling.
"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. And, if you're too hot, take off some clothes."
She gave him a playful wink, hoping he would get what she meant.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:34:47 AM
As long as she didn't mind, neither did he, and Tevit unzipped his coveralls once more and shucked his arms out of the sleeves, tying them once more around his waist. Regular trousers were more comfortable, but he hadn't been planning on going for a walk that day, just working on things in his garage.
His upper body bare to the fur again, Tevit made sure the knot in the sleeves was tight, then started walking again. "Ahh, that's better. The heat's the only thing I don't especially love about this planet. Most of the time all I can stand to wear back at the shop are a pair of shorts, it's so warm. And forget about air conditioning a hangar that size." He spoke aloud, hoping not to lose Dae's interest by being quiet.
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:33:57 AM
"Yeah, much hotter than lower level Coruscant. We don't get half as much sun down there." She glanced over at him, her smile getting a bit brighter. "It's a nice change.'
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:03:59 PM
"You're all the way from Coruscant?" Tevit asked, somewhat intruiged, "I've only been there a pawful of times myself. Don't think I could stand living in a place that crowded, really.
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:24:22 PM
"It's alright. I split my time between homes now, I have a house with..a friend, on the planet Gias. It's less crowded there, lots of wide open spaces."
She stopped, they had reached the bar. It looked a bit dingy, but a bar was a bar to Dae. She pulled the door open, holding it for Tevit. "The only problem with Coruscant now is the Jedi infestation."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:32:19 PM
Not being one to let a lady hold a door for him, Tevit reached above Dae's head and pressed the door back with his pawtip, smiling as he motioned for her to pass under his arm and head in first. "Ladies first."
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:52:58 PM
Dae slipped past him, brushing lightly against his furry torso. "Thank you."
She looked around the bar; it wasn't much better looking than the outside, kinda dirty with few customers. She made her way to a booth, sliding into a seat. A waitress made her way over, popping her gum.
"What can I getcha?" She asked. Dae smirked a bit.
"I'll have vodka, and a glass."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:38:19 PM
The yellow Nehantite shot Dae a funny look after she ordered, then voiced his own request as well. "Tom Collins, please, extra lemon slice, too."
It really wasn't a great place. Neon signs sputtered for life on the dingy walls, and the floor was not somehting he'd ever step on without boots. The crowd was mainly comprised of people who worked int he surrounding factories. There was nothing elegant about the bar; it was there to serve food and alcohol to guys who wanted to be full and get drunk, little more. Inwardly, Tevit felt kind of bad for suggesting that bar, when there really was a much better one a ways further.
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:08:28 PM
"What?" She stuck out her tongue at him, giggling. "I only drink vodka. And, I'm reallllly thirsty."
She slid out of her seat, sauntering across the floor. Aside from the waitress, she was the only woman in the bar. She made her way over to the jukebox in the corner, picking a loud but dance-able tune. Dae started dancing, slowly, and beckoned for Tevit to join her. "I wanna dance. Come dance with me."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:14:28 PM
Dance? In this place? Oh, geez, I'll never be able to come here again... he thought, but then got up. After all, if she was going to pay for his drink, he might as well humor her. That, and she wasn't looking half-bad, either.
Approaching, Tevit warned her, "I'm really a terrible dancer, Miss Jinn, so, watch your toes."
Dae Jinn
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:31:21 PM
Dae giggled, dancing seductively against him, just barely brushing against him with her body. She runs a finger gently down his chest.
"I'm sure you'll be fine."
The song ended, then changed into something a bit slower -- a bump and grind kind of song. Dae grinned. "Well? Are you going to stand there and make me do all the work? Or are you going to dance?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:45:53 PM
Tevit didn't need much more bidding, getting into the rythm of the music, and his dancing partner, quickly. His paws traced over her shoulders and down her back as he moved to the beat, and he did make sure not to setp on her feet with is heavy boots as he tried a few trick steps every now and then. He never had been much for dancing, but he was enjoying himself quite a bit.
"You're quite good at this. You dance often?" He asked while swaying with Dae. Sure, they were attracting stares, but Tevit was starting not to care anymore, and just have fun.
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:04:24 AM
Dae leaned closer, dancing against him. "I try to, when I have time for fun. I like it, it's fun."
She wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed back and forth to the music. The waitress had already set their drinks on their table, but Dae wanted to dance a little while longer. She rested her head on his shoulder as the song changed once more, this time to a slow song.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:18:25 AM
Tevit really liked the feeling of her holding him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist as they swayed, leaning his head onto hers when she put it against his furry shoulder. It was both relaxing and comforting, though he didn't know quite why. After all, he had hardly known the womal for even an hour, and already they were slow dancing.
When the song ended, Dae continued to hold him, rubbing his bare shoulders, and he finally knew it was time to head back to the table and lifted his head oiff hars and moved his paws from around her waist to her hips and said quietly. "Music's over, I think we ought to get back to our table, our drinks are ready."
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:38:32 AM
"Mmmhmm. Thanks for the dance, Tev." She slipped out his arms, heading back to their table. She sat back down, opening her bottle and pouring herself a glass.
"So..." She raised her glass to her lips. "Do you dance often? You're not as bad as you made yourself out to be. We're going to have to work on that." She winked at him, and drained her glass in one quick gulp.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:45:18 AM
After taking a sip from his cold drink, Tevit smiled and shook his head. "Nah, last time I danced was about, well, a few years ago, really. And, pehaps we can work on it a little," he paused to take another sip, "Though, I'm not sure I want to do it here."
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:57:44 AM
"Well, we can work on it somewhere else, but you shouldn't be embarassed or anything." She poured herself another glass. The waitress returned, setting two lamenated menus on their table. Dae flipped hers open, skimming over the selection. There wasn't much, mostly appetitizers. "I mean, here you are, cute, smart, a good dancer. You should be going out and having fun."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 01:11:36 AM
"Well, a limited budget doesn't allow for too much fun on a regular basis," he replied, not needing to look at the menu for he already knew what was on it, and what he was going to order.
Finishing off his drink, he smirked and added, "And besides, who would I have fun with? In case you hadn't noticed, there aren't that many women around here." It was a good point. Most of the bar's patrons were men, and the industrial area was mainly populated by the male half of the species who were mainly just working so that they could later move away to find the female half in a better place. And those women who were around often bore so much resemblance to the men, that Tevit had all but given up on finding a girl in the area.
Spinning the ice in the bottom of his glass, Tevit said, "Oh, and the onion rings are good, as well as the stuffed potato skins. Though, the vegetable plate isn't half bad, either. I ate here the first week I was on-planet while we waited for our ordered food to arrive."
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:40:35 PM
"Hmmm, well, sometimes you have to make your own fun, Tev, cause some trouble." She laughed. She didn't think a mechanics idea of fun would match that of a Siths'. "Maybe I should bring you home with me, and show you a good time."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:32:16 PM
Tevit nearly dropped his glass, and barely caught ahold of it in time as Dae mentioned taking him back to her place and showing him a good time. He had an inkling as to just what she might have meant, but decided to play it safe for the moment.
"Back home with you?" he asked, his voice nervous, and he was unable to hide it, "And, just what kind of a good time would it be?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:45:05 PM
She slipped her hand across the table, running her fingertips gently over his paw, lowering it and his glass back down to the table-top. "Well, you know, we could go out, party, you know."
She stroked his paw softly, leaning closer. "Unless, you were thinking of something else. "
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:51:59 PM
His red eyes giong wide, Tevit's mough hung agape for a moment before he was able to stutter, "I-I, I, that would be good, yeah. I mean, I, just, you, I," he broke off, hoping to be able to formulate proper sentences, but finsing it impossible after what she had almost implied.
"Wha-what else? To do, I mean, uh,-" No matter how he tried, the yellow mongoose simply couldn't say a darn thing that made any sense to what he was intending.
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:00:21 PM
Dae giggled, still stroking his paw. "Well, I'd invite you to come back to Coruscant with me, but I'm sure you're busy here. With ships, and things. Still," she sighed a little. "Haven't been out partying in a long time. It would be lots of fun."
At that moment, the waitress returned, still popping and cracking her gum loudly. Dae leaned back, letting go of Tevits paw.
"Uh, I guess I'll have an order of onion rings, please. Tev?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:09:18 PM
Snapped out of his nervous daze by the waitress, Tevit was able to manage, "Potato skins, and some salsa." before she headed back to the kitchen.
Looking back to Dae, Tevit rubbed his neck in an attempt to settle himself down a bit before saying. "Well, it really hasn't been all that busy, actually. Your ship was my only big job last week, aside from regualr maintainence stuff. If you really wanted, I suppose I could take some time off and head back to Coruscant with you. I mean, Anauri can watch the shop."
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:16:27 PM
"Mmmhmmm" Dae murmured from behind her now empty glass.
"I don't know though, I wouldn't want to be a bother. I wouldn't want you to come unless you really wanted to."
She started to pour herself another glass full, and smiled over at him. "And...I wouldn't wanna wear you out."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:25:05 PM
To that, Tevit smiled coyly and replied, "Oh, well, you might have a hard time doing that. We Nehantites have unusually large energy reserves during the summer months for some odd reason."
Pointing at the vodka bottle, he asked, "May I?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:36:57 PM
Dae reluctently slid the bottle towards him.
"Large energy reserves, eh? Interesting..." She filled up his glass, almost to the top. "I've never met a Nehantite before, honestly. Are they all as cute as you are?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:51:02 PM
Tevit carefully took a sip form the full glass, feeling the burn of alcohol down his throat before he smirked and answered, "Well, not all of them. I mean, I don't want to sound conceited, but, I do think I look a little better than most of the males of my kind, if that answers your question."
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:27:39 PM
"Guess I just got lucky, then."
She slammed back her drink, and poured herself another. She pointed at his full glass, smirking.
"Not thirsty?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:11:15 PM
In response to her question, Tevit tipped up the glass and quaffed it down, then just about choking on the burn it caused his throat as he wheezed his next breath. The mongoose wasn't utually one for hard liquor, and defintiely not used to the sting of alcohol.
"Not anymore," he wheezed, his red eyes wide and watering.
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:18:07 PM
Dae laughed, and refilled Tevits' glass, emptying the bottle.
"Come on, one more, than we're even." She grinned, setting the bottle aside and waiting for him to drink.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:27:56 PM
Not one to turn down a free drink, Tevit tipped the glass up and downed its contents. He knew he was going to be drunk in a very short while, but, he really didn't mind.
Wiping his muzzle with the back of his arm, he grinned. "Thanks, Dae."
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:33:57 PM
The waitress had returned with their food, and Dae ordered another bottle. As soon as the waitress brought it, Dae cracked it open, pouring herself and Tevit another glass. She took a big bite of her onion rings, and washed it down quickly.
'Pretty good, a little hot though."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:40:23 PM
Tevit actually missed with his first attempted grab at one of his stuffed potato skins, but he got it in the second try, pouring salsa on it before biting off a good chunk and chewing before he swallowed. "Yeah, they'll be hot after being deep-fried like that. Use a good beer batter here, though, so they taste good even when they're cold," he said, then took another drink, though not downing the glass in a straight shot again.
It should have worried him that he couldn't feel the burn anymore, but, that meant he was already so intoxicated that he couldn't worry correctly.
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:51:02 PM
"Yeah, thank god I have a drink to wash it down with." Dae wasn't feeling tipsy at all. It took a lot more for her to get drunk. She could see Tevit was having a bit of trouble though. She laughed, draining her glass again.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:57:10 PM
Tevit only made it halfway through his potato skins before his glass was empty, and he found it refilled again. Much more, and he'd be plastered. "Y'know, you're the nishest customer I've had in a while. Think I'm gonna give youse a break on your bill."
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:07:03 PM
Dae shook her head. "Nope, I'm gonna have to give you a big tip for being such a sweetie and coming out with me."
She had almost finished her onion rings, and was wiping her hands off on a napkin. She poured herself yet another drink. "And, I think I better be getting you home soon."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:50:29 PM
"Aww, you're too nice," Tevit said before finishing off his last glass of vodka. His thoughts were fuzzy, and he was barely able to finish his order of potato skins.
Tevit hadn't been that drunk in a while, and he wondered just how he was going to walk back home. It was a good thing Dae didn't seem that intoxicated, she could at least guide him.
Dae Jinn
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:56:00 PM
Dae stood up and stretched, slipping her jacket back on and digging in the pocket. She dropped some creds on the table, more than enough to cover their bill and held a hand out to Tevit.
"Come on, time to take ya home."
She helped him to his feet, slipping an arm around him to steady his wobbling. They started out of the bar, making their way slowly down the street.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:07:18 AM
Tevit was grateful for the hand up, but once he was outside, he could walk pretty well on his own, thanks to his heavy boots. The heat of the sun only amplified the drunken feeling that coursed through his veins, though, and also added to anther problem.
When they were halfway back to his hangar along a long stretch of unused road, Tevit came to a stop and turned away from Dae. "Sorry, Dae, but, I gotta go," he explained before unttying the sleeves of his coveralls and unzipping them, then releiving himself on the dusty dry grass next to the sidewalk. When he was done, he shook it out, zipped up the lower part of his coveralls, and then tied the sleeves as a belt again before turning back to Dae and resuming their walk back to his place, not aware that what he just did might have been rude.
Dae Jinn
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:13:48 AM
Dae turned away, only turning back when she heard Tevits' zipper zipping back up. She made a face at him, but he didn't seem to notice. He seemed to be walking just fine now, and Dae slipped her hands into her pockets as they continued on their way back.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:52:05 PM
Finally, they made it back to the garage. Tevit's head was swimming, and he just wanted to get some sleep, or some black coffee. But, Dae was still there, and he had a bill to settle, so, he took off his boots and walked a rather wobbly line to his desk to find the proper paperwork, and the ignition tab for her ship.
"Hmm, hand on, Dae, I know it's around here somewhere..." he said, then just about lost his balance.
Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:01:52 AM
Dae was quick to move, to grab Tevit's arm and steady him. She laughed.
"Tev, my ship isn't even fixed yet." She told him, laughing to herself, as she walked with him into the back of the shop. "We;re going to get you into bed, and when the ship is fixed, I'll come back and pay you. Alright?"
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:07:30 AM
"To bed?" Tevit echoed in question, then blinked hard and let Dae lead him back to his room.
"Thanks for the drink, Dae," he managed, already untying the sleeves to his coveralls and getting ready to unzip the rest of it before he was even to his door out of habit, holding one side up with his paw.
Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:20:51 AM
"Uh, would ya mind keeping your pants on for now?" Dae laughed even harder. She helped him into his room, making sure he at least kept himself covered. Dae helped him into bed, pulling the blankets down and covering him with a sheet.
"Thanks for coming with me. It would've been dull with-out you you to keep me company." She smiled down at him, and planted a peck on his cheek. "Now get some sleep, and call me when my ship is fixed."
She turned, and started out of the room." See ya Tev."
Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:33:15 AM
His breathing was steady, but fierce. It forced its way in and out as he watched. His face was contorted in geometric angles--edges and corners of a stone-faced gargoyle statue. To say he was mad was a bit of an understatement. He had been watching--Dae and this Tevit had no idea, but he had been. Silently. The Force had concealed his presence.
Why!, he wanted to scream into it. Why didn't the Force allow him to be seen? Why wasn't his presence revelaed so that he could have stopped this mess earlier? Why! Instead, captivated and in silence, he had proceeded to view the spectacle that had taken place before him.
He watched them at the bar from a corner table.
He watched them drink.
He watched them intoxicate themselves.
He watched the male of a species he did not know relieve himself onto the ground, an intrigued Dae viewing the scene.
He watched the two, giggling, arm-in-arm, return back to the shop. He followed them in, silently.
He watched them through the doorway, viewing the exchange as the mongoose-looking creature began to disrobe. For whatever sexual reason, Dae had stopped him from doing so. She was prolonging the fun--wanting to strip him of the clothes herself.
How twisted was she really? How tainted by the Dark side had she become?
He then watched as she helped him slide into bed, leaning over him. Their words were useless--a jumbled mess of sylabic contructs that didn't matter to him. Actions spoke louder than words, and the young Lost Jedi was deafened. She leaned over him, leaning down to kiss him.
Jeran turned away sharply, his eyes now shut tightly and his mouth clenched in a painful growl. He couldn't believe this was happening! His Dae! His love, with another man?? What had he done to cause her such distaste? What drove her away from him?
He turned, allowing his body to loose its stealth. He stormed out of the hiding place and slammed the door of the shop behind him, the small glass window of the door shattering as it shut. He turned away--this should be enough attention to draw the snake out of the hole. There he stood--several meters from the door, now. His face was plainly visible through the broken frame.
It was the most terrible expression he had ever taken on.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:46:42 AM
After Dae had put him in bed, Tevit removed his coveralls from under the sheets and tossed them aside. He never could sleep in pants. But when the door suddenly slammed shut, the mongoose sat bolt upright in bed, and he clutched the sheet around himself as he flipped on the lightswitch.
His red eyes tried to look threatening, though the vodka made that nearly impossible, and he shouted, "Hey! You're gonna pay for that window, pal!" Getting up out of bed with the sheet held around him, he tried to march to the door, only to get his footpaw tangled and he tripped, fallign flat on his face.
Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:51:14 AM
"Oh jeez, Tevit!"
Dae grabbed his arm, helping him up and back onto the bed. But Tevit got back up again, this time making his way to the door. Dae followed, stopping dead in her tracks as she saw who was standing outside. Her jaw dropped slightly.
"Uh, Jeran?"
Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:57:23 AM
The figure stood, fiery eyes and square jaw tighter than a steel trap. His eyes met those of Dae's...small tears formed at the edges of them. He sniffed once--holding back muccus, trying to keep all semblence of his composure. He hadn't arrived her expecting this, and now that he could see the truth (or what he thought was the truth), he was devestated and enraged.
"Didn't expect to see me, eh?" He spoke, his voice shaky but still harsh. "I guess I wasn't supposed to be here. Well guess what? I AM!" He turned away from a moment after yelling, shaking his head in his hands. "I am here." His face then changed from sad to angry.
"Why doesn't your 'friend' show himself? Is he a coward?" His face paused again to hold back tears. "Would such a coward really steal my Dae? OUT WITH YOU!" His anger took hold. Upon careful inspection from Dae's watchful eye, she noticed that he held something in his right hand--something he rarely held when not immediately threatened.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:04:01 AM
Tevit, even drunk, knew a threat when he saw one, but was so confused that he didn't know what to do. So, going on his first impressiont hat this guy was a psycho, the mongoose grabbed up his kris dagger form off a table and held it out in a defensive posture as he hsle up his sheet with the other, not having anything else on to cover himself.
"Pal, I don't knwo who you are, but I think you've got the wrong idea here. And, I want you out of my garage, now, you hear me?" He said, his voice mostly stable.
Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:20:25 AM
"That's right--you have no idea who I am," the enraged young man spoke. This being had no clue who he was raising a dagger to, and Jeran could almost smell his ignorance. The warrior eyed the creature with contempt, replacing the cylindrical object to his belt and finally deciding to move. He reached out quickly, thowing his hands onto the weapon-arm of Tevit. Twisting it roughly, the hand was forced to release its grasp on the weapon, which clanked loudly as it fell to the floor.
With his right hand, he took hold of the being's forearm, twisting it behind his back to restrain him, draggin him down painfully. Tevit cried out as he dug a knee into his back, forcing him to his knees, his upper body bent over his legs as he was held by the strong Lost Jedi. Jeran grit his teeth, finding his mindset overtaken by rage.
With his free hand (his left), he reached to his belt, pulling free his lightsaber hilt. The weapon glided into his palm, finding a home within his fingers. He found the switch swiftly with his forefinger, clicking the button into place.
The crystal blue blade hummed idly as it rested inches from the creatures neck. Jeran had the man in a position he had restrained others--usually always before executing them. This was no big feat for him--he had used this technique many times before and found it very effective. Especially to the less-experienced.
"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, DAE?" He yelled over the sound of Tevit's groans and the hum of the blade. "Why would you do this to me?" Tears began to form in his eyes. "Why would you go behind my back like this?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:42:42 AM
She shouted into his mind, standing a few feet in front of them. She clenched and unclenched her fists, tears starting to make their way down her cheeks. She sniffled, and wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. Unlike Tevit, Dae wasn't affected by the alcohol in her system. She was shaking, trying to stay calm.
"Jeran..I haven't done anything. I haven't gone behind you're back and nothing has happened," her voice was shaky, soft and meek sounding despite the anger in her eyes. "I don't know what you think has happened here, but I swear to you, I would never do anything like this, I would never hurt you, you know that."
The shaking became more noticable as more tears fell. She looked down, speaking into Jeran's mind once more. "You know I would never betray you, I love you..Why are you doing this!? You always think the worst of me!! WELL I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" She yelled finally -- he could see the hurt in her eyes now, as her anger faded away to something else. "We didn't do anything besides have a few drinks...That is all that happened."
Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:11:48 AM
Jeran was stunned at her words. He found himself coming to the reality of his actions. His rage began to fade as his facial expressions changed. He looked down--seeing Tevit, the one he held so fiercely, saber pointed at the being's neck. Instantly, at Dae's emotion, he found himself stupified at himself. He let go of the man he held, disengaging his blade. Tevit fell forward a bit as Jeran fell directly backward onto his haunches in disbelief. His hand let go of his grip on his weapon, allowing it to drop.
The saber hilt struck the ground with a loud thunk.
Oh, Force, what the hell have I done! His mind raged out at him, his hands coming up quickly to cover his face as he wanted to hide it. He wanted to hide from the stranger he had assaulted. He wanted to hide from Dae, the one woman in his life, the one he should have trusted.
He felt foolish.
"I...oh, Force..." The words could not even come to his mouth. He had never been in love before--ever. He had hardly touched another woman besides Dae. It was evident in the fact that he was so childish--so infantile.
He felt so foolish.
"Dae--I..." He found no confidence nor solice in words. His body trembled with guilt. His emotions had controlled him, and it had been obvious that he had been out of control. All that he had tried to instill into Dae about peace and control had been thrown out the window at this outburst.
He was a fool!
Standing, he reached for his saber and quickly made his way past the two figures. Out the door and into the night, he had to dissapear. He had to get out of sight--get away from this. First, he dropped a few credits onto the steps--more than enough to pay for the broken window.
He could never pay for his stupidity, however.
Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:32:14 PM
Dae knelt down beside Tevit, sniffling. She didn't know what to do..stay and help Tevit, or go after Jeran. She knew she had to do both.
She gently craddled Tevit in her lap, rocking a little. "Oh god, Tev, I'm so sorry. A-are you alright?"
She looked out the door, trying to see which way Jeran had taken off. She wanted to run after him, grab him, hold him and tell him everything was alright. But she couldn't simply leave Tevit here, sprawled on the floor, when he could be hurt. She didn't know what to do, except sit and cry.
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:52:39 AM
Tevit's arm, and back, hurt, and he let himself go limp in Dae's hold. The alcohol in his system made it hard for him to figure out what had happened, but eventually it came to him, and he sat up on his knees, pulling his sheet up so that Dae wouldn't see more of him than she wanted to.
"I, I'll be okay," he said, though his voice was pained as he rubbed his arm. "You never told me you had a boyfriend."
Dae Jinn
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:59:23 AM
Dae laughed a little, relieved to see he wasn't badly hurt. "You never asked....I...I think I should go, and find him...Are you sure you're alright?"
She wasn't going to leave him here if he was hurt, even if she had to go find Jeran. It wasn't Tevits fault, Dae hadn't even thought to mention Jeran, since nothing had happened between her and the mechanic. She didn't see flirting as a bad thing, she saw it as fun. But now..."I'm so sorry, Tev."
Tevit Ramastan
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:01:21 AM
Getting up, Tevit waved a paw to dismiss her, saying, "It's okay, I'll survive. Go and find your boyfriend, I should have your ship done sometime soon. Just, lock the door on your way out, would you?"
Dae Jinn
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:11:07 AM
"Uh, alright..." She rose to her feet, rushing out the door, making sure it was locked tightly behind her. She squinted out into the growing darkness now. Dae sniffed the air, barely catching any sign of him. She hurried off in the direction she had last seen him going. Hopefully she would find him.
Jeran Conrad
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:24:37 AM
Jeran made his way hastily to the spaceport, making ground very quickly. He felt extremely embarassed, and he would no longer allow himself to be a spectacle here. He would cathc up with Dae later. To let her know he had made a mistake. To let her know he was wrong.
But not yet.
He needed to time to clear his mind. Time to punish himself. He was going to seek out confrontation, and it was necessary that he did it soon. He had to relieve some stress. But not on this planet, and not against innocent people.
Back to the hunt.
Getting to the spaceport, he tried to remember where he the transports left from. From here he could easily and quickly get to Coruscant, and from then on, he could find his way to where he needed to be.
He stopped at the holoinfo kiosk and checked the listings.
Dae Jinn
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:35:57 AM
Dae tossed the alien a few creds as she climbed out of his speeder. "Thanks for the ride, mac."
She had figured Jeran would leave -- but she wouldn't let him simply go after what had happened at the garage. She pushed past the crowds, trying to make her way to the transports. When she saw him, standing at a kiosk, checking flight times. She wanted to yell his name; instead, she ran towards him. Wrapping her arms around him, she buried her head into chest, saying nothing. She held him tightly, silently, not letting go.
Jeran Conrad
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:51:27 PM
He stood as she held him. The emotion shivered inside of him, his body becoming a battleground where the the fight between love and shame raged on. She held him tightly--as though she would not let him go. Not now--she wanted to be next to him, near him, with him.
How he wanted her too.
He had realized that he had been horribly wrong. He was stupid--in the process harming another person. He would have to work this out by himself. He had to. He grabbed hold of her arms and firmly pried them off of her, pushing her away from him. He was not violent nor rough--he was much stronger than she, and it was not hard to loosen her grip.
"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes--terribly pained--meeting her own. "I'm sorry, I need this time." He slowly backed away from her towards a large transport loading dock. He watched her, making his way still towards the door. Soon, he would be in the transport and on his way.
Dae Jinn
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:55:47 PM
"No, Jeran, you aren't leaving!" She grabbed his arm, not letting go. Her eyes flashed with anger -- she was growing tired of him always leaving when there were problems, instead of staying, working them out. "Everytime something happens, you leave. I'm sick of it, of you always going when we have a problem, of you not facing it, not talking to me. I'm so tired of it.."
Her voice cracked, tears coming back into the corners of her eyes. "I'm tired of you leaving...why can't you stay with me?"
Jeran Conrad
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:36:27 PM
Though Jeran's heart truly cried out to her, his pride would not falter. Communication was not his strong point, and Dae had grown tired of his flight rather than fight reaction when something came up between them. But he didn't know what else to do--words were not his forte, and he was never good with verbal confrontation. He would need some time alone to work this out.
His face twisted with pain as he watched her emotions fill her own. It hurt him to see her so, but he could not stay. He just could not do it.
"I'm sorry," he said, the same as before. It was no sort of consolation--that he was sure. But he couldn't help it. He made his way into the doorway of the ship. Leaning into hit, still facing her, he stared.
"I'm sorry," he said again, standing in the doorway.
"Hey pal, you comin or not?" The conductor called to him as he stood there. He stepped back into the crowd of people. The travel wouldn't be long, and he would be on Coruscant soon.
He stood in the crowd of the other passengers, still meeting sad eyes with Dae's own. The door began to close, as he looked upon her.
I'm sorry, he called into her mind.
Dae Jinn
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:42:25 PM
Dae shook her head, looking down. She couldn't even watch him go...not again. Her hands balled into fists.
"I'm sorry," his voice called into her mind, and she didn't look up. Instead, she turned, keeping her back to him as more tears fell from her eyes.
" I love you, Jeran." She whispered softly in his mind as she walked away....
Jeran Conrad
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:56:03 AM
He watched her turn away, the doors closing.
I love you, Jeran she'd said. I love you too, he thought. As the ship let go of its dock supports, his eyes remained stuck on Dae's back as she walked away. He was headed for Coruscant, and headed for a fight.
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