View Full Version : The littlest darksider you ever did see...(open challenge)

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:32:15 PM
Kwiet's belt is loaded with throwing weapons. He has no close combat weaponry, and has only the limited Fuma training his father gave him, as well as some Force basics Grampy Friend taught him. The scientist man said to go fight people. So he is. He wanders the park, seeking a challenger.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:35:27 PM
The vampyre watched the boy from the trees of this park. Night had just come only a few moment before. This was her time. She watched the boy as he searched for an oponet. Finaly she droped from the tree behind him.

"A little young to be out at night, boy. You could get hurt."

She looked down at him. Her black cloack was pulled around her as she watched him. Even he could sense and almost see the dark aura around her. Her dark green eyes watched him.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:47:28 PM
Kwiet shakes his head.

"Nuh-uh! Daddy and Grampy Friend taught me to defend myself."

He puts up his little fists.

"I'm a good fighter!"

Kaytor Surna
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:42:55 PM
She laughs lightly and walks up to him. She had to crouch down to look him in the eyes. She smirked at him.

"Do you think you could take me on?"

This would be entertaining. She never had fought a young boy before.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:48:53 PM
The reply? A punch in the face, just below the nose.

"See?" he says proudly.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:35:35 AM
He notices that she did not do anything after he punched her. Under his fist though, he felt her fangs extend. She slowly removed his fist from her mouth and smirked at him again. This time her fangs showed.

"You do not know what you are getting yourself into young one but if you truely wish to fight then i will humor you."

She stood up and turned side ways. She held her fists up and bent her knees slightly. She waited for the young dark sider to try and hit her again.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:14:58 AM
Stand up she's twice his height. This presents a problem to him, as most of his daddy's techniques deal damage above the waist...but Grampy Fiend taught him to jump good! He leaps at her, spinning around to hook her with a swing kick.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:34:59 PM
Her arm darts out and catches him by the ankle. He is now hanging upside down. She slowly turns him around to where he is facing her and smirks again. She turns her head sideways and looks at him.


She suddenly drops him from around 4 feet up in the air.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:39:39 PM
Kwiet falls upside down, catching himself on his hands and springing nimbly backwards, misplanting his landing and rolling a bit. His hands sting, so he blows on them, rubbing them together to try and make it go away. He pulls two starts from his belt and throws them before following them in on Force boosted legs, with a punch at her stomach.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:43:56 AM
The two throwing stars and knocked off course by the force and fly into two trees. Her hand flys down and catches his small fist in hers. The poor child actualy belived he could take her on. She smiled lightly at this. It was almost cute except for the fact that it was her that he was atempting to kick butt on.

"Now why would a young boy like you be looking for a fight in the first place? Its dangrous you know."

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:27:34 AM
"B'cuz the science man said so."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:27:43 PM
"Science man? And who might he be? Or do you only know him as the Science man?"

She had once again kneeled down next to the youngester. She waited for him to respond.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:45:36 PM
"He's just the science man. He makes Daddy's arms and legs work!"

Kwiet has momentarily forgotten his fight, pleased to show off his knowledge.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:33:48 PM
"Your father? And who might he be? Another great figher like yourself?"

She didn't care that she was only boosting the boys ego by telling him he was a great fighter. She tried to get the boy to trust her and tell her who this science man was.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:17:33 PM
"Uh huh!" the boy replies with a vigorous nodding of his head.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:04:57 AM
"Can you take me to this Science Man?"

She some how suspected that this man was somewhat evil. Sending a young boy to fight those that could kill him was not something every scientist did.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:45:48 PM
Kwiet shakes his head like a wet dog.

"Nuh uh! I dunno where he is."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:35:09 PM
Kaytor sighs and looks around. Her fangs go back to normal and her eyes change back to green. She looks back at the young boy.

"And what of your father or mother? Do you know where they are?"

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 24th, 2003, 12:44:19 PM
"Daddy's with the science man! I dun got a mommy."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:32:47 PM
She slowly nods. She glances around at where they are. She sighs slightly.

"Where are you staying right now? I'll take you home ok?"

She didn't care that he had tried to beat her up. No matter how annoying he might have been, she still cared for children. Probobly the only people in the universe that she had compasion for.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:37:58 PM
Kwiet shakes his head.

"Nuh-uh! I gotta fight someone. And there's a big beastie that'll take me home when I'm done."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:46:04 PM
Kaytor narrows her eyes. She stands up and looked around quickly. Her eyes quickly change to a deep red and her fangs extend. Her eyes dart around for this 'Beastie.' She finaly looks back at the young boy. She speaks in his mind so that anyone that is listening can not hear what she says.

'Listen boy. When this beast comes, I am going to follow you. You must not tell anyone that I am behind you or many bad things will happen. I am going to alow you to take me out. Punch me in the gut if you understand. It wont hurt me that much.'

Her eyes narrow down at the boy. She grew angry quickly as a dark aura around her began to grow. She waited for the boy to respond.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:50:20 PM
He cocks his head to the side.


Even if he agrees, the Altered Beast lurking nearby won't let her find it's origin. No one can successfully track an Altered.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:53:54 PM
No one but a vampyre. She was here to do so.

'Because I belive I have heard of this science man. I must talk with him but must find out where he is. Understand?"

She was starting to get frustrated. Her eyes started to glow and the boy could tell she was getting angry at him.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:00:21 PM
"Uh huh."

He nails her hard in the stomach; harder than any 8 year old child ever could. A bit of blood spatters his face, and he hears Grampy Friend's voice from his memory.

Good. That's how you know you're doing it right.

The child runs to the shadows. By the time Kaytor looks up; there's no trace of him or the Beast that brought him there.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:03:18 PM
Kaytor instantly opens up to the force and taps into the young boys small force signature. She found it and instantly brought shadows to her, turning herself into one of them. She ran off after the small boy, following his force signature.

Kwiet Ideya
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:14:35 PM
OOC: Check your PMs, then I'll edit this into a proper IC response.