View Full Version : In (dis)honor of Valentine's Day -- a day early!

Feb 13th, 2003, 06:05:09 PM
Check out:


Hehe, I like an early quote in that article, you can figure out what one it is.

The final idea is simple, too -- there needs to be a Website with a line to the throne, so to speak, a team effort run by 10 people. Each of these people is assigned a ranking, 1-10, based on who actually runs the site and does the main posting. If any of the members should "fall from the ranks," as the article says, a monthly voting process (only when needed) finds a new person to replace one of the lost ten, or two, however many are required. Should #1 "fall from the ranks, "#2 takes over, unless #2 is also unsuitable, then #3. The plan is foolproof barring a mass, umm, I don't know, hookup or something.

Seems simple enough to me. Then if a past member re-joins the ranks, which is highly likely, his name is added to a "pool" of future candidates to add to the top 10 again in the order that his request is received, but above any other potential candidates given his experience running the site.

I thought too much about this huh? :)

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:24:17 PM
Wow, all the single people are mopey because they have no gf/bf. How pathetic.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:37:07 PM
I've got a hot, passionate make-out session booked for tomorrow....

....with a liter of Makers Mark :D

Feb 13th, 2003, 10:38:17 PM
HELL TO THE YES! :lol That's how V-day should be spent.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:40:12 PM
...and a pipe :)

Yay me!

:: puff puff puff :: :hat

Feb 13th, 2003, 11:00:06 PM
I am just doing what I always do Friday -- lots of movies.

I remain perpetually behind on reviewing though :(

Valiant effort last weekend and I cut the deficit from 6 to 2, but now during the week because of my film class it grew from 2 to 4, really not leaving me in a good position either. I'll probably manage to get nearly caught up again this weekend...

I think I can put the proverbial nail in the coffin that week that we watch The Searchers in class, because I already have seen that and won't be showing up to watch it again, so I can catch up.

Feb 14th, 2003, 08:04:17 PM
A poem for you all:

Hearts and roses and kisses galore, what the hell is all that s**t for?
People get mushy and start acting queer, It is definitly the most annoying day of the year.
This day needs to get the hell over with and pass,
Before I shove a duzen roses up Cupid's @$$.
I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak, and wear all black for the rest of the week.
Guys act all sweet, but it will soon fade, for all they are doing is trying to get laid.
The arrow Cupid shot at me must not of hit, because I think love is a crock of s**t.
So here's my story...what else can I say?
Love bites my @$$... F**k Valentine's Day!
-Source Unknown

LOL, that is great. Sums up my attitude.

Sanis Prent
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:08:50 PM
Eh...when I'm not single, Valentine's Day is a dream. When I am...I get to save my money, or better yet, express my true love and affection for myself :)

Feb 14th, 2003, 10:34:01 PM
That is a good, positive way to look at it, anyway.

I have never NOT been single on V-Day, so... uhh, couldn't really make an educated comment back to you about that. :\

I do like that poem though, I think it's pretty darn funny.

Feb 14th, 2003, 10:38:43 PM
The poem was really funny. I've only had someone on V-day once(even though my ex and I were on again off again for years we were usually OFF in mid February) and we didn't do anything. We went out with all of our single friends instead of doing the romantic thing. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:52:50 PM
I don't have anybody this year either, but it doesn't bother me that much, really if the only day you give flowers or care about someone is on V-Day you got problems.

Feb 14th, 2003, 11:04:39 PM
Yes, Carr, I agree totally.

I had one girl send me an IM today over AOL, yet she never talks to me normally, I wonder if that was coincidence or probably not. "Oh gee it's V-Day, guess I'll say hi to everyone on my list," bah, whatever.

The girl I most like, err, the only girl I like, is on AIM now, but she's away.

Actually that's not true, I like two girls, it just happens one of them is my best friend's girlfriend! Haha, don't take that wrong, I just mean she is a nice person, so I like her. He is a lucky guy, though. He thinks he is unlucky sometimes, he complains a lot about other stuff, but I hope he realizes how lucky he is. I know there are only a few girls in every thousand like her. Very good looking (man he got lucky here; she keeps getting hotter I swear), bright (straight A's usually, 4.0 last term), and very nice, too. Nobody is perfect, but I'd say she comes pretty darn close. If you expect more, you are expecting too much I'd say. You couldn't ask for more. Bryan is a lucky guy.

The other girl is in my film horror class. I know she's single, because it says so on her profile, haha, but she's like a 10/10 hot, EXTREMELY hot, way out of my league, and I dunno, we have great conversations in class, she does things that seem to indicate she likes me, too, at least in a friendly way, but who knows what that means because I've been duped so many times before that I obviously know nothing about anything related to that. I gave her one of my custom pencils, "JLBMovies.com," and I then was mentioning how I have way too many because we by accident double-ordered. Anyway, she asked for another too, so of course I gave her another, then when our teacher said to be partners with someone we haven't been partners with before (Jill and I have been partners EVERY time), she was like, "Nah, screw that," and so we were partners again. I would think if she wasn't interested in being friends at least, she would have just moved to find someone else and used the excuse "because the teacher said so," but nope, I sure didn't want to be partners with anyone else, haha.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:27:28 PM
I'd say talk to her Jon, ask her to see a movie, it wouldn't hurt to do that, sometimes you have to take a step foward to get somewhere.

Feb 15th, 2003, 12:15:31 AM
Yeah we are going to watch "Freaks" (1932) here one of these days, but this dude in the class is going to watch it with us too, haha, he is a cool guy but you know... :)

She is awesome, lol.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:32:33 AM
Well that is a start :)

Feb 15th, 2003, 12:41:37 AM
I just don't think that right now I am on her level, I mean why would any girl want me over all of the other guys out there? Especially her, she can get a high who is far better looking than me, big and buff, etc. Sure, I'm smart, and I am driven, but I'm still a relative "nobody" *so far* so until that changes, I don't see what chance I have. :\

You just can't win,
And so it goes,
Till the day you die,
This thing they call love,
It's gonna make you cry,
I've had the blues,
The reds and the pinks,
One thing for sure,
Love stinks.

Found that on ESPN, haha, funny article on Page 2.

On top of Valentine's Day sucking, my traffic kind of blew today too, I mean pretty darn bad compared to the last two Fridays. It's these holidays, they hurt traffic badly, I really hate it. You should see x-mas eve and x-mas day, my god! Traffic is down 50% on those days, at the very least.

My traffic from December 16 - December 31 (it *immediately* picked up on January 1) was really pathetic. I had that happen in 2001, too. It seems to happen to the entire Internet every year, actually, so I don't know what all this nonsense is about that being such a "great time for business," no not really -- my retail sales are FAR worse in December than in most other months, actually. It's the worst period of the year, it's like people just don't go online. I have seen this happen with a celebrity site, a joke site, and a movie site, which are different enough genres to conclude fairly accurately that Internet traffic as a whole must just be down during that time.

Oh well V-Day traffic hasn't been awful, just a bit sub-par for now.