View Full Version : Circumstances (Council)

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:22:39 PM
A figure clad in white robes slowly made her way down the halls of the Temple. The hood of her garments was drawn up and covered her head, casting a shadow upon her face. The material was light and followed in the breeze as she walked until she stopped before a great door. A pale hand reached up and pressed against the metal and the doors parted with a hissing sound and she entered. Stepping into the center of the large round room, the Jedi Knight pulled back the hood of her robes allowing her Garou Warrior Braids to spill out. The silver coins woven into them clanged together softly but stopped soon after they gathered at her back. She bowed gracefully and smiled, baring her elongated canines before she cleared her throat to speak.

"Greetings dear friends -- I have come before you today with a concern upon my heart. As of late it has come to my attention that perhaps I have too many responsibilities to handel and cannot accomplish all I wish in a given day."

A slight pause came after she spoke as her cyan eyes met the sets of all Council members. She sighed and lowered her head in a bit of shame as she gathered her thoughts and began again.

"I have twelve Padawans now, and a baby on the way. It is getting difficult to keep track of everything and I have found myself neglecting several of my students, which I apologize for. I have been training on my own as well in matters of diplomacy and such and I found that I am not able to do that anymore."

She again raised her eyes to gaze upon the faces of the Council members, hoping that they would understand her request.

"I wish, with your permission, to release all but four of my Padawans to other Masters and Knights who are more capable to train them than I am. My lack of time is taking away from them and I do not wish for them to falter on my account."

With that, she took out a list of her students and approached Dasquian and handed it to him. Bowing, the Knight took her place at the center of the room once again and fell silent, waiting for their reply. The list read as follows:

"Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider, Iago Kent, Lilya Goldberry, Marga Alton, Venessy Stormfeather, Aello Stormfeather, Jakob Burton, Clay Dennatta, Number 62, Syrius Cline, Agden Ithrin, Jamel Croko'yn."

"I seek to continue training my Brother as well as Jakob, Syrius and Agden for the first two are nearly finished with training -- and I made a promise to the other two. I have nothing against the others and I love them as a sister in the Order could, so to be fair, I am pleading that another take them to finish their training, please --"

She said softly and then remained quiet to give them time to ponder the issue.

ooc: I am mainly doing this because I am extremely swamped between school and here that RL is just boging down on me. I kept the four that I did because it would mess up a great deal of planned RPs if I didn't -- I am so deeply sorry to the rest, I hope you guys understand. *Hugz* You are all still my friends and I would not think otherwise ever. It's just that I am so busy -- I'm sorry. :\

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:13:33 AM
I considered her statement for a while, and then leaned forward in my chair to reply. "If I remember correctly, you are well within the guidelines to release your Padawans at any time. I see nothing wrong with this decision. If it is the will of the rest of the council, I will allow this, as well as helping by taking Iago Kent as my Padawan."

OOC: I don't see a problem with this. Being swamped sucks. :)

Figrin D'an
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:46:48 PM
"The decision is within the confines of the rules governing the master-padawan relationship. If this is your will, than so be it, under the condition that you aid in helping your former padawans find new masters to complete their training."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:53:37 PM
Dasquian looked over the list in silence as he thought on the matter. Of all of the Council, he imagined he would have been the first to agree to this proposal – after all, it was his child that Xazor bore and he would have not wanted the stress of training upon it. As both Ryla and Figrin spoke, he gave a slight nod and commented only by saying:


Xazor Elessar
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:26:35 PM
Xazor bowed and smiled gently, nodding in reply to the Council members who spoke.

"Yes, I shall aid them in that search, Master Figrin."

She smiled, though her heart was sad at the fact she had to let them go. It was a joy to see the young Padawans learning and growing. The Knight sighed within herself and set her eyes on the rest of the Council, wondering if they would grant her permission as well.

Feb 14th, 2003, 06:33:42 PM
:: AB also nodded her head, especially at Figrin's suggestion. ::

It is up to you to decide to let them go, but I strongly agree with Master D'an in that you helpt them find new Masters lest they feel lost.

And even though you may not officially be their Master, be prepared for them to come to you for aid or advice in their training.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 14th, 2003, 08:25:17 PM
Xazor bowed once again and nodded to AB's comment.

"Yes Master Mystt, I shall be prepared -- I will spend free time with them and check up on their progress regularly. I really dislike doing this, but I am only doing so to keep it fare."

She said softly, knowing that the Council saw her point and understood the pressures of time.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2003, 02:53:15 AM
"I would agree with the others on the Council Xazor - until these Padawans have new Masters, you are still in many ways responsible for their well being. Do not let them down in that, no matter how busy you are. Seek help if you feel the need"

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 15th, 2003, 07:35:50 PM
Navaria silently agreed with her peers with a simple nod after Helenias had spoken towards Xazor.