View Full Version : A need for a ship. (Open)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:27:15 PM
Jamel ventured into the small tarven for some drinks even though they was a certainty that this paticular tavern which held Sith, and other warriors--but that wasn't his reason for entering.

No, of course it wasn't.

It was a simple situation where he would need to confront someone in the ShadowFaene organization about a ship that he would need. The youth, no older then 15 took a seat at hte bar in the silence of his surrondings, his mind reaching into the back for a paticular type of ship he was to be asked by his sales men.

"I know.." The boy said, his voice trailing into a murmur from the first letter as he noticed his surrondings. This was not a place where he could stay loose, their were very little pros about the place and it was no reason to attract cons of this tarven with tranquil state.

A sith would slobber at the chance to break off a Jedi like me.

The boy mentally told himself, stiffening himself as quick as possible, his hand reaching into his rough material brown cloaking, covering his Jedi garb that hinted his affiliation. The hope of no else noticing went through his brain as he gestured with his hand for the bar tender to assist him on an order before he was confronted from a ShadowFaene. He had sent their orginization a holopad message telling them of his arrival in their coordinates, so he was assured they would respond by a simple educated guess.

They wouldn't miss off on big bucks, no matter who they were.

Asking for a drink with a signalling of his hand since the bartender was of different racial background, and of different language, he leaned back in the chair, just waiting.

It was only a matter of minutes before he got his drink, sipping at it immeditately after the bartender rotated around and was off back to the counter.

"Hmm, I wonder where the person could be." He concernly inquired, knowing that their would be no answer until this person entered the tavern

Feb 12th, 2003, 11:51:35 PM
Jamel heard her laugh and turned his head at the sound.

Hera was sitting at a table behind him, lounging back comfortably, one arm resting along the top of her booth.

She had known he was a Jedi from the moment he'd entered the bar. He just had that "air." Looking at him, it was clear he was a young jedi. Ah, the poor lamb, what is he thinking.

As his eyes met hers, her grin broadened.

"And just what the heck do you think you are doing here?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:04:22 AM
Haman sidled up next to Jamel, placing his arm around him.

"Yeah...kid," he was smirking, as he blew cigarillo smoke into the young Jedi's face.

"What're ya doing here?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 08:36:53 PM
Jamel glanced at the two clam, collective humans. He felt an aura of darkness begint o surrond him as they began their confrontations, his lips curving into a frown to express his discomfort. Reaching for the arm of the man, he shoved it off lightly so he would show that it was not a disrespectful notion.

"I'm here looking for a ship. I have credits to buy it, as well as other items if needed in the trade." The boy said, motioning his head once again to stare at the lady behind him.

Who are these people?" He confusedly questioned in his mind, awaiting a response that could possibily create an answer.

Feb 14th, 2003, 11:45:14 PM
Hera's eyes still held their dark amusement.

"Well my friend, you are SOL as this is a bar, and aint no ships for sale that I can see."

She looked around exagerratedly to add to her mocking and then prodded Cyrus with her boot.

"How bout you - you see any ships for sale?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 15th, 2003, 02:54:37 PM
Jamel found disrespect in that commment, so he quickly lashed back verbally, but yet he did it in a lul fashion, keeping his cool so that the ways of the Jedi wouldn't be contridicted with him as a Padawan to the Order.

"You should look deeper. The top of a pie is never the root of a situation." He simply said, his voice having a trailing tone to it as if another part of a puzzle was left out at the end of his comment.

Running his hand along his headband, he took it off slowly, letting his black, silky hair land over his eyes, govering his green one that contrasted with his golden optical orb.

"I am waiting for a man, or someone who is a dealer in the ShadowFaene Corporation to come and help me on an assignment. I am attempting to buy a ship from them if they provide some. If not, I will be leaving." He said, rustling in his seat from discomfort as they continued to stare at him.

I wonder if they are ShadowFaene Employes, they seem to be very rude--just like someone who would deal with the Sith. I hope they will see that I am not here to seek death, but to seek life.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:44:28 PM
Haman snorted, "Ships t'buy?"

THen he laughed.

"Looking t'buy a ship?" he said, one of his eyebrows showed interest.

"I don't know of any ships here t'buy."

He leaned over and said lowly, "I gotta few women if ya want to buy them. That's all you'll find here."

Then he winked at Jamel, but the sidelong look he gave Hera was enough.

What the hell does this kid want?

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 03:00:02 PM
Jamel suddenly stood, staring at the man with a sense of confusion and a mixture of suspusion. Placing his hands behind his back as he stared on, his hand seeming to anxiously move to the lightsaber, knowing there could be a possibility that a diplomatic solution of this situation was out of the question.

"What do you mean by woman? Do you conquer that a Jedi of my stature would touch a woman with credits in mind? Never." He blurted out, but kept a lull sense to his voice so he wouldn't create any attraction toward him.

"Tell me if any ShadowFaene employes or company supply ships." He asked quickly after his statement came to a end, wondering if soon he'd have to leave without a trace of credits out his pocket and nothing within his owning

Who is he? He couldn't be a Blackmarket warlord, I could tell if he was.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:25:22 PM
Haman smirked, taking a draw off of his cigarillo.

"You're young. Ya gotta get some kinda 'experience' at your age," he winked again.

"That's when I had my first 'encounter' with a woman. Ya do that...and one of them might hava ship."

Feb 19th, 2003, 11:56:53 PM
Cyrus was dropping his pearls of wisdom and quite enjoying the sound of his own voice it seemed.

But Hera's hospitable mood was waning.

"A Jedi of youre stature?"

Hera's smile hardened into a sneer and she moved forward as Jamels hands disappeared behind his back.

"You want to be real careful about the next thing you do or say Jedi."

The Sith stood, a palpable air of menace cloaked her every move and Cyrus leaned a little to the side to gain some distance, just to be on the prudent side, though his smirk remained as broad as it ever was.

"ShadowFaene has no ships for sale. And you're done here unless you want to see the inside of your own coffin."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:28:05 PM
Jamel frowned as he looked at her, every word she said was filled with such hate, and foolishness. Wipping around he reachd into his cloak, knowing his lightsaber was easily attainable with this posture, which was perfect form for an exit. Heading to the door he was gone, and out on the road once more..