View Full Version : Uproar in the Senate
Senator Maren
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:22:58 PM
News travels fast in political circles, and less than twenty-four hours after Senator Evenstar's infamous speech to the Cizerack dignitary, the tabloids were already having a field day.
CALAN TALKS DOOMED FROM START, screamed one holo headline, and Mon Thareena looked up apologetically at the Senator as she laid another flimsy on his desk. He scrubbed his face with his hands. "What now, Fa'un?"
She cleared her throat daintily. "The session starts in a few minutes, sir."
He knew. He also knew that they were meeting today to debate health care, not the Calan fiasco. Thareena blinked slowly, and inclined her head towards the door. Maren sighed heavily, and pushed himself to his feet, "I am well aware of the time, Mon Thareena."
Maren exited his private offices on Coruscant, and began the short walk to the Senate Chambers, his bodyguards materializing around the pair as the doors swished shut behind them. Thareena fell into step beside him, and they said nothing, simply walking towards the Chambers, each lost in their own thoughts.
Surely his Aide was furious at what now appeared to be an insane decision to remove her from the place Senator Evenstar now held on Carshoulis Prime. Gods, had the woman even researched native customs before leaving? Fa'un was a skilled diplomat, and although not a full senator, a good choice for the Calan dispute. The decision had caught them all by surprise, even the Arcan IV senator. Who had been behind it?
A short trip up a turbolift, and another hallway, and then they were entering their private box in the Senate. Chandrila had a long and proud history, not the least of which contributed to the very existance of the New Republic. Mon Mothma herself was from Chandrila, and the planet had suffered mightily for the cause of the Rebellion against the Empire, long ago though that might have been.
Newcomers like Evenstar simply did not understand the gravity of the Republic, the responsibilty one had when representing something bigger than oneself. He'd read all the available files on the woman, and even some of the classified ones (gods he was a senator after all, that came with some perks), and she was a warrior. Not a diplomat.
Whoever sent her to Carshoulis Prime is probably in this very room, mused the Senator as he surveyed his peers. And whoever they are, they are most dangerous indeed to the existance of the Republic.
Thareena took her seat to his right, and his staff filtered in behind them, and then the door was closed. The Chief of State, Leia Solo, stood. "Today we are here to discuss the motion brought forward by Senator Goonta of Yag'dul about health care for everyone in the Republic. However -"
"Evenstar is ruining the Republic! Listen to this!" Maren didn't need clear view to recognize the fiesty senator from Roon. Overhead a woman's voice began to speak, and every Senator promptly forgot about health care, even Goonta, although this measure was her baby.
"I am not here in any capacity as a Jedi, madam. I am here as a Senator and I am here for the negotiations between the Cizerack and the Republic on the Calan issue. Now where in seven hells are my companions and I supposed to be staying at and who am I going to be negotiationg with? Or is every frelling being on this lousy dungball of a planet going to go all white and poodoo their pants just because I supposibly can waggle my hand like this and make their brains ooze out their ears?!?
I didnt want to come here, I have to deal with the frelling situation, so you felines can just -censored- deal with the situation as well. I've got an allergy to your -censored- fur, I'm hyperspace lagged, I haven't had a good -censored- in months and I'm not in the -censored- mood to waste time! And I certainly do not appreciate the word of a Senator being doubted! Do I make myself clear?!?
I want to know whom I am to speak to, I want to know what the issues and sitiuation is from your point of view, I want to work out a peaceful and amicable settlement without any of this -censored-!"
There were a few embarrassed coughs in the chambers, and Maren wondered who would speak next. Beside him his aide simmered like a pot about to boil over. Solo looked speechless, for once.
It was going to be an interesting session.
Senator Paelotu
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:57:46 PM
"The Delegate from Roon is out of order! Madam Chancellor, please!"
Senator Paelotu rose from his lofted seat, making frustrated hand gestures at the Bespinian firebrand, who was determined on derailing the meeting.
I'll allow it, Senator Paelotu. I grant the floor to the Roonian representative.
"Spast." Paelotu muttered, and slipped into his seat. He watched the recording, hoping for something he might be able to use to deflate the situation...
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:48:49 AM
"There are plenty of other situations to deal with, Senator!" the boisterous voice of the Senator from Rudrig rose up from the others.
"Than the issue of Healthcare! We have one of our Senators on Carshoulis Prime negotiating SOME sort of truce! And now Bilbringi! A shipyards we were thinking about bringing into the New Republic is under attack from the Balmorran Empire!"
He walked around his area, his eyes burning. Chapelmount was annoyed at how this was progressing.
The New Republic needed a kick in the pants...something to get it running again. Instead, it was doing nothing. Coruscant was there's again, the Jedi were around in force (pun intended) and they were arguing about health care...HEALTH CARE!
The military needed strengthening, everyone knew this. But no one was supporting him with this endeavor. He'd even gotten Garm Bel Iblis to write a letter to Chief of State Organa Solo over the military. It had gotten a cordial reply but nothing more.
"How do we react to this? Bilbringi has been disputed for months, ever since the Empire broke up. With the Balmorran Empire in control of the shipyards it gives them a definate foothold on the edge of our territory!"
He looked serious, "We need to handle this now! Not later!"
Senator Jesphal
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:02:36 AM
Suddenly Senator Jesphal stood, a duck looking creature placed in a humanoid structure. A monk like rapping went over his chest diagionally, drapping down as he stood firm in his area.
"I believe we should deal with this in aggresive manner. We should retake the shipyards." The Senator said, his patched eye slits that enabled him to see in the paticular light began to lighten up, a red light shining from the slits.
"If we are to create a stronger military we must gain more area and we with that in our hands, we will gain more strenght in our economics. Giving it to our army, and the shipyard is just another piece of the puzzle." The young, yet sizzling voice of the duck looking create continued on.
Senator Jesphal, a strong military man, who had always been silent in his early days, and this incident just showed how inexpirenced Senator Evenstar was in diplomatic solutions. She was not only embarrasing herself, but the New Republic as well as her own Order. She showed very little patience, and couldn't handle the heat of this situation.
"If we are to do anything, we have to get her in a situation where she can't do anything."
Senator Hin'Koth
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:55:18 PM
"Bilbringi is of grave concern, true, but our immediate attention should be fixed on the Carshoulis Prime matter," came the powerful but calm voice of the Senator from Talaaron.
"What started as a purely internal conflict has become a diplomatic disaster for our Republic. We have been thrust into the very heart of this by the incompetence of a member of this body, and we cannot push this to background for any length of time. This must be resolved now, and it starts with us deciding how to respond to Senator Evenstars comments."
The Senator, for all his inner fire on this matter, managed to keep a fairly calm exterior. The galactic press was already having field day, flinging about rumor of backroom meetings and underhanded deals, Senators scrambling to answer the harsh questions of their constituants... most of it was bantha poodoo, but like rumor situation, there was always some truth buried beneath the festering superficial stench.
"Delay will be a sign of this Senate condoning her actions, something that I will not do."
D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:55:15 PM
D'raaj had been a Senator for less than a year, and this was only his third journey to the Senate House in his time in elected office. The Nehantite sat without the luxury of aides and droids in his booth, listening intently to what was going on while sucking on the stem of a long, unlit pipe in his mouth.
Even being of the Sherouve as he was, D'raaj would have had more tact that this "Helenias" woman evidently had shown, but since she still had time to repair the damage she had caused, he saw no reason for immediate alarm. Instead, he waited for floor to be quiet to stand and motion his booth forward.
A microphone amplifying his still, yet slightly gravely voice, he raised a placating paw and spoke out, "Senators, senators, please, calm yourselves. True, the senator from Arcan IV has acted poorly, but her ways are correctable without such drastic measures has have been spoken of. Have any of us attempted to contact her? HAs an additional aide been sent to advise her in the correct methods od diplomacy with the Cizerack? If so, no mention has been made of it. It would be better for all concerend to try and mend the problem instead of attacking each other."
Pausing, he looked out at the others in the room around him. Never before had D'raaj spoken before them, and he continued with the grace of a father instructing his son, "Regarding the shipyards, measures should be taken to ensure that we do not lost them. If we are to lose such an important asset, we render ourselves unable to assist each other. If asked, I will dispatch as much of the Nehantite Navy to help fight, but I will not support a house of bickering. That is all."
Pressing back on the lever, the aged mongoose returned his booth to the wall, and sat down once more.
Senator Paelotu
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:24:55 PM
"I believe..."
Paelotu rose, speaking in turn. With his thoughts in order, he was now finally ready to retaliate against Senator Maren's guerrilla legislature.
"...that the manner in which, this incident has come to light, is no less than a calculated and deliberate maneuver, by Senator Maren and his partisan constituency, to cloud and distract this legislative body from the matter at hand.
Furthermore, I find it a grievous action, and one in poor spirit, that a few partisan firebrands, might seek to deliberately derail domestic interests, and do so by offering up Senator Evenstar as a political scapegoat."
Paelotu paused, taking a sip of water, before continuing.
"Senators, Representative Evenstar is participating in an important mission of joint cooperation, among the Cizerack nation. The nature of her task is one so great, that it shall not be compromised by the standard fare of everyday party politics. Madam Chancellor, we must support Senator Evenstar with unanimous solidarity, and we must not let this impasse disrupt other matters at hand."
Senator Jesphal
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:38:50 PM
Senator Jesphal stood again, reaching for his staff that he commonly carried to straightening himself, staring outward to the rest of the Senators. Nodding to the two droids beside him to activate the microphone for his speech, which they immeditately responded to.
Then there was silence.
The middle aged Senator, R'la Jesphal was prepared to respond to the previous Senator's comment.
"Today I've listened, made one statement as you have all heard--and I suprisingly have changed my stubborn perspective. I as well will agree to Senator Paelotu's statement. The situation at hand is far more important to be blinded by her statements."
The Senator's eyes closed behind the patches, his fingers clutching tightly at his staff, straining to hold a stand. Glancing down at his artificatal leg that he had gained from a blaster practice which he had done on a normal basis at his estate on Pil Diller. On his planet he was isolated, seperating himself from the troublesome situations of Coruscant, and the pains that had grown in the Republic.
"We need to improve our New Republic--Chancellor, what do you suggest we should do to improve the situation." The man stood, expressing his strenght with him throwing the staff to his droids. Interested in the Madam's words he continued to stand, prepared for a debate or a responses that could possibly come from the Chancellor's reply.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:08:34 AM
"If she is on an important mission," Chapelmount called from his platform, his voice filling the hall, "Then why weren't we informed of it?
"Why are we just hearing about it now...and not when she disappeared."
Chapelmount was a younger senator, in his mid-thirties, and was one of the few senators who had to go back to his home planet of Rudrig to campaign for his seat, every three or so years.
His campaign was run on a very strong military campaign, as Rudrig had been under Imperial rule for the last 4 decades. He'd promised protection from the Imperials, especially the Balmorran Empire (close to his planet) and he was going to deliver. Even if it killed him.
"Senator Paelotu, she might be solving an internal problem...but why? THis is an internal conflict! The conflict on the edge of the New Republic is much more important!"
Senator Maren
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:40:47 AM
Maren's nostrils flared at the words of Paelotu, and stiffened in his chair, ready to rise up and lay everything straight before the twisted Senator, but his Aide put her hand on his arm, and he forced himself to relax.
"Order!" Organa Solo raised her hands, and the bickering senators silenced themselves, although a few of them, the Roonian senator among them, still stood, glaring at each other. "I would hardly classify the Calan issue an 'internal' problem. Carshoulis is not a part of the New Republic. The people of Calan wish to be."
Paelotu was glaring at him, Maren noted, as the Chief of State worked to calm the irate senators. Surely he doesn't think I had anything to do with Senator Mungo of Roon... He was getting too old for this. Maybe.
Senator Thareena
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:48:35 AM
Mon Thareena settled back into her chair, and then leaned toward Maren and whispered, "Chapelmount has the ear of the navy. He talks to Bel Ibis weekly. Senator Mungo is just trying to sensationalize Carshoulis." Maren waved her away, and she sat back, put out. He would regret not listening to her one day.
Maybe soon.
Mungo stood again, as Organa Solo recognized the Roonian senator. "With all due respect, Calan is a pivotal issue. If handled correctly the entire Cluster could be brought into the Republic." Thareena caught his eye across the room, and raised an eyebrow. She'd been the one who had gotten the audio of Evenstar's embarrassing speech to Mungo, knowing that the feisty senator would never be able to sit on something so volatile.
Maren didn't know anything about it. He was just an old man.
She eyed the Nehanite senator, who glanced her direction as well. Fa'un looked away, and wondered what Maren was going to say, if anything at all. The wind appeared to be taken out of his sails.
Senator Hin'Koth
Feb 14th, 2003, 01:22:31 AM
The Senator was on his feet, his calm exterior beginning to wear.
"I must agree with the honorable Senator from Roon. Thus far, the process of attempting to bring this world into the Republic, has done nothing but potentially drag us into a military conflict with the Cizerack! This was supposed to be a preliminary negotiation, and instead the rift between our governments been deepened. And all because one ill-suited diplomat couldn't hold her tongue!"
The Senator gripped the front hand rail on his booth, doing his best to supress his anger. It wasn't entirely working.
"This body failed to send a proper representative, and we must now determine a new course of action, not only to effect damage control, but to continue the negotiations over Calan. A break-off of talks now will send a message of disrespect to the Cizerack. No one hear needs to be told the danger of insulting the Pride."
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:11:43 AM
"Then," Chapelmount's voice sounded from his dais, "Let's send another diplomat to take over the negotiations! Senator Hin'Koth or Senator A'arkantheil would be perfect for the job. They are both even tempered and can hold well against the Cizerack should they become...tiresome."
Then we can move to more pressing business.
His commlink beeped and Chapelmount was forced to answer it.
"Yes?" his boisterous voice still rang a bit.
"What? Yes...thank you. Good day."
He turned back to the microphones, "My fellow Senators...Bilbringi has fallen. It is no longer ours."
Alexi Hesith
Feb 14th, 2003, 07:56:47 AM
Realising that another eruption of shouting was imminent, Senator Hesith got to his feet and moved to the microphones.
"Senators, madam Chancellor-this matter must be given priority. But before we act we must learn as much as we can." His quiet voice had cut off all others. Hesith was rarely heard in the senate prefering backstage manoevering to open debate. "If, as no doubt some of you intend to, we immediatly react with force we may cause an... incident"
Yes. That was the last thing the New Republic needed, and the ever cautious Hesith didin't want to take risks. At least while Gall's position was secure in the status quo. Now caution was best, later would be the time for action.
"We need facts and we need them now!"
Senator Aris-Yan'Din
Feb 14th, 2003, 04:34:35 PM
The veteran Senator of Bonadan was always quiet until a critical moment, a technique he had learned working his way to the top of the Plarninick Worker's Guild and then to the top of Bonadan National Agriculture Corporation.
In honesty, he wanted to talk about healthcare. After all, a healthy worker is one on the job.
War, on the other hand, was bad for bussiness. It was also bad for budgets.
"Calm, Senators. The military will provide the facts as they obtain them. The situation is in their hands now. Rash words will only cost more lives. We have two crisises on our hands. One with Evenstar, who should be removed from Cizerack space and replaced with more capable diplomats, and Bilbringi. For Bilbringi, we should activate reserve forces and allow them to be apropriated as our Naval command sees fit. Let the fighting be handled by the men who know it."
"Diplomacy is an art that we understand. I suggest we decide which artists is most apropriate for the Cizerack."
Senator Maren
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:41:17 AM
Maren stood to his feet, finally, and the Chief of State recognized him. "Fellow Senators, to withdraw Evenstar at the moment shows weakness on our part. The Cizerack will never understand why she was sent in the first place," gods, why had she been sent in the first place?, "and they will take offense when they understand or think they understand that we did not send our best."
"I reccomend that we immediately touch base with Senator Evenstar, and offer her long distance assistance. If she is planning on handling the negotiations over Calan with the same sharp tongue as she used in the recording provided by our associate," he nodded to the Roonian delegate, "then steps will have to be taken."
Alexi Hesith
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:35:32 AM
Hesith was on his feet again.
Godammit why had this happened now? Why, of all the days for Bilbringi to fall did it have to be today. The Evenstar problem might cloud the issue. Evenstar might be inept and indescreet but at least she was in place. With help she might manage to salvage something of the situation. Bilbringi was more important.
"Senators we must not allow Sneator Evenstar's situation to cloud the issue. Bilbringi must take priority. I suggest we have Evenstar hold off negotiations until the issue has been resolved on Bilbringi."
Please let them realise Bilbringi is more important. Please, please, please....
Senator Faulksen
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:07:32 AM
“Surely Senators,” a voice interjected, as the Senator of Anobis spoke out for the first time.
“You see that Bilbringi is our main problem here, not a rogue Senator. If some choice must be made on behalf of Evenstar, then to withdraw her is the most well educated move we could make. This in itself is an open and closed case, which little more can be said about.”
Faulksen, a comparatively young Senator, stood with an air of confidence yet at the same time seemed to tremble. Prospects of war loomed on the horizon, and the wrong words at such a crucial time could tip the balance of opinion. There was a moments silence before she continued.
“As for aid in the liberation of Bilbringi, Anobis will offer what support it can, financially, but can spare no more.”
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:53:44 AM
After having sat and listened to the proceedings for quite some time, finally a new figure rose from her seat and stepped forward, bringing the microphone close to her so she could speak.
"Sssenatorrrsss -- long have jI sssat herrre and ljissstened to jyou ssspeak -- jin sssjilence have jI rrremajined, but no longerrr can jI do ssso."
The gentle voice came forth from a very young Cizerack female, the senator of Eden and princess of the tribes of that planet. She belonged to the Pride and had several thoughts of the issue at hand running through her mind.
"jIt jisss mjy beljief that Sssenator Evenssstarrr jis dojing the rrrjight thjing. jI openljy applaude herrr efforrrtsss -- but asss a memberrr of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide, jI am jin a djiffjicult posssjitjion."
She paused for a moment and set her gaze upon the men who had been speaking previous her, then to the young woman who looked to be about her age. A smile crossed the feline's lips, exposing her elongated canines before she brought her expression to serious once again.
"jI wjisssh not forrr a warrr herrre -- jI am aparrrt of thjis delegatjion and jI rrreprrresssent Eden, not the Prrrjide. jI thjink jyou ssshould have a bjit morrre fajith jin the Jedji -- let herrr do what ssshe feelsss jis rrrjight. None of usss herrre can sssee the futurrre, and wjithout takjing rrrjisssksss, we majy not even have a futurrre."
Senator Maren
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:15:45 PM
"Why is there a Jedi in the Senate in the first place!?" The Bothawui senator raged from his booth, fur rippling in extreeme distaste. Bothans had never liked Jedi.
Of course, hardly anyone really liked Bothans. The Senate was suddennly filled with shouting, and Maren mused on the timing. Billingbri and Calan, all happening at once. He leaned forward, still sitting, and tried to interject some calm reason. "Why Bilbringi and Calan at once? You have to wonder about the timing of this. Two territory crisis' happening at once."
Senator Thareena
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:25:58 PM
He was driving into deep waters, and Thareena's hand automatically strove for her pockets. Conspiracy theories would be...unpleasant to deal with, to say the least.
Not that she was a supporter of the Balmorran Empire or that crazy Grand Admiral who was running it from behind the scenes, but - well overturned rocks exposed lots of things. She stilled her hand, and waited to see what would happen. Drastic measures were not to be taken in front of the entire Senate.
Well, not today at least.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:53:02 PM
"I have faith that Senator Evenstar can do her job," Chapelmount said, crossing his arms, "But I question her judgement and the Senate body's as a whole"
He wanted one of his cigars, but there was a blasted no smoking law in the Senate chambers.
His voice rang out again, "We all know she is a maverick and the Senate committee should have known when it gave her this assignment! Another Senator should have been sent with her for her to assist!"
Chapelmount was a bit pleased. With the uproar that the attack on Bilbringi by the Balmorran Empire, it just might get him the funds he needed for the navy. Mon Calamari had a new ship design out, which made the Calamari Cruisers even better than they had been. If he could just get the legistlation passed...
"The Calan situation will handle itself out! We must, with all due respect to the Senator from Eden," which he meant
"We much allow the Cizerack to handle their own problems. The Empire is now showing they wish to be aggressive in their dealings with other planets. We've got to do something about it!
"And!" he raised one of his fingers as emphasis, "We must do it now!"
Senator Jesphal
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:04:06 PM
The Senator of Pil Dill quickly stood, his hands tightening along the rail as he stared forward at all the fellow Senators. He found something within him after Mr. Chapelmount came to a new conclusion.
"I have to agree with Senator Chapelmount--we must deal with this aggresive force as quick as possible. I have a navy behind me, always prepared for such situations if need be." The Senator said, his beak silling, as he stared around for expression, and responses.
Placing his hands behind his back with the cold feel of the rail still trailing along his body, giving him goose bumps, he began once more.
"Fellow Senators, and Supreme Chancellor--what shall we do. I dont think diplomatic solutions will work with the Empire, not now--probably never." The Senator said, his voice stern and loud like a military scout.
Alexi Hesith
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:14:38 PM
Hesith looked to his aide, a thin, elegant woman named Draxara.
"Who was responsible for Evenstar's appointment? Which committee?"
"I do not know." was all the response he got
"Find out then." Draxara exited the booth as Hesith turned his attention to his fellow Senators. They were all shouting at once, each trying to be heard. Organa-Solo was trying to restore order, but to no avail. It was chaos, utter chaos.
How had this happened? Hesith had to know! Once he knew that he could solve the problem. In the mean time he had to what he could to contain the damage.
Chapelmount was making himself heard. Order seemed to be restored. Hesith lept to his feet and heard the Chief of State saying, "The Chair recognises the Senator from Gall."
"Once again I must ask that Bilbringi be given priority. I must agree with the Senator from Rudrig, send ships to Bilbringi to counter the Empire." Hesith held up a hand to silence any protest, "The situation on Calan threatens only that planet, Bilbringi threatens the whole Republic. In this case the majority must take priority."
Senator Hin'Koth
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:10:32 PM
The Senator slumped back into his chair, slowly rubbing the temples of his head. This was getting nowhere, he thought.
Bickering over hot topics typical faire for a Senate session, but this was out of hand. The Senate seemed to be split almost evenly on these issues. This was going to take hours, and they might not even be able to decide what to deal with first before the session ended for the day. The longer the delay on either of these matters, the more danger the Republic faced.
The Senator retreated into his mind for a moment, trying to shut out the banter of his fellow delegates. Two major disasters within a day of each other... he couldn't fathom the odds of that happening.
Senator Jesphal
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:23:58 PM
The Senator looked about himself, watching as everyone else bickered with no point coming at all. Order would never be brought with the rode that they had created for themselves. Conflict, and oral debate was something he never found to be useful, specially since he came from a military family. Action always spoke louder then words.
We will have to act in a compromising fashion.
"Stop!" He screamed, his voice stern and powerful like a King. Slamming his hand down to create a larger loud effect, staring about himself awaiting their silence to commence.
It took moments until everyone noticed the anger upon the duck looking face of Senator Jesphal, his beak contorting to show a sense of seriousness.
"You all are bicker for what? We are wasting too much time, this session will just end with a goodbye speech, not a conclusive action. We must compromise, we have to do both jobs. We are civilized Senators, we can do this in an orderly fashion, giving ideas and compromise about it." The Senator said, his fingers clutching along the rail as he stood, hoping that this would shift the momentum back to a more organized conversation between the Senators.
"Now, Senator's shall we begin with our ideas." He said in a calm, vioce, his eyes closing behind the patches to search for serenity within himself.
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:03:11 PM
The ambassador sat in silence, listening to the Senate debate over the incidents on Bilbringi. His initial reason for being here, of course, was to listen to the New Republic's debate on health care. In his opinion, Balmorra could always stand to improve when it came to its civilians, and with Imperial ruling, a better plan could go into effect much more quickly and efficiantly, as there would be no debating in a cabinet. The order would be given and it would be done.
Much to his dismay, however, the debate quickly turned into a full fledged arguement. First about Senator Evenstar, then into something that hit alot closer to home....
The Balmorran Empire.
Back and forth they went, slowly and quite expectedly, the Senate was turning into a lynch mob, with anti-Imperial sentiment coming out (quite understandably).
After an emotionally driven speach by the senator of Pill Dill, Ambassador Tarkenton stood, raising his hand politely.
"The Ambassador of Balmorra now has the floor", Chief of State Solo spoke, as Tarkenton's repulsor booth smoothly flew out into the open. Senator Chapelmount was the first head to turn, seemingly in utter shock. One by one afterward, every senator in the building turned toward Tarkenton as the word "Balmorra" began ringing bells in their minds.
The initiatal shock itself was enough silence for him to begin...
"My fair and honorable senators, it is with all due respect that I speak here today. I came here today to participate in a discussion about health care. It is with all due respect today, that I ask we return to the topic of Health Care, as I believe this to be more beneficial to both governments, thank you..."
Senator Jesphal
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:23:35 PM
Senator came to a seat, glancing over at the The Ambassador of Balmorra, his beak curving in anger as the man spoke. It was clear as day that Senator Jesphal, the one of Pil Diller had no agreement with the Health Care in any form or fashion.
The injured leader of Pil Diller cursed in silence, his eyes closing yet again. He shook his head in full disagreement, his booth placed out in the open with all showing some sense of focus upon him.
Taking once again a stand, he glanced over at the Ambassador, clearly directing his coming statements upon this fool.
"Both Governments." He began, the microphone beginning to register and project the words, but in a lull voice, parllel to how he spoke it originally.
"Their is no sense of regulation here. We have sudden conflict with the Empire and suddenly the Ambassador of Balmorra appears to conversate on Health Care. That situation is not as dire as the situation with the Empire at all. This is a galatic situation that involves our Republic." The duck creature directed his attention back to the fellow Senators, his chest arising as he sighed.
As it came back down he began once more. "I feel that we should work with health care later in the session. If we have a conclusion to the problems we've debated about so long it'll be easy to finish that of the health care as it isn't much of a debate, or hasn't seemed to become as dire as the one's we all contemplate now."
Senator Jesphal shook his head once again, reaching for a drink of water. Gulping down the liquid with it being seen coming down his throat.
"I do have an idea for the troublesome situation with Senator Evenstar. I suggest we have another Senator immeditately be sent there with her, but leave her as well there. Someone more expirence could guide her through this process and on the next situation such as this she'll stay behind."
He said, his eyes directed to the Supreme Chancellor, Madam Solo.
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:42:01 PM
"Senator Jesphal, if you are accusing me of trying to take the senate's attention off topic, then I believe you should point your finger elsewhere. I came in today, as I said, to converse on the topic of health care. I also stood by patiently hoping that this debate would return to the topic it was originally intended for, which is health care. Obviously this isnt going to happen on its own, and I respectfully requested that it would."
Tarkenton held his hands in front of him to add emphasis to his words.
"You also said that you, the New Republic, now has a conflict with the Empire, the Balmorran Empire specifically. Honestly Senator, I dont see any conflict here. If you can show me any conflict going on at this very moment with the Balmorran Empire, then I'll happily offer my insight. Until you can, I stand in my belief that the topic of health care was, and still is, a more beneficial topic for us to discuss at this moment. for both governments."
Tarkenton politely stepped back from the podium in front of him, signaling the end of his speech.
Senator Jesphal
Feb 16th, 2003, 05:19:37 PM
Senator Jesphal shook his head once more, yet in a more slow and emphasised fashion. Placing his hands behind his long silk cloth, he glanced at the man with a frown scaring his normally casual, strong face.
"I will hold my tongue as of now--but I do not agree with you casting the idea that the healthcare is far more important then Evenstar, and how the Imperial even exist in this day of age." Senator Jesphal frowned in despair, as he came to a seat, his hands being placed upon his temple.
The Empire is a poision to our system, they will have to be destroyed completely to bring back full power and tranquility to the Republic, and it's citizens. He thought to himself, his lips curving down into frown along the line of his beak.
Sighing with his chest being pressed forth, he looked up to his assistant as she took his staff and sat as well.
Healthcare, bah--that is a minor situation done easily with a nod of the head. It's not even a troublesome like the existence of the Empire at all..nor the Evenstar situation. What does he take me for, a fool. I know that he is only doing it to make it seem as though it benefits both, but in truth we dont even have true equalities in strenght over planets so their is no sense in saying it will benefit both our citizens.
Senator Hin'Koth
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:07:41 PM
Well now, Hin'Koth thought to himself, This certainly is an interesting development.
The presence of the Balmorran ambassador changed everything. With the Bilbringi shipyards now apparently in the hands of the Empire, the situation was volitile. Some would want to push the issue over Bilbringi because of the ambassador, others would want to back off. Hin'Koth was among the later. The last thing the Senate needed was to insult it's one diplomatic tie to the Balmorran captal world.
"With all due respect to our honored guest from the Balmorran Empire, the events of the last 2 days have compelled us to address more immediate concerns," the Senator began slowly. "Our health care bill is important, to all Republic citizens. However, increased tensions, between the Republic and the Cizerack, and now potentially the Republic and the Balmorran Empire, must take precidence. I'm sure, my fellow senators, you would agree that a large scale military conflict would be harmful to us all."
He paused for moment, composing himself for his next statements.
"For these reasons, I propose the following courses of action. Let us push our health care debate to our session in two weeks, and extend the diplomatic pass for the ambassador from the Balmorran Empire so that he may partake. Let us use the time between inbetween this session and our session next week to verify the events at Bilbringi, allowing the Balmorran ambassador to do the same. We can then debate it in our next session, in the presence of a Balmorran representative. Let us use the remaining time in this session to determine an appropriate course of action surrounding the Calan diplomatic efforts."
Hin'Koth took a long drink from his water glass, quenching his parched throat after his carefully considered monologue. He could only hope that one of the more moderate senators would support his motion.
Senator Paelotu
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:57:48 PM
"May I remind this Senate that Representative Evenstar, also a Jedi Knight, is a representative of Arcan IV. There are more Jedi present on Arcan IV than on any other planet, with the exception of the temple world of Yavin IV. That being said, it cannot be contested in this legislative body that she does not represent her constituency, and furthermore, this Senate.
I would like to share my concern with Senator Chapelmount at the new turn of events on Bilbringi. However, I do not condone an immediate course of action in this situation. The empire is a fragmented, splintered entity. The right hand no longer functions in conjunction with the left. How sure can we be that this deplorable attack is the work of the Balmorrans? I say that we cannot.
Therefore, I suggest that this Senate heed not the demands of war hawks that ask for reprisal. Instead, we must honor the task at hand, which is health care reform. I propose that an ad-hoc committee be established to investigate the incident at Bilbringi, so that more information can be presented to this council at a later date."
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:43:52 PM
The ambassador stepped forward again. The debate had calmed now, cooler heads seemed to be prevailing. He waited patiently for the floor and spoke up again.
"Senator Hin'Koth, Senator Paelotu, I greatly appreciate your motion. It brings me joy that, even with the tension between our two governments, a mutually beneficitial solution can be attained. If the Senate can move to have the health care debate take place during the next session, I would be more than happy to attend, and take this time to clarify the events at Bilbringi."
Tarkenton stepped back from the podium and took a sip of water, waiting for the wishes of the Senate before continuing.
Senator Maren
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:55:25 PM
Senator Maren stood to his feet, unable to stay silent any longer. "The Balmorran Empire stands for the same things that Palpatine's Empire stood for! Domination! Bilbringi is a painful example of this!
"The Moff of Bilbringi was in negotiations with this body to bring his system into the Republic, and yet even as those treaties were signed, the Empire launched an attack against it. There is no free choice in the Empire, sirs, only bloodshed. Whether the Balmorran Empire is responsible or if the Imperial Sovereignty is, does it really matter? Both must be stopped, before they use Bilbringi as a foothold into other New Republic systems. Or, gods forbid, they use the shipyards and resources to fund a superweapon."
He reached for a glass of water, which his aide readily supplied, and took a moment to sip it, then added, "We must find out the true events at Bilbringi, and then reconvene to decide whether military action is appropriate. Perhaps Chapelmount knows more than he's letting on?" Maren stared at the younger senator, wondering how closely tied to Intel the man was. He was certainly cosy with the military, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:13:21 AM
What is Maren trying to do? Chapelmount might be a militarist but he holds no rank.
Hesith smiled. Whatever it is you aren't getting away with it! The Chair recognised him and he manoevered his booth out into the open space, revolving slowly so that he could watch everyone in the chamber.
"Might I remind the honourable Senator from Chandrilla that we are here in our capacities as Senators not any other role. The Senator from Rudrig does not speak for the military but for his world." Hesith smiled his most sarcastic smile and continued, "Or has he been made an admiral in my absence!"
This got a chuckle fromt the other senators and Chapelmount seemed to swell slightly.
Good now you can't speak for your military friends...
"As for His Excellency, the ambassador has stated his interest in the Health Care legislation alone. Therefore I suggest that he be removed from the Chamber for any debate regarding Bilbringi!"
This startled everyone, including Hesith. He was normally very tolerant of a diplomatic presecnce in the chamber, but not today it would seem. But a number of senators were nodding in approval. Tarketon remained impassive, he had a good saabac face at least.
"Finally might I suggest that we adjourn briefly to collect our thoughts," with that he sat down. Two smouldering Senators, one disgruntled Ambassador and a chance to get on that committee- not bad for one speech
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:44:04 AM
"Seantor Hesith," Chapelmount said, "You forget...I was a member of the New Republic Army before being made a Senator. I was a prisoner of war and would have been killed, if I hadn't gone over the wall on Omerose.
"I might speak for Rudrig," he stated, his eyes going to Hesith's, "But I've been in the military. Something I don't think you have been...sir."
The Rudriggan Senator pointed at Tarkenton, "This diplomat is getting what he so eloquently desires. Appeasement. We cannot have that. Not in this Senate...and not in my lifetime.
"Appeasement is what brought Palpatine into consolodating the power he held during the time of the Galactic Empire. Appeasement is what turned the Old Republic into the Empire.
"And now..." he pointed at Tarkenton, "We are appeasing this Balmorran diplomat, NOT a member of the New Republic at all, to avoid a conflict? Let me remind you...regardless if Bilbringi was a part of the Balmorran Empire or not a part of the Balmorran Empire, it was still its own system!
"And it is our moral obligation to come to the defense of the system when it is in need. Did Senator Maren not make it clear? Bilbringi was in negotiations with us! I find it quite suspect that Balmorra launches their attack now, when the negotiations had taken a short respite.
"It is our obligation as the ruling body of government in the galaxy to act, instead of appease!
"What happens, fair Senators," he was on a roll now, "When Balmorra, or another one of the Imperial Groups, grabs another planet not under out protection? What shall we do then? Let them grab it? How soon will they be standing on our borders waiting to grab Rudrig or Chandrila?
"Will we then stand up to them when they are on the brink of conquering Yavin IV. Or Coruscant? Where will appeasement get you...when Imperial ships are landing here, when stormtroopers are coming into our chambers and ripping us from our homes?
"No," Chapelmount said with finality, "That, my dear Senators, will get you...nowhere!"
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:04:01 AM
Chapelmount had got the Senate's support. There were several shouts of "Here, here!" as Chapelmount took his seat once more. Hesith's comments had back fired horribly. He got to his feet once more.
"Senator, I meant no disrespect. We are all aware of your previous service in the military. But you do not speak for the military now, you are supposed to speak for your people. Although given your one track mind I would suggest that you re-enlist immediately and save us from your babble!"
Chapelmount looked ready to explode.
"It must be pointed out that Bilbringi is not a member of the Republic and has no treaty with us. We are under no obligation, therefore, to take action."
Some of the senators had got to their feet to protest but Organa-Solo cut them off, "The Senator from Gall has the floor!"
"The Republic does, however have a long tradition of humanitarian iterests. I suggest that we send medical and supply vessels to provide aid to the people of Bilbringi... Unless you have any objection, Ambassador."
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:45:09 AM
"The problem is, Senator," Chapelmount said from his dais, "The Bilbringi shipyards is now under the 'protection' of the Balmorran Empire.
"Sending aid will not make it to the workers on Bilbringi, instead it will be given to the military leaders of Balmorra and their families for their own usage.
"Now," he shot a glare at Hesith, "As for my people...They remember the time we spent under the grasp of the Empire. For 40 years we were their slaves, workers, prisoners, and scapegoats.
"We were beaten down, killed...our land taken and our leaders killed. We fought back...and finally, FINALLY, when the Empire broke up...we were free.
"We pledged for instatement into the New Republic and got it. Ever since then, the people of Rudrig have looked at the New Republic for guidence and in times of need.
"This is potentially our darkest hour, Senator Hesith. The Balmorran Empire, despite their calls of healthcare and peace, attack a minor world with something large...a shipyards.
"If we do not act now...then we will be rendered useless. Remember the times before Senator Palpatine. This appeasement cannot occur."
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:04:39 AM
"You would deny aid to the peole of Bilbringi?" asked Hesith in his best how-appauling-this-is voice. "Have not the people of Bilbringi the same right to aid as any other? Do they not bleed as we do? Do they not feel as we do? If we deny them this aid then we will simply embitter the people against the Republic? This is not appeasement- this is mercy!"
Applause broke out from around the chamber. No one wanted to be seen as inhumane- particularly those who won on the caring candidate vote. Hesith smiled as he sat down. As Organa-Solo called the Chamber to order Hesith looked at Chapelmount.
You fool! Do you not understand you just committed political suicide?
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:14:05 AM
"Senator," Chapelmount replied, "I fear you mistake what I am saying. I am not saying we do not send aid to the people fo Bilbringi.
"But I am warning you, the aid might not make it to the workers and those who risk their lives every day to make sure the shipyard operates and the asteroids where the houses are.
"I also ask, will the Balmorran Ambassador even allow aid to be given? Or is Bilbringi cut off from the New Republic like the rest of its people are?"
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:27:02 AM
"Senator Hesith would you care to offer a response?" asked Organa-Solo.
"Of course, madam." said Hesith with a courteous nod to the Chair he turned to the Senate in general
"Senators I must ask you to consider the consequences of military action over Bilbringi. If we dispatch forces to the system then we will cause more conflict. In that conflict only those who we fight to protect would suffer. Such action would not benefit the people of Bilbringi- medical supplies, food and equipment will."
Once more the senators' applause echoed round the chamber. Hesith was on the moral high ground and they knew it.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:43:29 AM
"Senator Hesith," Chapelmount said, "Let me remind you that not 3 minutes ago you were in support in sending ships to help liberate Bilbringi.
"What could have possibly changed your opinion so quickly Senator?"
D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:17:02 PM
"If I may be so bold," D'raaj interjected, and was then granted the floor. "It seems to me that the obvious solution to this problem has eluded most of you."
The Nehantite senator stood and leaned forward on the edge of his booth. "Nehantish was taken late in the age of the Empire, shortly before it fell. We were oppressed, yes, but not as bad as in the early days. If the remaining Empire is to control a planet now, I feel it would not be under so harsh a heel as some of you might remember. In fact, my people must thank the Empire for some of the technology they granted us, and for helping to institute a more fair system of rule and citizen rights. Have any of you stopped to think that perhaps this remainfing faction of the Empire might be able to do more good than harm?"
He looked out on the senate with his single working eye and shook his head. "It seems to me that many of you are here to serve your own purposes. I realize that that truly is the ultimate goal of a Senator; to see to his own people's needs, but while we are here we must act as a whole. This situation with Bilbringi is a delicate one, but I believe that we should not go in with military force unless it is necessary.
"At least for battle purposes. Senator Chapelmount raises a good point in that aid may not make it to the desired areas, so here is what I propose. We still take aid and releif supplies to those who need it there, but take it with a fleet of Navy vessels and fighters to ensure that we are allowed to give it to the proper recipients. I doubt the Empire would make so disasterous a move as to attack a clearly labled aid mission. In fact, we shoudl invite much of the media to cover it. That way we might also find out more truths than we already know. I'm sure you would all agree that the media often has ways of finding out things we do not already know about outers, and sometimes ourselves, so it would make sense for us to use them at the moment.
"As far as the issue of Health Care, I would still like to weigh in on that aspect, but I do agree that it is not as immediately important as the current situation. Thank you for your ears, fellow Senators." Finished for the time being, D'raaj waited to be dismissed and another to take the floor.
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:19:20 PM
Hesith glowered at Chapelmount. Yes he had been in support of sending ships to liberate Bilbringi but then he had changed his mind. He had realised the possible dangers. D'raaji had yielded the floor so Hesith rose and took it.
The best defence is often a strong offence!
"My support for action to liberate Bilbringi preceeded a change of heart." growled Hesith, "Unlike certain members of this body, I am willing to be flexiable."
Nobody seemed to understand Hesith's insinuation. He had to push it further.
"Indeed some of us are so inflexiable as to ignore all other possibilities. Senator Chapelmount has continued to rant from his militaristic soap box! He has not considered any other alternative.
"Sending aid to Bilbringi is our best hope. We cannot abandon our ideals for pure territorial gain. In the interests of harmony, however, I shall compromise. The Honourable Senator from the Nenthahite's suggestion is acceptable. I second the motion."
Senator Jesphal
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:34:52 PM
Senator Jesphal watched on as the agruements transpired and the chambers became slowly quieter as organization came to the session. It was clear that Senator A'arkantheil was right, even though the military-styled Senator of Pil Diller wasn't always the one to agree to certian ideas, he had found righteousness in the man's comment.
Taking a quick stand, the Senator awaited the ability to speak from Madam Solo. After he was given that ability he began, his voice loud, but his words short and quick.
"I agree completely with Senator D'raaj A'arkantheil, he shows great intelligents--unlike some." The Senator said, his eyes moving about the court as one of the yellow holocam made a circle around him, activated the holovid on all the fellow Senator's booth screen.
The chambers grew silent for a moment, and quickly people stood in agreement to the thoughtful idea of the Senator. Standing still as his aide clicked off the microphone, allowing him to whisper to his assistant.
"A being from Nenthahite able to come to a conclusion such as that. We are beginning to overlook those who are intelligent in thie Republic. Such as those Jedi, they need to be put to work elsewhere then Coruscant--they should be working all around the galaxy--just like the Old Republic had them doing." The duck looking creature moved his slanted body from his whispering posture, looking around him to watch the many Senators stand in agreement.
I wonder if someone will disagree. The Pil Diller Senator thought, his beak forming a frown.
Alexi Hesith
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:53:32 PM
Is that a challenge?
Hesith rose, his arms spread wide in a friendly and open gesture.
"My dear Senator Jesphal. None of us doubt the intelligence of any of our fellows but one must question their application of it. Perhaps we could bring this matter to some kind of resolution."
Quickly, if possible.
"I believe a vote is in order, Madam." said Hesith addressing the Chief of State. "First on action for Bilbringi. Second on Senator Evenstar and third on Health Care."
"Very well. Does anyone oppose a vote?" said Organa-Solo.
Yes, quite a few people did- judging by the fresh out burst of shouting that followed her suggestion.
Senator Hin'Koth
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:26:26 PM
Hin'Koth sat down while others nearly leap from their booths, screaming at the latest proposal for a vote. The Senator didn't exactly agree with the prioritization, but there was an imminent need to push forward. The longer the Senate delayed on action on Bilbringi and Calan, the worse the media blitz was going to get.
Hin'Koth finally made up his mind, and stood, motioning to that he wanted to speak.
The Chancellor's aid cried for order and the screams began to dull to low roar.
"The Senator from Taloraan is granted the floor," came the voice of the Chancellor.
Hin'Koth spoke with a calm resolve that he hoped would be enough...
"My fellow Senators, we have a choice before us... either continue to bicker for our own selfish reasons, or attempt to resolve the problems we now face. Both these situations demand immediate and consolidated reaction by this body. The longer we wait, the more volatile each will become. While I myself believe in the supreme importance of the Calan diplomatic efforts, I am willing to conceed to placing the Bilbringi matter first, and support Senator Hesith's motion, on the condition that we extend this session so that both may be addressed is some manner yet today."
The roar had steadly dropped as Hin'Koth spoke, but now the room was virtually silent as he finished his comments.
"This is not a time for us, as a legislative body, to be drowned in a sea of procedure and dissent, but a time for us to serve the best interests of the Republic and find solutions to our most pressing problems."
There were a few incensed boos from some of Hin'Koths largest political opponents, but most of the Senate erupted into a boisterous applause.
Hin'Koth glanced toward Senator Hesith, as if to say I've done what I can. The ball is in your court now.
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:33:37 PM
"Chief of State Solo, may I please have the floor"
Ambassador Tarkenton spoke out, somewhat unformally. He'd been denied the floor more than five times while Balmorra was be slandered back and forth between the Senate. He was beginning to wonder if he wouldnt be better off to head back to the Balmorran Empire and tell the battle weary troops to prepare for a New Republic onslaught. But if he were to be as tolerant as he mused himself to be, he would have to give this system of Government a chance. Finally, after several minutes of standing, the Chief of State gave him the floor.
"With all due respect, after listening to what everyone has had to say, Id like to point out that the Balmorran Empire hasnt been given a fair opportunity to defend itself through representation up to this point. "
Accusation didnt bother the Ambassador. It was expected, with the tension that existed between the two governments. He did however dislike being bullied. It was as if he were playing a game with someone, and they were changing the rules as they went, just because they were the very ones to create the game in the first place.
"I fully understand your concern with the Balmorran Empires presence in th Bilbringi system, and I am more than prepared to present a case for the Balmorran Empire . However, I will not stand to listen to baseless accusation on the treatment of our citizens. There are no facts supporting that accusation. I find this slandering to be extremely insulting."
The ambassadors fists clenched in a fist as he spoke...
"Now, if the honorable Senate will allow me to represent my people, by the rules dictated by your government, then I will do so, if not then I will be on my way....."
The yellow holocam circled around the Ambassador's booth, tediously making record of his words...
Senator Mah Deesan
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:56:43 PM
Calculating and silent up until this point, Senator Mah Dessan of Mon Calamari had watched with incessant intrigue. His large, bulbous eyes darted to and fro between the previously arguing Senators who made up the, so far fiery, current debate. Mah was usually characteristic to speak his mind clearly, but he did not feel like intervening on what had become a personal contest between a few members of the general body. He had viewed this as being fairly common and was patient to let it run its course. However, it had gotten much too far out of hand, and the Mon Calamari was inclined to speak.
"Senator Dessan is recognized," spoke the chair as the middle-aged Senator stood. His figure was slim for a Mon Cal, but he retained all the usual features of his race. His head scanned the faces of those in his vacinity, and his aides sat as he stood--respecting his stance before his colleagues.
"Fellow Representatives; Councilmen and women; Generals, Cheifs, Delegates of this great assembly; above all, my comrades--" his eyes scanned the Senate as best they could (which wasn't too bad, considering their size). He spoke with a heavy Mon Cal accent. "I believe that this day brings to us trials and tribulations not yet met by our recent delegation. They command our attention to become multi-faceted--our many eyes and ears to remain attentive to their surroundings. We face new matters which may stagger our minds in this moment or even revive emotions that have been at bay.
Reguardless of our moral disdain or general contempt for the 'alleged'--and I stress that these are allegations--actions of Balmorra in the Bilbringi System, we cannot propel our minds, hearts, or forces into action at this juncture." He looked towards the booth where Chappelmount sat. "I do not doubt the intelligence accounts or the reports that Senator Chappelmount has recieved, but I believe that this body would be remiss, and not altogether innocent of terrible repercussions, not to hear out the honorable diplomat from Balmorra."
The Mon Calamari Senator sat, waiting for the reaction from the general body. Mon Calamari had seen too much go to waste because of hasty war to let this travesty occur.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:50:14 PM
"The problem is Senators," Chapelmount stated, his eyes blazing fire at first Hesith then Tarkenton.
"This is not the first time we have had with the Balmorran Empire."
The fact the Balmorran Empire had an ambassador was a farce. There was no New Republic ambassador to the Balmorran Empire, but no one ever brought that up.
"Everyone in this Senate remembers the attack on the Kuat Shipyards and the thefts of the Titan Fleet."
He saw more than a few of the senators nod. It had been an embarrassment to the New Republic. Thirteen fully capable dreadnoughts stolen from under the NR's nose. Some people had feared a conflict, but nothing had happened, and the perpatrators never discovered.
"I have every reason to believe," Chapelmount stated, "That the Balmorran Empire, in it's birth, decided without impunity to raid the shipyards on Kuat and steal the Titan Fleet.
"The committee sent to investigate the theft, believed the Balmorran Empire responsible, but no action was taken
"I must that the Balmorran Empire has struck again...why we, the New Republic, is not acting against this menace! Why are we not solving the problem...why is the Balmorran Empire and it's leader still alive?"
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:07:21 PM
Tarkenton stepped forward again, this time being granted the floor almost immediately.
"Senator Chapelmount, with all due respect. You found it unnecessary to discuss Health Care. Now you seem to find it unnecessary to discuss Bilbringi."
The Embassador went against his natural instinct to just roll his eyes at the Senator. The fact that he had heard about the raid on Kuat through the Holonet News, and not Emperor Kiterix was enough for him to know that someone other than Balmorra had raided Kuat. The Senate would most likely accuse him of lying, so he would just have to present his case logically.
"Senator, give me some proof that the Balmorran Empire raided Kuat, and we'll discuss it further. If not, then I would much like to clear up the incidents at Bilbringi, so that all of us can sleep a little easier tonight."
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:28:02 PM
Chapelmount stared at Tarkenton, then pulled a datapad from his pocket. Placing it in one of the keypads...the data was sent to all the senators, and Ambassador Tarkenton, to look at.
"I give you this Senators...the Star Destroyer Davidoff. Intelligence reported seeing it at the Kuat raid, three years ago. They did at check into Imperial Archives and discovered that this Star Destroyer was formerly under the command of one Grand.. Admiral...Millard."
There was some stirring amoungst the senators.
"I believe he is the military commander of the Balmorran Empire?"
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:56:01 PM
Tarkenton stepped forward and was granted the floor.
"In the height of the Empire, more than ten Imperial Star Destroyers, spread out among Moff's around the galaxy, were named Davidoff. Im sure I could go back to Balmorra and even find a few ships that share names with New Republic warships. Does this mean the Balmorran Empire will have to start taking the blame whenever the New Republic attacks someone. Until the Imperial Sovereignty, Federacy, and Remnant are each investigated seperately, I would take this to be more of an excuse to start war with Balmorra than cold hard evidence that we raided a planet for a few outdated ships."
Tarkenton cleared his throat and paused for a moment.
"If this type of inconclusive evidence will be allowed, then I will motion to debate in a later session, a possible New Republic attack on Balmorra. I have as much evidence to prove the New Republic's involvement in that situation than Chapelmount has shown for Balmorra's involvement on Kuat."
Tarkenton politely stepped back, keeping his face clear of emotion, and making eye contact with no one.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:10:12 PM
"YOu're forgetting yourself, Ambassador" Chapelmount's voice rose for emphasis.
"You're a diplomat not a senator! You can speak out but not make motions on what we can or should do.
"Each of the other factions were investigated but we did not find any ships matching the name Davidoff with an Imperial Star Destroyer. The only other we found was an old Victory Star Destroy with the Remnant and that hasn't moved since 3 cycles ago!
"And are you to tell me," he glared at Tarkenton, 'That the New Republic allowed its dreadnoughts to be stolen? If that is so, then I will tender my resignation at once and allow the people fo Rudrig to elect a new senator!"
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:26:12 PM
"Let me rephrase myself then Senator. I will ask the Senate to motion for a debate on the possibility of the New Republic's involvement in an attack on Balmorra. And for your research. Did the possibility ever cross your mind that you didnt find the ship Davidoff registered to the other Imperial factions, because the leaders of each faction knew they had something to hide?
I mean, Im not suggesting at all that the New Republic wanted to lose a fleet of outdated warships, im just pointing out that the Balmorran Empire would stand to benefit more from staying within their borders and building more advanced ships with there own resources, rather than risk a conflict with the New Republic over a few measely Dreadnaughts."
The Ambassador paused momentarily to take a sip of water before continuing.
"Furthermore, I would like to know how you haved gained access to the Imperial Archives without the knowledge of the Balmorran Empire, Senator Chapelmount."
Alexi Hesith
Feb 18th, 2003, 03:38:21 AM
Hesith had sat quietly contemplating his next move. Chapelmount seemed determined to lynch the Ambassador and his government. The others were sitting on the side lines. If some resolution was to be achieved then there had to be a vote, or at least some sort of agreement.
Or we keep going in circles for the rest of the day.
"Madam, may I have the floor." asked Hesith of the Chief of State. She raised a hand to silence the other two.
"The Chair does not recognise the Ambassador from the Balmorean Empire." Tarkenton subsided, he did not take his eyes off Chapelmount, however. "The Chair recognises the Senator from Gall."
"Thank you," said Hesith moving ot his microphones. He tugged at a neatly tailored cuff before speaking-making the most of his time. "Ambassador Tarkenton how we know these things is classified but surely your government has had access to the Republic's archieves."
Tarkenton fell from his moral high horse with a crash. Touche!
"Now again I urge that this matter be brought to a vote. An ad hoc committee was proposed to resolve this matter this is an excellent idea, however it will take too long to reach a decision. In stead I propose that we send a convoy carrying supplies for Bilbringi to aid their recovery," here Chapelmount got to his feet, his eyes blazing, "with appropriate escort. I believe Senator A'arkantheil made that suggestion. This convoy will provide aid to the people of Bilbringi and show our good will. Further more all citizens of the Republic on Bilbringi who wish to leave will return with the convoy. This will, hopefuly, satisfy all the needs stated in this matter."
There was a murmer of approval, or of dissent- it was hard to tell. Hesith looked round the chamber.
"Senators this is a legislative body, not a military command. If we do not find a solution now then the matter will be resolved according to the constituion. The Chief of State will be forced to make the decision for us. Do you wish the executive to be given more power?"
Of course you don't. You want control...
The senators seemed to understand now. Now that their personal powers were being threatened they understood.
"Senators this cannot go on. This is becomming a farce. We shall vote now or continue this argument until the sun implodes!"
Senator Mah Deesan
Feb 18th, 2003, 04:13:48 PM
"Senator Hesith, might I inquire exactly what you are calling a farce?" Senator Deesan stood, recognized as having the floor. "If by farce, you are referring to this body's perpetual lack of insight into this matter, I would agree. If by farce, you are referring to the manner in which Abassador Tarkenton is being addressed and recieved by this assembly, I would again agree. But if you are referring to the Senate's unwillingness to throw itself into uncalculated, uninformed, destructive millitary action, I must disagree. It is no farce, sir, to take a logical, reasonable approach to this matter." The Mon Calamari representative paused, taking a deep breath as he now had the full attention of the Senate.
"It is my belief that we, as a Senate, are being detracted from a very important step in that matter. Again, I will state, that though I do not doubt Senator Chappelmount's news, it is not in the interest of this body to orchestrate any type of action or legislation without further examining the facts.
The first step in this direction is a simple one, and we have the means to address it here and in the now. I believe we should allow the Ambassador of Balmorra to speak now. Let his voice be heard--as all of you delegates here would wish to be heard before action was taken against your behalf. While he is not a voting member of this body, he is deserving of the same right that we present to any and all who would come peacefully before this body:
That right is the right to be heard.
Let us not deny this right to one based on history that has come and gone. Observe the ambassador's presence now: he is calm, respectful, and collected. It would be simple foolishness not to hear him out." The assembly seemed to mummur with a general air of agreeance.
"Then, if this right is observed, let Ambassador Tarkenton speak." The Mon Calamari turned his attention to the other participating delegates and to Tarkenton.
Senator Maren
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:08:48 PM
Organa Solo held up her hands, imploring for silence. "Everyone has put forth some very good points, but let me say some things before this session continues." She smoothed her white robes, and seemed to make eye contact with everyone in the room. "We are arguing theories, here. We have very little facts in hand. I propose a short recess while I call in our military liason, and the Jedi liason. We need insight into both if we are to come to a conclusive decision."
Maren stood to his feet, and she nodded to him. "If I may be so bold, Chief of State, but my aide was once in consideration to be sent to Calan to negotiate on the New Republic's behalf. Mon Thareena is a highly respected diplomat, and perhaps she could be used as...a help, for Senator Evenstar. The Senator from Arcan IV has no aides of her own, only two Jedi went with her." Which makes a total of three Jedi on Carshoulis. "It is something I am sure Mon Thareena would be willing to commit to." He looked back at his aide, and she nodded, her face inscruitable.
"Senator Maren, we will take that into consideration when we return in an hour. Until then, this session is adjourned."
A Nameless NR Tech
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:59:00 PM
Calan dispute?!? what in the name of God decided to send Evenstar on that one?!
The rather ordinary looking man looked out over the public galleries, where he was sitting. He himself was resonably tall, medium build, blonde hair. A rather youthful face. And a troubled mind. Since he gotten back only an hour ago, what he had learned had given him real food for thought. Evenstar dodges an assasination attempt and is then sent to Carshoulis. That goes to hell as well
Thoughtful, he leaned back in his seat. Something's going on. Something I don't like. Damn it, the boss needs to know about this!
Mind made up, he moved out fo the galleries to make a long distance call. To Arcan IV.
Boy, is Marcus going to be pissed or what when I tell him
Alexi Hesith
Feb 19th, 2003, 03:48:44 AM
There were a number of areas in the Senate from which to aquire refreshment. Today it seemed that the entire Senate had chosen to come to this one place. Located near the main lobby the Welex Club was a place for a drink and a bite to eat
And for intrigue
Hesith strode over to his aide who had gone ahead and got them drinks.
"Well. What did you find out?" asked Hesith dropping into a seat opposite Draxara.
Draxara handed him a data card, which he plugged into his datapad, "Not much,sir." she waved a hand at the datapad. "Most of the data was classified"
"By whom?"
"Someone high up in the government."
"How high?" asked Hesith, leaning forward as if to prevent anything slipping past him.
The data Draxara had aquired was not particularly enlightening. No committee was mentioned or names but an interesting set of coincidences. Evenstar had gone to a meeting with Organa-Solo. She had then dropped out of sight. Then, as if from no where, had appeared on Carshoulis.
"How did you get this then." asked Hesith pointing at an entry from the Chief of State's desk diary.
"A friend of mine works in her private office. As for the rest I had to piece it together from different sources."
"Not permissable as evidence then. Good."
"What!" Draxara nearly shouted, "What do you mean good? This is killer material."
"Exactly. Draxara can you imagine the effect of revealing that Leia Organa-Solo- Chief of State of the New Republic, diplomat and Jedi- had sent an incompetent negotiator to handle such a delicate situation."
Draxara shook her head. That's why I'm the Senator and not the aide...
"It would throw her position into doubt. Imagine the chaos. Organa-Solo is one of the few people who can get us to co-operate. Only a fool or traitor would reveal this information!"
Draxara hung her head whilst Hesith deleted the information fromt the data card.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 19th, 2003, 04:20:12 AM
At the other end of the Galaxy...
"They.. what? She... what? Is this some sort of joke, she dislikes the Cizerack... they did??"
The stomach dropped out of the Jedi's stomach.
"Jeran? Right, shut up and listen. Looks like Helenias has been set up. Who? Dont ask me, I dont know! I haven't got time for twenty questions, I just want you to do something. Go into my office. There is a few codes. Select the ArchAngel one and this is what I want you to do......"
5 minutes later he set down the comm unit.
I hope I'm doing the right thing here...
Alexi Hesith
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:14:34 AM
Hesith had sent Draxara on her way. He sat back and sipped his drink.
What is going on here?
The crono on the wall showed that the recess was nearly over. Time to be heading back. On the way to the chamber Hesith's mind was turning over Draxara's words
"... this is killer material."
No I am not going to use it thought Hesith as he returned to his booth. He looked round the chamber and saw that Organa Solo wasn't back yet
Now what?
Figrin D'an
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:18:37 PM
From high above the Senate chambers, a single figure had been watching the proceedings from a private observation room. While having a clear window that allowed a wide view of nearly the entire Senate chamber, the room was also equiped with multiple monitor displays, a control terminal, and was wired into the primary microphones of every senate booth. For the unscrupulous, this was a dream, being able eavesdrop on official Republic proceedings. The purposes of the room were hardly covert, however. This was the Jedi Observation Room... a place in which the Jedi Liason to the Senate, and other guest Jedi, could watch and listen to the proceedings.
Figrin had been watching the session with great interest... news of the diplomatic "incident" on Calan traveled quickly, and it didn't take a high level precognition adept to figure out that the matter was going to come up in today's session.
The discussion was heated, as expected. Senator Evenstar, or as Figrin knew her moreso, Jedi Knight Evenstar, had political opponents that would relish an opportunity like this. Her supporters were vocal, but whether or not they could muster enough clout to stem the growing tide of dissent was very much in question. The Chancellor herself was having problems just keeping order, much less effectively interjecting her own sway into the debate.
Bilbringi was a surprise... not even the Jedi saw that particular power play by the Balmorran Empire coming. The shipyards were always considered a "moderate-to-high risk target", but primarily only due to it's proximity to the Balmorran border. Very few thought that the Empire would take them by military force... such a move seemed like near suicide... the Republic would respond almost immediately with force of it's own, and all intelligence indicated that the Balmorran fleet was in no shape for a large scale conflict with a fleet the size of the New Republic navy.
That was, of course, until yesterday. Calan had changed everything. The focus had shifted. The Senate was jittery about any military move, and what would have been a near concensus to retake the shipyards mearly a day ago was now split and mired in debate...
... and nothing was being accomplished. Both Calan and Bilbringi were on the table yet, neither closer to resolution. A credit to Ambassador Tarkenton, thought Figrin. The Balmorran diplomat was a clever man. He was manipulating the discussion in a subtle but masterful manner. He had to be a Sabaac player. He had gotten his point of "lack of proof" across to all of the undecided members of the senate body (the mass "fold"), while getting opponents like Chapelmount to push the stakes higher while not having a clue what Tarkenton himself had in his own hand.
Figrin sat at the terminal and replayed a few recorded bits of the early session. With the Senate in a short recess, it gave him some time to collect his thoughts. While he gave due credit to Tarkenton, there was a hazy stench that covered the whole situation. Figrin couldn't pinpoint it yet, but his intuition told him it was there. It started with the decision to send Helenias Evenstar to Calan... someone knew that it was a situation ripe for diplomatic disaster. Someone wanted that incident to happen. Someone knew that the Senate would then be more hesitant to use military action. And someone knew that with Evenstar at the center of the matter, the Jedi Order would be sucked into the firestorm.
There were many that could stand to gain... the Cizerack, the Balmorran Empire... any faction in border dispute talks with the Republic for that matter. Yet, even if one or more of these sides were convertly involved, there was still the matter of getting the information. Whomever had initiated this plan has someone on the inside.
Figrin's comm unit chirped. He unclipped it from his belt and tapped the receive button. The Chancellor was requesting his presence. He sent a quick affirmative reply, then strode out of the observation room, his mind still in deep contemplation over what could only be one thing... a deeply rooted conspiracy.
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:29:09 PM
"Yes sir, the health care debate is going to be moved to another session I believe, and if all goes well, my diplomatic pass should be extended."
While the rest of the lobby was in a buzz, with different senators talking amonst themselves, and leaders being contacted, Tarkenton stood away from the crowd, secluded in a corner. He had decided to take the time to contact Emperor Kiterix, to give an update on the proceedings.
"Yes, the discussion was delayed, due to our involvment at Bilbringi.
"Yes sir, Ive tried to explain, but the debate keeps getting sidetracked.
I'll be able to give you more details later, but the recess is almost over now
Yes Sir, I hope for the best also, and you too sir, good day"
Tarkenton ended the transmission and tucked the comlink back into his coat. He would go ahead and start making his way towards his booth. He had time left, but being early rarely hurt anyone.
Senator Chapelmount
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:16:34 AM
The minute the Senate was called to recess, Chapelmount had a cigar in his mouth. He waited to light it until after he got outside, after all, the non-smoking law applied to the hallways, as it did the Internal Chamber. Thankfully, though, his office was next to a window and he could smoke and work at the same time.
Senator Wen S. Chapelmount strode out onto the sunny courtyard, which flanked the old Imperial Senate Building. A butane lighter was in his hand as he lit the dark brown tobacco leaf of his cigar and took a long puff.
"If there was one thing," he would say later in life, "It is the goddess Tobacco in which I am a worshipper of."
The tobacco helped him think, and currently Chapelmount was thinking rather heavily.
The Military Committee had approved the development of the new Calamari Cruiser, along with the manufacturing of another 10 squadrons of X-wings, K-wings, T-wings, and A-wings. With Y-wings now almost completely out of service (save for a few frigates and deep space platforms), the New Republic was in need of a new Space Superior Fighter.
Incom was in development of a new one, but their technicians had been very quiet about it and also requested one of the largest contracts ever given to a space firm.
It had been confirmed by the committe, although both Chapelmount, and several of his chief allies, had to twist some arms to get it through. Now it was up to the Senate to approve the project. And that would be easier said than done.
The Evenstar Situation bothered him more than he let on. He'd met the Jedi Senator once, after a rather important vote for a budget in which the New Republic Military was allowed production of three new capital ships. Both he and Helenias had voted for the initiative and Chapelmount had thanked her afterwards for her support.
Outside of that, the two had nary spoken a word.
And then the Bilbringi situation....Chapelmount had always thought of the Balmorran Empire as the major 'problem' in the galaxy. Yes, there were other Imperial Splinter cells out there, but the fact the Balmorran Empire kept themselves so quiet about what was going on, yet still bothered to send an ambassador...was troublesome.
The Senator from Rudrig walked across one of the high bridges of Coruscant into a small park. Immersed in his thoughts he sat down on one of the benches and kept thinking.
His notes were ready for the next round of sessions Although he memorized his speeches the night, and sometimes even days, before the Senate Sessions he liked to keep notes, in case he ever failed to remember.
Chapelmount had never trusted the Empire, in any of its forms, especially now that it was shattered. It meant it needed one thing, one issue to reunite itself on, and it could be whole again. Chapelmount was quite confident in the New Republic Navy, after all, it had beaten the Empire before it could do it again.
But there was something about Tarkenton he didn't like. The man was a jackanapes, no matter what his position was. He negotiated well, but never told you everything. It was like he was daring the other to attack, so Balmorra could come off as the victim. And if Chapelmount were to get his budget passed, and the ability to retake Bilbringi...Balmorra had to look like an aggressor.
Which undoubtably they were.
He was sure of it.
Chapelmount puffed on his cigar again and kept thinking in silence, as people walked from work to lunch or back. He watched...and waited.
D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:37:35 AM
"Ah, so I see I am not the only one who enjoys a good smoke," the senator from Nehantish said with a bemused grin as he walked towards Chapelmount, his pipe in his paw.
Sucking on the stem of it, he puffed a small cloud of sweet tobacco smoke that hung on the air as he walked. Seating himself next to man with a cigar. D'raaj stoked his pipe and exhaled a sigh laced with tendrils of smoke. "I must say, Senator, you have a fire about you when it comes your turn. But, be careful, for even a controlled fire can sometimes get out of hand, and burn the others around you. Still yourself, and coax the answers you want out of the others." He said, not caring if the younget man would listen.
Puffing on his pipe again, he looked over to Chapelmount and continued, "However, be not so still that others think they can tread on you. You show much promise for a man of your youth, Senator Chapelmount."
Senator Thareena
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:31:27 AM
Thareena ran around the corner and up a stairwell to get back to the offices before the recess was over. Maren needed some papers. Bah! Soon enough he'd be gone, but her...friends...were taking their sweet time living up to their end of the bargain.
Sometimes soon enough just wasn't.
Fel Tarkenton
Feb 28th, 2003, 08:18:08 PM
On his way back to his booth, the ambassador caught a disturbing site. One of the men walking around was dressed in a New Republic Military uniform. Tarkenton wasnt worried about being arrested or anything, but the fact that the man wasnt here before meant that he may have been summoned. If this were true, then there may have been no use in trying to negociate, as the New Republic may have already sent an attack into motion. Either way, he'd have to get his case out after the recess. If nothing else, he could gain support from the media, if the Senate was too stubborn to listen, but that was a dirty trick, and the Ambassador would rather play by the rules.
There was a few minutes left before the end of recess, and Tarkenton was already standing outside of his booth. He had his arguement together, so being the first one to speak after recess may not have been a bad idea....
Alexi Hesith
Mar 1st, 2003, 02:04:33 PM
The rest of the Senators were taking their seats. Hesith had come back earlier than the others, but found their sloth in returning to the Chamber disturbing. Clearly something was afoot. Draxara had run around, trying to make up for mistakes earlier, and had got her superior up to speed. The committee had chosen to send a taskforce. How unfortunate. Unfortunate but not regretable.
"This session is called to order. I trust that we are now prepared to discuss the matters before us in a rational manner," there was no sign that anyone wished to say otherwise. "Who will speak first?" sked Organa-Solo.
Hesith got to his feet as did Tarkenton- no doubt wishing to argue against the Defence committee’s decision- but as a foreign ambassador he did not take precedence over a full Senator. The floor was Hesith’s and he would use it…
"Honourable Senators the dispatch of the taskforce to Bilbringi should resolve the matter. Now I suggest that we resolve those issues which remain.
"Senator Evenstar has not entered into negotiations as of yet. I suggest that a more formal conference to negotiate with the Cizerack be organised. A neutral sight, somewhere that no party involved may be blamed for…" he searched for words to describe the Senator’s problems with her situation “inconvenience and mistakes.” A small chuckle ran round the room, Evenstar certainly suffered from mistakes. "I feel that this is the best, and only solution to satisfy all parties."
Fel Tarkenton
Mar 1st, 2003, 03:26:33 PM
Tarkenton stood at the podium, keeping his face expressionless. After a moment of Hesith's rambling, the Ambassador was given the floor.
"With all due respect, I was under the impression that matters such as sending a taskforce to Bilbringi would be decided in session, not during recess before I've even had a chance to explain the events at Bilbringi. As of right now, the Balmorran Military will not allow New Republic ships into its airspace. Since its formation, the Balmorran Empire has kept its fleet clear of the established New Republic borders, and has in turn, expected the same respect from the New Republic. As of right now, the Balmorran Military has agreed or even been alerted to New Republic presence within its borders. Such a bold move will not bode well in the eyes of the Balmorran Military, and will be considered an act of war."
Tarkenton stepped back from the podium to allow someone else the floor. If the New Republic felt it unnecessary to negociate this matter to find a solution that would work best for both governments, then the Balmorran Military would undoubtedly follow suit, and the galaxy would once again be thrust into war. The flaws of this government were becoming more and more obvious. The best solution was now being ignored as Senator's began to throw around their influence to better their chances of being re-elected.
At this point, Ambassador Tarkenton was beginning to have serious doubts about why he was even here. The whole purpose of him appearing to participate in a discussion about Health Care was not only to benefit the citizen's of the Balmorran Empire with better health care standards, but to also improve relations between the Balmorran Empire and the New Republic. If the New Republic were willing to throw away this opportunity, and ignore their best chance towards long lasting peace, then their wasnt much else the Balmorran Empire could do except organize their defenses and be ready for the impending war.
Senator Hin'Koth
Mar 1st, 2003, 10:46:51 PM
Hin'Koth had backed off on his push for getting the Calan matter resolved first, provided Bilbringi was dealth with in an orderly manner. Unfortunately, it seemed that this situation was going to continue to disintegrate.
"May I remind the Ambassador," Hin'Koth injected, somewhat stealing the floor before anyone else could respond, "that this taskforce has a primary goal of bringing supplies to the shipyard's operational staff and aid in any repairs needed to the facilities, not to serve as a prelude to armed conflict. The taskforce would not be crossing into Balmorran Imperial space, as Bilbringi is still 'diplomatically disputed' territory."
A wry half smile emerged from the senator's face, perhaps the the first real sign of emotion the man had shown yet this session, and he concluded his remarks.
"That is, of course, unless it's status had changed in the eyes of the Balmorran Empire... as an 'annexed system,' perhaps?"
Hin'Koth was subtly backing the Ambassador into a corner... and men like Chapelmount had to be loving every minute of it. Tarkenton's reaction would be intriguing to say the least.
Fel Tarkenton
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:40:26 AM
Tarkenton stepped back up to the podium and waiting momentarily as Chief of State Solo gave him the floor.
"The Bilbringi system, before the break up of the Empire, was an Imperial system. After the break up of the Empire, the military leader of the system did not defect to the New Republic. The New Repulic has never had a presense there."
Tarkenton paused for a moment, as about three or four senators looked as if they were ready to jump forward. He gave them enough time to start a reaction, then continued before they could speak.
"Of course, after the breakup, they didnt defect to the Balmorran Empire. So I guess you are correct that Bilbringi was indeed 'Diplomatically Disputed' territory."
An Imperial Diplomat agreeing with a New Republic Senator, this was a sight indeed.
"However, I had personally been in negotiations with Lord Admiral Brattin for some time, discussing the possibility of Bilbringi defecting to the Balmorran Empire. We made an offer, which he accepted at first. However, shortly after negociations, Imperial Intelligence reported the construction and organization of an Assualt fleet within the Bilbringi system. At the same time, several transports carrying supplies to Kyrinos were attacked and destroyed by Rogue Imperial fighters. Kyrinos is the last planet in the Balmorran Empire, and sits at the border of the Balmorran Empire and Bilbringi. It was surmised that Brattin was plotting to start annexing Balmorran planets, so a pre-emptive strike was sent to Bilbringi to disable the attack fleet and remove Admiral Brattin as head of the shipyards."
Tarkenton knew that no matter how much of a right Balmorra had to the Bilbringi shipyards, the Senate would inevidably chastize the Balmorran Empire for complete takeover of Bilbringi, but there wasnt much that could be done to prevent this...
"It is not the intention of the Balmorran Empire to step into New Republic borders. As I said before, I dont see a conflict with the New Republic in this matter, on account that Bilbringi was not a New Republic system, and for the fact that the military leader of the Bilbringi system chose to enter a conflict with the Balmorran Military, as apposed to negotiating a peaceful resolution to the matter.
Also, in case any of you are interested, I spoke with Emperor Kiterix while on recess, and he relayed to me that cleanup and support teams, as well as safety inspectors are on their way to Bilbringi at this very moment to provide food and supplies to the workers at the shipyards while safety inspectors determine whether the shipyards will require more safety measures before the facilities will once again begin operation."
Tarkenton stepped back from the podium and calmly took a sip of water. He wasnt sure how the Senate would react to the information he was providing them, but the reaction would be interesting to say the least.
Alexi Hesith
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:48:17 PM
Hesith sat back and watched as Tarkenton stood before the Senate. He was a clever negotiator indeed- trying to shift the ground away from the Balmorean Empire's actions towards those of the Bilbringi. Very clever indeed Mister Ambassador, very clever but it won't work...
Most of the other Senators seemed to have been thrown by this new information. Had Tarkenton succeeded?
"With permission, my lady" Hesith was on his feet looking at Organa-Solo who seemed unmoved by Tarkenton's revelations. She nodded to him.
"Ambassador, your information, though interesting does not justify your government's actions. Indeed I believe your government would condemn them under normal circumstances. In the past your politicians have called premptive actions a 'barbaric practice, unworthy of great powers'?"
Try and wriggle out of that one!
"Perhaps we should emphasise that the taskforce is a relief mission, not a war fleet. If this Republic were to attack your forces at Bilbringi it would follow a formal declartion of war, or do you forget the Articles of Interstellar Law, Ambassador. This senate will only make such a declartion if we have jreason to do so. We have no reason to do so. Unless of course you have done something which would give us a reason. If for example there was no fleet, if your were not acting out of a desire for self preservation but out of a desire for conquest!"
With that Hesith sat down. Hopefuly his colleagues would realise where the real issue was- the Balmoreans' actions.
Fel Tarkenton
Mar 2nd, 2003, 06:50:38 PM
Tarkenton stepped forward again as Hesith sat back down. He made a quick glance toward Senator Hesith as he was given the floor.
"I would like to remind the Senate that the Balmorran Empire and the Galactic Empire are two seperate entities. My being here today should be proof enough that the Balmorran Empire doesnt share all of its ideals with its predecessors.
I myself have been the only politician speaking for the Balmorran Empire since its formation, and I do not recall saying that preemptive actions are 'barbaric'. And as I said before, there were attacks made on transports to the fringe planet of Kyrinos. This is a tactic that would immediately precede an attack, I believe Sentor Chapelmount could vouch for that. Our attack on Bilbringi was no secretive covert strike. A formal declaration of war was sent to Admiral Brattin two weeks prior to our attack. It was made very clear that our attack was based on Admiral Brattin's actions towards the Balmorran Empire. Brattin made no attempt to surrender or even negotiate with us.
As for this relief mission. As I stated before, The Balmorran Empire has already begun tending to the needs of the workers at the Bilbringi shipyards. Outside assistance from the New Republic is not needed, and it would be considered not only an insult to our military personel, but also a security risk. In this very session, the senate has flaunted the New Republic Military's ability to tap into classified Balmorran data to obtain information, an act that would make any military personel even less trusting of this 'relief mission'."
Tarkenton quietly backed away from the podium again and sat, allowing the floor.
Alexi Hesith
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:26:09 AM
Hesith felt his ears go red, the only sign of his anger and embarassment. I was sure the Balmoreans said that!
He couldn't bring himself to stand and speak, he just sat there and watched.
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