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Zasz Grimm
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:52:36 PM
Zasz stood over the bodies. Bodies of a family that he had just ruthlessly killed because the father had decided to attack him as Zasz asked him. He looked to the woman with his brow raised as she was screaming obscenities at him, cursing him..

"Your a monster! You slaughtered my family!"

Zasz arched his brow. "Oh come now, all I want is peace..."

With that said, Zasz lowered his blade very slowly into her chest cavity, the blade piercing her heart, making her fall to the ground dead. He smelled the burning flesh as he deactivated his blade, clipping the hilt to his belt..

"...And perhaps a bit of quiet..."

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 12th, 2003, 04:05:11 PM
Drake was just passing by as he heard a woman scream. He followed his sences and found the woman with the rest of her family dead on the floor. He then glanced at the man who had been right over her, he looked at his blade and it was filled with blood.

"You son of a *****, have you no mercy?"

Drake took off his cloak and ignighted both sides of his saber. The green beams exented 3 meters outwards. Drake swung it around and stared into the killers eyes.

"I am Drake lonerunner, brother to Straffe stormrider.I will avenge there deaths by bringing the likes of you to justice.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 12th, 2003, 05:10:08 PM
Zasz looked at the young man. Ah, such foolish youth, always looking to make a name for themselves. He grinned as he let his arms go out to each of his sides, making it look like he was surrendering...

"Take me in. I feel so bad because of what I've done..."

The Dark Jedi looked to the Padawan. One would think they would send at least a knight to handle him, after all, he was close to ascension.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:26:36 PM
Drake grinned and spat on the floor

"I'm not your avergae padawan and not stupid. Only an idiot would fall for a thing like that"

Drake stood back swing the saber around watching the Drak Jedi moves closely.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:45:08 AM
"Hm...Could have fooled me..."

Zasz moved his hands towards the youth, open palmed. Immediately he was thrown back by an unseen force. That force being The Dark Side, and it's commander, Zasz.

"Your below the average Padawan...And you are stupid."

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:08:57 PM
Drake was pushed a few feet away and hit the ground head first. He got up slowly and wiped the dirt from his face. Drake became enraged and and dashed towards Zasz at his full strenght, Drake swung his saber aiming for his head but Zasz just stoped him in him place and pushed him once again in the dirt. Drake got up and remembered about the throwing knives he has hidden in his sleave. He exented his arm and three knives flew out heading at incredible speed towards Zasz.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 13th, 2003, 05:24:08 PM
The dark adept quickly moved to the right, trying to avoid the knives that were being thrown at him. But even so, the Padawan's reaction was swift, and a knife cut into his cloak, through his shirt, and created a cut just below his left shoulder.

He grinned as he moved his hands outward in a fighting stance. As he did so, his lightsaber flew from his belt and into his hand via the Force. With a snap hiss, the blood red blade came to life, the humming blade ready to serve it's master...

"Ready, Jedi?"

And with that, Zasz stalked forward. He would pay back the boy for the cut, at least ten fold. He smirked as he came dangerously close. He moved his saber down from the ground and up, trying to get a strike between his two sabers to cleave him in half.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:06:30 PM
Drake smirked as he got up from the ground were he lay. Drake un-iginted one end of his double-edge light-saber. He swung the the saber in the air and grinned. He held the saber with both hands and held it like a baseball bat and squinted on eye and his grin from his face faded away.

"Ready as i'll ever be DarkJedi

AS Zasz attacked Drake leaped into the air and fliped backwards evading the attack. He then came close to his foe and swung his saber at his head, sparks flew as Zasz blocked it. Drake then turned around swing at his side but again sparks flew as he blocked it once more.

Drake then pushed Zasz with force push to place him off balace and swung a direct attack at Zasz. Zasz feel to one knee and blocked it easly and turned around on the floor cut a piece of flesh of Drakes leg.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 13th, 2003, 08:32:08 PM
As the hunk of flesh was removed from the youth's leg, an open palm was presented right before Zasz and Drake. Drake flew back far from the force throw, flinging him into the metal door of the house that the family had previously occupied...

Standing up, the Dark Jedi held his saber to his right side as he moved forward slowly, biding his time...

"Isn't this just the perfect kind of day for death? Look at that poor bastard on the floor there with his children and wife beside him. A fitting end...As will yours be."

He looked towards Drake as he was slumped against the metal door that had a dent in it from the hard impact. Zasz raised his saber upwards, and then down quickly, ready to end the boy's life.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 14th, 2003, 07:36:28 AM
Drake wasn't prepared to die. He blocked the stike with his saber and used force push to push him away a few feet. He got up slowly and started into the killers eyes, he sqized his saber tightly with his right hand and threw it at his lower body. Zasz jumped over it.

"Death only comes to those who diserve it, and it seems it will be coming for you"

Drake grinned as he pulled his saber back with the froce surprising Zasz slashing his left arm and returning to Drakes hand.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:19:53 AM
OOC: Did something I disagree with, but I will go with it, for now.

Zasz looked to his arm with anger showing in his crimson pupils. He then looked to the padawan. No longer would he play with this boy, he would show him who the dominant force of this fight was.

Moving forward towards Drake, he gripped his saber tighter in his right hand. When he was right in front of him he swung his saber, letting it collide with the Jedi's. The blow was strong enough to remove it from his hand, and send it to the floor. Zasz immediately took hold of the boys neck, squeezing with his left hand as he lifted him into the air. Choking was immediately heard.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear..."

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:56:50 PM
"He said watch out!"

Zasz turned to be greeted with a fist to his face. It was Straffe Stormrider, Drakes older brother. He continued to use the Force to make his punchs even stronger. Straffe saw that he had droped Drake and decided he was going to be hit hard. He used the Force to push Zasz inot a wall, Straffe dashed towards his opponent and jammed his elbow directly into his chest.

Straffe steped back abit and watched the Dark Jedi fall to the floor in pain. He turned towards Drake and helped him up, brshing off the dust. He used a Force Healing Wave to make him feel better. Straffe locked his eyes on the Dark one.

He pulled out his sword and placed the tip facing the ground. He fliped the switch and it ignighted like a normal saber. The blue light that was being givin off of the saber made Straffe look demonic

"You messed with the wrong little boy..."

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 18th, 2003, 09:13:45 AM
(ooc: Not really wanting to intrude, Straffe, but that healing wave is pretty much an illegal move...Also, you sorta controlled Zasz in your post.)

IC: Lion's huge form dashed towards the injured Drake and tried to get him to calm down. The damn kid didn't seem to know when to stop fighting. A fire shone in his eyes of determination, but he looked dangerously close to collapsing.

"Calm down dude, you've got a really bad injury."

Lion had been following after having spoken to Lance, and was not in the least bit surprised when he found the padawan engaged in another battle. Lion had brought along a small medpack, and was going to use it as soon as he could get Drake to calm down...Lion was completely confident that Straffe could hold off Zasz.

Lion quickly tore the medpack out of his bag and set to removing the bottle of disinfectant, a large bandage, and a small spray-on splint.

(ooc: Better, Zasz?)

Zasz Grimm
Feb 18th, 2003, 10:14:00 AM
((OOC- It was kind of odd, Straffe's post. But yeah, better...)

"More to play with...My my little one, you have so many friends..."

His comment was directed towards Drake. Zasz stood up and away from the wall. The other padawan's blows were not as effective as he had hoped. Zasz grinned as he brought up a hand to wipe the blood from his mouth.

Through all that Straffe had done, Zasz still held his lightsaber, ignited. He brought the blade up and to his side as he looked to Straffe. He sidestepped so that he was away from the other Padawans. He did not fear them, he could surely take them all at once, but why risk injury from behind.

"Are you sure that you are even a Jedi? Usually they don't show this much aggression..."

Zasz moved towards Straffe, but not only on his own power, but with that of The Dark Side. His speed was more enhanced, and quickly he was in front of the young padawan. He brought his lightsaber up from it's position in his right hand, to slice at the boy. It was blocked pretty easily. Zasz brought his blade up and over his own head, down towards Straffe. He could see the boy start to block and Zasz pulled back out of his attack.

Somewhat further away now, and with Straffe off balance from his fake out, Zasz let his lightsaber blade soar towards his chest cavity.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 18th, 2003, 03:25:17 PM
Drake pushed Lion away, grabed his saber and brought the green beam back to life. He the jumped and with his saber blocked Zasz attack. Drake then spung around, his saber soar downwards towards his leg but wa easily blocked.

The Dark Jedi laughed at Drake's pathetic attempts and slashed drake's arm. Blood gushed out and Drake feel to the floor. He unignited his saber and held the wound with his other arm.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:51:01 PM
After the attack on Drake had taken place, Straffe saw that it was an opportunity to strike. He dashed at Zasz but just before he was in strikeing distance, Straffe jumped into the air and turned into three beeings.

He was useing one of his Strider techniques which came very handy. As he fell to the ground, Zasz striked at the first one but missed. He soon got a kick to the left side of his rib cage. He had missed the real Straffe and got only his double.

Straffe kept one knee on the ground with his saber still in hand. He glared at the Dark one and knew that he was going to pay for what he did to Drake

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:55:06 AM
Lion rushed to Drake's side...the dude had jumped up and gone after Zasz, just to have his arm sliced up, too...Lion was worried about running out of bandages...

"Drake, man, calm down...in this state, you're no match for Zasz."

Drake was panting heavily, and his forehead was shiny with sweat...his saber had clattered to the floor and lay deactivated on the cold tiles. Lion retrieved the weapon and placed it back in Drake's hand...the young padawan made another attempt to stand up, then collapsed back to the floor.

Lion worked quickly, cleaning the leg wound first. He took a bottle from his Medkit and sprayed it up and down Drake's leg...the white fluid quickly solidified into a splint, and Lion bound it tight with a bandage.

The arm had suffered more recent damage, and was still bleeding slightly, though the saber had cauterized the wound. Lion applied pressure, all the while waiting for Zasz to sneak up behind them...Lion glanced around and was relieved to see Straffe holding his own against Zasz. The arm wound finally stopped bleeding and Lion wrapped it in a bandage...the better treatment would have to come later.

His work done, Lion stood and looked down at Drake, who seemed to be struggling to get up.

"Don't, Drake...you'll only get yourself hurt."

(ooc: Sorry I had to sandwich that all into one post, but I didn't want Drake to bleed out while Straffe fought with Zasz...also, Straffe, wasn't that "triple" technique outlawed by the mods?)