View Full Version : Perfection of Style (Open)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:27:55 AM
Jamel had began his training only ten minutes before all the items began flying at him from projectors hidden behind tile of stone in the wall. The boy used the Form IV, acrobatically flipping around them and at times defending himself against blast. He was become more and more like that of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he idel who had found to have one of the best fighting styles during the age of the Old Republic, other than Yoda.

Taking the blade into his right hand he quickly swirled back, a sense of ease swirling through his actions as he batted the item back at the cannon in the closing wall pallete with his lightsaber tip. The laser rattled in, a sound of hushed explosion behind the closed wall, though their were no outer features created by the deflective attack.

Twirling around out of interest to the motioning sound of droids, programmed only for the combating of Jedi, which had been heading directly at the moment of his rotation. Clasping the lightsaber side him he, the boy flipped with ease into the air, landing before them. The four ignited their lightsaber, swinging down at him with he quickly dodging. Backflipping away from tow other horiziontal slices, he was back a meter from their mechanical bodies. A sneer came to his face as he began to focus on his combating skills, rushing with only the wind catching his sound. He had no need this time to use Force boost like he did in his last combating training, he had became more intense with his movements and his agility was superb. Slicing through their chest plates, he flipped about slicing at their heads with one easy movement.

Backflipping with his feet pressing against their back for leverage, he came down upon the ground, his eyes catching the arrival of a pack of combatant droids for more training.

"Come on.." He taunted, getting back into his fighting stance.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:01:59 PM

Wei had been watching ever since he had seen the severe amount of movement out of the corner of his eye.

"You do too much. You'll wear yourself out like that."

Wei believed in waiting, conserving your energy and letting the opponent come to him. Of course there were times when you had to go to your opponent, but jumping about like that was more than likely to make you dizzy than the other way around.

Wei smiled good naturedly. "My name is Wei Wu Wei."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:10:52 PM
Jamel's headband dropped into his palm as he unactivated the lightsaber, with it's illuminant life leaving the premises. Tightening his grip on his headband, as he slowly rotated about a smile coming to his face as he stared toward Wei.

The eyes of the boy were cascaded by dangling hair, his lips curving as the gaze trailed on, and became more of a line of seriousness before he responded to the attempt at creating a construction.

"My name is Jamel Croko'yn, and my acrobatics don't really rattle my brain or absorb my energy. I have still have much more strength to spare in my tank." The boy said, his lips growing back into a smile as he spoke, his hand reaching out to shake that of Wei's.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:23:01 PM
Wei took Jamel's hand and gave it a firm shake. "So you have been taught how to rejuvenate yourself through the Force, then? I expect Master Yoda had that trick down pat. you'd need it to be any good at Form IV."

Wei had heard of the different lightsaber forms, but he knew very little about them. But it didn't matter. As long as the Force guided him, Wei would come out of battle just fine.

"You must be pretty new. We get so many new people these days. Thousands of Padawans. I'm still a Padawan myself. My teacher is Miss Navaria Tarkin. Who is your teacher?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:01:21 PM
Jamel strainfully kept himself still, his composure would have naturally changed at this question, but he with held a blockade from such changes. Only a smile came to his face expressing a gleeful attitude, just as his former Master normally had to respect his depth in Jamel's life.

"I dont have one anymore, I thought all the students around here knew."

The boy's composure suddenly fell in the silence after his statement, his lips curving back to a straight line, while his eyebrow arched to the side, pushing his eyes to wall.

"I disowned him for personal reasons. I really dont want to get into it though.." The boy said, his voice becoming more cold, but still serene in some fashion.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 14th, 2003, 07:36:53 AM
"Disowned is a strong word. But we have had Padawans jump from one teacher to the other before. Usually because of the teacher's schedule. But enough about that."

Wei stretched and opened his mouth in a big yawn.

"Back to what you were doing, eh? But I imagine a person would be much more challenging to fight than some silly droid."

Wei looked at the other droids that had arrived a little before he had.

Wei pointed at them. "Mind if I....?" He let the question trail off. No need to finish the sentence. Wei wanted a small warm up with the droids before asking Jamel to spar.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:39:08 PM
"Oh I'm fine with some competition." He simply nodded, awaiting a physical or oral reply.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:46:40 PM
Wei ignited his saber, and using some Force boosted speed, dispatched with the rest of the droids. Then there was Jamel. Only one good way to get the ball rolling....

Wei turned on his heel and dashed at his fellow Padawan with all the Force boosted speed he could muster and cut horizontally at Jamel's chest.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:44:47 PM
Jamel reached for his lightsaber, pulling it up in a defensive stance. Placing his body in porportion for the attack, he dashed quickly to the side, his mind come once again intune with that of the Force, pull and throwing forth his lightsaber. Levitating it over the foundation, he motioned it forth with his ability to use the telekentic for pushing. Rotating in a circle fashion as it came toward the enemy, it came in contact with the lightsaber, knocking the adversaries lightsaber off balance as well as the fighter.

Pulling back the lightsaber he came to ground, dashing forward with his energy boosting with the ability to use the Force. Placing his ligthsaber forward in a defensive position though he came forward, he landed before Wei.

"Let's keep going."

He said as he awaited, his lightsaber being placed over his head as his body was positioned in a martial arts stance. The lightsaber pointed toward his enemies head, as he came to a near crouch.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 16th, 2003, 05:13:51 PM
Wei saw the lightsaber come around, floating with the Force and knocking him off center. He staggered for a little bit, but soon found himself steady again. Jamel was playing rope-a-dope. He wouldn't attack unless Wei did something first.

Wei closed on Jamel and feignted a strike at his opponent's knee. "Moving the Shade" was a good way to get the opponent out of a defensive posture.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 05:29:16 PM
Jamel took a quick exit backward, throwing his lightsaber upward into the air, as he airelly spinned. Coming down a few feet away from his adversary, the lightsaber was beckoned with the bind of the Force and Jamel's palm. Clutching it at his side, he placed it up at the top of, taking once again a defensive stance.

"You nearly hit me that time." The youth gave him a genorous smile, and sprinted forward.

Placing his hand upon the foundation before the enemy, his agile body was contorted to point his legs upward, as his hands held him upward. Throwing his lightsaber to his belt in the middle of his aerial rotation. Throwing himself from the surface of the arena, he came down behind his enemy, sliding along the dusty tiled ground. Jamel's back was pointed toward his fellow Jedi challenger, taking his porportion as an advatange for an attack. Spinning about with a graceful touch, he twirled the lightsaber within his hand, and slashed it overhead at the dome of Wei Wu Wei.

The sound of wind was sliced with the coming blade, but it suddenly stopped with the interference of another blast of wind. It was forced by that of the Force, beckoned from a gesture by the young, unmastered Jedi Padawan. Ejecting a blast of the Force, with it's mystic ability throwing his enemy forehead.

Hopefully he'll be immobile for a few seconds.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:21:22 PM
Wei yielded with the attack, lessening the damage of the attack. Wei had learned from his grandpa that a force extended over a long distance became weaker, therefore hurting less.

Wei's head sort of hurt, but the ache was soon assuaged with the aid of the Force. Jamel liked to use telekinesis.

"You remind me of my friend Zeke," Wei said. "In that you use telekinesis alot." Wei turned and grinned. "Difference is, he's more laid back than you."

Wei closed on Jamel and swung his lightsaber as hard as he could, cutting with his entire body. Wei wasn't interested in cutting Jamel, he was aiming for his opponent's lightsaber. The blades clashed and Jamel's saber fell out of his hand to the ground. Wei followed up with a Force Boosted spinning backfist to Jamel's jaw, sending him to the ground along with his lightsaber.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:05:37 AM
Jamel slid along the ground, a sound of agony coming in the form of a scream from his mouth. The young Jedi laid motionless, his lips lock, restraining himself from showing weakness in the eye of the adversary. After moments of silence, the youth reached for his lightsaber, bringing it closer to his body.

Flipping off the ground with his back as a projector, he came to the ground with his lightsaber in hand. Getting into his defensive stance, he stared at his enemy, wondering what was next.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:24:14 PM
Wei rolled up the long sleeves of his shirt and entered a Horse Stance, then took a moment to catch his breath. Darn Jamel's playing defensive. Wei pushed the thought aside. Even a Jedi sometimes needs to press an attack if it means preventing a Sith from escaping. Wei channels the Force into his entire body, boosting himself as much as his skills would allow. The ache in his side slowly dulled and his senses sharpened. He felt strength in his legs and arms. He was ready to go.


"Ok, then." Wei's glasses reflected the light in the room. A large smile adorned Wei's face. He was feeling refreshed, just like it feels outside on a warm spring day.

Wei turned off his saber and put it away. Then he rushed at Jamel, aiming a hefty punch at his midsection. Wei then followed up with a smooth leg sweep, but as he did so, he took his fan from his sleeve and opened it up. The Fan was made through the lightsaber technology. Wei held it over his head as he performed his foot sweep in case Jamel were to try to attack him from above.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:22:44 PM
Jamel coughed up a hint of blood for the heavy handed punch, coming down to the ground with the follow-up sweep. The Jedi's lightsaber swung from his hand as he unwillingly wiggled his arm to regain his balance during his drop. This time the Jedi didn't beckon it back with the Force, he seeked hand-to-hand combat.

Throwing himself upward, his legs latched upon the extended arm of the fighter, wrapping them tightly around. Placing his hands upon the ground, he attempted to dislocate the arm in the process of throwing Wei over him, onto the brown haired fighter's head.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:56:33 PM
Wei bent over backwards to prevent his arm from dislocating, but he was not fast enough. Wei hit the ground hard, and his arm made useless. Wei got free of Jamel and put his arm back in place.

Then he grappled Jamel and held him still so he couldn't move.

"Dude, you're bleeding. Hold on a second." Wei shut his eyes and synchronized his chi with Jamel's as his master had taught him and slowly stopped Jamel's bleeding. When Wei was satisfied that Jamel was healed, Wei tore Jamel from the wall and tripped him. The move was not meant to hurt, just to get Jamel to the ground.

"No need for internal injuries," Wei said cheerily.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:06:14 PM
Jamel bowed, something suddenly coming to mind. His lips curved creating a frown as he walked slowly past the Wei, heading toward the door.

"Sorry Wei, I must leave.." The young Jedi said, his hands being placed behind his back as he continued on down the hall and out of the sectors.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 18th, 2003, 09:46:45 PM
Wei raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "More random than the winning lotter number...."

Wei shrugged again and went to the wall. He pressed a button to summon more battle droids and decided to spend a little excess energy playing around with them before he left.

As a door opened to let the drods in, Wei grinned. It was good to have met someone new.