View Full Version : Shall We Begin (Anthony Scott)

Feb 12th, 2003, 04:58:16 AM
It was a cool, fresh day on Coruscant. The sky was blue as the sun glared down on the mass of buildings and other huge structures.

Oriadin woke early this morning, as he did most mornings and lay there in bed thinking. Today was the first day he would begin down the very long path of training his padawan, Anthony Scott. It was a journey Oriaidn was very much looking forward to and it would no doubt be an experience like no other.

Having never done this before, Oriadin had jotted down some notes of things to cover and had tried to remember what Verse Dawnstrider and Helenias Evenstar had taught him when he began his training. He had also learnt a lot from his reading and studying in the Jedi archives.

He got up, washed and dressed. Grabbed a quick something to eat and made way to the training room he had told Anthony to meet up in. He was early, but he wanted to make sure he was there first. After getting there, he set up the nessesary things he wanted and waited. He sat down on the floor and began to meditate as he waited.

Anthony Scott
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:41:29 PM
It was an early morning for Anthony this day as he rose well before the sun did. Soon the bright rays flooded his room and caused his little daughter, Faith, to awaken.

"Daddy? Do we begin to train with Master Oriadin today?"

She questioned and rubbed her sleepy eyes before laying back down in the bed. Anthony smiled to himself as he turned from Faith and removed his nightshirt, replacing it with a clean white muscle shirt. With a lazy yawn, the man threw his pajamas into the hamper and then walked over to the side of the chest at the end of his bed and grabbed a pair of black boots. Quickly he sat down on the chest and put them on his socked feet, lacing them up to the top and tying the laces tightly.

"Are we Daddy?"

Faith questioned once again and this time Anthony heard her. With a laugh, he nodded and walked over to the side of the bed then scooped up his daughter in his arms.

"Yes, Faith -- so we must be ready! This is a big adventure for us both."

She smiled and nodded as he sat her down on the chest and found a nice pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt. Handing them to her, she decided it was time to hurry and so -- she was soon dressed and her night clothes lay on the floor in a pile.

"Put those in the hamper, young lady!"

Anthony said with a playful point of his finger at her nose. Faith giggled and picked up the clothes in her arms, over exaggerating how heavy they were before she threw them onto her father's clothes in the hamper. Quickly Anthony grabbed a hairbrush from the refresher and a nice elastic hair tie. He had Faith sit down on a chair at the table while he combed through her hair and then put it into a ponytail.

"Thank you Daddy!"

She giggled and got up from the chair, then danced around in front of the mirror. Anthony picked up a few things and put them away, making sure his room was in decent condition before he thought of heading out the door.

"Okay, Faith, time to go!"

He scooped her up in his arms and she wrapped her own around his neck tightly just in case her father dropped her -- which he never would have. The pair scurried out of the room as Anthony shut the door behind him. Soon they were off down the hallway, past Ceres's room and out of the Living Quarters. It was not hard to find the Academy as they followed the path to the large building and then went inside.

"Okay, now to find Oriadin."

Anthony spoke outloud to himself but quiet enough to not attract any unneeded attention. He looked around and decided to take the hallway to his left. After passing a few empty training rooms, he stopped and smiled as he peered inside. There Oriadin sat on the floor with his eyes closed. It appeared as though he was doing a meditation of sorts, and this interested Anthony. Smiling nervously, the Padawan slowly opened the door and entered in, shutting it behind him.

"Why is he sleeping Daddy?"

Faith asked loudly, attempting to slip out of Anthony's arms so she could go investigate the situation herself. The Padawan put a finger to his lips and said, "Shhhh" softly to quiet his daughter, which she took heed to and did. He set her down and then slowly fell to his knees, placing his hands upon his lap. Faith decided this looked like fun, so she did so as well -- and soon both father and daughter closed their eyes and began breathing deeply, waiting for Oriadin to speak.

Feb 27th, 2003, 05:21:09 PM
A slight smile appeared on Oriadins face as the two entered the room. He couldn sense exactly what they were doing. This made him smile even more when faith sat down next to her father and attempted to copy what he was doing. It was good that he was quiet, but nessesary. Still, it showed he was mindfull and respectful.

He didnt want to say anything at first. Instead, he raised his right hand, and wriggled his fingers ever so slightly. His eyes remaining closed the whole time. Two packaged bundles seemed to rise from the ground, one about half the size of the other. The drifted slowly accross the room before laying gently infront of Anthony and Faith.

--These are for you--

He said in a soft relaxed tone, opening his eyes and turning to face them as he spoke.

--They are your first Jedi robes. I dont expect you to wear them just now but in future it would be wise to sort yourself out something similar. You see, a Jedi is a most humble being. Although their powers could end a life or take control of most situations in a second we choose not to. We choose to serve rather than take. This is evident right down to the clothes we wear. They are not overly smart, expensive or grand in any way. They are a symbol of who and what we are.--

That got the lesson off to a serious enough start, Oriadin thought to himself.

--I also picked out a small one for faith incase she wanted to dress like her dad--

He winked at the young girl with a gentle smile. It was nice to see someone so young and full of life.

--Did you find the training room Ok Anthony?--

Faith Scott
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:57:02 PM
Faith's eyes opened as Oriadin's soft voice filled the space of the room. She looked down at the package in front of her and gasped in surprise before taking it into her arms and tearing the paper away. Inside was a beige tunic with a long cloth belt accompanied by a darker brown cloak. Faith giggled quietly to herself and hugged the robes against her body before her big brown eyes raised up to meet those of Oriadin.

"Thank you sir -- I love my robes!"

She exclaimed and hugged the material once again before looking to her father with a big happy grin upon her face.

"Open yours Daddy! Now we can look the same!"

Faith exclaimed, obviously content with her gift. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to imagine what they would look like on her and all sorts of mental pictures began flowing through her mind. She smiled broadly before opening her eyes once again to watch her father open his packaged robes.

Anthony Scott
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:12:59 PM
Anthony opened his eyes slowly to look upon a brown paper package before him. He swallowed hard as Oriadin spoke -- for this meant something great in his life. It was just another step on the long path ahead of him. At Faith's excitement and urge, the Padawan took the package into his hands and gently tore away at the paper, revealing something he never expected to behold. He too received a light brown tunic accompanied with a darker brown cloak all inclusive with a long cloth belt. A smile slowly crept over his face as he eyed the robes and he too pictured what they would look like upon his frame.

"Thank you, my Master."

He bowed his head before his eyes gazed upon the face of Oriadin. The gift meant a great deal to the Padawan and there were no words to express his gratitude for 'thank you' did not feel like it was enough. Drawing his attention away from the gifts, Anthony smiled and nodded slowly in reply to the question asked of him.

"Yes, Master -- somehow, I felt you were down this hall and so I took the path, then I found you."

It was the best explanation he could give, but it was true -- he felt the urge to walk down this hall and look in the windows of the training rooms. Perhaps it was the Force or merely intuition, either way, he hoped it could be explained to him someday.

"I am looking forward to training."

He stated softly, noting that he had already learned something from Oriadin's lesson about the Jedi clothing. It was all so new and interesting to him that Anthony's mind began to crave this knowledge immediatly. He knew, though, that plenty would be received today.

Feb 28th, 2003, 08:40:26 AM
Oriadin smiled warmly.

--Good. I hope it fits. Im not the best at judging peoples sizes but it should do the job.

Ok, I guess we should start with the very basics. The Jedi are keepers of the peace first and formost. We preserve life and promote peace, and as far as possible, do not take life. Sometimes it is nessesary to take a life but it should only EVER be done as a last resort. Dont worry about that too much for just now. When the time comes, you will know what to do.

What do you know of the force Anton?--

Oriadin folded his arms as he awaited a response. These were more or less the things ever master covered with their padawans.

Anthony Scott
Feb 28th, 2003, 08:48:35 AM
Anthony smiled and nodded at his Master's comment. He hoped his robes fit him and so that his mind was put to ease, he assumed they would. A smile crossed his features as Oriadin spoke, though words of death made him a bit weary. 'Kill someone? I can't kill anyone!' The words echoed through his mind as his eyes drew away from the situation and focused one the ground, only to snap back to attention at a new question.

"The Force?"

The Padawan spoke out loud. He knew of it -- it had been something that his Father used to speak of, something he said he was getting close to just before he died. Anthony recalled his stories and short lessons on the subject and sighed internally as he searched for words to put an answer together.

"The Force -- it flows through everything, even me. The Jedi use the Force for things that are good -- and then there is another group, Sith, I believe -- that use it for evil purposes. I have never met one of these dark beings, but I have a feeling I will encounter many."

A hard lump formed at the back of the Padawan's throat as he thought of meeting up with a Sith in a dark alley. He knew not what he would do, but decided it was not worth worrying about, so he calmly pushed the thought from his mind and smiled instead.

"The Force keeps everything together, in balance and one day when we die, we become one with it."

He stated softly, thinking of how his father had become one with this mystic power or being, Anthony was not sure which it was. He sat silently then, awaiting his Master's response and teaching.

Feb 28th, 2003, 09:04:57 AM
--Very good. Thats a fine start to begin with. You mat encounter many sith on your journet as a Jedi, for the time being though, its best to avoid them as far as possible. Until we are further into your training anyway.

Essentually, the difference between a Sith and a Jedi is what they use their powers for. A sith will use the force for their own gain. For their own want of more power. Someone once asked if the dark side was more powerfull. Well, possibly. It is easier to wield. If you let your emotions run riot you run the risk of crossing over to the dark side. The thing to remember is that a Sith will never be happy. They will always want more. More power, more pain, more destruction. To be a Jedi requres the most serious, and focused of minds. In return you will benifit from gaining more knowledge and you will know what it means to care and look out for others.

With great power comes great responsability.

Now, I want you to close your eyes. Clear your mind. Relax. Take deep breaths, in, then out, in then out. Tell me when you are at that stage.--

Anthony Scott
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:11:07 AM
The Padawan listened intently as Oriadin spoke. It was such a sad thing, how these lost souls of the Sith would never be happy. This drove Anthony to want to help them, but, he would avoid the dark one's at all costs at this point in his life. At the instruction give him, he nodded and closed his eyes, noting that Faith did the same. This brought a smile to his face as he calmed his body and quieted his mind as he had done so many times before now. It was a daily ritual for Anthony to wake and sit in the suns rays on the floor of his room in the most relaxed state he could find. Soon he was breathing very slowly, in and then out. He was where Oriadin wanted him.

"I am there, my Master."

He spoke softly before becomming quiet once again. Faith tapped him on the arm and giggled quietly.

"Me too!"

She said with an excited tone in her voice. Anthony hushed her and she nodded slowly, both closing their eyes and relaxing once again. It was funny how his daughter thought she too was becomming a Jedi. In her heart, she hoped someday she would and this was Anthony's wish for her too. For now, they both focused on being calm, awaiting Master Oriadin's instruction.

Feb 28th, 2003, 10:43:59 AM
Oriadin was pleased with the way it was going so far. Faith made him chuckle within. She was so sweet.

--Good.... Good....

He whispered softly.

--This is how a Jedi should feel for as long as they can. If you ever feel that your getting stressed or out of control I want you to remember this excersise. As a Jedi you will always have to act on a clear mind. If something personal comes up, you have to make sure your clinical and calm enough to be able to deal with it.

The more training you do, the easier this will become, until you get to the stage where you feel like this, most of the time.

Now, how do you feel? Do you have any questions before we continue?--

Anthony Scott
Feb 28th, 2003, 11:26:25 AM
Anthony smiled and nodded, taking in all that Oriadin said. He hoped that someday he would feel like this most of the time, but by nature, he was a calm man. Breathing in deeply and exhaling, he noted how he felt.

"I feel so at peace -- so calm as if I could take on the galaxy!"

He spoke softly as to not break the peace he was feeling. Faith sat beside him and pondered the state which she was currently in. She too felt at peace and was perfectly quiet, for once.

"I have no questions, Master -- there is nothing for me to wonder about this peace."

Mar 3rd, 2003, 04:14:55 AM
--Good good--

He said gently, as to not disturb him.

--Now, close your eyes and reach out with your feelings. Sense the things around you. Get a feel for them. Feel, dont think. Trust your instincts. You should begin to feel a connection to the things around you. Dont concentrait too hard, it will come to you. Almost as if someone was whispering in your ear.--

Anthony Scott
Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:53:59 PM
Anthony did as Oriadin requested and reached out to everything around him with his feelings. Suddenly he felt aware as his mind sensed three beings -- two women and a man, in the room to their right. He nearly gasped at the feeling, but continued on. His mind then spoke to him of a line of ants crawling up the wall behind him. He did not know how to describe it, but it was almost like an awakening. Slowly but surely he allowed his mind to touch all that it could -- it seemed almost easy as he reached out to the world around him. Most prominently, though, he could feel his daughter and his Master.

"This is incredible -- I can't begin to explain the way I feel."

He whispered, wondering how such a thing could have been brought upon him. It was truly amazing.

Mar 4th, 2003, 05:59:36 AM
Anthony picked that up with no problems what so ever. Unusual but not unheard of. Must be down to the teacher Oriadin joked to himself.

--Again, Padawan, this is something that in time will become second nature to you. After you have developed and practised this skill you should be able to sense dangers, peoples feelings as well as other things.

You see, not everyone is good at every aspect of the force. Im good with my senses as well as having the ability to move things through the force. By what youve told me, you seem to lean toward the healing powers of the force but its a little to early to know for sure. Whatever your strong point is, it will come to you naturaly.--

Oriadin paused for a moment. Not wanting to rush Anthony. He looked down at Faith to check she was ok and hoped she wasnt getting bored, as children too all too quickly.

--Right, now I want you to focus on me. Narrow your thoughts and block everything out. Concentrait on the way im feeling and remember to breath, in...and out...--

Anthony Scott
Mar 4th, 2003, 01:29:28 PM
"Whatever your strong point is, it will come to you naturaly."

The words touched Anthony's mind and he nearly choked with each one that Oriadin spoke. 'Isn't that an understatement?' he thought to himself before clearing his mind of everything. Indeed, healing did come naturally to Anthony and he could not help but think that he current exercises he was doing were quite easy as well -- something told him it would become more difficult, though.

"Yes, Master -- I will do as you have asked."

He said softly and then focused on Oriadin once again, allowing his mind to clear fully and seep into his Master. Anthony took in everything about him and as he was, little Faith sat there and stared at her Father, attempting to do as he was. It came slowly at first, but Anthony began to feel a stirring.

"I feel something -- you are very calm and at peace -- even more so than I am, Master. I feel a sense of happiness and joy in you."

Mar 6th, 2003, 05:32:16 AM
Anothony was good, very good. For a beginner, he was picking up the basics with very little effort. Little faith haddnt got bored yet so that was a positive too. Must be a bright family, he thought to himsef with a smile.

--Good, now keep your focus on me. Im going to try and project some words and I want you to try and think about what im saying to you. Im going to try and talk to you through the force. Most people dont get this first time so just be patient and it should come to you.--

Oriadin took a deep breath. He was in complete control of his feelings and senses.

:: If you get this message padawan, rub your hands together ::

Oriadin kept sending the message out repeatedly until he would recieve some indication that Anthony knew what was being said to him.

Anthony Scott
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:17:20 PM
Anthony kept his focus on Oriadin. He kept his mind clear and his feelings quelled as his thoughts wandered to meet the presence of his Master in the Force. He heard nothing right away -- but suddenly he felt a pain in his head. Closing his eyes, the young man put his hands to his ears as the voice grew louder and louder until it sounded like screaming. Furiously he rubbed his hands together to make it stop.

"Make it stop!"

He cried out, recalling vividly a time when his Brother tormented him with such activities. Anthony brought his head into his hands as Faith took on a worried expression and drapped an arm over his shoulder.


She called out as the pain continued seering Anthony's mind. He shook his head, trying to rid his body of such aweful feelings, but nothing would stop the invisible force that was at work.

Mar 10th, 2003, 05:25:58 PM
Oriadin stopped imediately, of course. He stepped forward as if it were a reflex and gently touched Anthony on the shoulder, sending a calming wave of emotion to his Padawan.

--Ok Anthony. Ive stopped now. Dont panic, there is no need to worry while im on here. I will make sure no harm comes to you.

In all my time here, ive never seen a reaction like that while talking through the force. Is everything ok?--

Oriadin was concerned but kept cool and calm in the situation.

Anthony Scott
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:35:02 PM
Anthony continued holding his head until his Master gently touched him and somehow, the Force washed over his mind and released him from the temporary torment.

"I'm okay now -- it just hurt so badly -- I've felt pain like that before. It happened in that same way."

A surge of after pain came to Anthony's mind once again and the Padawan winced as he took Faith in his arms and held her tightly.

"I'm okay sweetie girl, don't worry about Daddy."

He kissed her forehead and she smiled before crawling off of him and taking her place on the floor beside her Father.

"I never thought that it would happen again -- it was just a shock."

Truly it was and Anthony was a little more than shaken up. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled, calming himself once again as he had done times before.

"I'm sorry Master -- I do not wish that this happens."

Mar 10th, 2003, 05:39:24 PM
Oriadin tried to understand, and give a possibly explination but first he would need a bit more information.

--When, have you felt that before? Where were you? Do you have any ideas on how it happend?--

Oriadin paced his questions slowly as so not to make Anthony feel as if it were an investigation of some kind. It was purly to try and help the young man.

Anthony Scott
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:59:13 PM
Anthony sighed inwardly, wishing this time would not have come. He could still keep his secret, though -- at least, he hoped.

"My older Brother liked to -- torture me, if you will. He learned that somewhere -- that thing you just did. He would terrorize my sleep, and he would yell in my mind all day. I developed a thick outer shell and sometimes, I was able to block it out completely. After not doing it for a long time, though -- I've forogtten the pain and I've forgotten how to make it stop on my own."

He sighed hopelessly it seemed as his daughter stared at him, trying to make her own mind understand all that was happening.

"Maybe I wasn't cut out to be able to hear and understand words not spoken by the tongue. Maybe the Force has other things for me that I don't know about."

The Padawan spoke optimistically -- something he normally did. Generally Anthony held a very warm disposition and never liked to look on the dull side of things. Perhaps that too would benefit him someday.

Mar 14th, 2003, 05:16:42 AM
Oriadin shook his head. A part of Anthonys character had come through here and it told the Knight a little about his understudy's past.

--You are indeed cut out to be able to hear and understand words not spoken by the tongue. You are extreamly receptive infact. You need to learn to control this, and control it now. I see a fear in your eyes in me using this ability. You need to get rid of that fear and doubt straight away, in the end, it will only get the better of you.--

Oriadin paused for a moment.

--Anthony, we have to have a little chat I think. I can usually get a good feel for people by the way they talk, move and act. I get the impression your holding something back from me. Not telling me the whole story. If I am to train you, there needs to be complete trust.--

Anthony Scott
Mar 15th, 2003, 02:50:59 PM
A hard lump formed in the back of Anthony's throat and he struggeled to breath for a moment. Oriadin's request was completely outlandish. 'I can't tell him about that!' The words drifted through his mind momentarily as his eyes wandered. A sigh escaped Anthony's lips and he nodded slowly, understanding this was part of growing as a Jedi.

"Master I -- I don't know quite where to begin, except with -- yes, I am hiding a great deal from you."

He paused and allowed Oriadin to hash his words out a moment before continuing nervously. Anthony inhaled deeply and then exhaled as he looked down at his daughter who, unfortunatly, was listening intently.

"Faith and I come from a life much different from this -- things were handed to us on silver platters and we ate off of china lined with the finest gold. Our eating utensils were made by hand and also of the finest gold. Everything was done for us, Master -- everything."

'And I hated it', he thought to himself as he swallowed and took a deep breath. Luckily Faith began to play with a series of rocks she had found near her. This made Anthony feel more comfortable to tell the truth while she was present.

"Both of my parents were killed but two years ago. All that remained was my older brother and myself -- both of which are -- are --"

He couldn't continued. With a sigh of retreat, the young Padawan rose to his feet and paced over to the window behind Oriadin. He allowed his eyes to wander as he rested his hands upon the sill close to the thick glass. A blue hugh was cast upon the man's face as he continued absently.

"We are princes -- and my daughter, a princess. My father intended for me to have the crown for my brother is consumed in evil and darkness. I could not bear such a responsibility so after his strange death -- I fled from our land, from my people, and from our planet. I left my dear cousin and my aweful brother. Last week I receieved a message from my cousin stating that I needed to return -- and I have a very terrible feeling about this. I know something bad is in the works -- I can feel it."

Again Anthony paused and thought of the time after he had left his home. He and Faith had wandered far and wide as homeless folk -- surviving on the pity of others. It made Anthony sick to his stomach to know that these people were treated in such a rotten and ruthless manner.

"I cannot be a King -- I am not fit to be the ruler of men -- and surly my brother is not. My people are in peril, Master -- and so I came to the Jedi seeking help for not only myself, but for them. I am going to change my life -- I will serve instead of be served -- I wish to be last and not first any longer. By all this, perhaps, some good shall come of the unfortunate situation rising up in my country."

He lowered his head and came to sit down beside his Master, realizing that he had so freely spoken his mind -- and surprisingly enough, Faith was not paying attention.

"She doesn't know what she is, Master -- she does not know how much the future could hold for her."

The man nodded toward his daughter as he spoke of her. It brought sorrow to his heart that he could not speak of these things to her, but it was not her time -- not her time to know. At least, that is what Anthony believed.

Mar 21st, 2003, 04:49:29 PM
Oriadin gave carefull consideration to his response. Anthony had revealed a great deal and had put his faith in his master, finally.

--Anthony. Your past is troublesome and confused. There have been many issues in your life that have been left un-resolved.--

The Jedi Knight thought some more.

--Firstly and probably most importantly, the Jedi can not teach you to lead your people. If you decided you want to be a Jedi then that is a commitment youve made. There is no going back. Can you imagine how dangerous someone would be if given the power of king along with the ability of a Jedi. It is against the code of the Jedi

You have brought with you many fears and worries from your life before becoming a Jedi and this is something we are going to have to work out between us and the council if nessesary. You see, being a Jedi means being in control at all times. Especially control over your emotions. At the moment your emotions are running rife. You are either to become a Jedi, or you are to help your people, you cannot do both.

Your personal feelings in this matter will only cloud your judgment in your training. As painfull as this is going to sound, if you want to be a Jedi you are going to have to put your previous life behind you. If you want to become a Jedi I would suggest you seek the councils help in solving your homeworlds problems. It is in politics where the problems lie, as far as I can see.

You have some decisions to make and difficult ones at that. Please tell me what your feelings are on what I have just told you.--

Oriaidn felt for the young man. He had too much to deal with and obviously needed help and guidence in his decision making. Oriaidn would be there for anything he needed or wanted to talk about. Anothony just had to learn to ask.

Anthony Scott
Mar 25th, 2003, 07:15:30 PM
"Master, I have come here to be a Jedi with hope of helping not only my people, but others like them. This is not a selfish mission I am on, I wish you could see that." Anthony sighed in frustration then inhaled deeply to erase the negative feelings from his soul. Closing his eyes momentarily, the Knight thought to himself and smiled to help himself cheer up a bit.

"I know and understand what you have told me, Master -- my personal feelings can mess up a lot of things in my life and I do not wish for that. I will go to the Council and tell them of my people, and I shall work at keeping my mind focused on training. I will be a Jedi Knight someday, and I will keep people from harm. I just -- I --" He paused once again and set his steady gaze upon Oriadin, noting out of the corner of his eye that Faith had busied herself once again in the corner of the room, piling a few rocks atop one another until they fell time and time again.

"It's just that I don't know where to begin -- I've already discovered a flaw in my abilities to learn -- I cannot stand people talking in my head because of what it does to me. Is it this way with all those who come here to learn? Does everyone have a problem with something? I know I am not perfect, but -- it is not possible for one person to be able to do everything well, is it?" He questioned with a confused look upon his face. He understood very well that he had to give up his title as 'King' and honestly, Anthony was relieved at this, but he felt obligated to the well being of his people. Somehow, he would make sure that they were okay. Somehow -- he would get them help.

Mar 26th, 2003, 03:33:56 AM
Oriadin nodded.

--Indeed not everyone can be good at all things. If you are no good at comunicating through the force then thats fine. BUT, I think you are good. Very good infact. You picked up what I was saying to you with very little effort on your part which means that it comes almost natural to you.

It is your fear of this ability alone that means you can't use it. Now imagine if you were to come up against a force user and they found out that you couldnt stand to listen to someone talking to you through the force. Its too strong a weakness and youd be finished off in no time.

Always remember to be mindfull of the things you are good at but be even more mindfull of the things you are not so good at. Its up to you to determine how weak your weaknesses really are.--

Anthony Scott
Mar 26th, 2003, 07:59:50 AM
Anthony found peace in the words that Oriadin spoke to him. Indeed, he was very wise and the Padawan decided that it was a good thing to listen to all he had to say.

"Aye, Master, I understand what you are telling me." He stated simply as a sigh of quiet relief fell upon his lips. "How will I find my strengths and weaknesses, though? What if I am not great at anything and my weaknesses seem to overrun the rest? I am not really a fearful man, but yes, certain things bring me to that point -- including this subject."

Again Anthony sighed as his eyes locked upon Oriadin's. It seemed that in this short amount of time, the Padawan had spelled out his life in giant letters to a man he barely knew -- and now, he felt as though he could trust him fully. It was strange how simple things like this worked themselves out. Despite the distress Anthony was secretly feeling, this brought a smile to his face.

Mar 26th, 2003, 08:59:13 AM
Anthony brought an interesting question to the discussion.

"How will I find my strengths and weaknesses, though? What if I am not great at anything and my weaknesses seem to overrun the rest?"

Indeed, how could anyone know what their weaknesses are? It was a complex question and one not easily answered.

--Not everyone can really know their own strengths and weaknesses. It is a skill in itself. The first thing you have to learn is to be brutally honest with yourself. Know yourself, know your abilities. Being with the Jedi is as much about learning and self discovery as anything else.

While your a Jedi, you will find out what kind of person you really are. you will learn what your weaknesses and strengths are.--

Anthony Scott
Mar 26th, 2003, 09:04:05 AM
Anthony nodded and smiled at this. Thoughts of finding who he truly was made him happy and even made him look forward to the future.

"Yes, Master -- I shall be mindful of myself now and all things will work themselves out in time." He concluded, learning a lesson all in the matter of a few minutes. His Master was a good teacher and was becomming a good friend.

"Thank you for helping me, you have no idea how much relief it is to be able to discuss these things so openly and actually receive answers to my questions." He said softly, sitting down before his teacher as he looked back to check on Faith. It was amazing how a child could keep themselves so busy with such little resources. A quiet sigh escaped Anthony's lips as he quieted his mind once again.

"Sorry for dumping such a heavy load onto you, Master -- I haven't found many here to speak with yet and you told me to trust you. Slowly I am -- all in time." He said quietly, knowing secretly in his heart that he really wished to trust his Master fully, but there were certain things that were difficult for Anthony to admit, even to himself.

Mar 26th, 2003, 09:29:45 AM
--There is no need to appologise. I am your mentor and thats what im here for.

The longer your here the more friends you will gather too. Your a likeably young man Anthony. I dont think it'll be too long before both you and Faith feel more at home and more at ease. The Jedi are humble people and they are all aproachable. Some will be busier than others but I havent come across a Jedi yet that didnt like to meet someone new.--

Oriadin rested his hand on Anthonys shoulder adding more sentiment to his words.

--Now, you have a choice. We can either try again with the whole speaking through the force and face your fear, or we can try something else.--

Anthony Scott
Mar 26th, 2003, 11:25:56 AM
Anthony nodded and smiled, making a mental note to go out and meet some more Jedi possibly tomorrow. Now a decision lay before the Padawan and a hard lump formed at the back of his throat.

"I must face my fear sooner or later -- I cannot let someone take me out with something so simple." He stated as he thought of the mental anguish he suffered from this activity. It would happen sometime outside of his lessons and he knew that he would have to learn to be strong.

"Let's do it."

Mar 28th, 2003, 08:01:16 AM
Oriadin secretly hoped that Anthony would make that decision and his Padawan didnt dissapoint.

--Excellent. Youve made the right choice. Being a Jedi means knowing no fear. If you ever feel afraid of anything, you have to face it there and then. Running from your fear will only make it manifest. If you tackle it step by step logically you will more often than not wonder what all the big fuss was about.

Now, first things first. I want you to return to your calm state. Deep breathing, in and out. Feel the force run through you. Feel its energy.--

Anthony did as requested and let Oriadin know when he was at that stage.

--Good. Now, lets take it a little slower now. Remember not to panic. Remain calm and in control. Im your master and im here to teach you, not harm you.


Anthony nodded somewhat nervously. Oriadin began sending a message through the force. Somewhat slower than before, taking it as easy as possible to try and break Anthony in gently.

Remain calm, breath, breath. Are you getting this message?

Anthony Scott
Mar 28th, 2003, 10:24:44 AM
Anthony continued breathing, in and out, in and out. He felt his heart rate rise as his respiration went up slightly. His heart skipped a beat and suddenly, the words entered his mind. It was loud now, unlike how it quietly began last time. He winced and fought the pain, allowing his mind to relax and hear what his Master was saying. He did as he was told and continued breathing slowly, attempting to block the pain from his mind. He placed his hands on his temples and somehow -- his own natural ability to heal what he touched began working. It was something he did not realize he possessed, but when someone sick or injured came in contact with his touch -- they felt better than before or their wound was healed to a point.

"I hear you, Master." He took a deep breath and let go of his head and now the pain was very slight. It was not enough to make him want to stop the exercise, though. He kept his eyes shut and continued breathing deeply as before, waiting for his next instruction.

Mar 28th, 2003, 10:50:42 AM
Oriadin continued to talk through the force, taking his time hoping the Anthony would feel more self assured that way.

Ok, good. Now I want you to focus on me. On my thoughts and try to project a simple phrase in my mind. If you feel its getting to much for you at any time. Stop, we'll take a break and come back to it.

Anthony Scott
Mar 28th, 2003, 02:02:05 PM
Anthony nodded as the words pierced his mind. A sharp pain rocked his world for a moment and he winced once again before calming himself. With a few deep breaths, he felt the deep connection in the Force to his Master -- something forged then and there. It was amazing and somehow, he felt as though he could speak through this.

"Master -- my head hurts slightly while we're doing this -- it's slightly difficult to concentrate but I hope you hear my. All I'm doing is thinking and hoping you hear the words." He allowed the thoughts to be opened and not too concentrated. In his mind he thought to himself that his Master would indeed hear him -- and so, he hoped.

Mar 31st, 2003, 03:37:48 AM
A large grin spread across Oriadins face.

--Excellent. You came through loud and clear. This is an important skill to learn. The more you can develop it the better you will become. You see, it is possible to transfer your thoughts to specific people over very large distances. It saved my life once.--

Anthony Scott
Apr 3rd, 2003, 06:15:33 PM
"It saved my life once."

The words hit home for Anthony and he eyed his Master in a bit of surprise.

"Really? That's a special gift -- to have someone save your life." He stated with a hollow air to his voice. It was not that he was ungrateful, but his best friend died because of it -- one he viewed as a brother took his place and was killed. The sadness ate away at him until he was left seeminly emotionless.

"Can you do that with images as well?" He questioned, obviously changing the subject.

Apr 9th, 2003, 02:49:23 AM
Anthony sounded strange in his response but Oriadin decided to ignore it for now.

--Images, well yes. Some people here have the ability of Force illusion. They can make people belive that they are seeing something that isnt there. Its a very difficult ability to master and one I doubt I'll ever be able to do, but putting images in another persons head is the start of learning that ability.--

Anthony Scott
Apr 18th, 2003, 04:35:26 PM
"That's very interesting -- I've only heard stories of people doing things like that, though." He said quietly and smiled once again, noting the curious look upon his Master's face. Anthony was still keeping things from Oriadin, but he did not feel obligated to share his entire life story with a nearly perfect stranger all in one day. "Trust comes with time." He thought to himself and sighed inwardly.

"I mean not to take up our time with so many questions, but naturally I have a curious mind too, Master." He said quietly and eyed the Knight for a moment before nodding in resolve to himself. "Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, though." The Padawan spoke with a genuine smile on his face and wondered what he would be learning next on this long journey to Knighthood.

ooc: Sorry it took me so long to reply -- I've been very busy as of late. :\

Apr 28th, 2003, 09:54:49 AM
--Questions are a good thing young Anthony. Dont be afraid to ask anything you like or to come forward with your feelings. A large part of being a Jedi is learning oneself.--

Oriadin glanced over to a small pebble he'd placed in the training room earlier.

--See that pebble there? Think you can make it roll towards you without touching it?--