Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 12th, 2003, 01:12:49 AM
/./..encrypt? y/n_ (y)
../.transmission.successful.//. . . .
To: Hera DrenKast
The Sector Rangers have some business they might want to send your way. Please contact me at <a href=>this<a/> number. It will be profitable for you.
S. Reeouurra
../.transmission.end.//. . . .
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:34:47 PM
Hera paused, ceasing the toothbrush's erratic and agressive assault on her teeth, and a frown crinkled her brow.
Sector Rangers
This was odd. It wasnt from Wednesdaydale, though she wasnt expecting to hear from him..but he was her only contact with the SR organisation.
It was a puzzle.
Resuming her brushing once more then, another pause.
Who's S. Reeouurra? Sounds like a Cizerack name.
With that thought, she stepped back into the bathroom and quickly finished up. Exiting the ensuite into her main room, Hera once more read over the message that had come to her direct personal line.
She keyed in a code, switching from an already sterile line, to a SSF redline secure chanel. A precaution to not only keep outside eyes off the communique, but also eyes from within. Nasseerri was privy to alot of SFF operations because of Hera's arrangement with the Pride..but many things the Faene MIstress kept from her. And this was going to be another one, she decided.
After a few access commands and ID recognition codes, Hera heard her transmission connect. With in moments, she was viewing her new contact on a small holovid screen.
"My name is Hera. I believe you wished to speak to me?" (
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