View Full Version : Daredevil

Feb 11th, 2003, 09:53:15 PM
Ok, today I returned from an early viewing of this year's first blockbuster: Daredevil. First off let me say that I am not a fan of the comic book series so I ignore if the movie was true to it's roots. Bottom line: I enjoyed it, it was better than Spider-Man but it does not deserve a second viewing from the average moviegoer (by average moviegoer I am refering to me, my g/f and my two brothers who are not uber-fans).

The bad. The dialogue. Ugh. It really had some lines that made me cringe. Stuff like "Tonight, I got work to do" while Ben Affleck put his hands on his waist and the camera zoomed his face were extremely cheesy. Second, plot holes. Big ones, IMO. For example all of a sudden the bad guy knows that Daredevil is the "Man that doesn't know fear" even though nobody knew that, except for the audience and maybe the priest, and character development is kinda poor for the all the villains, even KingPin. Finally, the performances were not bad, nor they were stellar. Actually most of them felt kinda flat, specially KingPin whom I was hoping would have more screen time.

The good. Action! The fight scenes are the best thing about the whole movie. You have about five or six jam-packed action scenes, martial arts seems to be the preferred way of fighting for hero and foe alike. Second, the 'sonar' effect and Daredevil's sight. It look awesome and really helped us understand the hero. Third, it's more adult theme. It is a lot more violent than Spider-Man and darker, not as dark as Batman, but there, i wouldn't recommend it for children to go see it without their parents.
Stan Lee and Kevin Smith's cameo were really good also.

Overall is a fun movie worth watching if you enjoy comics and action. If you don't want to spend the cash then wait for it on video.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:05:38 PM
I am certain I am going to love this film. Thursday can't get here quick enough. :crack

Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:37:11 PM

Feb 12th, 2003, 04:16:51 AM
Actually most of them felt kinda flat, specially KingPin whom I was hoping would have more screen time.
Unlike most Superhero movies, they put the emphasis on the actual Superhero :)

Feb 12th, 2003, 04:22:20 AM
And also people, STAY UNTIL THE END!

Feb 12th, 2003, 04:39:27 AM
Why, are they passing out free food stamps? lol

Feb 12th, 2003, 08:29:52 AM
yep going to go see it 2pm friday afternoon i am excited this is the first movie i jhave really been looking foward to this year (x-men 2 and matrix reloaded in may are the next 2 so i got a wait after this)

Feb 12th, 2003, 08:30:29 AM
and when ya say stay tell the end are you saying sit through the credits

Feb 12th, 2003, 09:11:47 AM
I believe so, yes. All I know (Well, think I know what happens too) is that theres more after the credits roll.

And Im now seeing it in....20 hours, 47 minutes :)

Admiral Lebron
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:11:37 PM
STFU. I can't see it till at least saturday... :cry

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:16:28 PM
:D looks verra good, even if they did deviate a little from the original story

Feb 12th, 2003, 02:39:54 PM
There's only one thing I dislike them not using, and technically they dont say it DIDNT happen, judging from what I hear.

Feb 12th, 2003, 05:01:03 PM
Yeah stay after the credits, it's pretty neat and it guarantees a sequel.

Feb 13th, 2003, 02:27:53 PM
First, the darkness of this film is VERY suprising. Considering the rating, I was expected a quite watered down film. But instead, you get a film that borders very much on what you'd class as an R rated film.

Now, to the film's story. And a strong story it has. It is clear from the start that this is about DAREDEVIL. Wheras Batman and Spiderman being done in such a way that called the movies The Joker or Green Goblin would still work, this is all DD. All the other players are vital into this, but the main story is clearly Daredevil and his internal conflicts. It was good to see a romance be integral for this, instead of the standard "Let's bolt one on for the hell of it!". It was clear to me that Mark Steven Johnson cares for Daredevi.

It is also suprisingly faithful to the original works. Sure, there are changes, but most of these are to make it a viable film. Sure, in the comics Matt met Elektra at College, but it doesnt work to do it in a movie under two horus long. This change, like all the others, kept the film going.

The dialogue was perfect. Never did it feel particularly corny, but still felt like it came from a comic. I can see myself quoting this film in the future so often I annoy people :)

Now, the acting.

Ben Affleck for me IS Matt Murdock. He takes the part in his stride, and played what was for me a very believable Daredevil. Unlike most of his roles, he didnt go into a smug character. He was true to the comics, IMO.

Jennifer Garner was better than even I could have expected.

Colin Farrell was the one whos performance I enjoyed the most. You can see he was having fun in this role, and we got a psychotic marksman in return. This is probably my favourite comic book badguy we have ever seen on the screen.

Michael Clarke Duncan shuts up those whining about his skin colour. Forget the fact he isn't white, he IS Kingpin. His stature, his manner - Pure Kingpin for me.

Also worth a note are Jon Faverau and Joe Pantoliano. Faverau gives us the perfect Foggy Nelson, with a real raport going with Affleck. His humour also improves the film. And Joe Pants is, as always, great.

The fights were outstanding. When Daredevil enters the bar with his two sticks/one stick/one long stick/nuncheck/Grapnel weapon, we see a great fight, which borders on the realistic. And the later fighters are the sort of thing I have been waiting to see since I heard of this movie.

One little note about Special Effects. Daredevil were FAR better than Spidermans swinging. While Spiderman appeared to lose his spine and go bendy, Daredevil has a sluggish, more realistic movement. And Matt's radar sense? Perfect.

And a MAJOR high was the sound. If this does not at least get nominated for an Oscar next year, the Oscars deserved to be scrapped. This was something that would either work well or not. And it worked well.

To sum up, this is the best Superhero film I have seen, the best film I've seen in a long time, and maybe one of my favourties ever. And how does it compare to Spiderman? Well, to modify a quote:

"You're good, I'll give you that. But me? I'm magic"

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:35:29 PM
I will be seeing it tomorrow. So far the reviews have been slightly negative, which doesn't matter to me. Also what are guys predicting for the Box office? Its a four day weekend, so I would guess
46 million 3 days
56 4 Days
1st day 16 million

Feb 14th, 2003, 05:39:26 PM
I said a 40m weekend over at TF.N, but think it could to anything from 30-65 realistically.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:43:54 PM
Yeah that would be a good bet, being 4 days if it can make it over 40 that would be amazing, obviously the target would be Hannible's 58 total, I am not sure if that is possible, it would be cool if it could do it.

Feb 14th, 2003, 07:21:07 PM
Yeah, Reaper is right! This movie is AWESOME!!!

Screw the critics, that was hella fun.

Where is this terrible dialogue they said hurt the movie so much? WHAT movie were they watching?! LOL, if you want bad dialogue go watch Jason X. Daredevil's dialogue was fine, and it even had a few really funny/cool lines, although mostly I was a fan of the cinematic technique and story of the film, not the script.

The style is excellent, wonderful film editing, very dark feeling, even some expressionist like shadow work going on there, and then the action, wow, TIGHT! That movie is awesome.

I am giving it my first 4 star rating of the year. It is worthy of an "A."

Did anyone notice in the credits they have, "Hong Kong Action Choreographer:" and "Hong Kong Action (something else):" I thought that was pretty interesting, that they actually use the term "Hong Kong Action," hehe.

I think the Hong Kong action influence on the film industry is as profound as any other major film movement in the history of movies. It has penetrated all of our pop culture and influenced every action movie of the last 5 years basically.

Sean Piett
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:10:38 AM
Excellent movie. I like the fact that he was a hero willing to let people die. I also liked how Elektra died. I'm not a bad person, but I like movies without inhibitions about things like that.

Feb 15th, 2003, 02:13:14 AM
Yeah, I mean I agree with you to an extent. I totally think it adds credibility to a film when they are not afraid to have people die, but man...

That death was devastating. Maybe I'm just a sucker, LOL, but I didn't want to see that, especially on Valentine's Day! Hahaha, j/k :(

That was horrible, I kept hoping somehow they'd pull the comic book "everyone can come back to life" routine, but no such luck.

When Daredevil gets stabbed right through the shoulder there, or above the heart or something I guess, that was quite brutal!

I guess I must be unsophisticated according to the critics or something, because I simply fail to see what about Daredevil is not excellent. The only element I won't sit here and praise was the script, which still worked just fine! It was totally appropriate and even above average, it just wasn't remarkable. The film style, though, the editing, the choreography, the cinematography, they were all INCREDIBLY high quality. The marks of a true high budget, high production value film.

Oh well, I always give a few four star ratings every year that people go, "Huh?" when seeing, but that's ok -- four stars to me doesn't mean a classic (and I think that'st he wrong use of the grade), it just means an A- at least, which only means a film that was highly entertaining and excellent in numerous ways. I rarely give four star ratings, indeed, but it shouldn't be a rating reserved only for films that are "the greatest," at least not in my book, it just means a film that is totally appealing without reservation.

I have no reservation in my Daredevil review, therefore cannot give it 3.5 stars, which would suggest some type of flaw or several small flaws that lead to it being only 3.5. In this case, I was able to give a full recommendation without reservation -- I simply see no reason to qualify my recommendation or lessen it with criticism as I found nothing to criticize.

I will say that I still like Spider-Man and X-Men more, but that very well could be personal bias because I grew up watching X-Men on TV every Saturday religiously and I was a huge X-Men comics fan. Also, my favorite character was Venom, who appeared in Spider-Man of course for the first time, so I often read Spider-Man comics and had a rather large collection of cards and comics relating to him. I never got into Daredevil. To be honest, I never knew his origins, even though at one point I knew a bit about every Marvel character. I knew he was blind, I knew he had superhuman other senses, but I didn't realize it was during childhood or how it happened or where his name came from or anything like that. I had also heard of Elektra, Kingpin, Bullseye, of course, and had numerous cards of them all, just never followed the comic. So my slightly lower appreciation of Daredevil as a film could be from my bias in liking the other two Marvel properties more from a young age.

I would be most pleased to see a Fantastic Four movie, I assume they must be at least thinking of this? I was never a big Hulk fan, but I still look forward to that movie.

I still think it's sad that Batman and Superman are kind of dead franchises. Superman II remains the greatest superhero film ever created and is in my opinion FAR better than most of the "great dramatic classics" that have always received more praise. I'd take Superman II over Grapes of Wrath, Midnight Cowboy, Easy Rider, or many others like that any day of the week. I think Superman II is probably a top 25 film for me.

Superman, of course, is still right up there. It's only maybe 1 or 2 points out of 100 below the sequel, probably 1. If Superman II is maybe a 99 out of 100, Superman is a 98. Also, Batman is an excellent film, right up there in the 98 range too I think. I wasn't a big fan of Batman Returns when I first saw it, but jeez I was much younger, I should re-evaluate it before I see it again. I still think Batman Forever is way underrated, but Batman & Robin sucks hard. I couldn't tolerate that film at all, truly awful.

I wouldn't say I'm unfair in my grading of superhero movies, I mean Mortal Kombat was a video game movie, somewhat close, and I personally found it pretty lousy, but it just so happens that we really have had some excellent superhero movies, too. I didn't see the supposedly lousy ones like Barbed Wire or whatever.

Although, maybe it would seem from my reviews that I am a sucker for superhero films, lol. I also gave Spawn 3.5 stars. Spawn was an obsession for mine for about a year, I put $3,500 to $4,000 into my collection, and it was the LAST before Star Wars took over for good (6+ years now!).

Also, The Mask and The Shadow are excellent movies. The Shadow is an incredible film, truly classy and well produced, I think.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2003, 02:41:39 AM

*eyes fall out of head* :x

Feb 15th, 2003, 03:32:44 AM
Uh oh.

Well if I had to have a chick stab me hard with a sharp object like a sword, please let it be Jennifer Garner! That would almost be worth it, lol.

Hadrian Invicta
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:12:23 AM

My girlfriend got me tickets for opening night of Daredevil to go see on our date. We went to a nice fancy restaurant and ate plenty of food and drank a pitcher of Margarita's. Well obviously I didn't know how much insulin to take for a pitcher of Margarita's and under did it. So I got sick and couldn't go to the movie!!!!!! Hopefully the theater will refund our ticket for tonight.

Sanis Prent
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:28:40 AM
Nitpicker note: Sai aren't sharp. They're barely even pointed.

Feb 15th, 2003, 09:53:09 AM
Reply note: They had proper sai instructors teaching Garner and instructing Johnson. They know what they're doing :)

Sanis Prent
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:00:26 AM
From what I've seen, I don't doubt it. Just pointing out that sai are essentially blunt weapons, with a very very blunt tip, and no cutting edges. Butter knives are far sharper.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:47:51 PM
I just got back from it I thought it was a great movie, its right there with Spiderman and X-Men as best Marvel movies, in some ways I liked it better than Spiderman but its close. I thought Affleck was great, a lot better than I thought, Michael Duncan Clarke was really good as the Kingpin, I couldn't picture anybody else for the role. Also Farrel was terrific as Bullseye, he had some great lines. Also about Elektra I don't think she is dead, the whole thing at the end about that braile bracelent that Murdoch finds confirms that to me, they must have revived her or her heart stopped beating only for a minute or something. Also I thought that scene with Bullseye after the credits was funny :p

Feb 15th, 2003, 02:59:59 PM
Can't any comic experts comment on the whole thing that Carr puts in spoilers there? Doesn't anyone know more about the Big Double D? :)

Ok, if I had to be stabbed with a BLUNT OBJECT, LOL, then I'd rather it be Jennifer Garner doing it than anyone else (ouch, that would hurt, dayum!).

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:10:18 PM
Reaper knows a heck more then me so he would be the one to comment on it, I am sure he will when he comes back around.

Feb 15th, 2003, 03:31:43 PM
In the comics, Matt THOUGHT she was alive, and ended up opening up her coffin to believe the truth.

Now, ready for the complex bit?

The Hand, a group of Ninjas, attempt to ressurect her. Daredevil and a few others try to stop this. DD does something that I forget, and then gets out of the building, which is collapsing. He thinks he stopped ELektra from being ressurected, although he wanted her alive.

Really, she was ressurected, and the "badness" the Hand had tried to animate her with was purged.


They wont use it in the movie.

Feb 15th, 2003, 04:14:01 PM
If Jennifer Garner isn't in the second film, I don't think I want to watch it. :)

lol, j/k. I'd still watch, but Garner is such a goddess. She is my new obsession of the moment.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:15:19 PM
Jon that's another spoiler. SHEESH you people have no shame.:cry

Feb 15th, 2003, 04:23:21 PM
No it's not a spoiler. I'm just saying if they don't have her in it, then it won't be as good.

If they don't have Affleck as DareDevil in the 2nd film, it won't be as good either.

Feb 15th, 2003, 05:10:29 PM
GREAT news. Mark Steven Johnson has finished putting together the DIRECTORS CUT for the summer DVD release. Most likely, we will get our R Daredevil :)

And Im 99% sure we'll see more Bullseye :D

Feb 15th, 2003, 07:53:15 PM
Obviously I'll buy it, since I'm a DVD whore.

Feb 15th, 2003, 07:56:44 PM
Some of the scenes Ive heard of sound great :)

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:54:05 PM
That sounds cool Reaper, about what you said when did that storyline take place? I was curious was around the same time as the Spiderman clone storyline, when they killed off Iron Man, and Reed Richards and Dr. Doom, that is when Marvel had all these wierd storylines so if that is the case it wouldn't surprise me.
Also I don't think they will go that route, most likely she just some how survived her injuries

Feb 15th, 2003, 09:14:03 PM
No offense to anyone, but Ironman was another of those superheroes I just always thought was kinda stupid.

Actually I was never a Daredevil fan, so I have to give huge props to the director and everyone else who worked on this film in making it such a great, enjoyable experience. I really didn't expect it to be so good. If anything, I would have been biased against it because I never much thought Daredevil was a cool hero. Now, I really like him, I really hope for a sequel to this film for sure. I was totally happy with that movie.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:30:44 PM
Ironman can be cool but he does seem like a combination of Superman and Batman or something. His uniform is cool. I would like to see F4, but they have been having problems doing it. Another Captain America movie would be great this would be a good time to do it too.

Feb 15th, 2003, 09:45:54 PM
I am sorry I just always thought Ironman had a tincan, idiotic costume. It could be made to be cool in the movies, but come on, I already saw The Rocketeer ;)

Captain America, simply put, is the worst major superhero ever created. He is boring, has a stupid, lame costume, and his special abilities blow chunks. He has no personality, no depth, he's just, ugg, I hate Captain America. Not to be unpatriotic, but seriously, I hope they never go into that property again.

I am sure someone could make it a cool movie even as stupid as Captain America is, but the Nazis aren't around anymore, lol, I just don't see the point. He's a lame superhero. I much prefer almost any villain I can think of (villains are usually cooler anyway).

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:03:25 PM
Well Captain America is the Marvel version of Superman, he is a boyscount, the opposite of Daredevil, he would never kill or at least tries not to. He is powerful, he has superstrength he could probably beat batman, one to one, as long as Batman wasn't allowed to use any gadgets. He is about as strong as Spiderman. And the Nazi part well there are some still around just they are now mostly skinheads and wacoos living out in the woods. He is still one of my favs I guess its because I really like the Avengers.

Feb 16th, 2003, 12:38:59 AM
Actually the Avengers are pretty tight, that's true.

Bette Davis
Feb 16th, 2003, 01:09:20 AM
Yeah, but their movie blew chunks. :x


Feb 16th, 2003, 01:37:57 AM
They made an Avengers movie?! WTF? lol

Feb 16th, 2003, 04:48:20 AM
Carr, Not long after the death. Bout 190 or so, when the death was 181

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:41:09 AM
I think you are talking about The Avengers movie based on the TV series, there hasn't been one based on the comic, I doubt their ever will be too many characters to deal with, unless they just deal with the big four (Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and Hawkeye).

Jinn Fizz
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:08:34 PM
Saw the movie yesterday, and in many ways, I thought it was better than Spider-Man. I like my superheroes to be conflicted and with some dark edges, and this movie definitely delivers on that point.

Having not read any of the comic books, I was really surprised that Elektra apparently died at the hands of Bullseye. But I do think that Matt finding the Braille good luck charm up on the roof at the end was a hint that things aren't necessarily what they seem.

Oh, and I totally agree with Reaper's assessment of the CGI effects. I don't think Spider deserves the visual effects Oscar, because the CGI was actually pretty bad at points in the movie. But here in Daredevil, the CGI looked MUCH more believable and MUCH less distracting. :)

Feb 16th, 2003, 12:51:40 PM
I thought it was an alright movie, but thought it could have been better. I think I liked Spider Man more because I was a much bigger fan of him when I was young. Plus, I can't really get used to Ben Affleck no matter what role he's in. But Jon Favreau was pretty funny. :)

Feb 16th, 2003, 12:57:42 PM
Well for me Affleck played the perfect Murdock, while Maguire was WAYYYYYYYY too geeky a Parker. Also, I found Affleck as Daredevil was much better than Maguire's Spiderman :)

Feb 16th, 2003, 01:03:59 PM
I'm on the opposite side of that discussion right now. I'll probably have to see DD again to really decide. I thought everyone in DD was great, except Affleck, but like I said, I've always been unable to take him seriously.:)

Feb 16th, 2003, 01:10:20 PM
Well I think he's a good actor when he tries :)

Feb 16th, 2003, 01:20:31 PM
I agree, I don't think he's a bad actor, there's just something about his that I can't take for real, just like Brendan Fraser. I would like the Mummy movies if it weren't for him, but what it is about the 2 guys I can't put a finger on.

Feb 16th, 2003, 01:23:43 PM
I only like Fraser when hes being funny like in Scrubs or George of the Jungle :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:57:52 PM
Ok I just got back from TRYING to see DareDevil.

The neighborhood suffered a power surge RIGHT AFTER Bullseye says "You put the fear...in him."

And BOOM no more movie. We had to leave. Not just our movie, but the entire movie theatre was emptied. Lights were out, the whole she-bang.

It sucked. :cry

So I still can't read the spoilers. But what I saw of the movie I really liked. It just ...GETS ME that we got right to the best part of the movie, the CLIMAX, and everything stopped. :cry

Feb 16th, 2003, 07:21:42 PM

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:15:01 PM
That happened to me once when watching Waterworld, we were fortunante or unfortunate depends on your point of view :p, that the power came back on.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:32:37 PM
I'm going to try to see it tomorrow with my roommate.

Bullseye's eyes are...freaky! :D

Feb 16th, 2003, 11:00:17 PM
Oh no! What a stupid thing to have happen! Tell me the theater reimbursed you?

Feb 16th, 2003, 11:11:42 PM
That wouldn't be enough.

You cannot refund people for that, it's B.S. You should give them 3 free tickets. YOU made the mistake, THEY wasted their time watching the movie and not finishing it, and driving to the theater, and you ruined their night and their experience. It's unacceptable to refund the ticket solely without giving people anything else.

A theater should express their profound apologies and give everyone at least 3 free movie tickets to express their sympathy with the people who just got shafted. Anyway, such an occurrence should be SO RARE that they have no problem giving away free movie tickets on such occassions. Only Regal is so lame and pathetic that they won't give you more than just a lousy refund. They are fools.

In fact, what should happen is anyone who has that happen to them should simply sneak into the next 3 movies because the theater owes it to them anyway. If they are going to be dicks about it, then it's time to take matters into your own hands and establish justice yourself. Those buggers...

That sucks, LD, I hope you get to see the full thing without it being ruined. Grr... that happened to me during Blade 2, but it was the 2nd time, so I didn't mind *that* much and the movie never started. We waited 30 minutes, nothing, so I wasted about an hour at least, about 1 hour 15 minutes really total, with driving time, the time we got there early, and the time we waited. It was like 15 (drive there) + 15 (the minutes we got there early) +30 (the time we waited in our seats after the show was supposed to start) + 15 (the drive home). VERY frustrating.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:05:10 AM
We all got emergency tickets. But I wish I'd asked for two. :)

Feb 17th, 2003, 12:13:47 AM
And you certainly would deserve at least that for your time.

I'm sorry you had to have that happen because it truly is such a major pain in the butt. Something similar has happened to me a number of times in the last two years, but given the number of movies I attend I suppose it's not too bad.

200 film showings last year, maybe 210, had problems during 3 of them. So that is less than 2%, but still...

Feb 17th, 2003, 02:39:01 AM
Emergency tickets? Were they in a glass case, with IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, BREAK GLASS written on front? ;)

James Prent
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:03:02 AM
haha - no.

;) Just a guy in a suit handing them out at the back door.

Feb 17th, 2003, 11:23:03 AM
Was he in a superhero costume? Did he shout "Have no fear, Ticketmaster is here!"? :)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:49:46 PM
Probably not, but that would be funny.

Feb 17th, 2003, 02:09:30 PM
As he flies down on a wire :)

Hadrian Invicta
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:07:55 PM
I'm confused how is it the theater's fault that the neighborhood experienced a power outage, wouldn't that be the fault of the power company? Not that replacement tickets shouldn't be handed out as they were, but why does the theater owe anyone extra tickets for something they had not control over. No one demands extra tickets from a sporting venue that has to be cancelled due to weather...

Feb 17th, 2003, 04:11:24 PM
Over here Had, they generally would refund if the weather cancelled a game :)

I think it's just a courteus thing to do thats stuck around.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:28:27 PM
Daredevil absolutely rocked something wicked. I enjoyed X-Men more, Spiderman less. The best thing about it was that is was a much darker film than those aforementioned.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:34:18 PM
If a baseball is cancelled because of rain the fans get tickets to the make up game, if their is one.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:36:08 PM
Its a courtesy, just as when the film melts on the reel while you're watching, or the sound goes out for an entire scene in the movie.

Its all about free tickets! I got a free ticket when the sound in AOTC was horrendously loud. My ears hurt.

Feb 17th, 2003, 04:37:10 PM
it's like the SImpsons scene, where the glasses start smashing :)

Grandpa Simpson: Turn it up!!!!


Hadrian Invicta
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:15:47 PM
No no i meant extra tickets. I fully expect a refund. I meant the claims that they deserve 3 or 4 more tickets for their time.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:51:59 PM
Yeah I was joking about that. I'm just mad that they didn't let me stay until the power came back so I could see the last bit of the movie.

Feb 17th, 2003, 11:53:57 PM
I was not saying in THIS case that she deserves 3-4 tickets necessarily, as this was really hardly the fault of the theater, although no generator? Come on people, I have a generator for my HOUSE, every major business should have one too. There's not really any excuse for that. You can't let power conditions disturb your business. There are simply too many power outages for that to make sense.

Now with a print melting, being in inferior condition, the sound not working, or anything else, that is absolutely the theater's fault in EVERY case, including if the studio sent them a bad print. If that's the case, they should have previewed it, and if they did preview it and still played it anyway, then it's even worse! I had a theater do that once, where they knew damn good and well that the print was screwed up because it was the 3rd showing of the day, but did they tell me about it or give me a discount? No.

One time at Tigard we watched What Lies Beneath and they had the courtesy to warn us about it in advance and we did get a discount. It was matinee prices for night showings and they told us so that if we didn't want to risk it, we could not bother. We ended up going and it was just this obnoxious little line down the middle of the screen for 10 minutes near the end, but given that the movie was lame anyway, I especially didn't care.

Admiral Lebron
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:03:25 PM
I saw it. Finally. I was very upset with her death. :( And was the thing after the credits the thing with bulls eye?

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:29:04 AM
Just saw it today, and I liked it - although I did think the story moved really quickly, and some things which were a bit confusing could have been better explained (i.e. where he slept, I wouldn't have understand that if a friend hadn't explained).

On the whole though I really liked it :)

Admiral Lebron
Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:54:11 AM
It took me a while to get it... I think...

Jinn Fizz
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:20:08 PM
I guess if you're not familiar with sensory deprivation tanks, then yes, where Murdock was sleeping would have been pretty darn confusing. It makes sense, though, because if he didn't shut out the outside world, he would never sleep at all.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:02:45 PM
I understood the sleeping arrangement right away. *gives self gold star*

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:05:07 PM
oh well then I must just be the only one :rolleyes

:headbash's self for being stupid :lol

Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:35:41 PM
The sound gives away he cant hear ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:37:21 PM
I understood that bit, just not why he was in water :mneh

Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:39:19 PM
now, I actually was told why, but cant remember :)

Admiral Lebron
Feb 22nd, 2003, 05:30:32 PM
Don't feel bad. I didn't realize till I was at a party after words, sitting by a 500 watt speaker.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 23rd, 2003, 03:20:46 AM
Ah ha I have seen it!

Elektra's weapons are NOT the blunt ones I thought they were from Charley's description. They look like knives to me. Besides, whoever heard of cutting a sandbag open with a non sharp implement?? I don't even know if that's a spoiler, but hey, I like to feel like I'm being extra careful.

I don't think she's dead either, because of the good luck charm at the end in braille. Of course, that was there expressly for that purpose. And Bullseye not being dead...hooray! Sequel!

And Kingpin's knees...all I can say ....is...OW!

All in all, excellent movie, I loved it. :D


Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:43:33 AM
Yes, he is :)

Feb 25th, 2003, 03:19:57 AM
Garner remains my current celebrity obsession.

*drool* :D

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:09:54 AM
I find it hard to argue with that statement.

Feb 27th, 2003, 01:54:15 PM

(FRESH = 60% or Greater)
Reviews counted: 161
Fresh: 73 Rotten: 88
Average Rating: 5.6/10

With so many people raving about it I would have expected better numbers.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:55:43 PM
Well I think its not a critics movie that is my feeling anyway, comic book movies usually don't get good reviews.

Feb 27th, 2003, 02:00:03 PM
I think I caught a quick glimpse of a positive review by Ebert. I just wonder why so many are throwing stones at it.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:04:06 PM
Not sure really, I think some of them are saying that it is a ripoff of Spiderman and Batman and I can see some of that but it is really different. I think Ebert had the best review which is a shock to me, he has really given bad reviews to comic book films, all of the batman movies (maybe not the first one), Spiderman, and X-Men, so I was surprised he enjoyed it.

Feb 27th, 2003, 02:32:47 PM
Ebert loved it IIRC. And that Roeper guy IIRC.

I think the biggest problem it faced was the reviewer trend of comparing. Is it fair to compare Daredevil to Spiderman when they are so different? Sure, say which you liked more, but some reviews have almost been based round this.

To be honest though, 45% is more than I expected. Most the reviewers I read liked it. The main ones I look to are Ebert and Jonathan Ross, one of our reviewers. That way I see a "serious" reviewer, and a reviewer who is more light, the sort that read comics as a kid and gets enthused over good action movies.

RT cheats though. 2.5/4 is more than 60%. So why do they class the review as rotten?

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:35:19 PM
I know 2.5 means like above average or something, I wish they would come up with a different classification because a lot times movies get Rotten when they have a lot of those 2.5 like you say Reaper.

Feb 27th, 2003, 03:50:58 PM
See to ME, 40-60 is average. Maybe 40-80

Feb 27th, 2003, 05:10:51 PM
I saw DareDevil on Tuesday. It was a kick butt kind of movie. I was led to believe the girl DareDevil loved was still alive. Anyone else get this impression? They ARE making a sequal aren't they?

Feb 28th, 2003, 02:43:01 AM
Yes, plus other possibles branching offs. Elektra movie for one.

Jinn Fizz
Mar 2nd, 2003, 10:31:13 AM
Funny toon :)

Mar 2nd, 2003, 10:44:52 AM

Admiral Lebron
Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:32:12 PM
Good one.

Mar 2nd, 2003, 05:09:15 PM
RT's rating system is whacked.

A film can be 55% "good" reviews and have another 35% 2.5 star reviews and be called "rotten" when only about 1 in 10 or 1 in 15 critics would actually say it was a rotten movie.

When I give a film 2.5 stars, it means I thought it was at least pretty enjoyable, slightly good, not quite good, but recommendable possibly for renting. Yet they would count any 2.5 star review of mine as "rotten," which is silly. They need to call those neutral or positive, one of the two, because if I wanted to call a film rotten I'd give it 1.5 stars or less.

Anyway, Daredevil rocked, I'm a critic and I can rate it as I please without the idiocy of other pompous critics clouding my enjoyment of a great film. :)

Sejah Haversh
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:46:37 AM
Just saw it. Good movie, and the action was great, but I wouldn't call it better than Spider-Man or X-Men. In fact, I liked both of those far better.

Daredevil just seemed too rushed to me, it didn't have a natural pace. Had I not known some of the background, I would ahve been lost and disinterested. Though it was a cool movie, it's not going on my "must buy" list when it comes out.

Dunno, it was good, but, I'll wait for video to see it again.

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:42:05 PM
I just finally got around to seeing this and I was simply wowed. Daredevil is, quite simply, my favorite superhero movie so far. I'm very tempted to go see it again.

Yes, yes... I know I'm late on the bandwagon here. :) But I'd still like to respond to a few things in this thread.
Originally posted by ReaperFett
There's only one thing I dislike them not using, and technically they dont say it DIDNT happen, judging from what I hear. You mean, stuff about Stick training him? Yeah, I thought the same thing. It could have still happened, sometime between his childhood and adulthood.
It is a lot more violent than Spider-Man and darker, not as dark as BatmanAre you kidding me? I thought Daredevil was very dark. His dad dies. Ok, well that's just the premise, right? But then they actually incorporated the fact that Bullseye killed Elektra - that was completely unexpected for me. I didn't think that would be in the movie at all. It really played with your expectations: Everyone expects the hero to get up at the last possible second and save the girl... and it just didn't happen.

Besides that, there's the fact that Murdock doesn't quite have the same morals as most of your other heros. Do you think Batman would have really just left the rapist in front of the train to die? You see Daredevil as a conflicted and haunted man.

I thought the script was quite excellent. The romance, for the first time in a long time, did not feel at all forced or contrived. Overall, I felt very empathetic towards Affleck throughout the movie. I was a bit uneasy about him playing the role at first but, after seeing the movie, I can't think of anyone who would have done it better. His quiet, easygoing demeanor really fit well here.
Nitpicker note: Sai aren't sharp. They're barely even pointed.They're generally not shiny, either. :) I assumed she had them made special.
I don't think she is dead, the whole thing at the end about that braile bracelent that Murdoch finds confirms that to me I think that was just supposed to be something a little... mystical. She said she would find him and she did. It's not really supposed to be explained. :)
that's another spoiler. SHEESH you people have no shame.The reason why I didn't read this thread until now. :p Even if most of the spoilers are covered, there are still things that can be given away about the movie that I don't want to know.

The movie had just the kind of edge to it that I like. I didn't expect too much from it beforehand and so I was really pleasantly surprised. It's definitely a must-buy for me.

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:46:45 PM
The romance, for the first time in a long time, did not feel at all forced or contrived
Yeah, I thought it was important to the film.

They're generally not shiny, either. I assumed she had them made special.
In the comics she has used sharp Sai :)

I think that was just supposed to be something a little... mystical. She said she would find him and she did. It's not really supposed to be explained.
Well, I've since seen a picture of an alternate camera angle, where Elektra is actually on a building in the background (out of focus) as Matt touches the charm.

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:54:41 PM
Mm... that's interesting, but I actually hope that she stays dead. It gives a much darker tone to the movie.

Daredevil felt like it had a lot in common with The Crow. I think that there was definitely some influence going on there.

BTW - I haven't seen anyone else mention Kevin Smith's cameo in the movie. That was really a surprise.

Apr 7th, 2003, 03:06:28 PM
Yep, 'twas him. He writes DD sometimes.

Apr 7th, 2003, 04:06:06 PM
I hope she's alive. More Garner is always good. This Elektra movie that's in the making, is it supposed to be before or after DD?

Apr 7th, 2003, 04:08:05 PM
After. From how it sounds, it will continue the Elektra story. The movie background wasnt that far from the comic one

Apr 9th, 2003, 04:44:36 AM
Quite frankly, they're going to have to do something as crazy as what happened in the comics to bring her back. Her heart had stopped before the police even arrived, much less a medical team. Not to mention that she was probably bleeding to death. There's about zero chance that she could have been saved.

Apr 9th, 2003, 04:48:11 AM
Could be that the chopper above stopped Matt from hearing the heart