View Full Version : Spacey is a genius...
Matthew Neil
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:08:22 PM
David Gale is a man who has tried to live by his principles, but in a bizarre twist of fate this devoted father, popular professor and respected death penalty opponent finds himself on Death Row for the rape and murder of fellow-activist Constance Hallaway. With only three days before his scheduled execution, Gale agrees to give Pulitzer-hungry reporter Elizabeth "Bitsey" Bloom the exclusive interview she has been chasing. But Bitsey soon realizes that this assignment is more than she bargained for, and that a man's life is in her hands. Putting her own safety in jeopardy, she frantically races to piece together the shocking events surrounding Constance's death, before it's too late.
And I for one can't wait for Feb. 21 when "The Life of David Gale" comes out. ALthough the fact that Kate Winslet is in it put me off, I think itll be worth it. Storyline is a bit overdone but the fact that it's based on a true story always sucks me in.
I think Spacey is my favorite actor... He's so unconventional.
Sene Unty
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:35:12 PM
Well he is one of my favorite actors. I cannot wait to see this movie!
Feb 11th, 2003, 02:18:05 PM
Yeah, this looks like it could be a very strong movie.
Feb 11th, 2003, 06:01:42 PM
Kate Winslet put you off?????
Are you nuts!? Im in love with that girl. If you take the time to watch her films you'll realise she is a fantastic actress. I hope that this is an indication that she may be drifting into more mainstream films.
I strongly belive she has the ability to become the top female actress and the thought of her alongside Spacey just thrills me. He is brilliant and so I think they are going to compliment each other very well.
Feb 11th, 2003, 06:24:34 PM
Kate Piglet is hella annoying. She has lost weight though. Man she was just GROSS in Titanic. That ruins a love story when you have a skinny little shrimp like Leo with a fat pig like Kate, jesus christ, you are supposed to have an ATTRACTIVE couple, that's the definition of a romantic film. lol. She looks better now, but still, I'm not a fan. Ugg.
The movie looks good, though.
Feb 11th, 2003, 06:32:41 PM
Ah christ. I forgot you had a problem with normal sized women. If they arent skinny and weigh less than 10 stone then they must be fat pigs. Even if she is overweight (which I strongly disagree with) does that take ANYTHING away from ones acting ability?
How much do you reckon Kate Winslet weighed for Titanic Jon? Hazzard a guess. Im sure there are a few women on this board interested to know if they fit into your Fat Pig category.
Feb 11th, 2003, 07:31:21 PM
Actually it's not so much her body. It's her face that looked chubby to me, personally.
She still looked chubby in Titanic, but she does not look so now really.
As for your question, well different girls ALL have different ideal weights. There is no such thing as saying, "Oh all girls 5'6" should weigh so and so much." No, my sister is 5'4" and honestly weighs as much as I do and I'm 5'10", but she is very muscular and obviously is just built differently. She's very skinny still, there is no question about that at all. Then there are girls who I think, "100 pounds? WTF?!?!?!" Maybe it's not as unhealthy as I think, just depends on your build I guess. I can tell when I look at a girl whether she's fit or not though, so can anyone.
Mu Satach
Feb 11th, 2003, 09:02:53 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
with a fat pig like Kate,
*pulls out cannon and fires at Jon, the cannon ball hits him soundly in the gut and sends him flying over Mt. Everest*
I feel better now.
Dae Jinn
Feb 11th, 2003, 09:12:25 PM
Thank you Mu :)
Once again, Jon, think. Some people are bigger than others, and are "fit". Size doesn't matter to most people, and I'm sure you'll be thankful if your furture gfs also think that way ;) :lol
Back on topic, I saw the trailer for this movie when I went to see Chicago, and it looks really good. Very interesting :)
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:10:33 PM
I'm also a huge fan of Kate Winslet. Heck I love Spacey.
Can't say that I'm looking forward to this flick though. We'll see.
Matthew Neil
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:40:03 AM
Oh, she's attractive, it's not that. I'm just not a fan of her acting. She ruined Hamlet for me and that just threw me off her completlely.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:50:15 AM
I've always had a thing for Kate Winslett. Then again I also have a thing for "big boned" girls, though I generally don't discriminate if they aren't.
Spacey is great. However, I think everyone that sings Spacey's praises needs a teaspoon of reality check. Watch "The Shipping News"...the 2nd most horrible movie ever made...ever (Just ahead of Master of Disguise). It will make you want to flay Miramax executives to death with a string of dental floss. Spacey loses a full third of his cool points for being in that POS.
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