View Full Version : Mesmerized [Alpha, Open]
Eve Siren
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:15:39 AM
Syren and Andrue was back at the base, and it was locked up with security lasers, so Eve didn't have to worry. She sighed, standing on a tiny bridge over a small river. She leaned her elbows against the side the bridge, another sigh escaped her mouth. She wore her usual leather attire, but her Skull helmet was nowhere near her. The wind made a gentle breeze, flowing through her hair, softly brushing against her cheek and neck, before running its invisible fingers through her long dark hair. Though she was content for having two people to take care of at the moment, she still felt a part of her lonely, erased.
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:35:26 AM
Satine steps out of a bar, just finished with a little Sabbac game, when he feels a familiar presence in the Force.
Eve? he wonders, using the Force to guide him to her. He blended well with the darkness, his black leather duster, black pants, shirt and overshirt, making him seem like just another shadow. Stepping silently, he sees her on a bridge, and he smiles slightly.
He walks up to her, the space around them silent aside from the gurgling of the water running by.
"Hello again Eve..." he says, a small smile on his lips.
Teran Jowas
Feb 11th, 2003, 03:38:38 PM
Teran was away form the Yavin 4 acadamy for years, he was on a mission... actually, he was on a Quest. he never nderstood his purpose in life, and his unity with the force. he had once been so sure of himself, but after he lost his memory, he began to question his path with the force....
he took a deep breath, today was so windy, his ponytail swung, and his robes billowed in the wind. he liked wearing his Falleen robes, which was not something Jedi wore. it slightly resembled a Jedi attire, but not much. but, it didn't matter because he had been different since he first joined the Order, nearly 100 yrs ago.
he was in fact the first Falleen to become a Jedi, and the first to turn to the Dark side of the Force. he tuned a corner, only to feel a surge of the Force...
there on the far end of the block, were a group of people, two dressed in Jedi robes. he briskly paced over to their direction, only stopping to check if his lightsaber was at his side, he had no way of knowing if his approaching enemies were good or bad, and so had his lightsaber ready...
he reached their circle, " Are you two Jedi, or Sith?"
Feb 12th, 2003, 08:01:23 AM
Satine's hand goes to his lightsabre, as he turns to look at the new arrival.
"I'm Jedi Mastre Satine Capashen. Why do you want to know our alleigences?"
Teran Jowas
Feb 12th, 2003, 04:53:45 PM
"i am Jedi hopeful, former Jedi Master, Teran Jowas, and i wish you no harm. i have sensed a disturbance in the force, and it was nearby i wanted to make sure you were not that evil disturbance. but we must move quickly, the surge i felt is nearby", Teran moving instantly stepped behind the bar wall, "oh, by the way, nice to meet you..."
Feb 12th, 2003, 08:20:55 PM
Satine can't help but chuckle.
"That would be my friend here, you're sensing. Eve Siren. But," Satine says, his tone warning, "you are not to harm her. She is one of my friends."
Teran Jowas
Feb 13th, 2003, 05:31:10 AM
"are you saying that she is a Sith?", Teran pulled his saber out, it glowed brightly and hummed <VMMMMMM>. " i am quite confused, please let's step in side." he nuged his saber in Satine's direction...
Feb 13th, 2003, 06:54:09 AM
As the sabre begins to move, it hits what felt to be a brick wall.
"I would recomend putting the sabre away..." he says, his voice quiet, and calm, his silver eyes flashing. "Now."
Teran Jowas
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:05:20 PM
"listen... i don't want to hurt anyone. i am clueless as to who you are, and can't let you walk away without the truth", Teran put away his saber, realizing it wasn't going to get him anywhere. besides, it was clear that this Jedi, or Sith was a skilled duelest. and besides, he didn't want to waist any energy in vain. "okay, now can we talk? i feel a rising disturbance in the force, if it is your friend, then something is rising inside her... i need more information..."
Teran let out a deep breathe of relief, he really was in no modd to duel right now. he followed the stranger into the bar, and put his lightsaber on his belt. and popped a food tablet from his belt pouch, he really wasn't hungry, but knew he should eat. he hadn't eaten in 3 days! taking a seat at the bars booth table he pointed to the seat in front of him for his new guests...
Eve Siren
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:09:17 PM
Eve had remained silent, but the alcohol that she had earlier got down her system was beginning to act, making her react more slowly. Standing behind Satine, she silently leaned forward, her eyes half-closed staring at the stranger, claiming to be a former Jedi Master. She exhaled for a long moment, before resting her chin on Satine's shoulder, from behind, still glaring at the stranger with squinted brown eyes.
"I don't like him ...." She murmured.
Teran Jowas
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:24:02 PM
Falleens had extremely good ears, and they served their purpose well. he heard what the young lady said. both the female and the male sat in front of Teran. Teran figured that she mst not have liked him from the beginning, she kept squinting and giving him evil looks (which was really just her eye lids getting heavy). but he ignored her, seeing as if this were hapenning to him, he may be do the same thing... a waitress droid brought Teran and the toher two some galactic cofee, "here ya go hun." "thank you", Teran said politly to the waitress. he took one sip, looked up at the two and spoke, "so you were saying?"
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:30:05 PM
Satine smiles reassuringly at Eve.
I don't care for his attitude much either, Eve...So, think he's imagining this growing darkness? Satine sends, through the Force, making sure to dampen it enough that only Eve would be able to recieve it.
He then turns to Teran.
"First, I'd like to know more about you, and this thing you're feeling..." he says, stroking the silver goatee he had begun growing a week or so ago.
His second hand, though, kept nears his sabre, the Jedi Master still on his guard...
Eve Siren
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:33:49 PM
I don't know what he's talking about ... Eve replied, through the same type of communication.
Satine turned to Teran, but Eve didn't budge. Her head was still resting on Satine's shoulder. Tired of squinting her eyes at the stranger, Eve just closed them, though it was visible that she was still listening.
"I think that ... You are mistaken, stranger." She scoffed.
Teran Jowas
Feb 14th, 2003, 03:29:36 PM
Teran looked at the female named Eve (whicich he doesn't know yet). he wanted to scoule at her and ripp her pretty little lips off with a vibroblade! but, that was not the Jedi way... he took another deep breath, "i am a Jedi, and i am Falleen. we Falleens are generaly so out of sink with the Force, were not even considerd for training... but, me i am the first Falleen to become a Jedi. i have been recognized as having a very intune sink with the Force, and it's surroundings. so you can imagine, when somehtings wrong in the Force, somehting is wrong to me!"
Teran looked at Satine, who stared back, silver eyes, hot, and unbudging... then the stand off ended with Teran looking away at his coffee. he then turned to see two men step into the bar, they had black hats on (like in the old westerns: this usualy indicates the bad guys; hint, hint). the two, we'll call them Gunslingers, steped over to the managers table, and told the watress droid seven-bee (7-B) to go get him. the room was suddenly quiet. Teran waisted no time to alert his strangers of the Gunslingers. he quickly paced toward a seat not to far away from the two GLs (Gunslingers). he motioned for Eve and Satine to join him at the table...
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:10:39 PM
Satine takes Eve by the hand, and leads her to the table, giving her hand a quick squeeze of reassurance. He sees the two Gunslingers, and scoffs silently. He could make it so that not a single bullet would emerge from their gun barrels, by way of Force shields, so these people didn't bother him in the least.
"Teran, was it? You didn't really answer me. Sure, you are in tune wiyht the Force, but someone could be manipulating you..."
Teran Jowas
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:04:31 AM
"sure they could, i mean, it wouldn't be the first time", Teran said not looking back at Satine. "but then again", he looked back, " there is my proof right there." he pointed in the Gunslingers' direction. he sensed something strange about these Gunslingers. they had a unity with the Force! Teran spun around at Satine and Eve wide-eyed, "By the Force! can you feel it?"
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:34:23 AM
Satine closes his eyes, and quickly scans the Slingers with the Force. He gives a very creative curse under his breath, and through the force, though the Slingers don't pick up on it.
"Oh, this could get interesting..."
Teran Jowas
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:30:14 PM
interesting?he thought this was interesting?, Teran thought to himself... he decided it would be better to wait and see what they do next. the manager sat down at the table with the Gunslingers. they began to chat. reaching into his pocket, Teran grabbed an "ear" ( a listening chip that can be recorded), he tossed it on the back of one of the Gunslingers chair. "listen we need those packages", the one gunslinger said. " and i need my money... we all need something", the manager said leaning forward, as if to dare the two.
"alright." the other GL hand the manager 70, 000 New Republic credits.
"that's more like it", the manager said with a smile. " follow me out back, i have the stuff you wanted."
Teran waited till the trio went outback, and then followed them, motioning at his two strangers to follow...
Eve Siren
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:42:26 AM
Eve tugged on Satine's arm. Being a Jedi didn't mean always putting your nose in another's business, she thought to herself, leave them alone. Being a former Sith Knight, there was no doubt that Eve did some suspicious things, but she was smart enough to know that they were some things that could be stopped and others could just get you killed.
Teran Jowas
Feb 19th, 2003, 03:42:35 PM
((ooc: sorry, i didn't read right, i tought it said you had your younglings with you! but, you don't... sorry, i'll delete that bit i add on. my bad))
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:08:12 PM
Satien feels the tugging, and looks at Eve.
What's wrong? Getting some bad vibes?
Teran Jowas
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:57:55 PM
Teran looked back once at the two following him, he smiled, they seem like a really cute couple... if only the girl wasn't such a bit-, he was cut off by what he saw the Gunslingers doing. they had picked up four packages, they were marked highly explosive. the two Gunslingers carried them to a small spacecraft, "they must've pulled it out back?" the men loaded it up, then just when they were about to leave, one of them, pulled out a gun a shot the old manager. he fell to the ground, the dust rolled in his face, the gunslinger took his 70, 000 credits back and headed back to the craft. Teran jumped into action, " Satine, and Eve, stop that space craft, i'll tend to the wounded man!" he ran over to the man, touched where the laser hole was, "it went clean", the manager said.
"shhh, don't speak, this won't hurt a bit..."
Eve Siren
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:08:34 PM
Sad, sad that padawan Jedi still didn't learn to keep his thoughts for himself. A child's game for a Sith Knight, however. Eve let go of Satine and came to where Teran was, with the wounded manager. She frowned, pulling out her own gun. She aimed it at the manager's head and shot. It killed him, instantly, obviously.
"He was in pain. Even if he lived, it wouldn't be same." She coldly explained, without looking at Teran.
Now, she really was a bitch.
Teran Jowas
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:47:22 PM
Teran looked up at her, slowly turning to see Eve. he gasped when the shot went off! she shot him! how could she, he might have been able to save him. and he might've had some information about the two gunslingers! rage suddenly filled him, but, being a jedi often meant seeing things die before you. and this arena was no stranger to Teran, but when the man was shot by Eve, a sudden break in the Force occured. he would have to watch this "Eve" character. he had no time to mourn though, now that the man was dead, it freed him up to stop those gunslingers! he ran up to the ship and hoped up right when the drop-door was closing. pulling out his lightsaber, VMMMM! he made one last plea for peace, "i'm going to give you two seconds to explain yourself, if you don't. me and my Friend (Teran smiled, seeing as Satine definatley wasn't his friend) are going to finish you..."
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:20:15 PM
Satine doesn't even give them the two seconds, flapping his wings, and diving into the ship, his gaunlets turning quicksilver again, and reforming into claws. He tackles the first one, his claws ripping gouges in his flesh. He drops that one, and pulls his sabre, igniting it, the glowing black blade crackling and hissing to life.
"I would reccomend you explain to us," he said, talking to the Slingers, "why we should spare you..."
Eve Siren
Feb 21st, 2003, 04:26:10 PM
Eve stared right back at Teran as he sat there, outraged and shocked before running off to the criminals. She left her gun hanging at the tips of her fingers, not putting it back just yet. She watched Satine and Alpha do the rest of the work, her head slowly tilting to the side. It doesn't feel the same anymore. Killing, that is. She had lost interest in it, a long time ago. Nobody to enjoy it with, she supposed.
Teran Jowas
May 31st, 2003, 01:43:51 PM
while Satine was interrogating the criminals, Teran jumped to the controls of the shipe, still thinking of the evil that surged from Eve's body when she shot the manager... "okay, it seems to be on autopilot!" he quickly overrided the system, and put it on Manual... he quickly landed the ship, and ran over to the GLs, " okay --" he suddenly heard a sound behind them... a BOMB! this ship was about to explode! he tried to menatlly warn Satine and Eve, but it was too late, the bomb went off with a BOOM! the ship was blown to peices, and Teran, Satine, and Eve were pumled to the ground! Teranlay on the ground unmoving... no doubt his mind was still working, but his body wouldn't budge. he imagined he must've put up a menatl shield, as did the other he guessed. but when he glanced over at the ship, he saw no signs of the criminals, nor the crates! they were blown, their skin burnt to a sinder! Teran had no time to lose, he quickly forced himslef up off the ground, and leaned against a torn down wall, trying to pry himself up... he looked over at Eve and Satine, Satine was moving and up, but Eve was not, naturally she was breathing, but not able to rise, not yet... he looked over to Satine, who was getting up, "i'm sorry..."
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