View Full Version : A night of girl talk. (Xaxor)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 11th, 2003, 09:59:49 AM
*Natia walks into the B&G, her black hair loose around her face, the white lock standing out clearly. Dressed in a simple blue dress, no gloves and on her hand rests a showy white owl. Ppl turn to look because this is an uncommon sight here. As she walks away from the door, she moves so gracefully that it appears as if she is just floating. She stops at the bar and orders a glass of ale and a thing of water and before she has a chance to get them, she walks to a table which has 3 chairs and sits down, moving her owl hand over to another chair and the owl moves from her hand to the back of that chair.

Shortly after sitting down, the bar tender himself brings her order to her and places it on the table. He then makes a comment about never seeing an owl in here before which she replies with he might want to get used to it because her owl stays when she comes in.

The bar tender heads back to the bar and gets back to work as she sits back and waits for her Mother to show up on this quiet evening. She has some questions to ask her Mother*