View Full Version : Past Trials (Alera/Open)

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:01:04 AM
He stood with the wind to his back, blowing his cloak. Before him lay the small city of Blackthawn, on a remtoe desolate planentiod.
Lying somewhere near the outer rim, the planet Refis was a sea planet much like Kimono, But with a harsher enviroment.

Brad was here to find someone. To collect on a debt his father had not been able to collect on. Taking out his custom made sniper rifle, he looked through the aiming site of the weapon, zooming in on the city.

Everything seemed normal. Everything seemed fine. Soon they would not be fine. Not with the froce energy he felt. He walked in the city gates sometime later to find nothing wrong. That in itself was wrong.

He walked a little too fast down the street and turned a bit too sharply, veering into someone or something.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:32:05 PM
Alera was walking down the street, slowly, thinking. Her thoughts were elsewhere than on the path in front of her, distracted.

As she was about to turn a corner, someone suddenly crashed into her. Alera stumbled backwards a little, momentarily stunned by bumping into... someone.

Her ice blue eyes flicked upward. "...Brad?" She said slowly, trying to place him, for a minute a past memory of his face surfacing in her mind, along with a name. Where have I seen him before?

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:46:43 PM
Brad stared blankly at the girl in front of him. He had no recoglection of ever seeing her anywhere. "Maybe you met my father...."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:22:00 PM
"Perhaps," Alera murmured, reaching back into the recesses of her memory. "It was long ago. I think." Flushing slightly to have interrupted this man on no more than a slight remembrance, she said hastily, "Anyway, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'll not keep you further... you seem a bit busy." She started to walk away.

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:02:34 PM
"Please wait." Brad ran after the women, easily keeping up. "I'm sencing a great force energy here and it seems it must be you."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:11:46 PM
"Well... I was with the Jedi. Awhile ago."

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:46:40 PM
" I can't beleive it. Alera Starreyes!" Brad gasped. "Thats your name isn't it." Brad took out a palm computer. He madly started tapping away until he found what he was looking for.

"Alera Starreyes, Jedi Knight. Has high morals. Is unable to see calculated deaths, for good or greater profit. Master to Padawan, Kahli Tulias. Trained by Master Brad Castles (deceased.)
No longer part of the Jedi order." It went on with the missions she had participated in.

"Thats why I felt an energy much like my fathers. He trained you. I can see why you are no longer with the jedi. My father was the same. He had a different way of using force energy, not distructive, but a fairly different way to the Jedi order's.

"I think you are nearly the same age as me, maybe a bit older. Would you like a drink?"

Alera Starreyes
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:45:37 PM
Alera got over her shock that he'd known so much about her, things that she herself could barely remember until this moment. Despite his guess, she was slightly older than he'd assumed, and much she had done had been forgotten. Not to mention that she hadn't been in the order for very long. But powers above! How could she have ever forgotten...

She looked him over. He looks like his father... probably why I remembered his name when I looked at him. Incredible.

"..Sure," she said, smiling slightly. "Your name's Brad, too, isn't it?" She asked, remembering his comment after she'd said it and drawing the conclusion from it.

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:09:51 AM
"Yes I have the same name as my father. Some people thinks it's weird. I'm a bit different from him though. He was a bit less 'spotainous' because he was a jedi Knight. I can't learn what he could, so I just be myself. Now if you'll follow me..."

Brad started winding his way down the streets hoping she was following.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:11:25 PM
Alera did follow him, a bit cautious because, after all, she had just met this man, and paying close attention to where they were going - but mostly she was happy to be meeting the son of her former master.

Cmdr. Castles
Mar 12th, 2003, 02:08:22 AM
Brad kept going, on by the busy pubs and into a quiet bar. There was not many patrons in. He sat on a seat near the bar, and ordered a Ruby Belies. Waiting for Alera to step in he turned around to look, and listen to other's conversations....

Alera Starreyes
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:12:56 PM
Alera walked into the quiet and nearly empty pub, sitting down with Brad. She normally didn't drink anything but water at such places, but in this case decided to order something just slightly stronger. Nothing that should cloud her thinking.

"So... you're not a Jedi?" She asked, thinking back to a previous comment he'd made.

Cmdr. Castles
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:27:38 PM
"No Sadly, After my father died I just couldn't go back there....back to the temple i mean. Too many memories." Brad Replied with a sigh.

"I was exiled anyway." Brad shook his head.

Brad took out his blaster and put it on the ground near the table.
He had noticed a bounty hunter. It seemed he was looking for Brad Senonir, but he had found Brad instead.

"I pitty you" Brad said in the things language. He waited to see if Alera would act or not.

Alera Starreyes
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:54:28 PM
Alera watched whatever it was that had caught Brad's attention. Her features seemed calm, but her icy eyes were sharp as her hand rested idly near her lightsaber. It meant Brad harm, she could tell.

She concentrated, sending thoughts to it through the Force of leaving its purpose unfulfilled, and of going away to whatever it considered home or familiar. No telling if she could do it, but if it didn't work, she was ready to respond.

Cmdr. Castles
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:18:45 AM
Brad looked at Alera. He senced what she was doing. The monster semmed to shake it's head melevolently, this was when Brad acted.
He grabbed the monster by the arm and threw him halfway accross the pub.

"You will pay, just like you father did!" the creature screamed. Brad got up and drew his own lightsaber, activating it and putting it through the creatures heart. He threw the body outside and paid the bartender for the clean-up.

He sat down again. "Now where were we?"he said sipping his drink.