View Full Version : Within the Fire: Star Angels (Shanaria Fabool)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:54:59 PM
A black haired boy sat silently in his quarter in the Jedi Temple. The young boy had archieved personal achievements that he had created mentally from his commence at the sanctuary, but now in his little room he had contemplate on new, higher goals. Even though the tyke went through troublesome situations here, such as his disowning of his own Master, he still showed potiental in the eyes of his new friends at the Order. They came very few, or they were far apart in time. From Zeke at the beginning of his life-long career at the Order, to Terran which was a recent aquaintance that he had began to bond with because of their similitaries.

The boy did at times annoy others and in time he hoped to heal those wounds with apologizes. He had done it once with Lilya, and before even then with a female he had confronted during his first week, Destiny. Yet now he felt a bigger swell in his heart for the one he showed so much disrespect to in his on perspective, Shanaria.

Shanaria Fabool, what a charming young damsel which a uncanny ability to stay calm during the uneeded investigation of Jamel that had happened around a week previous. The young boy had felt that his actions were out of line and he would have to apologize directly to her. Since he went into her room, and had it in his datapad it only took a matter of seconds to locate it and send his holopad message.

The message went a bit like this:

"Hey Angel, could you meet me in my sector. It is at the end of this message, and the holopad will transform into a levitational guide that can help you if you just say it. Hope to see ya, bye Shanaria."

The wait was somewhat long and in that time he had managed to create the goals he wanted for the coming months & years. They weren't written on paper, but it was all the same in his eyes.


1) To become a noble Knight in the Order.

2) To have others realize him, notice him above the crowd, to make a name for himself.

3) Make sure that he doesn't mess with woman anymore.

4) Create many friendships.

5) To gain more knowledge from the Archive, and learn more people in the Order.

They were simple, yet hard to achiveve, but all goals should be hard to push the goal creator to his limits and beyond. The boy felt an urge to become strong so he wouldn't allow the rubbish of 60 active members be a defense of why he couldn't stop the darkness of the galaxy. To cut it off diplomatically or physically, it was no matter as long as Light descended from Coruscant and all about the other planets.

It was then when the holovision came on, showing the Senator of Corellian talks about how piracy is growing the inability to gain any true help from the Jedi Order which at one point in history was the reliable group that helped in these times. The Senator went on and on about troubles, some that the boy disagreed with, and other the opposite, but it was no matter he's true focus was on what Shanaria Fabool would do when she came, and how he would react.

Dropping back on the couch that he had ordered a few days back and he took a small nap, still waiting for Shanaria Fabool to come.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:19:12 PM
After getting Jamel's message Shanaria decided that she would visit him, but she would take her time getting there. Dressed in her normal skin tight blue bodysuit, the bangs of her long black hair tied back but the rest left loose. She walks down the hall intill she finaly comes to Jamel's room, where she sees that the door is slightly open, and that Jamel is watching the holoviewer.

She slowly, and quietly opens the door untill it is fully open. She then leans onto the door jam in a slighltly provocative manner, with her hand rested on her hip. She watches him for a few moments. Seeing that his mind is preoccupied, and that she is not being noticed just standing there she says with a slight smile on her face....

"So when did I become an angel? Last I checked I was still a young Omwatii girl."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:57:41 PM
Jamel's head quickly shifted to the side to find whom interupted him during his tranquil contemplation. The boy's face was soon occupied with creating a smile, attempting to warm the cool mood of the room. An aura of delightment sprung from the body of Jamel as he came to a stand, his formal Jedi garb along with the Jedi cloak attired during the meeting. The young lad felt warmth from her introduction, and it was easily seen in his speech.

"Ever since I left your room." The boy said, sliding his arms out of the loose cloak, letting it fall onto his comfortable couch. A smirk came to his face, venturing slowly over toward the tightly dressed body of Sharania Fabool.

Jamel reached for her hand, caressing it with his own, his eyes dropping down in thought before he would speak once more. It was a long moment of silence, but his gestures spoke for him. The caring compassion that seemed immeditate since the boy said "Angel" in his last aquantiance with the young, blue skinned girl.

The silence began to exit the premises with the sound of rustling by Jamel's feet before he once again provokoed himself to speak on the subject that came to be, mostly because of his compassionate gesture.

"I'm sorry if I come on too quick, but I do want to apologize for my antics when I venture into your room. It was rude of me to do such things..." The boy said, his hand gradually falling from his hold as he came to a seat. The simple notion send of a gesture that they could continue the conversation beside each other on the couch.

It was much comfortable in the first place.. The black haired boy though, his left eye now a shade of green while his other was a color of hazel, outlined by a red so dark that it could be mistaken for a crest in the Sith religion.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 11th, 2003, 02:47:11 PM
Shanaria blushes slightly and walks into the room with a definate sexy swagger in her step. As she walk toward him she says batting her eyes slightly...

"Well....Then may be you nead your eyes checked. Cause if you can't tell the diffrance between an Angel and an Omwatii, there must be some thing wrong."

She sits on the couch after Jamel stops talking, in the corner oppsite to him, with her back aganst the arm rest, one arm resting along the back, and the other rested on her lap. She slips off her shoes and tucks her feet up on to the couch close to her body, not carring if this position reveals most of her body's curves.

"I just don't like people poking through my things, and People that don't pay attention when I talk to them. I have to admit your reaction when I said 'Take Me! I'm Yours!' was rather funny, just not aproprate for the situation, seeing that we knew nothing about each other."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 11th, 2003, 07:01:01 PM
Jamel smiled, moving visably closer to her body, his hand once again caressing her's on her lap. Pulling it softly closer to him placed in the gap between them, which was very small. The boy smile turned into a sly, cunning, young smirk as he stared at his fellow Jedi Padawan. In the mist of the compassionate stare his hand ran along her back and then placed along her arm.

"I wouldn't mind learning more about you." Jamel said his smirk dimming to set a more innocent aura about him and more romantic sense to their setting.

The boy released the had he caressed with his own palm, moving even closer to her, his body beginning to press lightly against her's as he continued to gaze happily at her.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 11th, 2003, 07:25:05 PM
Shanaria's smile quickly vanishes when Jamel starts to let his hands rome past her hands. She gives him a look of 'Be careful'. When his body starts to press aganst hers she pushes him away slightly and says...

"EXCUSES ME! Unless you want to taste my knckles, you better keep your HANDS OFF! I don't mind you sitting close, or touching my hand, but I still know almost nothing about you! So if you want to know more about me, Then ask questions, don't try to make out with me!!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 11th, 2003, 08:04:12 PM
Jamel eyes became slits as he rested on the opposite arm of the couch. The female Padawan had brought him back into reality, and that their was very little possibility of even a friendship being created without a questioning, or inquiring conversation. It would have to happen later though, his time had been quickly running from his hands and he had scheduled a training in the facility arena. The boy came to a quick stand, placing his hands behind his back as he ventured to his bed.

The young lad's back was to her as he spoke, a very cool, but harsh tone came from him as he began to speak.

"Sharania, you must leave." It was a silence in the room from the statement, a trailing breathe coming from the throat of the Jedi student. The youth had more to say, so a feel of await came within the once bland hush that followed such harsh tone.

Rotating his body about, he faced the young lady, the boy's expression coming to be that of mirth. The boys hands dropped from the formal porpotion behind his back, dangling casually at his side. The boy's different colored eyes surveyed her every motion and expression before he launched another statement.

"I would like to have a date--a casual one. Only on friendship basis, I as an interesting Padawan would like to learn more about you. My trifle antics will not happen again, I will see to it. The location will be sent to you in your quaters during my training. As I must go as soon as possible to my scheduled session in the Telekentic Facility."

The boy ended, his voice filled with generosity and firm sense of intelligences. He wasn't attempting to impress her with his range of vocabulary, he just found it proper to talk in formal fashion on a level of Jedi conversation. The boy waited for her leave so he would follow in her foot steps down the hall into the training academy sectors.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 12th, 2003, 12:45:01 AM
Shanaria's expression and posture soften as Jamel gets all formal on her.

"Jamel, Why must you try to run from confrontation. When I corrected you back in my room about what you were doing, you felt need to run from there, And now when I correct you, you ask me to go..."

Shanaria closes her eyes and focuses the force on to Jamel's mind. Being already trained with her ability to infiltrate the mind on another, It is not hard for her to find that his lesson isn't for another two hours.

She opens her eyes and stands to look Jamel in the eyes. She gently rests a hand on his shoulder.

"Jamel....You still have plenty of time to talk before your lesson, I came here to talk to you, not listen to you ask for me to forgive you. As far as I'm concerned, you have nothing for me to forgive. I understand that you are attracted to me. I think your hansom, But so far your not my type. I like a boy with self-control. That's why It seems like I'm flirting with everybody....I'm testing them. And don't you think that you don't have a chance with me, Because I never fail people, I just give them a low score that can be upgraded with further testing.

You seem like a nice boy, you just need to work on your manners. You also tend to be either too formal, or too relaxed around me. Try to find something in between. I'm only trying to help you..... Help you handle women better..... And maybe if you a good boy.......*says quietly* I'll let you handle me... *back to normal tone*....And as for that date...I'd love to date you.....As a friend, of course. "

Shanaria leans forward and gives Jamel a quick kiss on the cheek.

"If you want me to go, just ask me to leave again, but you will never get to know a person if you run when things get rocky"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 01:02:53 AM
Jamel hid a blush from the kiss, his eyes being drawn to the floor in thought. He looked upon it as if it had all the answers for the situation he was in, and how he reacted to the silence from his look seemed as though it did. The boy's body lifted up, straightening itself to a straight stand. His voice projecting itself to be casual, but managing a more timid tone so that it would be between, like she asked.

"Well I'm okay with you staying. It's perfectly fine, but I would also like to go on a date with you some time." The youth asked, his tall figure now drapped in the cloak again. He had put it on during his motion from the couch.

He had wondered if they were to leave the room now and talk a walk down the hall, he felt it was becoming slightly discomfortable in the small quarters for the two, and the free space of the halls, and widened area would be perfect for them.

Gesturing his hand to the door, he headed before her, opening it so she would be allowed out if she wished to. He began to speak, telling her of his perspective on their covnersation inside.

"I think we should get out of here, it's uncomfortable in here, and pretty small for the both of us to find some tranquility. Maybe we can walk the halls, hm?" The boy inquired, his black hair being allowed to drape over his green colored eye, when taking off the metal plate badanna. The hair hid the glowing color of his green eye that differed so much from his other eye's colorization that it could become eerie to certian people, but beautiful to others.

Staring, he awaited her responses...

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 12th, 2003, 01:24:49 AM
Shanaria smiles at Jamel, enjoying the change in his behavior, she goes to strut out the door, She looks back at Jamel over her shoulder as she steps out the door, bats her eyes slightly at Jamel and says...

"Well, are we going to walk together, or do you just want to walk behind me? I'm fine either way. It would just be easer to talk if you were beside me."

Shanaria turns her head forward, running a hand through her hair, gently poofing Jamel in the face with the tips of her hair as she pulls her hand free. She then slowly goes to walk down the hall, with the definate sexy swagger finding it's way back into her step. She calls back to him...

"Oh...I think you look better with out the badanna, but you would look even better if I could see your eyes as well."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:52:04 AM
Jamel placed the badanna within his cloak just for safety, their could be a possible time when he would need it, but he'd rather keep the hair over his eye as of now. Walkign down the luxurious carperted halls, he placed his hands behind his back in the presence of other Jedi who were on there way to unknown places. Catching up beside her, his cloak ran along the surface, but very little compared to the other Jedi who wore cloak, the boy had grown over time in his purberty stage which was very soon coming to an end, but his teenage years would range on and he'd still grow. At the time of their conversation he was around 5'8 when standing straight.

"So 'em--"

The youth said, looking down to contemplate a question to upstart the talk. Turning back his head to smile downward at the girl, he quickly began, his voice without a stutter but still soft.

"Where are you from, I mean where were you before you came here on Coruscant?" The boy asked, his eyebrow's raising behind the covering of his long, black, silky, clumped hair.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 12th, 2003, 01:43:19 PM
Shanaria smiles as Jamel catches up to her. She looks at Jamel, knowing that he still will mature, she know now would be a good time to help him shape himself into a very nice young man. her being only 13.5 years old she is still rather young, but for her species they reach full physcial maturity by the age of 12 years old. So even though she has seen less years than Jamel, She is already a fully formed woman. Standing at her hight of 6 feet tall, she defanalty thinks this boy will nice when his eye level is not at her lower neck.

"I was born and raised on the planet Omwat, in a small traditional town, away from almost all forms of tecnology. My father is a Jedi Master incharge of our towns portion of the traditional Omwatii Military, My mother Is also a Jedi Master, but she tends to stay at home most of the time and take care of things there. I Have a lot of Jedi in my family, and all of ther are rather strong with the force."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 06:21:05 PM
"What about you, do you have confidence in your ability with the Force?" The boy asked, his eyes reaching up to her height. The youth placed his hands behind his back, his eyes drifting off to the side.

During the aimless amble through the Jedi Temple, a Master came toward him, beckoning with his superior ranking a bowing of Jamel's head in respect. Rotating his body still managing to striding beside her, his eyes being refocused to her own to show his respect.

The two ventured along the hall, heading to the next elevator, waiting patiently for it to return to the sector. Jamel had pressed the button, and as they dwelled motionlessly before the door, the conversation was to continue on with a response from Shanaria

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:10:09 AM
Shanaria laughs slightly, smiles and shakes her head.

"I have already some training with my powers, And have been using telepathy since 2 days after I was born. I have only been trained in the aspects of the force that were comming to me naturaly, so I would be less likely to use them by accdent. I am very comfident in the force powers that I have been trained with since I was 2 years old, But I still want to be trained with all that I am capable of doing. I specalise in mind powers, like altering a train of thought, putting things into a person's mind, reading thoughts and memorys, and putting people to sleep."

Shanaria steps into the elevator when it shows up on there floor.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:04:54 PM
Jamel hurriedly follows in, the action followed by a gesture of his hand hinting a bind in the Force. The presence of the Force was found within him and his gesture sent a telekentic imprint on the sensory, leading the technologically advanced item down to the next sector.

In the silence of the zooming transporter, the glass illuminated on their back side by the sun, the boy moved his head over to continue the conversation that he had began with his beckon to his quarters. Placing his hand behind his back, he looked up at the ceiling, his voice booming in the speeding inclosed elevator.

"Do you have a Master yet?" The boy asked, his eyes venturing down as he heard a ping immeditately after he inquired. They had entered the sectors area, and it was time for their exit out of the transporting item. The door opening to allow them to exit.

Jamel quickly exited, but gentlemen like by rotating his body and pulling softly at Shanaria's arm, taking her out of the elevator.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:01:27 PM
Shanaria exits the lift with the gentle guidance of Jamel.

"I more or less just got a new master. I've been paired up with Dasquian. We haven't done much in the way of classes yet, but at least I have a master.

I heard from so of the other students that you gave up your master...Is that true? Masters are hard to get here, I can't see why anybody would give theirs away, They are all nice here."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:22:10 PM
Jamel looked away, placing his hood on to express his hatred to the topic, but from a conversation with one of the Masters, all topics should be talked out, releasing that feeling would be the best way to become tranquil.

"Yes I did, Master Zeke it was. Their was a few personal situations that he didn't tend to, and it seemed the Force wasn't guiding me toward one of that guidance. I knew somehow that wasn't my path."

The boy said, staring down, reaching for his hood suddenly to throw it off. The child's black bangs hanging over his green eye, hiding it from the view of any of the Masters, or Knights that walked past. Placing his hands once again behind his back, he continued on the slow stride down the hall.

"So, what does your father specialize in, since you have a keen sense for telephatical abilities?" The boy inquired, attempting to change the subject from the shadows of his disowning.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 14th, 2003, 12:47:38 AM
Shanaria slips her hand onto Jamel shoulder as a comforting touch.

"I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out with you and Zeke. Maybe you will get along better with your next master."

Seeing that she has hit a sensitive topic Shanaria desides that it would be best to not press for details about what happened between Jamel and Zeke, even though she is still interested in the topic.

"My father specializes in combat. On Omwat he is still undefeated, in hand-to-hand, and bladed combat. My mother specializes on locating thing and transporting things with the force. Though is was my Grandfather and Great Uncle that acted as my master well I was at home. My Grandfather taught me how to use my powers and my Great Uncle taught me all the theory of the force and the qualities of a Jedi's personality . He also taught me to respect the force and the other creatures that are part of it."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 15th, 2003, 02:45:02 PM
Jamel kept walking, shifting through corners as the silence began to pick-up after she responded to his question. The lad had lost his sense of inquiring, so he kept on his stride contemplating to gain it back.

Finally gaining what he was hunting for, he immeditately reacted with a swing of his head, throwing up to stare forth. Switching his view, he stared into her eyes, his lips curving into a compassionate, truthful smile. Placing his hands behind his back once more as the habit took it's place, he began to speak once more.

"Shanaria Fabool? Why did your parents name you that?" The boy asked, his hands clutching upon each other behind his back. Hoping & wishing for that topic being a key to prompt the covnersation to a new level.

As the young boy waited for the response, the two went down the cooridor, spinning down the hall way with a swishing sound of the his dark brown cloak. Heading toward the hangar area, he had attempted to take the two out on the town, as a thought she hadn't had the chance to see the world outside of the Jedi Temple.

Before the hangar door, he waited for her response, his body being contorted to stand straight up before her, his eyes up at her to show his concern & respect.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:50:19 PM
Upon hearing Jamel's question Shanaria Laughs...:lol

"What kind of question is that! A name is a name! :lol It only get meaning if the owner earns meaning for it. You must be getting rather low on the questions if you've gotten down to that one! :lol "

Smiles and look Jamel in the eyes, letting her eye lids flutter slightly.

"Your a nice kid...And I understand that you want to understand me, but you have alot to learn about yourself, before you can even start to understand half the things that have happend to me in only my 13 years in the force."

She gives Jamel a quick Kiss on the cheek, and looks up to see that they have come to a stop in front of the hanger doors.

"Sooo.... where are we going?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 12:10:10 PM
Jamel glanced over at her, without a trait of emotion upon his face, or his body. He had militant composure, and bodily stance, his hands placed clutched behind his back. Nodding his head to her anounce of their setting, he began with his response with a quick, yet stern voice.

"I was thinking we could venture along Coruscant. I'm sure you haven't got to seen the best of it, or the worst. It is a great planet, with the root of the Republic and the Jedi here--including finical power." The young Jedi said, his hand rubbing his face when she wasn't watching.

Placing in his Sector and Quarter situation the doors open for him to enter. Going in, he observed the scenerary, searching for his speeder. Finding it down the long path next to the exit gates, he quickly went into full speed stride. His agile body dashing with the footsteps echoing through the gigantic shelter.

Sliding before his speeder, he glanced over at Shanaria, beckoning her with his optical orbs.

"Are you coming or not?"

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:21:41 PM
Shanaria smiles...

"Sounds good to me.. lead the way."

She Hurrys to catch up to Jamel...

"I'm comming!"

She reaches Jamel and says...

"Nice speeder... How fast does she go?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 04:30:19 PM
Jamel glanced over at her, his lips curving into a blissful smile, as his calm eyes venture deep into hers. A moment of silence came upon them, covering the two with it's silky material. Then sudden a drift of the wind past his eyes, his lashes catching a bit of dust, brought him back to the harsh world of reality.

"It's a he." He said, a chuckle coming from his voice as he ended his statement. Glancing down at the speeder, he searched for something that would give him an answer to what she had previously questioned.

"Well I'm not big with speeders, so I'm not good with it's speed at all. I just know it is pretty fast." He said, a smile coming upon his face as he continued to search for an answer along the cockpit.

I wonder if she is superior in intelligents of speeders. She might give me tips. He thought to himself, silently, knowing that she had the ability to telephatically invade his mental state.

"So, you ready to go?" Jamel eyes, throwing his head so his eyes would meets hers, showing his full attention. As he stared the bangs of his hair dangled over, covering the luxury of sight. A smile came to his face still, his hazel red eyes daggering toward her's with a sense of glee striking along them with the mixture of lull.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:03:26 PM
Upon gasing into his eyes in this moment of silence, her heart starts to flutter, and it seems like time stops in it's tracks. She is brought back to her sences, when Jamel is brought back to his.

"Well It looks like a really nice speeder..."

She gets a big smile on her face as she hears is open thought.
She Enjoys the long glance between their eyes. She forces herself to brake there gaze after a minute or two.

"Well...Lets get going!.."

Shanaria hops into the pasanger seat of the speeder.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:22:38 PM
Jamel reached for the identification menu, placing his name in with a voice sensory. When responding to his voice, it began to levitate over the surface, hovering over the small platform that held it when unactivated. The young Jedi began going through the operation to begin the speeder, and become mobile.

After a moment or two Jamel had finished what he had seeked, and the successful activation was followed by a boosting drift forward out the gates which had opened during the proceeders. Falling down the speeder came upon traffic, drifting back and forth as it went throught he mid sector of the large city that was the world itself.

Yep, this would have to be a Republic world.

Shanaria Fabool
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:29:35 AM
Shanaria sits back and watches Jamel. She smiles at him as they take off. She looks around at the endless City around the as they went through it.