View Full Version : my absence

Live Wire
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:27:39 PM
sorry I haven't been round these past few days. As many of you know this is my performance semester and I've been going through the whole auditions process which means choosing my dancers and finding rehersal times and doing choreography. So I've spent a lot of late nights in the studio. Plus my friend is getting married on monday up in san francisco and so I've had to make plans to drive up there and finish all my shopping and packing and stuff. Once the wedding is over I'll be back to a somewhat normal schedule. I'll have my regular work/school/rehersal schedule all mapped out.

I just wanted to make sure no one thought I forgot about this place. Im just swamped with stuff these past couple of weeks. I'll be back soon!


Lady Vader
Feb 10th, 2003, 07:22:23 PM
You? Forget about this place?? With me around?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! :p

Just don't over-work yourself. We'll be here. :)