View Full Version : 1, 2, 3, 4 Bebop! (Sanis Prent)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 03:25:56 AM
Jamel stood silent at the bank sighting that he had been directed too on the previous day. It was only minutes before the strike of noon was to hit reality. The boy's feet bucklked firm on the ceiling platform, his eyes had shifted a bit since his arrival, which was apparant that it was by speeder since one was located in the corner of the platform behind him.

The boy had caculated everything correctly for this battle against Sanis, he just wondered if the conclusion would be equaviliant to what he had wanted. It was hard to say, but it was certian there would be a struggle in this combat.

Like any other....

Sanis Prent
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:04:14 PM
(I walked toward the bank from the main road thoroughfare, looking to see if my mark had decided to show. Glancing at my chrono, I had about 5 minutes till noon, so it was now or never. As I passed by a milling crowd, I suddenly saw him, waiting at the clock tower, near the street curb. Smiling, I approached. There was a lot to be said about punctuality.)

Well, I'm glad you decided to make it.

(Smiling, I approached from the other side of the road, stopping about 15 meters away from him. Nonchalantly, I tapped a small object at my belt, which emitted a soft, high-pitched whine for barely a second, then faded away. Looking to Jamel, I took a moment to examine our surroundings. The bank with its clock edifice was directly behind. To either side were occasional speeders, parallel parked, with meters beside them. Also nearby was a mail recepticle, as well as a vending machine. Before I turned my eyes to Jamel again, I checked my chrono...

...one minute till)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:40:01 PM
The child revealed himself to be in a defensive stance with his hand reaching toward his lightsaber. Tightening his grip upon the metallic hilt, his eyes dropping down to the tiled foundation, the young boy's lips growing to a frown to express his discomfort in such an aggresive situation. At times he was offensive in fights, but this was not one that he could state as being needed.

Their was no pleasury in this bout, and he was not to go for it, but he would have to defend. Possibily the style of Form IV & Form III, so he'd have the advatange in this combat.

It was only 30 seconds left when he clasped his lightsaber, pulling it up before him, igniting it with one blink of the eye. The gates released the item, it's blue wave of destructive energy being contained in the line of a blade, while the hissing sound that resembled the hum of a engine could be heard along the whole platform. The boy was only in his teen years, but he was exceptional combatant in the arts of the lightsaber and he assured himself with a stern expression that this was not to be buisness, and his brawling abilities would have to come to the forefront in this battle.

The frown he once had became a line of seriousness, sweat trickling down from his face from the heat that the lightsaber blade emitted. It's light shining upon his face in the shine of the day, it crossing his face as he motioned the weapon from side to side slowly, and gradually. The boy's feet buckled on the surface, his eyes tightening downward by the strain of his eyebrows, focusing souly on the objective of this match. To defend, and be successful in dispatch of any weaponary the adversary had to end this in a quick manner.

Leaning to the side, his combat stance was similart to that of Obi-Wan during his fight with Darth Maul on the planet of Naboo, in the city of Theed. It was to be a duel, but who would win?

Jamel Croko'yn?


Sanis Prent?

Sanis Prent
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:39:08 PM
Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick


<font color=FF0000><font size=5>KABOOM!!!</font></font>

(The mail recepticle near Jamel exploded in a tremendous blast, shattering windows on the first and second floor of the building behind, and throwing a maelstrom of shrapnel about in the chaos, which rained all around Jamel, some of it peppering him in dozens of small lacerations. The shock of displaced air threw Jamel to the duracrete curb, causing the Padawan's body to bounce across its surface, as well as a few other passers-by. Good for me, the Jedi was punctual. The planted bomb wasn't terribly destructive, but it would definitely divert his attention.

Throwing back the sides of my coat, I drew two chrome-plated Westar blasters, and fired on the Jedi as he fell to a prone position.)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:14:38 PM
The wind rushed through Jamel's ears, his senses heightening with the stimulation of his adernaline. Thewinds captured the sound of the hissing laser come toward him, prepared to rip through his very skin, and come out th eother end with a devilish smile on it's blazing face. Gnashing his teeth, the boy's strenght was thrown to it's maximiuim limit as he reached for his lightsaber, determined to block the darting arrows of demise.

The Jedi Padawan rotated quickly, placing the lightsaber before him in defense. It was semi effective move, still being injured by the second dart that he had lost track of when he deflected the first. The red blast scaving his shoulder, further the injuries on his body from the explosion. The standing body of the boy came to a abrupt kneel of pain, his open hand reaching for his shoulder, attempting to compress the agony.

Calming himself, he looked at the other injured citizens of Coruscant, who had been hurt during the blast of the explosion. Rushing forth he headed toward them, leaping with all his might which wasn't much and falling down over the bodies. Covering them from the few last falling fragments from the windows, he carried them to a safe position a few feet from where the fragments landing. They were unconcious...good.

This meant that he could focus completely on his adversary without their intereference or him managing to use them as a tool to pull his attention away from the bout. Turning his body toward the combatant, the injured limp body dragged himself along the foundation to come only a few feet before his enemy.

Grasping tighter upon his lightsaber he pulled it up, his teeth grinding against each other in a fight to express the boy's feeling. Though his body was intensified he kept a inward coolness, knowing that if he strayed too far away he'd fall into the Darkness and anger could leave him dead along this platform.

Finally the sound of life returned to the scene, a scream coming from the warrior as he rushed forward, his lightsaber held behind him creating a image of it's color behind as the wielder sped forth at his antagonist. His body was situated perfectly for combat, his reflexes an assurance that a blast wouldn't hit him though his lightsaber was held at his waist, pointing the tip behind him.

Sanis Prent
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:44:30 PM
(I fired off a few more shots as he got to his feet, which were expectedly deflected away. He charged, and I held my ground, tucking my right blaster into its dog-leg holster on my chest. With that hand free, I slipped it into my pocket momentarily, before tugging my jacket free from my body, letting it fall to the ground, and revealing a small harness, strapped across my back. Tapping a button, a low reverberation sounded as Jamel bore down on me. I fired twice more, then jumped...the kinetic repulsor field generator augmenting my movement, and sending me high above the Padawan. His momentum still carried him forward on my position...but there was nothing left there except a jacket...

...and an activated thermal detonator, conveniently tucked in the pocket.)

<font size=5><font color=FF0000>KABOOM!!!</font></font>

(A second explosion thundered, reversing Jamel's momentum on a dime, and sending him sprawling over the pavement in a wash of fire. As the momentum of my jump died away, I came back down to earth, firing all the way)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:53:33 PM
Bang, Bang!

It was the sound of flesh being torn as the blasters ripped through Jamel's body. He franatically twitched in pain as they connected, his eyes being closed tight to not see the oncoming darts hitting him. He was motionless upon the ground finally, blood leeking from his body as he laid on the pavement.

Silence seemed to rush in the air by Jamel's perspective, but in truth their was sound of the lasers connected with his flesh, ripping through creating undefiniably horrible injuries. Slicing at his skin and penetrating through his body. He lay there motionless in a dark slumber.

A void of darkness was around him, and the only company he had was silence..

Sanis Prent
Feb 10th, 2003, 07:25:21 PM
(Back on my own two feet, I whirled around for any counter-attack that might come. None did. The kid was out, cold as a cucumber, sprawled across the pavement and bleeding from several injuries. I holstered my remaining Westar, and approached him, reaching to the loop holster at my side as I did so. Unhinging the breech, I slid a blue shell into my mandalorian weapon, clacking it shut. With my free hand, I hefted him up by his collar, straining with unconcious weight to keep him upright. His head lolled to the side, sure indication that the lights were out.)

If you can hear me, kid...no hard feelings. Its just business.


(I fired the upended shell gun point-blank at Jamel's chest. The projectile, a force-field projecting shell, pressed against the Padawan, and swept his body up in a lurch, sending him skyward. It wasn't a lethal shell, instead, it simply used the projectile's incredible velocity to "push" a target. The blue shell sent Jamel's unconcious form skyward about 20 feet, before losing momentum. The young Jedi fell to the ground, hitting hard...and bouncing three times across the sidewalk.)

Adios, kid.

(So, I was down the cost of a grenade, a shell, and a jacket, and up by 50,000 credits, at least. Maybe my memory wasn't the best, but that had to be the easiest money I'd ever made. I glanced at the rubberneckers that had gathered, and strolled away without a care in the world.)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 07:51:33 PM
Jamel awoke to the mighty breeze of the wind. The wind had carried his blood away, weakening him even further than when he had become unconscious. The young lad couldn't even manage a wiggle of his toes in this state and their wasn't even a thought in his mind that told him to stand.

He was in a cold land, the lower sectors of the planet, and he he was assured by past expirences that he wouldn't be helped in any or fashion in this horrid setting. Laying there on the stone pavement, the boy could only express dissapointment & embarrasment on his face with a frown.

I couldn't even defend myself against an old rag doll used probably in a syndicate--How can I even confront the Dark Side.

The boy's eyes came to a close, trying to regain his strenght with a sleep. Their was a small possibily that he could be helped up by a Jedi, or a New Republic officer that is on patrol. Either way it went, he'd be in this spot for a long time, so he'd better get used to it.
