View Full Version : Within the Fire: Inhaled & Exhaled (Open)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 03:09:25 AM
Jamel sat, his legs crossed indian style-one over the other, in the middle of the Academy chamber, the stone tiled floor carving a circle about his body with paint across it. Numerous items were sprouted around the room, placed randomly during his introduction into the room by a droid. It was time for a solo training excersise that would help at his levitational ability.

As the boy sat there his lips curved into a straight line from his frown, his eyes clutching down as he began to mentally strain, beginning his meditation. The body of the boy began to intensify, his muscles become multiply tense from it's basic state, and lines of veins coming along his arm. The coating of his body began to flutter with the wind of the Force beginning to pick up under his bodily structure.

Then there was a rattle...

A block toy, normally used by babies, was hitting against the ground, sending a wave of sound through the ears of the meditator. The block was a leader in a colt of raddling sounds, the randomly placed items beginning to hit against the surface with a disturbance forcing the objects to do so. It was the laboring of the Force, beckoned souly from the unruly haired, spiked, Jedi--Young Padawan Jamel Croko'yn.

The boy's eyes were closed while the winds rushed back and forth, in a rhymtic roll, throwing his hair as it went on it's path, as well as the objects. After moments of continious bombardment by sound it came to a sudden silence, a hush raining upon the parade of the clanking, only to be followed by a hover.

Items advanced gradually upward, reaching for the ceiling of the room in the large temple, bid by the mind of the black haired fellow. It was undescrible how all the objects began to levitate all in a ruly fashion, one after another coming off the ground and it's structure aiming for the heavens. The training haven was filled with items that seemed stringed by unseeable items that came from the cracks in the ceiling. It was a weird image, but it would only stimulate to a higher level of oddity.

The boy's eyes suddenly opened, his hazel eyes outlined by a dark ride striking in assault at every substance hanged in the hands of the Force. Tangled by the universal laborer, working for every breathe a being took, and every movement an alien made. The boy controlled this with his midclorihion activated, shifting the different shaped blocks against the ceiling itself. Reaching it's objective, the items came to a falling stop, with only the body of the beckoner levitating in his circluar body.

The items wer quickly picked up, replaced by heavier substances, from bells to books.

He was to continue on his path of training, and it possibily could take forever, but what was a forever to a skilled Jedi in the world of telekentics.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:51:18 PM
Jamel took himself from his meditation bodily porpotion, coming to a stand in the middle of the training faquility, built like Egypitan walls. The setting braught a true tranquil, acient aura to the world of training and it helped him calm himself to a leveling basis too. Reaching forward, a straining expression came to be with a contorting of his face. Veins bulging along his forehead, coming down from his hair nearing his narrowed eyebrows.

The winds clashed together, embarking on the long path of struggle in picking the items up. Sweat began to trickle down his stern expressive face as he stared on with his muscles intensifying as if their were actual weights within his palm. Clutching his palm the first item was picked up by the iron chains of the Force, pulling it struggingly upward. A gradual movement, inching up ever two seconds, becoming a noteable work after a minute of tension.

The object suddenly fell, the body of the Padawan coming upon his knees. The pressure of it had become overbearing and the intensity was too powerful for his concentration. It was foolish act in the first place to aim for a brick collection in the first place.

Sweat came down his face as he panted, his eyes aimlessly staring into the small crevic between the tile. A gulp came from him followed by a lull sigh. Coming to his feet, his body was stiffened, preparing every cell in his body for the next act. It was to be stressful upon his body, mind and spirit, he just hoped for the best and no injury would come out of it.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:02:32 AM
The boy reached forward in a gesture of the Force beckoning it from it's sleepy chambers within him. Rumbling out in a power that no stampede of animals could wield, not even that of a rancor could imbody such power. The body of the young masterless Padawan began to be outlined by a blue shield of protection, focusing it all in a telekentic form. Rays shot from the outline, as his hand pulled back and all the items possible for such a quick movement with his strenght came daggering at him.

In the middle of their run toward his body, prepared to rip through every tissue on his flesh and leave him sleeping motionless in a void of death, were thrown by back a mystical force field. This ability was something possibily created only by the boy, but possibily by others, it was a strong field of telekentic strenght that could be sustained with great concentration. Though he was Masterless he had learned from the best, Master Zeke, and he was prepared for anything the santcuary could bring on to him.

Coming to a meditated stance as the droid came in and began taking the items and placing others in. He was prepared for the next transpires.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:03:56 PM
Many items surronded him, but what he focused on was his mental standpoint. He would use it to send neurons of the Force through him, helping him on the path of training. It was a hard, long trail or labor, but it was the best of ways to practice.

Playfully motioning his head at the stiff-walking droid, watching it be flinged effortlessly along into a wall. Before it hit the wall, he motioned with his opposite hand like a string was attactched, holding him from colliding. A humorous smile came to his face, which thorugh a minute contorted into a frown of musing. Placing himslef in a physical meditation stance in the center of the arena, he began working.

Sweat trickled along his face, dropping about him, creating a small puddle under his buttocks. Gradually he floated himself, along with the items which consisted of papers, books, datapads, comlink, and bricks. Through time it became easier to focus on items, and fling them along with his telekentics, but levitation was something that was much more mentally absorbing then a gesture and a fling.

The items began twirling, and rotating around him, outlined with a highlighting blue, resembling the same colorization of his lightsaber blade. Then suddenly they fell, leaving only the Jedi Padawan and a brick. Straightening his body out, and planting his feet on the ground as his eyes were held tightly in a closed position. Motioning his hand to a pull the brick came speeding at him, his hand reaching to his lightsaber.

Spinning about he sliced at it, cutting it cleanly in half, he left in a relax knelt, his lightsaber porpostioned to point behind him.

Opening his eyes, he smiled.

"Droid, can you continue to place more items down."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:06:55 PM
"Droid, nevermind the setting, I must leave." The Jedi said, placing his hands behind his back as he continued out the door and followed by an exit out the sectors.