View Full Version : Sleeping in Archive Chambers..(Open)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:29:29 AM
Jamel sat motionless in a seat before a hologramic screen. His body limp, though his chest rhytmically moved up and down, showing he was breathing still. The young boy was in a state of sleep, his newly colorized black hair dangling unruly over his head. The body of the child commonly moved during the slumber, but it was very minor and came to be unoticed by anyone who'd walk by, or observed.

On the screen before him was scriptures of Jedi during the time of the Empire, and only years before the Empire was created by Emperor Palpatine, who was at one time the Supreme Counselor of the Republic. He was a sadistic man, with even more beastly features. An old soul who had studied the arts of the Dark Side in the Force, he was in the long line of the Dark Jedi who had theorized the race of the Sith. A race that had became extinct so long ago, but the focus of the boy's study was not of the Sith at all.

It was a research on extinction of the Jedi, and what had been going on during the time of the Clone Wars. How did the Jedi take affect in this situation, and anything that could tell about the change of Anakin Skywalker, a infamous being who had once wielded the greatest midcholorian ever recorded, to the dark side from the light. As well as that was to study how they had created lightsaber in the earlier days of the Order, and maybe the construction had differed over time.

The body once again twitched but quickly became tranquil once more, his eyes tightening as his lips smacked together showcasing some sort of comfort in his void of dream. A smile came to the boy's face as he rested in the leather chair, a few placed next the desk beside him if anyone would care to sit, his eyes continiously squeezing to close. The sun had darted downward from the drapes which were slightly open, effective his nap ever so much.

It wasn't becoming any better with the chit-chatting of the numerous people coming by, adn their feet creaking on the carpeted floor. It had became a subconscious annoyance for the sleeping lad, and if someone didn't physically comfort him soon their was a possibility of an awakening.


Feb 10th, 2003, 04:10:41 AM
As usual, Oriadin was reading and studying in the Jedi Archives. It was a good session actually. The Jedi Knight felt fresh and eager to learn and therefor, everything was sinking in.

After about an hour or so later, there seemed to be a strange noise comming from one of the terminals. Oriadin glanced over. A jedi padawan, Jamel (although it was hard to tell with his face on the desk) seemed to be sleeping! And snoring at that.

Oriadin took a slow walk over, leaned down and patted him on the shoulder.

--Past your bed time?--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:17:28 AM

The boy's head popped up quickly, his eyes sloped down, barley revealing the color of his eyes for identification if this man wanted it. The young boy's eyes shifted under the nearly closed lids to inspect the interuptive man. He had curled, wavy hair with a swave look that seemed ruggid in some fashion, Jamel had yet to see him before in the Order so it was obvious why he'd be concerned.

Rolling his head form side to side in thought, the boy came to a conclusion a oral inquiringw ould be the best idea for this sleepy situation that he got himself into. The boy's eyebrows raised a bit to express his thought, though it didn't effect the covering of his lids had on his eyes. He seemed as sleepy as physically possible as he spoke, and it was evident in his low toned, groagy voice.

"Who exactly are you?" The boy inquired in the same form he had thought it, his eyes shifting subconsciously to the side, inspecting the screen that had been on during his slumber.

Maybe he should get back to his studies, knowledge was much more important to him then simple nap that could be caught at any time of the day if need be, but now was the time for learning not lazy sleeps on wooden desk.

Feb 10th, 2003, 05:46:03 AM
Oriadin showed a face of slight puzzlement as Jamel looked bleery eyed at the Jedi Knight.

--Who am I? Hmmm, perhaps a little more studying and a little less sleeping and you would know the answer to that!--

He joked.

--I am Oriadin, Jedi Knight here....

Now lets see. Jamel Croko'yn.... enable to motion things telephatically, as well do the physical things. He lacks in the attributes of sensing through thorought meditation as he becomes restless and uncertain of what he is doing, but in battles his senses are clear and he manages to deflect nearly all the blows that could come at him. He also lacks in mental affects on adversaries, such as mind tricks and attributes of that such.--

Oriadin quoted a passage from the archives on the Padawan.

--As you can see, I know you.--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:58:32 AM
The boy eyes began to wide slowly, staring up at the man, his lips shifting to side. The youth mind rambling on, thinking confusedly about this whole information the man had on him when the boy knew nothing about him.

Oriadin, Jedi Knight, eh?

The young boy smiled, attempting to bring glee to the conversation. His eyebrows shifting down upon his eye, contemplating on a comment he could make to respond such a productive, and confusing report.

"How do you know so much about me?" The boy asked, his voice timid, but fully concerned. His eyes squinting to make an expression of how this was so significant to his life.

Feb 10th, 2003, 06:42:33 AM
Oriadin could sense the shock, suprise and concern at the way Jemel wondered how it was Oriadin knew so much.

--Well, its all in the Jedi archives. I make a point of reading up on most of the people here. I like to know who my allies are and who could be usefull if I ever needed help. Its important you get to know people here.--

Although that was true, Oriadin really took it to the extream. There were few at the order he didnt know, at least by sight.

--What you reading?--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:20:20 PM
The Jedi Padawan's eyes motioned ot ht eside, directing to the screen to absorb in the information for a summary. It was once fresh in his mind, but from his slumber he seemed to loose alot of the recent knowledge he had gain, meaning even more studying. The boy turned back his head, staring up at Oriadin, a smile brightening upon his sleepy facial features, managing to push up his sloping eyelids to normal status.

"Well I was studying on the Old Republic right before the Empire, and what happened to the ones blessed with the force during the Darkness of the Empire when Palpatine ruled. It's pretty fascinating.."

The boy ended, his lips still curved into a smile of respect, his body contorting to point his full attention back to the database once more. The young eyes of the boy mirroring the very image of the information, though his lips began to motion. His words sent out clean and very respectful to the Jedi Knight beside him. During the comment the boy's eyes shifted to the side, showing his attention was back upon the man, but it was more near the end of his words.

"Well Oriadin, wouldn't you want to sit down and read with me. Not to force you, but It would be nice to have a fellow Jedi working with me on my studies."

The boy said, turning back his body after the period was placed in his voice, seperating his voice from the silence. His body sat motionless before the datapad, his hand placed on the screen, pressing down on an information window that was to be brought up. This new page dealt mostly with what the Empire did to those whom roamed the galaxy, blessed with the ability to use the Force, and if they were any remaniners at the time.

Beside that window, mostly because it was a linkage information slot, was the situation with Luke and how he came to be during the Galatic war, and who taught him. It was a story that he had learn before he even went tot he Jedi Order, but it was clear that he would need more detial on it, such as how Luke was productive to the war, other than on Endor. Yet, he'd hold that off until he was finished with the information panel on the Empire's deeds to the Force-sensitive.

Feb 12th, 2003, 05:21:22 AM
Oriadin smiled as Jamel described what he was reading. Nice to see he wasnt the only one with a very keen interest on the old Jedi stories and on the history of the Jedi. The whole Saga of Lukes battle against the dark side, while fighting for the rebellion and trying to face his father, Lord Vader was one of the most famous of stories and one of Oriadins favorites. Especially since it involved Obi Wan Kenobi, Oriadins favorte Jedi.

He took a seat next to the Padawan.

--So your interested in old stories and the Jedi history then? Im a bit of a book worm myself when it comes to this stuff. Do you have a favorite story?--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:09:20 AM
Jamel leaned back in his seat, thinking on the question to give him a clean cut answer so the conversation could go as it had been. Then suddenly he motioned his hand and drew the datapad into his palm, leaving it to levitate over it as he began searching through his favorites on the main frame of his registration. There it was, he had clumped together so much studies that he even forgot his favorites, but when he saw it he was refreshed with excitment about all of his education in the archives again.

"It's the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi right around the time he took Anakin as his Padawan. It was when he and his Master, Quin-Jon Jin went against a Dark Jedi, or was it a Sith Lord. He was a well-trained oppontent that held the true strenght of the dark side. Though Obi-Wan lost his Master in the combat he showed he was much stronger in the Force then his Master, and he confronted the Dark Jedi in a winning fashion. The story is one of the best that I've heard..."

The young Jedi said, his lips curling into a noteable smirk, finding pleasure in the whole discussion on the Old Republic Jedi. The youth went by their rules more than probably anyone in the present Jedi legion, finding comfort in their wise ways, though he at times rebelled against the scriptures about love emotions.

Feb 12th, 2003, 10:27:22 AM
Oriaidn was also one for trying to stick to the rules set by the Jedi of old. There were many things that Oriadin did not agree with that went on now, but he respected the decisions and rules set by his elders. It was nice to find someone else in the order who seemed very similar in opinion and had very similar interests to Oriadin. The story of Obi Wans relationship with Anakin was one of the most complex and an excellent study of the do's and dont's of the Jedi way.

--Ah yes. That too is one of my favorites. The legendary Obi Wan Kenobi is a Jedi I try to base myself on. You can do far worse than learn by his experiences and successes as well as mistakes.

Tell me, who is your master? and how long have you been at the order Jamel?--

Already Oriadin was forming an opinion of the Padawan. He was strong in the force, Oriadin could sense that, but there was also a willingness and a keeness that hinted towards danger. With proper training, Oriadin had faith that Jemel had what it took to become a key figure within the order. Some things Jamel said caused Oriadin to feel a little concerned but it was nothing major. Especially since Jamel hadnt been here that long.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:34:17 AM
Jamel looked down in despair, talking in a dark yet lull tone only complimenting to his already strong voice, which was compariable to that of speaker.

"I have no Master." The boy said, his hand no longer levitating the datapad with his Force gestures. The boy's voice becoming more depressive as he trailed on into another setence from his pause.

"Well, I once had one--but not anymore." He said, his voice hinting that that was all he wanted to speak about on that situation. It was something he had began to hate since so many people showed he was disrespectable by those actions he commited with his former Master, such as Helenias and Jubei. The boy simply felt ashamed to have ever done a thing.

The boy attempted to find comfort in their setting and conversation once more with a lean backward in the leather chair, staring at his datapad that was placed on the desk only a second before.

Feb 12th, 2003, 10:47:43 AM
Oriadin could tell straight away that this was something that Jemel wasnt happy talking about. He thought for a moment, wondering if that door should be opened or not. He decided it should.

--A piece of advice. Dont shy away when someone asks you something. Be confident in what subject you are talking about. You may not want to talk about something, and thats ok. Sometimes you dont want personal things spread about the people your around. Still, you must stay focused. Let go of your emotion, there is no need for it. Whether it makes you feel happy/sad/upset/angry/ashamed or whatever, let it go.

Why dont you tell me what happend? Im a Jedi Knight and im here to help everyone, and that includes you. A problem shared is a problem solved. I can see it pains you to talk about this but dont be afraid. Trust me.--

Oriadin spoke confidently and smoothly. He was a great speaker and could usually command attention when he spoke. He had that tone. Oriadin would like to think of himself as aproachable by all a the order, he had no need for enemys and only wished to help as many people as he could.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:34:18 PM
Jamel seem like he was going to refuse to respond at all for a second, until his stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest, his face contorted to express object & thought. Reaching for the words in the back of his head, he quickly spat them out, but did it in a clean more peaceful manner though his expression still seemed to object to his tone.

"Well, I guess I'll tell you." The boy began as he pulled himself to an upright sit in his chair, and changing his expression to a more tranquil.

"It began great with my original Master, named Zeke--I never was allowed to know his last name though, but as we went on troublesome situations began to occure in my life. He seemed to guide me only in the walk of the Order, he seemed as though he didn't care at all about my life." The boy started the tale slow, his voice gradually speeding impriting intense, but serene tone.

Continuing on, his voice became much slower as he came closer to the end of his tale about the disowning of his Master.

"I had been confronted with Sejah who like me is a Padawan, and he told me that Zeke had very little expirence in teaching the arts of the Jedi, which lead me to an conclusion that my Master was not fully prepared to take me. I didn't do it only on my behalf, but for my Masters. I've been told that I was a stubborn, rude, juvenille, pitiful, unmanagiable child through my whole life, and he didn't need to carry the weight. I knew that a Master much more expirence might have the ability to divert me on the path."

The tale came to a sudden end, leaving a cliff hanger for Oriadin to guess in silence. It was only a matter of moments before the boy began once more, his voice more intense this time, but his statement short compared to the rest of his comments, so their wasn't a chance that it could be mistaken from the rest of the speech.

"The path of Darkness, I ddin't want to fall to the side, so I left him. I didn't want my master to carry the weight of my life when over those shoulders that he carried me on were the inexpirence of being Master. As a studier of the old age, I always went over the tales with Anakin & Obi-Wan, and I knew very well that this could end up being me. Though I have a high midlochlorian, yet I know I'm nothing personality wise like Anakin, but I knew there was a high possibility that I could fall to the side of darkness as he did."

Then there was silence.

Feb 13th, 2003, 05:30:30 AM
Oriadin looked distant for a moment. He was thinking about what Jamel was saying. He began to think that this may turn into more of a tutoring session than a general meet in the Jedi archives. It was clear to Oriadin that Jamel wanted to be a Jedi and he had a good heart but he was in severe need of guidence. He struck Oriadin as being lost and not really knowing what to do. Whether this was true or not was a different matter, but Oriadin had a good instinct with these things. He could read between the lines and spot things that the person involved might not even notice.

--Ah yes. Your midichlorian count. I read that you had a high count in your record.

Your midichlorian count will not determine what kind of man, or Jedi or what ever you will become. All it is, is an indication to your potential. There are very few that will ever reach their potential, simply because they probably wont live long enough. Even Master Yoda never reached his full potential. He still had things he could learn and he still had places to develop. There will always be something else for you to learn. Never fall into the trap of thinking that because you have the potential, it makes you good. Only hard work and training will make you good.

Zeke is not someone I know much about, to tell you the truth. If he was not the right Master for you then so beit but it is important that you find someone that will show you the right path.

Where you said he didnt seem to care for your life, and that he only wanted to show you the path of the Jedi, I didnt follow what you meant exactly.

Amoungst the Jedi, attachment is forbidden. Some people find it very hard to let go of their life prior to becoming a jedi and that can be very dangerous indeed. Thats where we come back to Anakin. Zeke may not have been too far wrong but perhaps he didnt explain it to you so that you could understand.--

It may have come across as a lecture but the advice Oriadin was giving out was sound. He covered a few of the very basic things that all Jedi should be aware of.

He looked at Jemel with penetraiting look, but it was friendly and warm at the same time.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:32:37 PM
Jamel was silent for a moment, without a single peep coming form his mouth. Rustling in his seat, he attempted at comfort, as the words had rattled him so. He had found disgust in himself once more, as he did when he left his Master behind, disowning him for his own personal reasons. The taste in his mouth had overwhelmed him to the point of anger, his fingers tightening on his chair as he was seconds before combustion.

"Why am I so foolish. I've been told I was a fool since my entrance into this world, and now--this very second of breathe I know that that opinon is all truth." The boy's voice was cold, but he seemed to be so firm with his words that it was creepy.

In his eyes pain had been, from optical registration to what he wielded within. He had seen murderous fiends, smugglers, and his own blood numerous of times and their seemed to be nothing in the Force that would take the time to caress him. Healing him to perfection..

"No one cares.." He whispered to himself, a tear drop created in his eye, holding himself from blinking so he wouldn't be seen shedding his internal misery.

Feb 18th, 2003, 06:56:55 AM
--Everybody here cares, but your emotion is something your going to have to learn to control. Personal feelings can not be allowed to interfear with ones decisions. Your knowledge, your training and your experiences should form the basis of your actions alone.

Do not give into your emotions, as that will lead you to the darkside in the end.

Oh, and you are not foolish. You just require proper guidence and you need to gain some experience. Good people are only good because they have come through lifes troubles and learnt from their mistakes. It will come to you if you give it time, and work. Patience is the key my young friend.--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 18th, 2003, 10:28:26 PM
Jamel looked down in despair, his lips forming a frown as he continued to think on the words Oriadin. The man was wise in the ways of the Old Republic, they seemed to come right from the philosophies of one of the finest of the Old Republic Jedi Order.

The boy's hand created a fist, holding tightly down on his emotions and compressing them. Controlling them under his fingers, the young lad looked up into the eyes of the man. It was clear to see that the eyes of his Jedi comrade had seen very much, and was clearly expirenced in the ways of the force, and the archives. He was a intelligent man that he knew now to be Oriadin--and he would refer to him as Master.

"I know Master Oriadin, you are very wise in the ways of the Old Republic, and the Force. I will try controlling my emotions.." Jamel's voice trailed off into a murmur, his head flinging back against the chair. Relaxing his tense muscles, the clutched hand was release, letting the pressure of the with holding his emotions go.

They drifted into his mind, being controlled by his brain cells. The lips of the child binded into a smirk of confidence, yet it was not an optisim that would affect his path at all.

"Thank you for everything Master Oriadin." The smile diminished as the boy's eyes closed, calming himself as he sat in the chair.

Feb 21st, 2003, 06:07:36 AM
--Thats not a problem. I am here to teach, as well as to protect. You will learn a great many things while you are with the Jedi Order. When I first came here, I made a point of reading as much as I could. Read everything you can. You will learn greatly by it. There are plenty of stories here for you to read. If you are patient and learn from whats written here and listen to what your piers say the you too will become wise.

It just takes time, and patience. If you dont mind be saying, I get the impression you are a little too keen to impress. A little too keen to get noticed straight off. It takes time to settle here at the order and everyone here is ready to help you. All you have to do is know how to ask.

How long have you been at the Order now Jamel?--

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:38:56 PM
Jamel reached into his memory back, attempting to caculated the time span he had been here. Though it could be considered very short time compared to the rest of his life, it was clearly one of the most important times in his whole entire existence. The overwhelming lifestyle of a Jedi and powers of the Force truly did take it's toll during his beginning, and he hoped he seemed to be more timid. The actions of arrogance we're once something that shaped his personality, as well as what everyone saw him to be. He hoped that would change.

Coming with a conclusion to what he had been contemplating about, he began with a soft voice, toned perfectly for the response so that their would be no hint of unknowledage in his words. "It's been a little over 2 months."

A smile came to his face, kindling the suddenly dim conversation, attempting to put a more joyous style to the discussion. They had talked in such depressive tones in the recent statements, and the boy was never the one to be interested in depressive conversation, no matter how much his past seemed to hint that he was around it.