View Full Version : Breaking a Curse (Dinaer, Xazor)

Narmo Loonia
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:07:15 PM
Narmo slowly walked through the forests around the jedi temple. A black tunic and dark brown pants were covered by her dark green cloak. She watched the ground saddly as she walked. Every day, her chances of breaking the curse of Dinaer, her love, lessened. Every day, she grew sadder at the thought of never being able to see him in his true elven form.

Narmo stopped at a tree and sat down with her back leaning against it. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees. She silently cried as she sat there. Suddenly, her elven ears heard someone coming. She very faintly heard the sound of foot steps but knew they were close. Who ever it was knew how to move without making much of a sound.

(Xaz wait till Dinaer posts to reply.)

Feb 9th, 2003, 10:10:09 PM
Dinaer was running about in the forest, relieving the stresses of his heart through exercise. One of the few things he liked about his wolf body was his increased speed. It was nice. At last, Dinaer came to a stop next to his lover, panting for breath.

So, why are we out here he asked, sitting down.

Narmo Loonia
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:17:58 PM
Narmo looks up at her love and closes her eyes, lowering her head. She did not relise he had been following her. She wiped away the tears quickly before he noticed them.

"I did not know you were here. I... i just needed to get out of the buildings for a while."

It was not a total lie. But it was not the total truth either. She just sat there, looking at him. One last tear dropped and she turned her head away.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:06:03 AM
Warm sunlight beamed down on the floor of the forest breaking through the canopy which shrouded all below. Birds chirpped and flew threw the branches of the trees singing songs of love and happiness. Perhaps a stark contrast to all that was natural here was a Jedi Knight -- but not just any, it was Xazor Elessar. Clad in white flowing robes, the young Garou Knight slowly walked along the forest path with her cyan eyes skyward. From her pink lips came a song in another language foreign to all around save for the animals and the wood. She spoke to those elements as well and they conversed in their own way. The breeze caught her Garou Warrior Braids and the silver coins woven into them clanged softly together with each step she took until her eyes came to rest upon a sight -- a young woman and a beautiful wolf. Smiling and baring her elongated canines, Xazor became silent as her own companion Kaukauana came up behind her and sat down upon his haunches. He too was of the wolven breed and colored white and grey with strange black markings of his tribe. The Jedi Knight knelt down and faced the other being -- one who felt strangely like herself when in feral form, but there was a longing. Something was not quite right about the situation and it was evident in the woman's eyes that she had been crying previously.

"Greetings -- I am Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Elessar. What is your name?"

She questioned the young woman before resting her warm eyes upon the wolf. Canting her head slightly to the side, the Garou woman could not help but wonder why she was getting a strange feeling from her fellow wolf -- but somehow, she knew he was not true to the form.

Feb 10th, 2003, 11:00:35 AM
Dinaer looked at the other wolf, then at the woman.

Heh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were in the same boat as us.

But Dinaer knew better. The other wolf acted more natural than he did. As good as Dinaer had gotten at pretending to be a wolf over the years, he still sometimes forgot about his condition. It had happened several times before, usually during meals. He would reach for a spoon, or some other utensil before he realized he was not capable of holding it. Some women would watch him and say how smart and cute he was because he was a dog that could communicate hunger by resting a paw on eating utensils.

The explanation worked for him, but there were some people, like the Jedi Xazor, who knew what he really was. And that made him nervous.

Narmo Loonia
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:04:43 PM
Narmo looked up at the jedi knight then back down to her wolf love. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying again as she looked apon him. Her dark green eyes then came back up to Xazor and she stood up.

Narmo bowed slightly to the jedi knight. When she came back up, she looked the knight in the eye. She hid her feelings and thoughts as best she could from the jedi. She didn't know how well she did though.

"Greetings master Xazor. I am sorry for not telling any one that I had left the temple. I just... needed to be with the forest for a while."

She lied yes. But her voice did not quiver as she spoke. The elvish in her kept that from happening. She looked down at Dinaer and rested her hand atop his head gently.