View Full Version : Facing up (Open, challenge or not)

Alera Starreyes
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:01:25 PM
Alera's sword sang through the air, gleaming softly in the darkness, as always. She smiled, glad her blade had been returned to her. It felt more like an old friend now than just a well-crafted weapon.

Her smiled faded as she concentrated more thoroughly on her excercises. Finding herself unable to sleep, she had come here. Funny. In the end, when she needed comfort and peace, she always came back to nature, to the deeps of the wood. When she could. She was lucky to have been nearby. Lately she'd been traveling more and more to cities and other such populated, polluted places.

The woman concentrated on her breaths rather than her thoughts. She didn't want to think. She didn't want to think about -

She misstepped, stumbled, nearly falling. With a sigh, she sheathed her sword and sat against a tree. It was no use trying to ignore her thoughts and feelings. It only ended up getting in her way.

She didn't want to think about the future. She didn't want to think about being alone again. She didn't want to think about Malice, and about how he had betrayed her. Alera bowed her head, feeling a lump rise in her throat, the grief that had not before had time to be realized. I will not cry. She thought resolutely, even as her lower lip trembled slightly. He's not worth crying over.

Thunder rumbled overhead. I should get back, she thought vaguely. It won't be long before it starts raining. But somehow she didn't really want to leave. She rested her cheek against the cool bark of the tree. I just want to sit here, sit in the rain.

How can I face the world
When it runs and hides from me
Whenever I try to figure out
Just what it wants of me
Is it even worth it anymore?
When the night has failed
And the last star no longer
Knows what she is waiting for...

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:49:27 AM
There was another figure nearby. Away from the bodyguards, away from the hanger-on, away from my fellow Jedi and Senators, a lonely woman, alone in my thoughts. In a dark cloak that was waterproof, for it was my intention to stand out in the coming rain. Feel the drops hitting my cloak, maybe to tilt my head back and feel the droplets on my face. To allow the cares of the galaxy to wash away and for a while, just pretend I was somewhere else, far, far away. Bare feel on grass, smelling the air, smelling the gardens, smelling the grass. Maybe in a sunshower, with a rainbow appearing nearby.

The thought of this simple fantasy bought a slight smile to my lips.

I continued to stand there, a dark cloaked woman, almost invisible because of the camoflage the cloak gave. I could hear and sense someone else nearby, which for now I simply and quietly monitored, feeling that person stop near a tree nearby. Just as the rain began, small drops to strart with, I turned my head, which revealed my face to this newcomer.

"Hello" I said softly.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:19:23 AM
*A flash of fork lightning, curling it's way around the belly of the clouds, caught on the blade of Damnation's Touch as it lashed out with perfect aim towards a target that wasn't there. Sith Lord Miryan no Trunks brought the broadsword back into his defensive stance as quickly as he had attacked. A slow breath, and he swung the blade out again, this time up at an angle, catching the first drop of rain to fall within his reach and splitting it in two.. Reentering his defensive stance, he felt a drop hit his head, and looked up towards the sky, opening his eyes for the first time since he'd started that training session..*

*The forest was his element. He had always had a close bond with nature, and out amongst it's beauty was where he had always felt at home. And that in itself was only multiplied when a good rainstorm came along.. The sheer energy that filled the air was exhilerating he found, and there was very little that could relax and refresh him quite as well as a storm. However, he doubted that would be of much importance anyways, he had seen but 2 Jedi in many months now, and Neither of them could or would fight him at the time.*

*Sighing, MnT let his senses open up, as he had not bothered to worry about anyone approaching out here in the forest, and in an ironic surprise, his mind was met with 2 distinctly jedi presences, not even a kilometer away.. Watching them through the force without letting his own signature be spotted, he realized that they were not coming for him, but instead, it seemed, they were out enjoying the oncoming storm as well..*

... Hmm..

*A single barely force-aided leap and he caught one of the branches about 1/4 up into the thick of the tree above's leaves. A quick acrobatic flip and he landed in a sitting position, his legs hanging over the side along with the bottom half of his black trenchcoat. Fortunately his judgement had been correct, and not only was the branch strong enough to easily support his weight, but the leaves overhead provided a good canopy from the rain, and more than ample shadow to keep himself unseen.*

*Focusing his attention down to the base of one of the other trees nearby, he concentrated on an area roughly the size of himself, and using a technique he learned even before becoming a knight, he created a force "ghost" of himself.. Basically, an exact replica of his force presence, just not neccesarily where he was himself. He knew that unless the two jedi were the greenest of padawans, they'd be able to feel the presence, and with the suicidal curiosity Of the lightsiders, they'd likely come to investigate. Fortunately for them, he was neither the type to kill without reason, nor in the mood to do so even With reason. He just hoped that if they accepted, they'd be able to provide him with a good battle...*

Alera Starreyes
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:00:45 PM
Alera heard the voice of another, greeting her quietly as the rain began to fall. She nodded to her. "Greetings." The woman made an effort to pull herself together, and succeeded, for the moment. She enjoyed solitude, but company was welcome as well.

Then she frowned. "Do you feel that?" She murmured softly, a dark presence on the Force.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:15:58 AM
"Yes. But while it's doing nothing and leaving me alone, I would not be bothered"

I turned my back deliberatly on the presence, for I was not here to fight or to be disturbed.

"May I ask whom you are?" I asked of the other woman. "And what brings you here?"

Alera Starreyes
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:46:59 PM
Alera stood slowly with a sigh. "My name is Alera Elenvedui." She said quietly. "Some call me Alera Starreyes... It doesn't really matter." She looked at the forest around. "I come here only for peace, and quiet. I love the forest, don't you?"

Once again she met the woman's gaze with her own ice blue. "I'm sorry if I've disturbed you. Might I ask whom you are?"

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:38:14 AM
*Smiling as he sighed in slight dissapointment, MnT dropped from the tree and landed silently, retrieving his sword once more.. He had felt their attention sway towards him, and then back again.. They had no interest in finding him, and despite the loss of a fight, that was fine.. He had been training all this time on his own Anyways, right?*

*Sensing the air charging up suddenly, MnT grinned and looked upwards.. With a sudden movement, he launched the immense broadsword up into the air, and as it reached it's peak, the storm opened, a bolt of lightning cascading down and reaching it's blade with a brilliant flash.. *

*It began to fall back down again, completely unscathed save for the fact that the blade of the weapon was glowing white, and crackling with electricity. Reaching a hand up, he caught the handle and whipped it around to his side in a swift motion.. He was very pleased.. He'd never thought to test the energy channeling ability of the weapon like that before, and his theory had proven true..*

"... But now what to release it on?"