View Full Version : Bar Brawl...(Hand to hand, challenge to one or two Sith)

Feb 8th, 2003, 09:22:57 PM
"You piece of bantha fodder!" comes one voice, towards the centre of the bar.

It was answered by a few very creatuve curses, and Satien, from one of the back corners, gives a little chuckle, lifting his mug to his mouth.

The sound, however, carries to the two patrons, who turn a baleful glare on the hooded figure of the Jedi Matre.

"And what was that?"

"Nothing. Be about your business like good little normals..."

The second man scowls, and lifts a stool, and, without preamble, tosses it towards Satine. The Jedi, with barely a thought, erects a Force shield, which the stool shatters against. Pulling down his hood, he reveals his shock of silver hair, and his dimly glowing silver eyes, and he gets up.

"You really shouldn't throw things..." Satine says, his voice low and calm.

Getting into a fighting stance, Satine motions for the two patrons to rush...

Minutes later, three men simultaneously are thrown out of the bar, literally, and hit the pavement hard, Satine standing, and watching for new comers...

Odin Murk
Feb 8th, 2003, 10:13:44 PM
:: I was starving... Starving! The clan was dealing with the heretics and I had left them to it. I had been gone too long. The name of Odin Murk had been forgotten and I almost didn't care enough because I was too hungry. Human flesh was so tender, a rarity since chasing the heretics.
But recently I had ordered the clan away, to hunt the remaining heretics, for the honor of my race, and I would begin my legacy again. Begin it and ready it for my race to begin again.
I leaped from the building I had been watching a homeless person sleep to another where I heard three soft bodies hit the ground. I stared down at three bodies laying outside a bar. Interesting, and the door had just slammed? No one was around...
I was on the first body in moments, my powerful scaled muscles snapped his body in half and my jaw unhinged to an unbelievable opening size that I stuffed the body inside. I felt his body go down my throat and I felt his soul, his essence stir. I roared as I "swallowed" his soul. I digested his essence and I felt my own force powers strengthen. Not a strong addition, they never lasted long, but a ecstatic feeling nonetheless as my senses were hightened.
I felt the vibrations in the ground as the other two screamed and stumbled into a run. I had just eaten the one positioned in the middle so they had each gone their own seperate directions. I flew to one, my claws slashing his spinal cord out and casually slipping the nerve into my mouth. I slurped it up and snarled as I rotated, running along the side of the building to get to the last mammal.
I lunged and my mouth opened as I came straght down on him. My mouth covered his enjtire torso before I biut down, my powerful jaws ripping his squishy flesh. He was still alive when I swallowed him and his essence was mine also.
With my hieghtened senses, I discovered another essence near, but this one strong enough to come through the walls. It was distantly familiar but it screamed of a fuffiling meal. I leaped to the body without a spine and I swallowed that just for more meat. I really hadn't eaten in quite some time. I turned to the door, the only thing standing between me and the real meal of the night.::

MMMMMMmmmmmm... Forccccccccccccccccccccce.

Epona Rhi
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:03:24 AM
Sitting in a booth, the cloaked figure watched with mild amusement. Then as the Jedi stood there waiting for any others to join in the fray, she responded.

"You know, One should be more mindful about seeking trouble. Especially when in a place where enemies can be abundant....Jedi."

Her smooth voice a little hard at the last word, Then trailing off as she brings the little glass to her full lips hidden under her black cloak. And points towards the entrance of the Tavern.

"And I believe a big heap of trouble will be coming through that door any second now."

Feb 9th, 2003, 08:33:31 AM
Satine opnes himself to the Force, and looks to the door. He feels a familiar presence there, and the name hisses from his lips.


Instead of waiting for the lizard-man to walk in, Satine starts running at it, and then, using the Force to open the doors, dives at Odin, with a left hook, throwing him backwards.

"Hello Odin." The JEdi Mastre says, giving a small smile, and getting to his feet.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:42:38 AM
*A soft clapping came from behind the Jedi, and slightly surprised, Satine turned around to find the grinning face of Sith Lord MnT looking at him.. Apparantly he had been in the bar, and Alpha hadn't even noticed him..*

... And do they teach you that move when you become a Master?

*He simply stood there chuckling lightly.. It seemed that Satine already had two opponents as it was, and the opportunity to challenge his old friend and nemesis had past as swiftly just as it had come.*

Feb 9th, 2003, 12:24:08 PM
Satine can't help but chuckle. "I picked it up somewhere...What are you doing here Miryan? Bored of the normal things?"

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 9th, 2003, 12:47:44 PM
*With a side-tilted nod and a glance down at the half-lizard creature that Satine had dropped, MnT replied.*

... Actually, wishing things would get Back to the norm.. I got pulled again, and upon returning, discovered that the Empire had disbanded. Suddenly I have no home, and a galaxy full of Jedi who would rather waste their energy trying to convert me, than to prove their worth in battle.

*As he spoke the words, the Sith thought back in particular to his challenge of Anbira Hicchoru, the one who had inspired him to reach for greatness beyond sheer potential in the first place. The Jedi had refused to fight, and it would not have been honorable to trick or force the man into a battle that was, for all intents and purposes, based Entirely around MnT's honor, and seeing how far he'd come...*

Feb 9th, 2003, 01:47:33 PM
"I see...And why don;t you just go free-lance for good if you don't want to be convertted...Though I could try and convert you..." Satine says with a grin.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:26:22 PM
*MnT grinned back with an "oh Really" expression apparant in his visage..*

... As I said, they Waste their efforts.. There may not be a Sith Empire to harbour me, But I Am still Sith, and I Do still believe that you Jedi are wrong in your ways.. Trust me my friend, both Masters Hicchoru, and Q'Dunn have laid their verbal efforts before me, and I've yet to find a single tempting offer layered inside their statements...

*He spoke with the light-hearted tone he usually took when discussing such things with Satine. Due to past circumstance, he respected the Jedi, considered him a friend, and thus wouldn't offend him if he had no reason to. Truth be known, he Enjoyed pleasent conversation about such things.. If nothing else, he could always try to convert them himself, ne?*

Feb 9th, 2003, 07:27:57 PM
Satine gives a little smirk, not insulting, just amused.

"I don't suppose money would work?" he offers wryly.

Epona Rhi
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:44:29 PM
From behind Miryan comes a soft Female voice....

"Are you two gonna hug and kiss or get some pent up energy out?"

As he turns to face the short cloaked form she says..

"Or does a woman have to do the job.....hmmmm?"

Then she opens her arms and the black cloak drops to reveal the woman behind it. Clad in a lycra body suit, black fingerless gloves , soft boots and a belt that wraps around her waist three times. Her raven black hair hanging over her shoulders with matching eyes and her full lips curled into a smile. Her head tilts down a bit and her eyebrow lifts in a questioning stare.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 10th, 2003, 03:52:51 AM
*At the suggestion, he laughed softly, the only verbal acknowledgement that was really neccesary. However, at about that moment, the voice of a woman MnT did not know rose up.. A rude comment, but not one that he was about to pay mind to. Turning himself to face her, the 20 year old Sith Lord was wearing the outfit that had become as much a part of him, as the deity-crafted broadsword that was sheathed on his back. Black trenchcoat undone, with equally colored tank-top and baggy pants underneath, and overtop of his durasteel-rimmed boots.*

... If you wish to fight Satine, then by all means go ahead. You've had your eyes set on him with that intent obvious in your aura since I first walked in. I can always challenge him later..

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:36:48 AM
Satine looks the the woman, his silver eyes flashing eerily in the dim light. They had begun doing that more and more lately... He was dressed in his normal black leather duster, black pants, black shirt, with a black overshirt, all the edges and seams done in silver thread.

"So, are you one that wants to challenge me?" he asks, humor in his voice.

Epona Rhi
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:10:23 PM
She walks slowly and delibrately past Miryan and reaches up to casually run her fingertip from one side of his face under his chin, then back up the opposite side. As she walks on, she gives him a soft backhanded tap to the cheek. She keeps that smile as she slowly makes her way to Satine.

She stops in front of him.

"Is that a hint of amusement in your voice? Dont think a little girl could do anything to you?"

She starts to walk slowly around him and stops when she gets behind him. She smiles as he slowly turns to face her. As he begins to reply to her question she snaps her arms out and he goes flying past Miryan back into the Tavern as she gave him one frell of a force push. She smiles at Miryan, then gets into a stance as her eyes take on a violet hue which grows brighter by the second.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 11th, 2003, 06:28:17 AM
*With a smirk, MnT clapped, thought it's unnoticable intent was more sarcastic than anything. Her move was not one that would ever show it's face in his own repetoire, as attacking someone from behind was dishonorable.. However, to each their own, and if that was her style, so be it.*

.. Congratulations, it appears you caught him off guard. This ought to be a rather interesting match to watch. Though I will give you this word as warning. Don't let yourself get cocky, he's not a Jedi Master for nothing..

Feb 11th, 2003, 08:13:52 AM
Satine gets to his feet, and laughs, tapping into the Force, and bringing twin force blasts to bear on Epona. She manages to dodge one, but the other catches her in the shoulder, and spins her around, and she hits the ground. He walks out of the tavern again, relaxed, not the least bit angry apparently.

"Ya know, attacking someone from behind isn't exactly honorable..."

Satine gets into a fighting stance, projecting two Force shields in front of him, ready to ward of any more Force pushes or things maybe more powerful from his opponent.

Epona Rhi
Feb 11th, 2003, 09:53:15 PM
Laughing softly as she gets up and dusts herself off, She looks at Satine and nods.

"Yes, I did hit you from the back didn't I? *tsk* *tsk* Shame on me."

She starts running towards him as he takes his stance and she uses a double force push to catapult herself to his right side at an angle, and delivers a foot to his hip as she goes spinning past to land in a crouch facing him.

Feb 12th, 2003, 07:57:15 AM
Satine simply jumps to the side, avoiding the kick. As she lands in a crouch, the JEdi Mastre quickly steps in with a fast side kick, follwed by a reverse punch at Epona's head...

Epona Rhi
Feb 12th, 2003, 03:49:41 PM
Rolling backwards as the kick goes overhead, she catches his fist as she comes back up and continues to roll back again as she places both her feet against his stomach and flips him over her as she holds on and comes to rest on his chest with her legs out to the sides holding his arms down with her feet on his wrists.

She smiles back down, at his relaxed, yet mildly amused expression.

Feb 12th, 2003, 08:23:35 PM
Satine smiles. "Not bad."

With a large blast of Force power, Satine flings Epona off of him, and into a nearby wall. He gets to his feet, and motions his opponent on.

Epona Rhi
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:38:51 AM
Hitting the wall with a thud.... *whump* then falls to the floor.


She rubs her back as she gets up from the walkway along the building.

"Ok, that was a good one....I'd say we're even on that."

Epona smiles and jumps at Satine, landing in front of him she quickly drops and sweeps his legs.

Feb 13th, 2003, 06:57:48 AM
Satine smiles, and jumps above the sweep, sending his right foot in for a heavy kick at Epona's face...

Epona Rhi
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:30:48 AM
Taking the hit to her face she falls hard to the right, and her vision wavers for a couple seconds as she shakes it off. The left side of her face throbbing. She manages a smile knowing she isnt the only one feeling pain at this moment. For as he delivered that kick as she came out of her spin, she was in the middle of a combonation sweep/ kick move and the kick which was meant for his chest as he fell back, was delivered to his groin as he was in mid kick.

"ughhnnn.....gods that kick was hard."

She looks over at Satine as she slowly pushed herself back up into a sitting position.

"Blow for blow so far, not bad for a beginner wouldnt you say?"

She rubbed her face gingerly looking at the Jedi master with a smirk.

Odin Murk
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:03:13 PM
:: I had sat back for long enough, watching the flies play with each other... watching as my tongue tasted the air for power. Alpha was strong, as he had been, and the man was strong to follow, even matching, but the girl was too small and insignificant compared to the other two. I would take her as an appetizer. I as starving for the force, I could take maybe two at onc on physical superiority. I was well over eight feet tall and my arms were almost as wide as Alpha's body.
My large lizard like body was not hindered though in speed, snake like movement made me right behind the people fighting. My dark shadow loomed over Alpha's. I would be very dissappointed if he had forgotten me. The shadows dissappeared though as four metallic objects seemed to protrude from underneath my scales. Purple sabers as long as my arms flared out to double my range as I loomed behind the fighters and I smiled, my huge maw i a twisted smile, fangs and poisonous saliva dripping on the ground.::

Masssssssssssssssssssster SSSSsssssssssssssssssssssatine...
You would no forget an old friend would you mammal?

Feb 13th, 2003, 07:36:50 PM
Satine groans and gets to his feet, seeing Odin raise to his feet, and his sabres ignite.

"Hello again Murk...Eat any of your kin lately?" he says, cursing mentally. He had left his weapons--aside from the ones in his prosthetic arm--in his ship. He sends a message to Miryan.

Hey, ol' buddy...Don't suppose you have a spare lightsabre...I'm going to need two of them to compete with Odin...

Satine gives his clothes a mental command, and his left arm is surrounded by a quicksilver glove--large, and wicked looking--, which immediately hardens into a battle gaunlet, with spiked fingers, and two spikes on the top of his hand. His right hand, though, splits apart, and a lightsabre ignites, the silver blade coruscating and crackling in the air...

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 14th, 2003, 04:31:43 AM
*MnT could not help but laugh at the suggestion from Satine.. A Sith Lord lending a Jedi Master a Saber to help deal with two other darksiders? A quick telepathic message back to Alpha conveyed the humor he found in that, but also that he was more than willing to lend him a saber despite, on the simple premise that he did not enjoy seeing unfair battles.. Suddenly, with a motion far faster than either the Girl, or Lizardman could even notice as a blur, he launched the dark purple lightsaber "Life" towards Satine. It connected with his side, but as he was prepared, instead of taking the blow, the saber was engulfed by the Jedi's Quicksilver bodyarmor, the shaft quickly reappearing in his gauntleted left hand..*

*As Satine prepared for the attack, MnT wove another message into his mind..*

"... Of course, if you'd rather continue with my fellow Sith, I'd be more than happy to entertain Odin until you're done.. Provided of course, he isn't too picky about his quarry.."

Feb 14th, 2003, 07:07:16 AM
I'll take Odin off first...He's been on my "to hunt" list for a long time...Thanks Miryan.

Satine gives a little smile, and weaves his sabres in a defensive net, ready to catch any attack...

Epona Rhi
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:11:28 AM
Getting to her feet quickly at the arrival of the reprillian, Epona steps backwards. Her own eyes squinting in understanding at the way his eyes gazed onto her. It gave her a feeling that not only this Jedi was her enemy here. Miryan hadnt given her that feeling yet, but this reptillian did.

She knew he'd jump her given the chance. She pulled out two cylinders, one tucked into each boot and ignited the orange blades. Stepping backwards, keeping an eye more on the Odin than Satine.

( damn, girl..... master did say you're attitude would get you into big trouble one day.....this could be that day. )
She thought to herself as she watched the towering creature square off against the Jedi Master.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:34:11 AM
*A glance over at Epona had caught MnT's attention rather fiercely.. She had ignit two sabers of her own, and looked as though she was going to fight Odin alongside, or as well Satine.. The latter seemed much less likely however, from the way she was eyeing the two..*

*With a quick step, he reached an arm out in front of her, a gesture known universally as simply Stop.. Turning his head to her, he shook it slightly, almost without noticing, and spoke..*

... I haven't a doubt that Satine can take Odin, and if he cannot, I don't know whether the two of us could..

*He said as such because, despite that long ago, he had bested Satine in both of their battles, and not a day had gone by that he hadn't trained as heavily as he could, it HAD been a long time ago, and he didn't really have a clue how much Satine had improved Himself..*

Feb 14th, 2003, 05:13:51 PM
Satine gives a smile to Miryan. "Wow, thanks for the compliment buddy..."

Retruning his attention to Odin, Satine brings up three Force shields around him--his best talent, aside from fighting as far as the Jedi was concerned--and waits for the lizard to attack.

Epona Rhi
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:20:27 PM
Disengaging the blades, Epona tucks the chrome cylinders into her belt. She steps over to Miryan's side and nods slowly.

"I think you're right. I am definately not strong enough to fight him, I hope the Jedi is as good as you say he is."

She watches closely the two getting ready for this surely epic confrontation about happen.

Odin Murk
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:15:28 PM
:: the saliva hanging from my lipless gums hisses as it hits the ground, sinking a bit into the filthy flooring. A chuckling sound produced from my throat as I watched Satine suddenly arm himself from nothing. I had long known not to underestimate this mammal but I could hear his warm blood beating and I would taste it by the end of this night.

I knew it took considerable skill for a human to wield two sabers but my four sabers were merely extensions to my claws, nothing different then five extra feet of range and claws that tear metal like paper, not that mine already did, but these burned it first. I wondered what Satine would remember from our previous encounters.

Unfortunately I didn't have Wraith Frostmourne here to hlep amuse me this time, I would get to keep the fun all to myself as long as the other two didn't add in. I had seen the saber launched from the other man, fast and quick, the weaves of the force much faster, but these humans were still so predictable, their bones disjointed when they didn't want them to, how pathetic.

I sniffed lightly as I looked down on Satine, one of my dark eyes keeping the other two in my periphal vision, that girl's force signature still screamed of appetite. My stomach growled as I stepped back, my clawed feet shaking the flimsy foundations as I crushed the tiles beneath me. What weak buildings these creatures made, obviously in imitation of their squishy bodies.

the thought crossed my mind as that idea finished, these people would think me arrogant if they could read my thoughts, I found that funny, it was hard for them to discern belief of superiority and knowledge of superiority. I had already proven it to Satine before, he would know all too well after I had consumed his soul!

My tail slammed into the ground as I roared. One massive arm slung upwards and cut into the ceiling as it came down at the Jedi, with just a flick of my wrist, I could change the direction of the attack, dodging was futile and my strength was that equal of a force enhanced jedi knight, the news of Satine's raising to a master had been a startle to me but then not, the fact that the GJO would have such a weakling promoted would only show that they were truly desperate.::

Feb 15th, 2003, 10:16:10 PM
Satine smiles, and merely holds his ground, his Force shields encasing him in a bubble. The sabre-claws slam into the shield, and Satine laughs, jumping back, and then bringing his shields to the side, thrusting with his sabre-arm.

Odin Murk
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:20:29 PM
:: The sabre flashes close but my long reach knocks the saber away from harm and I open my mouth, emitting a force push from the back of my throat and launching it at Satine, II knew he had tricks up his sleeves and from what his boots had done to me last time, I would not let him get close enough until he was dead.
And the mammal had enough of a nerve to laugh, how much longer would he laugh when I was through? I leaped back and grabbed a human bystander, hiding like all mammals eventually would, and bit it's head off, I swallowed with a gulp and tossed the body aside, grinning, fangs and all, to the jedi. How many would he allow to die because he would laugh? It was my turn to laugh now.::

Feb 17th, 2003, 08:24:49 PM
Satine growls, and sends wave after wave of force power at Odin. Strangely, the power flung forth glowed faintly silver.

"You son of a..." he says, jumping at Odin, at once realizing his mistake. He attacked in anger. Throwing himself backwards, he barely manges to dodge a swipe of the claws, and then Satine is back, one sabre comingin for an attack, the other held back in defense. He brings the attacking sabre in for a feint to the head, and then a quick cut to Odin's left leg...

Odin Murk
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:16:14 PM
:: I howl with rage as I had meant to leap from the attack and the saber had cut two of my clawed toes off. I landed and sunk to my knee, putting the pain into a rage that would only feed my darkside powers.
His sabers were match to match for mine but I knew I had unnerved him by eating the innocent mammal, they were all so weak, lightsiders. They spoke of calmness yet under pressure they broke.
My claws came in and feinted left with both before attacking like a coiled snake on both sides, my tail came around, massive but like a whip.::

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:25:00 PM
Satine manages to beat back the claws, but the tail landed. Grunting in pain, the silver haired Jedi Master being flung backwards, still gripping his sabres. He groans softly, getting to his feet. He taps back into the Force, and lifts up a large pipe behind Odin, flinging it with as great a force as he could muster...

Epona Rhi
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:57:31 PM
Wincing at the hit Satine just took, Epona slowly steps closer to Miryan. Her hands keep close to the saber hilts tucked into her belt. She leans closer and tips her head up to softly speak to him.

"That had to hurt."

Watching the Jedi master get back up she nods with respect for his stamina and strength.

"If he goes down, I will fight alongside you."

She says to Miryan.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 21st, 2003, 12:46:50 AM
... If he goes down, I will be glad to have you at my side..

*He replied, before looking down at her, his expression showing a grin as he winked at her and continued..*

... But don't worry about such things just yet, I've hit him harder than That before...

Epona Rhi
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:38:20 AM
She grinned back as he replied to her, and returned his wink with one of her own.

... But don't worry about such things just yet, I've hit him harder than That before...

She softly laughed at that comment and turned back to watch the two dueling. Deep down rooting for the Jedi master to come out ahead in this melee.

"He is handling himself well out there."

Odin Murk
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:20:14 PM
:: I felt the object hit me hard in the back as I was hurled forward and I pulled myself together into a ball as I landed into booths and squishy humans. I spread apart my claws each grabbing a human head and smashing them together as I turned to face Satine. I took the bloody masses in my claws and licked one body and then swallowed the other before licking the entrails off my snout. I hissed at Satine before one of my large eyes shifted to the two bystanders.
Did they think I couldn't hear them even through our fighting, humans were loud enough to yell and have other planets respond! I snorted as I heard them talk, they were of the darkside and they would see the pitiful lightsider pull through? Just as well, the TSO would know of such weaklings soon enough. Their loyalties obviously did not lie in the darkness but in their own devices, that was almost as weak as the lightside! I snarled and spit a bone out on the floor, stretching the increased power I had consumed from the mortal, not much but enough to make more aware, the pain in my back only went to feed my cold rage in the shadows.
I would slow Satine and then... converse with the other darksiders. I roared and then lifted one claw, the sabers withdrew some as my own claws seemed to unlodge from my muscular fingers and launch. Five dark purple spikes launched at Satine, lightning crackling off them as I opened my mouth and only propelled them firther with a force blast from my mouth, driving it around them to control their flight, they would not miss!::

Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:42:38 PM
Satine sees the bolts coming, and immediately erects a Force shield, smiling grimly as the bolts spatter against it, the force of it throwing him backwards.

He growls, and flings back a ball of Force power, the thing glowing silver, and then jumps at Odin, slicing down with his sabres.

Feb 24th, 2003, 03:56:13 AM
(Odin.....stop eating those pathetic humans, and concentrate on the jedi. Or would you like to have him slice you in half while you swallow one of those maggots)

Came a voice in the lizardmans head. In the doorway, stood a figure clad in white. His waist length white hair falling perfectly down his backside. Though aside from his angelic looks, and his deep sea blue eyes, the darkside swelled greatly in him.

For he too was of the same order as Odin. Malice Draclau, sith master of TSO. He had sensed the fighting going on, but decided to take his time in reaching it. Watching a fight never pleased him. Though the prospect of a fight intrested him a bit.

Walking in, he stood next to MnT and Epona, nodding towards them.

*Greetings. Having fun just watching?*

Malice knew Satine as well. They had a fight many years ago. When he and Satine were but knights. Malice had overhwlemed him by turning into his true form. However, with him now a jedi master, and he a sith master, fighting once again would prove very intertaining.

Feb 24th, 2003, 09:28:06 AM
Satine ducks under another attack, and then feels a new presence. The silver haired Warrior MAster turns, and growls.

"Well, well, well...Malice..."

Feb 24th, 2003, 12:52:12 PM
Malice looks at Alpha and nods his head.

*Longtime no see Satine. Where have you been hiding yourself in the galaxy now days. If i didn't know anybetter, i'd think you were avoiding me. And here i thought we were friends*

Malice spoke in a sarcastic voice. Chuckling to himself.

Odin Murk
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:03:26 PM
( Welcome revered Master of the Order. I will swallow as many maggots as I would, and this one before me to accompany them. I welcome the advice as well Master Malice but patience is many times the game humans don't live to see...)

:: I took the oppurtunity of Satine looking away to unleash a flurry of attacks. My maw opened once more to produce a vast amount of my nerve poisoning saliva that flew at Satine while my left arm took his blind side, my tail accompanying it. My other hand came forward and more of the spikes launched from my claws at such a shot distance, the annoying mammal's force abilities would not stop them.
I needed time, to many people were watching this, I might not be given the time to consume Satine's soul when he died.::

Feb 24th, 2003, 07:12:50 PM
Satine easily sweeps away the venom with a Force blast--he remembered all to well the sting of that venom--but takes the spikes in the shoulder, going down, and rolling, the pain flaring up. He hisses, and then gets thrown with Odin's tail, hitting a nearby crate. Growling, the JEdi gets to his feet, his silver eyes flashing, and then uses the Force to lift the crate, and fling it to the lizard-man.

Smiling grimly, and activates the small blaster on his right arm, and aims, the barrel of the thing spinning up. Silver bolts begin to streak towards the lizard...

Odin Murk
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:21:37 PM
:: It was done. I merely smirked as only I could as I saw the feeble attempt of the jedi to strike back. I leaped upwards, into the ceiling, past the flimdy criling covering and into the open rafters above that. I du my claws into girders and poles around me as I maneuvered myself acoss the span of the ceiling.
I spread my force reach, pressing along the ceiling to hide where I would be. I needed a bit of time to finish what Satine had been nice enough to take.
The spikes activated as soon as I pressed the metallic scale on my neck. Satine had seen it before, I was surprised he let it come. I activated my invention, the Osmose, and the spikes sudden;y became heated at their tips, digging their way into Satine, working through muscles and intestines to make them irretrievable without more tools. And that was only te beginnin, Satine learned only oh too well last time...
I felt the burst come through. The Osmose worked like I did, just remotely. I could digest force abilities and feed them to my own instantly but the Osmose drained slowly as long as you were within range. And if you were under it for too long, you lost your force capabilities, surely a jedi master was a feast for me. He would supply me well enough to teach the others of their loyaties to TSO. By now Satine would be feeling the immense heat generated by the spikes and the lightning like absorbion of his force powers. Another thing to wonder was, could the others see the transfer?::

Feb 27th, 2003, 06:14:03 PM
Satine gasps as the spikes begin their nbasty little work, the Jedi Master feeling the drain of his powers and the heat of them. Dropping to his knees, he summonms to life the last of his force powers, homing in on most, if not all, of the spikes, and sending a aimed Force blast into his system, incinerating the ones he had found. Breathing heavily, he struggles back to his feet, and leaning against the near wall as he begins to regain his strength.

He had seen Odin go into the rafters, and would need a lot of strength to follow--he knew that from his being what was referred to as a "rafter-monkey" a couple years ago...

Odin Murk
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:26:06 PM
:: I chuckled as I felt him rid himself of some of the Osmose spikes. At last some of them, he was missing one and that was all I needed. I slithered btween the girders and pipes as I let it drain more. Would I be followed or could I watch him slowly be drained of his force powers?::

Feb 28th, 2003, 08:17:55 PM
Satine gasps, and shakes his head, trying to get his senses back. He stumbled towards the rafters, and jumped, his wings providing him lift to get him up into the rafters, the Jedi seeming more comfortable in the rafters...

Odin Murk
Mar 1st, 2003, 04:19:17 PM
:: I sniffed about, until I viewed Satine moving up into the rafters. Good... and I could feel his hard breathing more than see it now in the dark. My heat seeking lens came over my eyes and I could now see his body clearly through the pitch darkness and I could see the final spike remaining inside his body as it drained him more.

I slithered along the rafters until I had circled Satine a few times, occasionally I would spit on a rafter that Satine might need to support when he moved through that area, just in case he touched it then it would paralyze his hands painfully. I would continue to do this until he did fall into one of my traps or he came close enough for me to kill him while he was drained.::

Mar 2nd, 2003, 10:18:05 AM
Satine looks around, and, needing light, takes out a small flashlight, and attaches it to his wrist, turning it on. Seeing the liquid on the rafter, Satine steps over it, and spreads his wings for balance. with a thought, his wings turned quicksilver, and then hardened again, this time with blades on the edges of them. Another thought, brought some of the quicksilver his armor becomes into his hands, which hardens into a pair of sai, the triple bladed weapons gleaming.

"Odin, show yourself!"

Epona Rhi
Mar 3rd, 2003, 03:20:20 AM
Watching them move the fight up into the rafters, Epona lets out a shakey sigh. Never in her life has she met anything like this Odin. And the new arrival Malice seemed to be chummy with it.

She looked at Malice and lifted an eyebrow at his question.

'Well, I was having fun till that thing gave me a look like it wanted me for a snack."

She said as she looked back up.

Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:42:51 PM
:: The girl heard a resounding noise in her head like a mental roar as I passed over her silently in the rafters. I had heard her statement and it was good to taste fear.
I twisted through the girders like a snake before stopping near Satine. I saw his strange wings and I saw his strange weapons and I could taste peculiar magnetic waves coming from the metal as I tasted the air but it didn't matter, one claw reached for the modulator and I pushed the Osmose to is full capacity. Know pain and the loss of your precious lightside, Satine.::

Mar 4th, 2003, 06:08:12 PM
Satine cries out, and drops to his knees, the pain almost overwhelming. He felt the drain on his energies, and, with a last surge of strength, both sends a distress call through the Force, and jumps into a darkened corner, hiding in the shadows. Apparently, he had missed one of those spikes...

Odin Murk
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:29:54 PM
:: I leaped and fell through the ceiling tiles to land once more in the bar room. My gaze turned to the others before I looked bak up for the source of the noise. Satine now knew exactly what was wrong, I didn't have much time before the jedi's luck came into play and he got away.::

Mar 13th, 2003, 05:44:54 PM
Satine breathes lightly, barely daring to breathe at all, his silver eyes, thankfully, not reflecting any light. The Jedi Master looks, and watches, silent, looking for a way out...

Epona Rhi
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:10:41 AM
As the Reptile fell, she stepped back and bumped into Miryan.

"Ummm, sorry."

She said with a lopsided smirk. Taking a step to the side, she watched the fight continue.

Odin Murk
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:18:57 PM
:: I stalked about muttering idly to myself about pathetic mammals and how hungry I was. I would finish Satine an then move onto the others if need be. I snffed the air and spun on my heel, I could smell blood and feel driplets making vibrations on the ceiling tiles. I slithered to one point and tensed, like a spring abot to trap as I was right beneath Satine.::

Mar 18th, 2003, 04:22:26 AM
Malice was reading Epona's thoughts, and grinned as he turned to talk to her.

*Yes i agree, Odin is quite remarkable. Such natural, deadly weapons his kind holds within. But, if you think he looks frightening, then i do beg you, allow me to show you something far worse. Something you would hope to only see in nightmares*

Malice taunted her. Tautned her to convince him to show his true self. Truth be told, the sith master was getting rather restless and wanted to do battle. A battle with this one would prove fun for now.

Epona Rhi
Mar 19th, 2003, 10:41:55 PM
Epona turned to look at Malice. Her eyebrows arched as it seems he was calling her out.

"What the frell? Are you insane? If we start up and that THING decides to turn on us, it won't be "fun" !

Then she smiled.

"And don't get me wrong. I'd oblige you, but I don't trust my back turned to THAT!"

She said jerking her head in the "general" direction.

Mar 20th, 2003, 04:06:14 AM
Malice merely grunted at the mention of being afraid of Odin.

*Trust me my dear, he is nothing to be feared. At least, not when you are going against me. Allow me to demonstrate*

Malice backed away from the woman, and MnT. Closing his eyes, he opened himself up to the force. Letting the darkside flow into him like a river. The dark energies filled his very being, quickly encasing him within a black sphere. It had begun, Malice was starting his transformation.

Should Odin decide to attack the sith master, he would be dealt with accordingly. Though they are from the same group, outside of TSO Malice had faught fellow members on numerous occasions. One more would make no difference.

Mar 20th, 2003, 07:59:36 AM
Satine notices, at the last second, Odin's position, and curses silently, jumping with as much power as he could manage just as Odin jumped. The lizard-man lands on the rafter Satine had so recently vacated, and Satine jumps to another rafter, trying to put space between them. He needed to find a weapon.

Epona Rhi
Mar 22nd, 2003, 05:53:47 PM
Taking a few steps back, she pulls out her two sabers. She ignites one and tosses the the other up to where she felt Alpha to be.


She gets ready for the nut-case to attack and braces herself for the fierce fight he was gonna bring.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 23rd, 2003, 02:44:58 AM
*MnT sighed and, and with a bare movement, retrieved his saber from where it had apparantly fallen, moving it with incredible speed back into the hand of Satine, opposite of that in which Epona's had landed.. If the rumored demon-sith wished to fight them, he knew his sabers would be almost useless in comparison to his broadsword.. He'd lived in an existence populated by demons alone for much over a year total of his life as a Sith, he'd fought with far more of them than he had Jedi, and he knew that the deity-crafted weapon slung on his back was able to slice through their paranormally tough flesh like it wasn't there.. Of course, the blade had about as much difficulty cutting through Anything...*

*Leaving his grasp away from the handle of his sword for the moment, MnT stared without even the slightest hint of intimidation into the eyes of Malice, and spoke telepathically to Epona, his extensively-trained control over the psychic arts ensuring that not even the demon-sith Master could pick up on the slightest trace of the message's existance..*

"... Odin will be more concerned with Satine than our, or Your battle with the lizardman's own comrade, depending on whether or not I am included in his demonstration.. And even if he Did show interest in having us as lunch, it would not seem likely that Malice would allow him to interupt.. My suggestion is to focus alone on Malice, for I don't know what powers his form will conceal, and unless I'm mistaken, neither do you.."

Mar 23rd, 2003, 04:27:49 AM
Lightning danced across the black sphere which incased the sith master. Then, as quickly as it had appeared, the black sphere shrunk. Sinking back into it's creator. As Malice's new form was begining to come into view, Epona. and MnT now stared at the new Malice. An 8 ft tall blue demon. His teeth and nails turned long and dagger sharp. His skin becoming hard like armor. A whip like tail lashed around behind his massive form. Muscles buldged out from everywhere. Though the most noticable feature had to have been the pair of midnight colored wings.

Taking a couple steps towards the woman, he shook the wooden floor beneath his massive frame. A voice, low and menacing bellowed out of his mouth as it opened to speak.

*Allow me to introduce to you the real me. I am Malice Draclau, demon sith master of TSO*

Grinning, his rows of killer fangs flashed in what little light shone in the room.

*Now tell me my dear......who now is more frightening*

Turning around, he eyed MnT. It seemed he too wouldn't mind fighting. And it had been a while since Malice had faught anyone strong like him........or stronger. This sith master, Malice could sense would probably fall under the category of stronger. But it mattered not. For he welcomed all challengers who wanted to test his powers within the force, and sith sorcery.

Epona Rhi
Mar 23rd, 2003, 11:52:08 PM
She sent back to Miryan.

(no, I don't know anything about this kriffing idiot. Let alone killer croc there. All I know is, one minute I'm actually doing ok with that Jedi and the next the loons are coming out of the woodwork.)

She stepped back and looked at the demon sith master with scrunched eyebrows.

"Well, I know who wins the most ugly award. And you do need a breath mint big boy."

She looks down at the saber in her hands and gets a feeling that won't do her any good against this ...Thing.

Averting her eyes to Miryan with a look of "How did I get into this mess?" She figures the only thing she has to rely on now is her speed and agility from not only her force training, but from her training as one of the Crimson Blade's best. She puts her saber back into her boot and starts to sidestep slowly.

Mar 24th, 2003, 03:23:21 AM
Low, rumbling laughter pours out of the demons mouth after hearing Epona's comment. Slowly he advanced towards here.

*Ha, i like you. You've got a sense of humor. Not many of my prey have one when they fight me. Once i'm through with you little one, you wont be calling anyone else ugly.............but yourself*

The demon sith too sent a message to MnT.

(Do not bother to jump in. You'll have your turn. Like you i may be sith, but i do follow a code of honor when fighting. And i believe in a one on one fight)

With that Malice made the first move. With reflexes faster then one would expect from such a huge beast, he did a 360 turn. His tail whiping through the air....aimng to take this womans head right off. He would toy with her for a bit. Before crushing her to the ground.

Epona Rhi
Mar 24th, 2003, 05:18:28 AM
Bending backwards like a circus performer, Epona hangs suspended in that almost impossible possition as the Behemoth's tail goes blurring over her. After it passes she continues into a handspring and cartwheels to gain more room.

"I am not ready to look like anything that resembles YOU."

She begins to think of a way to fight back.

Mar 24th, 2003, 11:09:16 AM
*Ha, havent you ever heard of beauty is only skin deep. Or are you too ugly on the inside to to agree with that saying*

Thrusting out one of his massive hands, Malice sent a well placed foce blast to her legs. Knocking them out from under her. Continuing his assult, Malice launched forward. is claws reaching out to gauge her body. Like Odin, he would dine on her flesh if given the chance. Be it jedi, or a fellow sith Malice was never one to be picky on who he ate when in this form.

Then again, he wouldn't have much time until he went berserk with power. As he often did when he went demon on his opponents. Such was a downside to this form of his. That, and an over excesive use of force energy.

Mar 24th, 2003, 09:34:03 PM
Satine grabs the two sabres and grins, vowing to thank his two allies in this fight, igniting the weapons, and turning to face Odin.

Epona Rhi
Mar 24th, 2003, 09:43:18 PM
Watching him closely, she took the blast to her legs. It packed a bigger punch then she expected and knocked some wind out of her when she hit the ground face down and in a "push-up" position. She just had enough time to roll out of the way of his huge claws that tore her bodysuit.

She rolled a bit more and got up, throwing a few force blasts herself back at his face, knowing it probably tickled than anything else. She bolted towards the front of the tavern.

(I am NOT equipt or experienced to fight him)

She thought to herself.

Mar 25th, 2003, 12:07:56 AM
Malice barley caught his prey. His claws ripping through her clothing, then through the wooden floor beneath her. As she got up, she sent force blasts of her own at his face, knocking his head back but no real damage. It felt like a few soft punches actually.

Grinning he turned to face her. But to his dismay, she was running. This made him angry. Drawing on the force he held out one of his massive hands.

*You aint going nowhere little one. Your mine*

With that tendrils of lightning shot forth from his hands. The blue bolts heading towards Epona like heat seaking missiles.

Epona Rhi
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:17:31 AM
On instinct she dove behind an upturned table but not quick enough. A stray bolt caught her ankle and she bit her lip as she felt its burn. The rest caught bystanders and the table she was behind. She pulled out of her belt pouch a small black orb and stood up real quick and with a flick o f the wrist she sent that at the Demon's face.
The small orb split in half two feet from the Demon's head and created a quick strobe flash burst, and that second of flash gave her hopefully enough time to bolt for the door. With the fire shooting up her leg she dove through a window and into the street and ran as best she could.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:31:55 AM
*Malice showed his true form, and while he noticed the intimidation it had in Epona, the demon's full size was hardly a sight of awe to himself.. 8 foot tall winged humanoid, such were the youngest of demons where he'd fought them.. However, he also knew that those had not the advantage of having fought force users before, nor had he had the advantage of Using the force much in a world that barely allowed it.. It would be different here, where both of them had access to it's power.. Watching as Malice and Epona fought, MnT had to wait for a lull in the melee to respond, knowing it far from fair to interrupt the demon's concentration..*

"... I am far from the one to preach to about honor in battle, it is my Life, after all.. But despite our shared belief that a battle should be one on one, I happen to also believe that save mutually-agreed upon spars and training, one should not battle one on one with someone on the other end of such a skill difference.. However, I will stand back on this, provided you honor any wishes for your battle with her to stop, as soon as she makes them known, and not in a method that would result in her death.. She Is another Sith, and as such, her death would result only in our number decreasing, and the dark side weakening.."

Mar 25th, 2003, 07:32:00 PM
A loud roar was heard as the light blinded the demon. Malice stumbled backwards, his massive hands shielding his eyes. Though through the force he could sense that she had escaped. When the light faded, Malice looked around the room. His eyes quickly reajusted and he was able to see once again.

That's when the message came. MnT was speaking to him. His words spoke true, though had he done this earlier it would of held more meaning to the demon sith. Malice's sanity was draining. His mind was morphing into that of a primal demon. Turning to the fellow sith master, He grunted. Then turned to look at Alpha and Odin.

The thirst for blood and flesh called to his primal side. Futher bringing it out. His sense of honor, and of humanity slipping with each passing second. Moments it would be till he had lost all sense of sanity. Nothing but a Berserker demon he would become soon.

Odin Murk
Mar 27th, 2003, 06:52:04 PM
:: I had been momentarily distracted b Malice, what a being. True evotuion, and in momns too. But I smelled Satine's blood and with him I looked up in time to see him activate weapons. I squinted quickly as the light flooded into my more night prone pupils. I snarled, he had been given too much time. This jedi's luck was unbelievable.

My lightsabers flashed into ignition, the sber claws blasting out and I slithered forward, my arms arcing wide in the area above. Now my fight begun, I woud be down soon to eat whatever Malice left.::

Mar 29th, 2003, 08:27:29 AM
Satine smiles grimly, and blocks the overhand slash Odin throws his way, and counters with a powerful kick, followed by a stab.

Odin Murk
Mar 29th, 2003, 07:43:36 PM
:: The movements in the dimly lit darkness are all in a flurry of movements, the block to my slash, the kick that caught my massive ribs in the side and the stab I countered just as well. I snarled as I slashed again, my wrists rolling easily off his blade to come back and try to sever him in half in two different ways. My tail came about, denting a girder as it continued to travel hard at Satine.::

Mar 30th, 2003, 11:38:03 AM
Instead of trying to block the attacks, Satine merely rolls to the side, the attacks passing over his head, the tail hitting the ground where he stood a second ago. The Jedi Master gets to his feet, ansd then jumps at Odin, one blade held back in defense, the other stabbing outward.

Odin Murk
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:08:04 PM
:: The one blade that stabs goes into my leg as I try to turn in the enclosed space. I roar in pain but quickly turn the pain into cold rage, feul for my darkside powers. I fall to a knee as Satine's saber is drawn out of my leg and then I focus, making my attacks harder to predict as I slash, cutting at the hardest angles for the human to meet and with my tail coming like a scorpion occasionaly. As this onslaught begun, my venom sacs quivered as I launched a large blob of poisonous spit at Satine. All of this, kept in the raging torrent of the cold darkside.::

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:08:04 PM
Satine manages to dodge the blob of posion, but is caught in the ribs by a sabre, the blazing blade burning long across his ribs. Gasping, Satine jumps back, avoiding the tail, and blocks another slash, counteirng with a slash of his own.

Odin Murk
Apr 13th, 2003, 10:19:05 PM
:: I dodge the attack of the saber mostly only to feel the searing heat cut my massive tail off at it's base. I howl in pain and leap back. My balance slightly off now as I moved farther away from Satine still. My tail fell through the ceiling and I heard my limb hit the ground below. I howled and then roared before I focused the pain into cold fury, the Darkside.

I still couldn't focus as well now though. I sat back, breathing hard from the blood loss. It took quite some time for that to grow back, I would make sure to do the same for Satine, one slash to his chest was ntohing compared to my tail! I growled again, saliva slipping from my jaw.::

Apr 14th, 2003, 04:14:06 PM
Satine crouches, his sabres held at the ready.

"Didn't you loose that same limb the last time we clashed?" Satine asks, his silver eyes glinting dangerously.

Odin Murk
Apr 18th, 2003, 04:19:17 PM
:: I just roared more. The rage was again being turned into cold fury. Like ice in my head, my mind focused, this anger was just like eating a soul, just not as filling. I launched several waves of powerful force blasts at Satine, not very well aimed but strong enough that one hit a girder and the object flew out of it's placement and landed against the far wall.::

Apr 18th, 2003, 08:18:35 PM
Satine jumps away from the debris, and rolls away from an attack by Odin, the Jedi Master landing in a crouch. He gives a grim smile, and jumps in, one sabre held in defense, the other slicing down...