View Full Version : Lil Bit of info, for RPing purposes of course.

Feb 8th, 2003, 01:39:47 PM
Full Name: Akira Windia Pendragon The Second (named after her grandma)
Race: 1/4 Windian, 1/4 Wraith, 1/2 Human
Hair/Eye color: Blond/Green
Locke Pendragon (father, missing)
"X" (Mother, name unknown, missing)
Akira Windia Pendragon (Grandma, dead)
Unknown Number/Gamer (Grandpa, I dunno, he's not here anymo, so dead?)
Occupation: Scrap Dealer, Informant, Small Repairs expert.
Weapons of Choice: Her Grandma's blue lightsabre (decrepted, almost unusable) and a wrench *wack!*.

She has no knowledge of her family's history, background, or former affilations. Lives on Corusant, digging in trash and selling/fixing up what she finds. Her force aura is simular to that of her Grandma's only much weaker, most likey due to her mixed racial background.

*dusts off hands and walks off*