View Full Version : alone in a corellian tavern...(open)

Dea Potentia
Feb 8th, 2003, 10:09:36 AM
*walks into the tavern and finds an empty table in a dark corner*

Feb 8th, 2003, 05:02:19 PM
A dark shadow walks into the tavern. Soaked from the rain he sits in the corner.

:: Bartender get me a drink::

Feb 8th, 2003, 05:09:23 PM
A dark shadow walks into the tavern. Soaked from the rain he sit in the corner.

:: Bartender get me a drink::

The bartender bring him a drink and walks away. He looks over his shoulder and sees a women.

:: HEY YOU... ::


Feb 8th, 2003, 05:43:10 PM
*Sitting at the bar, nursing a drink as he takes a break from his current mission, Ezra hears a person's voice boom out over the quiet of the bar*


*Which makes him turn his head and look over at the tall male looking at the person who sits alone in the darkened corner. Female by the scent. Ezra narrows his eyes at the male. His dark pools gazing from behind his slightly messy locks which hangs part way in front of his face.*

*Half turning on his stool, he leans against his elbow and watches the male for a bit*

Dea Potentia
Feb 8th, 2003, 08:10:43 PM
*looks toward the voice* hmmmmm? what do you mean?

Feb 8th, 2003, 08:27:14 PM
walks up to the girl in the corner
"would ye like something to drink?"

Dea Potentia
Feb 8th, 2003, 08:47:44 PM
yeah... um I'll have a glass of spiced nectar... thanks

Feb 8th, 2003, 09:46:32 PM
*Smiling to himself as he turns back to face the back of the bar*

"Barkeep, give me another shorty of this"

*he asks pointing to the now empty glass in front of him. As the glass is placed he slides the Barkeep a couple credits and relaxes again as the somber mood of the Tavern takes him over again.*

yakali tarian
Feb 9th, 2003, 05:01:52 AM
*the changeling, guised as a short red haired human female, enters the bar and, upon noticing the girl, walks over to the table*
do you mind if I sit here?
*she asks motioning to a chair at the table*

Dea Potentia
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:51:16 AM
no, I don't mind.... *sences something familiar about the red heads pressence and tries to figure out where they had met before...*

Feb 9th, 2003, 05:58:12 PM
returns with the drink and places it in front of the first girl. turns to the red head.
"May I get ye anything?"

yakali tarian
Feb 9th, 2003, 08:06:54 PM
No drinks, hopefully I won't be here that long.
*the redhead sits down at the table and smiles at the girl*
you must be Dea, I've heared mention of you before. You have some bounty hunters on your tail, hmmm?

Dea Potentia
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:41:14 PM
*suddenly remembers a twi'lek bounty hunter that had once come for her at the palace and realizes that the twi'lek and the redhead are the same person... hides any hint of her awareness of the redheads identity...* yeah I have some bounty hunters after me... my mother would do anything to get me back home.... where did you hear this?

Feb 10th, 2003, 05:54:09 PM
A blade appears at Dea's neck. At the end of it stands the Jackel, with a feral look in his eye. If she so much as twitches, he will behead her.

"Why does it matter, Dea? The point is that your mother is waiting for you. It's best not to keep her hanging."

Feb 10th, 2003, 09:40:44 PM
In a blinding flash rush the vampyre had crossed the room and had Inu by the throat and his hand with the blade. Squeezing his wrist hard till the sound of bones began to crack, the blade drops to the floor and he tosses Inu across the room.

He whirls around to face the redhead and gives a fang filled grin as he brandishes his pair of Cersea long Daggers from his coat.

"Get behind me"

He says to the woman they called Dea. As she slid out from the booth, he made sure she was behind him.Then he looked at the redhead..

"If there isnt anything I despise most in the galaxy, it's a bounty hunter....Ive feasted on many of your kind...If you think you can take her from me, you're welcome to try at your peril."

He whispered to where Dea could hear him...
( Dea....walk slowly towards the door. I will protect you.}

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:04:05 PM
Inu rises and calls his blade back with the Force, eyes glowing a dull red as he does. His berserk nature is rising. He has no reason to fight Ezra. It seems the man means to fight him and the red haired bounty hunter. He reigns in his berserker's fury for the moment, seeing how the bounty huntress may prove to be a worthy ally. He sizes up Ezra. If he has to go through the vampire to get Dea, so be it. As long as either he or Yakali kills Dea Potentia, the Jackel could care less. He lunges with a stab directed at Ezra's chest.

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:26:07 PM
Ezra blocked that attack with his dagger's blade as if he wasnt even trying hard. He backed up toward the door with Dea behind him as he warded off the attack from Inu.

"How's your wrist?"

He asked with a smile.

"Come now, is she really worth your life Force user?"

He asked as he got closer to the door.

"For once she is safely out the door, you will be mine. As well as your friend there. The choice is your's"

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:29:24 PM
Whether his wrist hurts or not is immaterial, considering he's holding the sword in his good hand.

"You lack the power to kill me. And who said I wanted to kill her or you? I'd rather just torture her for a while, let her live with the humility of being defeated. Now STAND ASIDE!"

With his free hand he sweeps Ezra aside by way of the Force and brings his blade to bear on Dea.

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:37:20 PM
He comes to a halt and as he did earlier, He's right back with a clanging sound of metal to metal, As he knocks Inu's blade to the side. He stands there with one blade holding off the sword, and the other under Inu's chin.

"The torturing of this innocent will not happen. If you arent a bounty hunter then what is your interest in her?"

He asks as he also keeps tabs on the redhead.

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:39:52 PM
Inu sags visibly and rolls his eyes, ignoring the blade at his neck. Could this idiot be any more dense?

"That bitch is a member of the Sith Order. She is by no means innocent. My business with her is my own. She may not look it, but she is a capable warrior. If you'd stand aside and stop trying to play the knight in shining armor, you'd see for yourself."

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:59:58 PM
Ezra smiled at this force user.

"You're gravelly mistaken at taking me for a White Knight. Especially since I serve Saurron. If she wishes I will let her battle you."

Ezra steps aside.

Feb 11th, 2003, 03:58:53 PM
walks quickly up to the group
"I insist that you take your argument outside!"

Dea Potentia
Feb 12th, 2003, 01:43:48 AM
OOC: ^_^; goodness... I'm away from the computer for a little while and all hell breaks loose! oh and I'm attacked by inu... :mneh

*is entirely focused on the bounty hunter and doesn't sense inu behind her until the blade is at her throat... almost as suddenly as it appeared, the blade is forced from her throat and is heard clattering on the ground. shocked at the rescue she follows her rescuer's orders to get behind him and lets him herd her towards the door... "That bitch is a member of the Sith Order. She is by no means innocent. My business with her is my own. She may not look it, but she is a capable warrior. If you'd stand aside and stop trying to play the knight in shining armor, you'd see for yourself." inu's words break her stupor and she whirls around to face him. her rescuer steps aside but then the waitress tells them to take their argument outside. nods to the waitress and walks out the door knowing that inu at least will follow... or attack while her back is turned and unprotected, places a hand on the lightsaber at her waist and shoves the memory of Dagger giving it to her to the back of her mind...*

Feb 12th, 2003, 08:55:23 AM
Inu rolls his eyes. Fighting inside is no different from fighting outside. He follows, and the two square off on the sidewalk. But before he tears her head from her shoulders, he wants to see if she's matured any.

"It's been a while, weakling. Tell me, do you still skip into battle or have you learned to carry yourself like a proper warrior?"

Dea Potentia
Feb 12th, 2003, 08:08:31 PM
I never came to battle skipping, inu, but I notice you have not yet grown out of your petty name calling... *ignites lightsaber* I am not the dea you knew Inu... and I have more important business to attend to at the moment then this... but if you want, we will fight...

Feb 12th, 2003, 08:14:24 PM
"I remember you went skipping up the boarding ramp...asking Jeseth what kind of cute li'l animals you'd run across in that last training mission. You were an immature brat of a Sith, a pest hardly worthy of the title "Sith". Believe it or not, I don't mean to kill you. I want to see if you fit that definition...if you have grown into the warrior you claim to be..."

He brandishes his own weapon.

"You've changed, you say. Prove it. Your move, Dea Potentia!"

Dea Potentia
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:12:15 PM
*nods in acceptance* I had forgotten that... but it is irrelevant now... *rushes in, in a slight arc, approaching him from slightly to his left, a barely visible blur... slashes upward from waist level to slightly higher then head level in a swift sweeping arc*

Feb 12th, 2003, 09:16:49 PM
Inu steps back and deflects the blade, carrying it further than she had meant it to go. He steps behind her and pushes with the Force, staggering her forward.

"Better than I would have expected." he sneers.

Dea Potentia
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:17:56 AM
*turns around* I see... You are not really here to fight but to watch my attacks and critique them... *dust swirls up around him getting in his eyes, blinding him temporarily. slices off a chunk of rock from the wall of the tavern and froce throws it at him.*

Feb 17th, 2003, 09:03:32 AM
Inu buries his his face against his arm to get the dirt from his eyes, taking the stone on his arm.

"A coward's tactics, Dea!"

Dea Potentia
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:28:37 PM
*smirks* so you still criticize my attacks even when you can't see them. interesting... the ground underneath him buckles and rocks that had been part of the tavern's cellar wall fly up at him.

Feb 17th, 2003, 06:01:12 PM
Inu, feeling the shaking of the earth beneath him, leaps up and back. He avoids the brunt of the shower, taking a few stones as his vision clears.

"Godforsaken wench!"

Dea Potentia
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:43:13 PM
tisk tisk, is that any way to talk to a princess Inu? Where are your manners? *Picks up all the debris from her previous attacks. the rocks and dirt circle slowly around him in a loose circle. suddenly the debris shoot in at him from all directions.*

Eluna Thals
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:39:31 AM

The noise distracted the two fighters from their duel, as another third party entered the tavern...removing the remnants of a popped bubble of gum from her lip. She smiled innocently.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything?"

Feb 18th, 2003, 09:52:18 AM
Another opponent? Or a potential ally? Either way, the Jackel could care less.

"Not at all..." Inu replies through gritted teeth, focusing his own telekinesis to ward off Dea's stones.

Eluna Thals
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:38:17 AM

Smiling, Eluna stepped in, looking to the girl.

"You know, you have wonderful legs. Do you work out?"

Darth Turbogeek
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:02:25 PM
Outside the tavern - a lone dark clad man in a trench coat and dark glasses has his attention caught by a few fighters. Mildly amused, he wanders over to get a better look. The coat is buttoned up to hide whatever ordinance he is carrying, which if you knew this handsome young man, was a lot.

Hang on... aint the ugly girl shooting lightning on a wanted list?

Grinning at his luck, he began to unbutton the coat. Fun time.

Dea Potentia
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:10:16 PM
*shrugs* I suppose I might have... usually my focus during workouts is not on their physical aspect... *slices off anouther piece of tavern wall and sends it flying at inu*

Eluna Thals
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:37:43 AM
The piece of drywall impacted with a fist, turning into a shower of gypsum dust and debris. Eluna casually rubbed the residual white powder from her knuckles, and off of her tank top, where it settled in spots.

"But it seems like you have an anger management problem."

She gestured around the ruined tavern for emphasis.

"Now really, can't we all behave like adults here?"

Dea Potentia
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:07:24 AM
*notes the damage of the tavern from the corner of her eye. shrugs it off* I'll help them fix it when I return... but the longer inu stands between me and leaving the longer it will take to repair.

yakali tarian
Apr 11th, 2003, 10:24:33 AM
*Yakali noticed Inu sneak up and was prepared to defend the girl should her life be threatened but a man from the other end of the tavern proves quicker. The man reveals his fangs and warns her that if she goes after the girl he will deal with her. She watches the ensuing fight with a smirk on her face but frowns when Dea decides to take up Inu's challenge. Yakali watches Inu and Dea's battle through the open door but, upon hearing the voice of a new arrival whom she couldn't see from her position from inside the tavern, she joins the others outside, ready to intercede should Dea find herself in need of aid.*