View Full Version : Blood for all

Feb 8th, 2003, 03:24:41 AM
The elven blood mage had entered unknown territory.
From the rumors, it was the territory of the Vampies.
Parasites Sylos thought as he kept walking. As if they could deal with the true powers which could be found within the blood of mortals.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:14:50 PM
The body dropped soundlessly to the forest floor. Having slated his thirst the Warlord put his Katana away. Hearing the loud noise of someone traiping through the woods he turned. A man appeared thru the trees with the most gaudy red armor the warlord had ever seen. Looking down from his perched position he watched as he walked by. Soon he would stumble upon the discarded body of his victim the man was merely a padawan looking for adventure. The Warlord supposed that he found the adventure of his all to short life.

Easing down into the shadows he followed silently behind the new arrival. The Warlord was bored and maybe this one would provide more amusement than the others.

Feb 11th, 2003, 11:10:41 PM
The blood was singing through his body as Sylos stared down at the corpse he had happened upon. Reaching down, the Elven mage places a finger into the small pool of blood. You could sense a lot from the blood of someone. This one was attacked by suprise, never saw his approaching death until it was clamped to his neck. Sylos's own blood was fairly screaming by now. He let his power mingle with the blood of the corpses. He could feel more of the same blood, and it came from behind. Slowly turning, a feral grin spreads across his face. He could not sense the creature, but he could sense the blood within. Throughout the hundreds of years that Sylos had traveled through the galaxy, he had not found such a pathetically weak group of Vampyires before.

"You might as well come out in the open Vampyire, I can see you with my power as if it was day! I am no helpless victiam, I am Sylos'delka, Bloodmage of Quel'Thalas! Guardian of the Night Elf Nevlonniel! And I have come for a fight!"

A red glow forms around his hand as Sylos calls his power.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:02:48 PM
"You might as well come out in the open Vampyire, I can see you with my power as if it was day! I am no helpless victiam, I am Sylos'delka, Bloodmage of Quel'Thalas! Guardian of the Night Elf Nevlonniel! And I have come for a fight!"

"Gesundheight" Dalamar said with a slight smile. "Thats a mouthful If I do say so myself." The Warlord lounged against the tree next to him. "A fight huh, well why would I fight you? I have fed so I'm not hungry. There is no profit in killing you, nor would it even be fun. Though Im sure the universe would thank me for one less fool running around."

The Warlord ran his black gloved hand along the black dragon hilt of his katana. His razor blade smile and red flashing eye's shined in the dim light. "What do you seek here other than your own death."

Sol Invictus
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:56:40 PM
"Pffft. Young'uns. No common sense these days...go flying headlong into trouble without any forethought..."

Sol crouches behind Dalamar's tree, out of the Blood Elf's sight.

"Don't give a damn what happens, so long as they can bask in their own glory. Your kind aren't worth the effort of confronting."

Feb 13th, 2003, 02:51:54 AM
The newly arrived Vampire might of been out of sight, but not out of mind. His senses had opened up completely, and even the smallest trace of blood could be sensed. None was hidden, for blood was always true, even when stolen by the vampires. He returns to his attention to the first vampire.

"The reason I have come? Well, it is simple, more then half of the vampires are over feeding, and gorging on the blood of mortals. I have come to destroy that half. The tribunals of the Immortals are agreed, the bastard children of the night have cause to many problems for us. Comply, or be destroyed."

The blood mage stretched out his arm and summoned his power. Within the arm of Dalamar, the blood coarsing through his vains suddenly started to boil. The heat intesified as the blood literally burst into liquid flames. Burning through viens, muscles, and skin tissue alike as it escaped the dead body.

"If I continue, your arm would be destroyed, but of course, you could regrow it after a long time, but the same could not be said if I struck your heart and head."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:36:37 AM
It was very foolish to piss a vampyre off. The Katana's came out in a flash. With the blade's the Warlord slit Sylos'delka across the throat. The cut was not deep enough to kill, it just hurt like hell. The blood mage fell on his back cluthching his throat.

Dalamar hovered over the elf. The blood from his arms dripped into his clean face. Marring his elven perfection. The Lord of the Shrine spit into his hand rubbing the blood back and forth between his fingers. The blood congealed as he chanted in the ancient Sith Language. Flicking the mass on the blood mage the Warlord walked away. "You play with him for a while Sol I am done with him." Sol nodded as the mage burst into flame's. The screams of pain made would make any vampyre smile. As quick as he came he again faded into the darkness...

Feb 15th, 2003, 02:35:40 AM
"Could it be that these here Vampyres are the bastard children of the Burning Legion that we vanguished from this universe so long ago?"

The voice was spoken softly, with an air of strength behind it. And yet, it was as if spoken into thin air, as the voice originated from nothing... until the being moved.

Nevlonniel stepped forth from the shadowed trees, her eyes sparkling with what lil moonlight shown. She was an Elf from the lands of Kalimdor, neighbors to the Elves of Quel' thalas. She was ancient as Elven age went, and yet held the youth of a young woman. Her ability to blend and disappear within her surroundings at night gave her an advantage to hunting prey or enemy.

She had been watching Sylos'delka play with the Vampyres and had decided it was time to step forth, coming up behind the Elven Blood Mage.

Feb 15th, 2003, 02:56:35 AM
Foolish bastard, Sylos thought as he finished yelling the spell. A spell yelled in almost the same tounge as the Demons. That language used in Blood Mage spell casting was a variation used by the spells the demons spoke. It sounded unnatural coming from the voice of a immortal defender.

The blood mage society was created long ago, after the destruction of many of the Elves lands and societies. Created like the Demon Hunters to use the power, or near power, of the demons against them.

With the spell completed, the wound at his neck vanished, and Sylos stood up, again the perfect image of any elven male.
The blood had disappeared, spirited away by the blood mage.

Sylos felt her before she had appeared, his senses telling him that the Lady Nevlonniel was present. She appeared quite suddenly before the retreating vampire. With 4 long strides, Sylos took his place at the ladies side. Eyeing the vampire, Sylos switches over to the night elves language to speak with Nevlonniel.

[/i] "My lady, the spell he used is much like that of the demons, yet weaker. I have had to face harder spells in the my training. This weakling does not understand what we are, it would be wise to make an example out of him."[/i]

Feb 15th, 2003, 03:43:02 AM
She also did like wise, speaking in the ancient Elven language.

"But, we never the less should not under-estimate it. What would you propose, Blood Mage?"

Sol Invictus
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:50:37 AM
As the dramatics dwindle and Dalamar leaves, another of these.--elves, if that's what they are called--arrives. In Sol's eyes, she is no better than the fool of a man that attacked Lord Dalamar. Now it seems they are plotting against him, or at the very least speaking of something they don't want him to know about. Sol sighs heavily. He came out here to get away from just this sort of thing.

"I have a proposition."

He doesn't speak their language, so he cannot know what Nevlonniel has asked the Blood Mage. He is simply doing what he loved to do as a mortal...he is learning.

"Tell me, upstarts...what beings are you, that you believe you may walk into the Shrine's territory, pick fights with their elders, and get away with it?"