View Full Version : Anybody Need a High-Flying Mechanic?

Sejah Haversh
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:01:50 AM
Serious inquiries only, and please don't spam this one. Yes, this is posted elsewhere, but not all possible clinetele have access to it there.


Well, blame it on his birthday being Saturday, or me having finished that new drawing of him in his Tevvies, but I've had a hankering to use Tevit more on the boards lately.

But, I have a problem. Tevit is just a mechanic, and, mechanics need to fix things. Right now, he has nothing to fix, so, he has nothing to do. So, if anyone would like to get the services of this fine fellow, and his partner Anauri as well if desired, let me know here.

They own their own small shop, but would be up for travel repairs and basically becoming personal mechanics. Anauri is an engineering whiz, and amazing with hydraulic and gear systems, and Tevit is the electronics end of the package. Tevit is pretty fun, at least I think so, so if any of y'all need something fixed, or anticipate something breaking on your next trip somewhere, or just wouldn't mind having him tag along in a thread, let me know.

And, for those of you who don't know exactly who I'm talking about, this is Tevit:

<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/nehantish/Tevvisport-Sig.jpg></center>

So, if you're interested, just tell me. The details can be worked out here, or via PM or IM if you need. Thanks. He's the guy that really made all my characters possible, and started my whole Nehantish thing, so I want to make him a bit more important than he has been here.

Feb 8th, 2003, 01:06:50 PM
Hrm, I'm interested.

Aki owns a small, very old ship. And, well, her happening to find Tevit to help could be a good RP.