View Full Version : Come on Dear sister...........
Chaos Alexander
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:13:08 PM
::Alexander waited in the forest for his sister so they could train some more. He stat in only ragged jeans sliced up to be man into shorts. His hair pulled back into a pony-tail. The scars where his metel arm conencted to his flesh was in wide view. It had a tank-top beside him, but he wanted to see how his sister would react to the scars and the look of it. Even Alexander had to say it was not a pretty sight to look at it.::
Xazor Elessar
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:26:18 PM
It was a warm day and smells of flowers were hinted in the breeze that gently blew within the forest. Birds chirpped and spoke in a language all their own while frogs croaked, crickets played upon their violins, and other various animals cooed or chattered. A figure clad in white flowing robes passed through the woodlands and as she did she seemed to commune with the heart of the forest itself. She understood the animals and even heard the trees speaking among themselves. A smile crossed her gentle features as she ventured deeper into the woods, taking in everything. With each step she took the silver coins woven into her Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly until she finally stopped in a clearing and set her piercing cyan eyes upon a sight to behold -- her Brother with each scar he had exposed. Perhaps her eyes widened slightly when she set her gaze upon her, but it mattered not, her heart ached worse.
"Greetings dear Brother -- you called for me?"
She questioned with a graceful bow though she was heavy with child. Somehow, she could barely pull her eyes from the gruesome sight of his attached arm. The scarring was aweful and the sight was painful for even her -- someone who had her own arm removed once. Luckily it was salvaged and reattached.
"Do you -- do you seek training this day?"
The Garou Knight stumbled upon her words as she recalled her own painful scars -- many in number were they but she thought of them as tools for character building. With each one she grew wiser and stronger and now, she hardly was scarred in battle. Finally looking away to the soft soil laced with pine needles and various leaves, she focused her thoughts again and fixed her eyes upon his face for a reaction to her question.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:20:04 PM
::Alexander nodded. He could tell his sister was bothered by the scars. Saddly, they would remain on im for life. He would never get a real arm attached again. He felt the loss of his eyes and arm were punishment for the lives he took and the places he destroyed. He knew his sister must get used to it though. It was him. It pained him to know people were sickened by it, but he knew his sister would accept it.::
"That I do. I am well skilled in combat. Using a blade, my hands, anything like that I can do. I did not forget any of those things, but I know little on people a Jedi. I had some training, but that was a long time ago. When Warren was my Master."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:33:43 PM
Xazor nodded slowly as he spoke, taking in all he said not just verbally but through his expressions.
"Indeed -- the people of the Jedi. What do you wish to know? You are skilled in so many things, dear Brother -- all I can teach you is how to use the Light and how to live in it. Is that what you are asking me? Things like what the Code says and such?"
She questioned, knowing that the Code made the people of the Jedi who they were. Perhaps she would be able to direct him a bit better if he knew these things.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 9th, 2003, 12:10:25 AM
::Alexander nodded.::
"I know many things, and Force abilities, but many, or most, I can only do with the Dark Side. Even my Dead Speak is off. I know most if thw Light Side is love, happiness, and disipline. I have the last of teh three down pat. I am working on the other two as I go. I feel them.......just not able to use them to touch the Force."
::At this time the padawan sighed.::
"As for how the Jedi act........I see them as dogs who have no teeth. Powerful, mighty, but unable to use what nature has given them. I guess that is because I lust for battle mostly."
::Alexander could feel the scorn and questiosn coming. He desided to answer them before they came.::
"Do not get me wrong, I wish to be a Jedi. I said that is how I see them, not what they are. I want to know what the really are, and how they become that......."
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