View Full Version : Devil Inside

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:04:33 PM
It wasn’t often the the police force of Coronet came to the castle of the Sith Order. In fact, they avoided it at all costs. But this was an unusual set of circumstances.

It wasn’t that their captive had been disruptive – at least, not initially. He had been pulled over on a routine speeder route blockade. And at this blockade the police had discovered not only that the speeder was stolen, but that the drivers identification did not match his fingerprints. This gave them reason for suspicion, and so he had been taken into custody.

For quite some time, he had exercised restraint. But eventually he had tired of waiting for the police to figure things out and he had demanded his release. He had places to go – or rather, one place in particular and he’d been only ten minutes by speeder from that very location when all had gone awry.

He was force sensitive and knew it, and had taken advantage of this while in custody. Simple tricks, mind games, he was perfectly capable of. And he had played them, attempting to secure his release until he’d met his match.

Officer O’Malley, the chief of police was not susceptible to these games. But he did recognize that someone had been playing them on his officers. Normally, he would have taken offense and locked the kid up and thrown the key to the depths of the Coronet seas.

Except that force users, in his opinion, were trouble, and he had no desire to have this one hanging about in a prison cell stirring up the other prisoners with his mind games. He’d already begun to do so, and the jail had become loud and unbearable.

He wasn’t sure what to do, for he wasn’t an expert in controlling the whims of force users. And so he’d done the only thing he could think of besides releasing him to the streets. He had tossed the kid into a police speeder and delivered him to the doors of the order.

The kid hadnt said much. In fact, he hadnt said anything at all and the Chief was beginning to wonder if he even understood basic. He had a glowering almost smug expression and all O’Maley really wanted was to pop the kid in the kisser and see if he looked so smug then. But police brutality had been all over the news lately and so he resisted the overwhelming urge.

Instead the drug the kid up the steps, binders and all. There they all stood looking rather foolish with their blasters trained on the silent shadows around them.

At last, the prisoner finally smiled, though it was more like a smirk of satisfaction.

This was the destination he had sought. And as humiliating as the deliverance was, it was deliverance nonetheless. He struggled for a moment against the binders, being subdued only by the blaster of the chief that jabbed against his ribs.

ooc note: this thread is continued from here - http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=27300

Lady Vader
Feb 10th, 2003, 07:09:39 PM
*LV kept up with reports about the city near the Palace, and indeed about the planet. She didn't like chaos where she and her bretheren were rulers.*

*So, it wasn't surprisinf to receive yet another report from O'Malley. But this one intrigued her... especially since he was bringing a Force user to the Order's door step.*

*Having arrived at themassive doors t the Palace, she had them swung open. And that was when O'Malley and his sguad car pulled up... to a vision of a large obsidian castle, foreboding in it's structuring, with two massive and ornately carved doors swung open, and a single figure clad in a dark cloak at the center of the thresh hold.*

*O'Malley did his job efficiently and drug the captive up the stairs, persuaded by a blaster at his rib cage. Once they both had reached the top, LV looked at both before addressing O'Malley.*

Thank you Captain. I will take it from here.

*She could tell O'Malley didn't want to linger any longer than he had to, and the fact she had releaved him at almost the same time he had come made him break into a smile and bow, before turning back to his squad car. he prefered to communicate via reports than in person, it seemed.*

*Once O'Malley had sped off in his vehicle, the massive gates at the bottom of the drive way closing, she addressed the captive, now a guest at the Palace. She looked at his binders and then at him, a half-smile creeping on her lips.*

You will no longer need those.

*With a simple wave of her hand, the binders disintegrated at the lock and popped open, clattering to the stone floor, smoking where the lock had been melted. Then she turned and proceeded to walk within the entry way of the Palace, expecting without saying anything, that the young man would follow her.*

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:58:57 PM
Though mostly inexperienced in the ways of the force, there was no denying the presence and power of the woman who had come to the doors. The way she carried herself, the aura about her was inspiring.

So inspiring in fact, that the once rather stern and stoic chief of police had bowed off as quickly as he could. Maxim had rather enjoyed this moment, though it was lessened by the fact that he was now left alone with her to explain his presence. This was not a laughing matter in the least.

He noticed as her gaze dropped appraisingly at the binders and then to him, a trace of a smile on her lips. He’d stood there gazing at her, knowing without being told that if she wanted an explanation, she would ask, but likely, she was already aware.

You will no longer need those.

He nodded to her in a gesture of thanks as the binders fell to the floor, their locks disintegrated. Though she spoke no more, he could sense her bidding and followed her into the palace, rubbing his wrists in a sense of relief as he did.

He also took this time to try to formulate the words he’d wished to speak. He had planned on coming here and requesting to speak with the Lady Vader, but now that he was in her presence, he seemed at a loss for words.

He knew it to be her, for Chief O’Malley had addressed her as such. And though he knew nothing of the man who had told him to seek out Lady Vader, he did understand exactly why he had suggested Maxim request to speak with her. Everything about her expressed power and a command of the darkness. And seeing it and feeling it made him want the very same thing. Made him want the feel the power that this woman felt. Made him want to have the command of the darkness that she had. Not that he hadnt wanted it before –but she made him want it more.

“I know that ignorance is never an excuse, but I hope that perhaps this one time it might be overlooked if Im not following the rules of recruitment….”

His voice was confident as he spoke, for while he was young, he had been blessed with this particular trait.

“Ive come to ask that I might be given an opportunity to learn the ways of the force,” His dark eyes gazed at the powerful woman before him as he dared to continue, “And Ive come to ask that I might learn them from you.”

Lady Vader
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:35:06 PM
*He spoke as they walked down one of the hallways, the pilars and shadows seemingly moving of their own accord, thanks to the Sith magiks that haunted the Palace. She said nothing nor turned to face him as he spoke, instead leading him to one of the many guest waiting rooms.*

*Once inside, she seated herself in a plush chair, and for the first time since remiving the binders, spoke to him.*

It is impolite to speak without being spoken to first.

*Whatever confidence he had then and there, melted away as her gaze froze on his.*

I've read the reports of the chaos you have inflicted on the city of Coronet.

Now, while I am for causing conflict and chaos, I do so on those I despise, not in the are I live in.

*She leaned back in the seat, crossing her legs.*

Now... you said you wanted an opportunity to learn the ways of the Force. Tell me... why do you think I should let you in as a part of this Order if you yourself cannot keep order in your own life?

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:02:11 AM
She had said nothing in return, but had instead led him into a quiet room. It was there that she took a seat and finally spoke.

It is impolite to speak without being spoken to first. As she hadnt gestured for him to take a seat, and she had pointed out his seeming lack of respect, he stood there before her rather than being seated himself. Whatever confidence he’d felt was replaced with a slight heat of embarrassment as it rose to his cheeks. Beneath this lay a subtle anger at having been chided in such a manner.

But he said nothing and instead waited for her to address him further.

I've read the reports of the chaos you have inflicted on the city of Coronet. Now, while I am for causing conflict and chaos, I do so on those I despise, not in the area I live in.

His dark eyes narrowed, but still he remained silent.

She was enjoying seeing him squirm, he could tell by the way she’d leaned back in the seat and seemed to relax, while he was left standing and feeling about 2 feet tall.

Now... you said you wanted an opportunity to learn the ways of the Force. Tell me... why do you think I should let you in as a part of this Order if you yourself cannot keep order in your own life?

He shifted his weight uncomfortably. He had just turned twenty one only days ago. It was part of the reason he’d now ended up with the wrong identification on him. He’d gone to visit his twin brother and their friends and apparently the bouncer at the door had handed them back the other’s id. Of course, the police hadnt believed a word of it. As for the stolen speeder, well, he wasn’t old enough yet to rent a speeder with the more reputable companies. They required you to be twenty five years of age, and so he’d gone to one of the other local companies. Apparently the one he’d gone to wasn’t in the habit of renting out their own speeders. But the police hadnt believed this either.

He hadnt come to Coronet to cause trouble. He had come for the sole reason of seeking admission to the Sith Order.

For the most part, he had kept order in his life. He and his brother had been exceptional athletes and gone on full scholarships to competing universities. He was still enrolled, worked hard for the grades he received, and wouldn’t have been at the Sith Order right now if he hadnt run into Sasha in the spaceport on his way back to school after visiting with his brother to celebrate their birthdays. It had all been by circumstance, all of these events.

But how was he to explain all of this to her? How was he to get her to believe that normally, he did keep his life relatively in order?

He started from the very beginning and explained, including his visit with his brother for his birthday, the fact that he had been directed here by Sasha, the routine police blockade that had created the problem in the first place, and the mind tricks he’d used out of boredom while being held in police custody.

“I wasn’t trying to cause any trouble.” He added at the end of his explanation.

“Id always wanted to get training in the force, but figured I’d look into it after I was done with school. And when this guy told me about it in the spaceport..”

He shrugged.

“It just felt like the right thing to do. It felt like I was supposed to come here now instead of later.”

His gaze finally left hers as it shifted to take in the room for a moment.

“Im sorry if I caused chaos in your city.” He added, looking back to her.

Lady Vader
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:57:00 PM
*She listened to him as he told his story in explaination to all the troubles that had occured recently. A good classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And she believed him, for never throughout his explaination did she sense any decet or malintent.*

*At the mention of Sasha and how he had been refered by him, her ears perked up slightly. Now while Sasha had already left and she was displeased with this action from him, she still trusted his judgment.*

*Perhaps she would give this young man a chance to prove himself.*

It seems to me you have come with a solid reference in your pocket, and while I trust the reference, you will need to prove to me I can trust you.

*She stood.*

I will allow your entrance into the Sith Order, under my tutilage.

But be it known, we take non too kindly to traitors or those that cause trouble within the Order's family. Every member here is your brother and sister. Treat them as such.

*She walked towards him, pratcically being nose to nose with him, boring her eyes into his.*

Our rules are few, but strict. Follow them, and you will find yourself benefiting from the Order's fruits. Fail to heed by the rules, and you will find yourself at the wrong end of a lightsaber.

*She then walked past him, gesturing him to follow.*

I will now show you to your quarters.

The Palace and all it has to offer is open to you, from the library, dining halls, exercise rooms, and so on. But do respect the other member's privacy and don't go snooping into their own chambers.

As to the gardens, you are free to roam them during the day. But at night they are off limits, as a being lives there that does not enjoy company on his private time.

*Letting him soak all this in, she led him to a turbolift, and proceeded to the second floor where the apprenctices housed themselves. There she led him down two hallways, finally stopping at a simply ornatmented wooden door. There she gestured with her hand for him to enter (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27402).

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 18th, 2003, 09:01:23 AM
There was no doubt about it – she did intimidate him. In the same way his coach back at the university had. And he wanted to prove himself to her.

He took very seriously the things that she said – understanding without question that there were rules and he was to follow them.

Their walk to his room was in silence on his part, responding only when spoken to. He caught a quick glimpse of the castle, marveling in its splendor before he was led to his room and stepped inside.