View Full Version : OOC NOTICE: Sasha will be leaving TSO

Feb 7th, 2003, 11:07:54 AM
Hey everyone….

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be having Sasha leave TSO. His character has always been a rather confused one, and he doesn’t have the cold heart needed to be a Sith. I will be starting a new character, as I like TSO and have a good time rp’ing here.

I will have a IC thread for Sasha leaving – but it will likely be closed to LV, his master/mentor. His reasons for leaving are not to go and join a new group (though he will be joining TBH) but to take some time away to search himself and discover who and what he really is. Along this journey, TBH will be a integral part of his discovery of himself.

And Gouyen – if you’re around and up for it, there is no doubt he would tell your char as well….

I wanted to thank everyone who has rp’d with this char. You’ve helped to build the character, and I appreciate it. Im looking forward to beginning a new one. :)

Feb 7th, 2003, 06:10:41 PM
Well Sasha you'll be missed. Your a great rper. Hope Sasha returns to the order someday. Goodluck.

Feb 10th, 2003, 08:05:43 AM
Hey thanks. Its nothing personal against TSO, its just that I want to go in a little different direction with the char. I started a new char already and posted in the joining forum of TSO - so its not like Im really even gone. Thanks for the good luck wishes, though.