View Full Version : White Dragon (open challenge)

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:24:56 PM
Who has done this?

(Jubei stooped down to the woman, holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her face was streaked with tears, but her jawline tightened with resolve.)

"They were shrouded in black. I never saw their face...only that damn red lightsaber."

(She looked up to Jubei, pleadingly.)

"Please, find the one who did this. Please. I just want them tracked down."

(Jubei considered this, and replied with a nod. He rose to his feet.)

I will find the one in black, and I will bring them to justice. You have my word.

(Bowing, he left the widow to grieve. Already, his path traced the echoes in the force, following in the shadows of footprints as he tracked down the elusive killer.)

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 6th, 2003, 05:30:18 PM
A random killing had always felt good, the old man should have kept his nose out of Dirjj's business. He was only seeking a good time with the woman and now she is a widow. Struck him down like the heavenly descent of a flaming sword of an archangel. The Sith knew the local authorities were no match in this backwater town. He could kill everyone of them with his two blasters and lightsaber. He was learned in form II, wielding his lightsaber with great precision and skill. His gunslinging were second to none.

As he strolled down the street, the few who had witnessed his heinous crime did not dare attempt to stop or even apprehend him. Contempt filled his heart as he smirked in the direction of the silent onlookers, watching them scurry away like rodents. Eventually he found himself heading east approaching the city limits. When he detected a Force signature. With a single hand Dirjj unclipped his lightsaber and the other swiftly rested on the butt of a blaster. He twirled around and faced his mysterious pursuer.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 05:36:36 PM
(The kiss of the Darkside was fully upon this man, and Jubei did not even have to ask the question. His insight was crystal clear in this manner. The man before him was a murderer.)

I ask you to turn yourself in for your crime, and be judged.

(His voice was calm and passive, which reflected his posture. There was not a hint of aggression in the Monk. Unlike the man across from him, bristling with weapons, Jubei wore a plain white robe, with a cloth sash around the waist. He carried no weapons)

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 6th, 2003, 05:42:51 PM
Dirjj snorted pugnaciously at the Jedi's suggestion. Shaking his head in disbelief, red-rimmed eyes fixed on the Jedi standing before him.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you, boy, never to bite a serpent's tail?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 05:47:32 PM
(The saying didn't sway Jubei)

Come with me, and give yourself up. You have killed a man.

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:41:07 PM
Dirjj laughed at the Jedi's audacity. A string of spittle flew from his mouth landing on the Jubei's feet.

"You know you Jedi are a bothersome bunch. Impotent keepers of the peace and what-have-you. That's why I hate you."

He depressed the activation button on his lightsaber and the scintillating crimson energy emerged from the metallic hilt with a deep, potent hum.

"No, boy, you are just going to have to come and apprehend me yourself. Or try to."

Dirjj chuckled and raised the lightsaber in a battle ready stance.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:53:09 PM
(Jubei curled the toes of his right foot around a chunk of broken asphalt as he scuffed the spittle from his insole. He took a moment to glance around at the area they were in. An urban alleyway, with exits equidistant both front and back, at about 30 meters. To his left, a garbage dumpster was flush against the wall of one of the buildings, as well as several barrels. It was a quick survey, and Jubei's eyes once more returned to his lightsaber-wielding opponent.)

If I must, then I shall.

(With a fluid rhythm, Jubei's arms glided around him in a kata, using graceful yet precise poises and positionings. His left foot slid away from his right, until they were just wider than his shoulders were apart. His right hand extended towards the Sith, palm facing outward, while his left hand clenched in a fist, at the heavy cloth of his belt. The Jedi Knight's head tilted slightly to the side, and his neck popped. As this happened, Jubei uncurled the toes of his right foot from over the broken bit of asphalt, and scooped the stone-like debris up on his insole, kicking vertically, and sending the chunk into the air. Balanced on his left foot, he quickly re-chambered his leg, and pumped a side-kick into the falling object, propelling it at Dirjj's stomach, at fastball speed. With the missile in flight, it took a fraction of a heartbeat for Jubei's right foot to touch the ground again, and when it did...he too was skyward.)

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:48:42 PM
Anticipating with Force-enhanced dexterity, Dirjj while twisting his upper torso away, evaporated the concrete projectile with the passing tip of his lightsaber's blade.

Simultaneously his other hand in a uncanny movement was armed with a blaster and fired off three masterfully placed shots in rapid succession at the airbourne Jedi's torso. He swiftly holstered his blaster, Dirjj resumed his battle ready stance.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:17:24 PM
(As the red bolts traced along Jubei's trajectory, the monk's body twisted and flipped in mid-flight, the shots missing their mark by the narrowest of margins. He caught hold of a fire escape railing, and twirled his form up to the top of the level, a blaster shot pocking the rail he held not a moment afterward. In a blur of white, Jubei uncoiled the heavy cloth belt at his robe, which extended into a long meteor hammer, with a weighted end. Accelerating downwards, the business end of the weapon struck Dirjj's weapon hand at the wrist, jamming nerves and causing the gun to clatter to the ground. Without recalling the meteor hammer, Jubei jumped again, down towards Dirjj this time.)

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:41:29 AM
The weighted business end of his belt struck Dirjj's hand, causing blaster to clutter to the ground. While watching the Jedi, he spoke in a mysterious stammering tongue casting a minor incantation of sithian dark magic. A swift, sudden gust of swirling winds were raised and assailed Jubei with debris and refuse, namely dust and other debilitating airbourne particles directly into the Jedi's eyes as he pounced. Effectively blinding him. As Jubei fell, Dirjj retreated out of his path while recalling his blaster and fired off two more searing hot bolts, striking both of the Jedi's shoulders.

Dirjj growled under his breathe, "Whelp, you're trickier than a monkey with his rear on fire."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:06:42 PM
(Jubei paused momentarily, blinded by the swirling debris, and then assailed by the double blaster shots, both striking clean at his shoulders. White robe and flesh alike sizzled from the blaster bolts, but the Calanic Monk didn't even flinch. His proficiency in self control was his greatest asset, and with it, he possessed an unparallelled pain threshold. The wounds Dirjj inflicted ceased to smolder, and began to contract. Though it would take minutes of concentration to fully heal, the process began nearly the moment the shots connected. With no signs of his injuries' protests, Jubei sprung into action, tracing a wide loop with his right hand, that held the end of his belt, while his left hand drew the slack and his left foot anchored the weighted end at the ground. The effect was that the Sith's sidearm was restrained, with the business end pointed at the ground. Jubei shook his head in disapproval of Dirjj's weapon, and grasped at his wrist. A jolt of what felt like electricity surged up the Sith's arm, terminating at the elbow. The fingers around the gun loosened their grip, and the weapon clattered to the ground. With unrivaled knowledge of the living body, and how to manipulate it, Jubei was the ideal healer. With such knowledge, however, came the knowledge of using an enemy's own body against them. Jubei's own living force had disrupted the nerve synapses throughout Dirjj's arm. It was not permanent, but it would keep a gun, or anything else out of his hands for the next few minutes.

With a half-smile, Jubei released his left foot's anchor on the cloth belt, and pressed it into the crook of the Sith's jaw, executing a high, close quarters side kick. Dirjj's body was knocked back by the momentum, then jerked to the ground by the tightened belt, still wrapped around his deadened wrist, and held fast by both of the Jedi's hands.)