View Full Version : Change of Direction (Sejah Haversh)

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 6th, 2003, 03:18:21 AM
It was morning in the Temple - A cold winter's morning and in the pinnicle of this building was where the Jedi Council members sat to deliberate on the Force and run the affairs of the Jedi Order. On this day, someone had come in here alone - for this was the first day I could be counted as one of the Council myself and I wanted in some ways to get a feel for the place, to look it over.

How strange the ways of the Force were. From trying my best to destroy the Jedi and the Council, to being a Jedi Knight and on the Council itself! What a turnaround and one I wished I could share with Marcus. Although, to be forthright, he had his ways of knowing, wherever he was and would most likely know already.

Where was he? I wondered, not for the first time in the last few weeks. He was presenting a problem I knew of that others didn't - there was a Padawan whom needed guidance and wasn't getting it. Fortuantly, I was now in a postition to do something about it.

The droid I has sent to see that Padawan should have delivered my message by now.

-- Jedi Padawan Sejah Haversh,

You are summonded to the Jedi Council room, to meet Senator Evenstar. Please do not tarry

Sejah Haversh
Feb 6th, 2003, 03:32:03 AM
The droid found Sejah in the room he shared with Dasquain, lounging on his bed and eating pretzels while watching some holovision. It was the master's cup in Nehantite Table Tennis, and he was glad that he could patch into it from so far away.

But, the message the droid delivered seemed quite important, so he flicked the set off and pulled on his gray sneakers; tying the laces quickly before rubbing a paw through his headur and then heading out for the Council Room.

If he looked like anything at the moment, it wasn't a Jedi. More like a house painter or skateboarder who got lost. He sported a rumpled and faded black tee-shirt with a much-cracked and peeled screenprinted image of a jump-kicking martial artist on it, and a pair of well-worn khaki cargo pants. It had been a lazy day, and he just hadn't had the drive to dress nice, thinkign he probably wouldn't be leaving his room. Even his fur wasn't fully brushed, giving him a bit more unkempt appearance. Sejah was almost to the Council Room when he realized he hadn't even locked the door on his way out. Oh well, it would just have to stay as it was; Helenias wasn't a person to keep waiting.

Pressing the button, Sejah opened the doors to the council room and stepped inside. He had never seen the chamber before, and the view was breathtaking. The brown mongoose would have been mesmerized by it had his sneakers not squeaked and brought his attention back to reality. Straightening up, the padawan bowed to Helenias and said, "You called for me, Senator?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 6th, 2003, 03:51:14 AM
I kew he was coming of course - I could sense his presence. Thence, I had already turned to observe the... the... ummm.... just exactly was the race Sejah was?

And just exactly was he doing wearing what he was? I raised an eyebrow, somewhat amused by the Padawan's casual state.

"I would say there would be one thing the Council would have to attend to soon - the dress standards of the Jedi have dropped somewhat. I greet you Padawan Haversh and yes, I did call for you. There is a slight problem we need to address"

Feeling the puzzlement in the Force from the Padawan, I continued.

"Your Master. I'm sure your aware now he's not exactly what you might call a 'normal' Jedi, if there is such a thing and you are no doubt aware he does not officially exist. He is absent on all the records and hardly anyone knows of him. I am also aware that he sparred you and then after that, he disappeared and you have not heard from him or of him. No, nothing's happened to him - I know he is alive and doing what he would do elsewhere. I also know that you are aware he does not see things the way a Jedi should. Do you have any comments on this before I continue?"

I was being fairly light and bantery in my tone. I was making it clear this was not an interrogation, but a statement of fact - something that would be leading to the problem at hand.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:57:03 PM
At the comment about his clothing, Sejah looked down and pulled a cheek in embarassment. He would have to apparently dress better from there on out. But that minor humiliation lasted only a moment before he looked back up and cleared his throat lightly.

His voice as sure as he could make it under the circumstances, Sejah drew up the nerve to speak back a little before giving the reply that Helenias was waiting for. "If you'll pardon my saying so, no man can be completely without record. The only reason Master Marcus is not in the archive recods is because he removed himself. But, he did not manage to erase all mention of hismelf in logs and records, I found."

That said, he perked up and continued, "And it is good to know he is doing well, I was growing concerned for I hadn't heard from, or of, him in a while. As far as his methods go, they have been abstract from what I have leanred to be the norm, but he is not a bad teacher; all he does is for the best, and I am grateful to have him. That is all I have to say at the moment."

Even though Helenias was trying to help him not to feel nervous, she had a reputation that preceeded her, and he couldn't help but be nervous in a private meeting with her in the Council Room of all places.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:28:33 AM
"I know Marcus. He woud not have left any trace behind in the Order in the Republic. But I would hazard a guess your aware of other names, other identities he used, that would have information left behind? Be that as it may, it is not why I asked you here - you are here because if Marcus disappeared for the reason I think of, then he is not coming back for a long time"

I wondered just how much Marcus had told Haversh? How much had the Warlord taken the alien Padawan into his confidence? How much could I mention?

"This isn't unexpected for me - I know Marcus sees things others have not. If he has gone to ground, he has seen the time for him is now to act on what he knows. He is not one for goodbyes, but he has left instructions for such a time that I am enacting now. Thence, he would have me take you on as a Padawan learner and finish your training. What would you say to that?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:40:10 AM
Sejah was cofused, and slightly upset that his master wouldn't have warned him that he might be dissappearing. Still, he was faced with an interesting propositon, and his instincts clased with ettiquite as he replied, "I mean no offense, Senator, but, I do wish I could have heard this from Marcus himself. But, if the task is grave enough, I understand his reasons for remaining out of touch. If it was my Master's wish that I finish my training under you, then I have little room to argue. I will do what is asked of me, and learn from you as I had from your husband."

Sejah had his own concerns about Helenias as well. He didn't know how much she knew about him or his training, or what kind of attitude would be acceptable around her. With a deep breath, he added, "If Marcus is to return, would I remain with you, or go back to him?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 7th, 2003, 06:01:03 AM
I closed my eyes, contemplating the Force, seeing what I could see of the future. Eventually...

"I do not foresee a time that Marcus will return while you are a Padawan" I stated, opening my eyes and regarding the Padawan. "If he returns at all, it will be many, many months. As far as I know and can foresee, he will face an enemy he can not defeat around the time that Jedi Knight Dawnstrider gives birth. He may well sacrifice his life for hers. I believe he left to prepare for that time and even try to see if the future can be changed"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:02:22 PM
Sejah tried not to think about what Helenias jsut told him. For as enigmatic as MArcus was, he was his friend, and Sejah did not like hearing of him in danger.

"I will pray for his safety, Senator," he replied after she had finished, nodding after saying so himself. "I will also respect his wishes, and yours as well, seeing as I am to be your padawan now. Is there anything you wish to know about me that Marcus might not have told you, or, will there be much change in the way I am trained?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:30:34 AM
"I am guessing there will be ways that will change" I began. "I am not Marcus. Even as much as my reputation rightly proceeds me, I am most skilled at the warrior arts and foresight - I do not have the truly extensive knowledge of the Force he does, nor do I have the power he does. On a straight out skills and power basis, there are none whom could match him within this order. I am, I woud think, one of the lesser in knowledge of the Force. What I lack in that, I make up in intelligence. Padawan, my belief is that a clever mind, honed and sharpened, with a body under it's total control, has the possibilty to to surpass great Force power. I would say that I have seen Jedi blinded by the thought the Force is the be all and end all - and then miss the small details outside of that. Why is it that I, unruly in the ways of the Force as I was then, managed to defeat Masters in combat, but also turned the first temple of this order into a smoking ruin?"

"I think first" I said, adding emphasis with a finger pointed to my temple. "The mind is the thing I train. You have combat skills and I have read you have some unusual Force abilities. But you are raw, however with work you can shine. Already, I know others see the potential to shine. I am here to make sure you shine as brightly as you possibly can - maybe more than you thought possible"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:14:39 AM
Oh, crap. So now I don't think well enough? Ran through Sejah's mind. I know I'm not really book smart, but, I always thought I was a decent thinker when it came down to it. Garfife, I've been a teacher, I've tought others how to think. What am I missing?

Helenias' statements came almost as stinging blows. In his mind, he had thought that he had the ability to out-think an opponent, but first needed to learn what new skills he could use in order to add them to his repitioure. Someone with a great knowledge of what a sword is and has read and studied how they are to be used in combat still stands a poor chance in pitched battle if he has never actually practiced with one before, no matter his ability to think or reason. The Nehantite's mind was deeply etched with old ways, and his life in a fencing school had only carved those traditions and ways of thought deeper into his mind and heart.

With as even a voice as he could manage, Sejah replied, "I will do as you say, Senator, thoughI may not fully agree as of yet. But, I respect your station and rank in this Order and will respect mine as the student here. If I may venture a question, though; when would we be to start with this new training?"

(OOC- I'm not sure if you knew this or not, yet, but Sejah's mind, as well as any Nehantite's mind, is unreadable. It is due to the more animal nature. He also can't read minds, or do telepathy. Attempts to read his mind will result in a nasty, nasty migraine fro those who try it. Just giving you the heads up, thanks.)

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:39:04 AM
OOC : No, did not know that. Thanks for that note

Was there doubt I could hear in his voice? Possibly. Very possibly. I could possibly sense a challenge here.

"I can prove what I say Master Haversh. You might want to firstly ask your rommmate about me, if you wish. I recommend it in fact. After all, Oriadin was my Padawan"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:16:16 AM
To that, Sejah had to stifle a chuckle, and he smiled lighty as he shook his head. "Oriadin is a friend of mine, but he's not my roomate. Dasquain Belarcig, and his....pet....thing... are my current roomates, Senator."

After that he straightened up and tried to remain professional. Oriadin had told him about Helenias before, and Sejah wanted to make sure to do his best, even if it meant swallowing his own pride. "Is there anything further I should know, Senator?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:29:34 AM
"Oh? I was under the impression Oriadin was. Well, it would do well to ask anyway. As for other things to know..."

I had to stifle a chuckle before I spoke.

"... needle and thread. The stitching of your pants seems to be coming undone around..." Now, how could I put this politely? Thinking quickly, I made the motion of a male doing up the fly of his pants. And blushed fiercely. "... I dont know about Marcus, but I prefer my Padawans to keep their pants on"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:38:26 AM
Can anything else go wrong today? He wondered in his head, looking down to the torn seam Helenias was referring to. It wasn't bad, but he hadn't even noticed it before. Garfife, I hope you've got a good explaination for all the crap you've been throwing at me lately...

Sejah discreetly moved his paws from behind his back and clasped them in front instead to hide the embarasing rip. "I'm sorry, Senator, I think you just cought me on one of my better days today. I'll make sure to pay closer attention to detail in the future." Gads, how dumb am I making myself sound? Marcus, you better have a darn good reason for going AWOL on me. She probably thinks I'm a total slacker, now. Great first impression now, Sej.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 05:54:42 AM
"Caught you on one of your better days?" There was now no denying, I was highly amused. "If this is one of your better days, I would hate to see what you call a bad day... now now, no need to be embarassed. It was a minor slip and you were not to know whom called you here and why. I would admit I am heartily sick of seeing being dressed to the nines, whom are liars and disgustingly ugly on the inside. I appreciate an honest being Sejah Haversh and seeing you dressed as you are tells me I have good reason believe you are. That's what makes a good Jedi Master Haversh - what you really are. From what I have heard and read of you, you have the makings of a Jedi Knight and a good one. Otherwise, I would not be bothering with this meeting. I do not waste my time, ever"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:10:58 AM
In the short span of a few minutes, Sejah had nearly run the gamut of his emotions, and Helenias' compliment was one he was unprepared for.

"I, uh," he searched for the right word, reaching one paw to scratch his neck out of habit, only realizing he was again exposing the hole in his pants while doing so and darting his paw down again. "Thank you," he finally managed, his face fighting between surprise and pleasant pride, "But, I will try and dress better than this in the future. Unless I'm working on my new car, that is."

A happy grin crossed his face at the mention of his car. Odds were, though, that he'd never be the one to work on it, knowign little to nothing about internal combustion engines, or much else mechanical. Still, he owned his own car now, something he never thought he'd be able to do.

"But nothing will come before my training or committment to the Jedi, Senator. I assure you of that."

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:18:15 AM
"Good. I know you wont for I know you dont speak with empty words" I said, a frown growing on my face.

"I do have one more question now before you can go back to your quarters - what in the name of the Force is a 'car'?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:35:42 AM
It was Sejah's turn to laugh, and a wide smile spread across his muzzle, exposing his fangs. "A 'car' is an automobile. Kind of like a speeder, but it has wheels it drives on instead of anti-gravity stuff. It drives along the ground, and is a lot of fun."

Digging a paw into his side pocket, Sejah procured a piece of glossy folded paper and opened it up, passing it to the Senator. On it was a photograph of a shiny muscle car in the most attractive possble angle. "That's my car," he explained. "Well, except mine is orange, not black, and I've got the better wheels. It's a Kraar Flagline with the 492 cubic inch V-10. Best sports car money can buy where I come from. I won it in the tournament I went to, and it just got here."

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:52:22 AM
I raised an eyebrow.

"No repulsorlifts? It has wheels... and an internal combustion motor? No turbines?"

I was trying to get my head around such a device. Not very well, admittedly.

"What an odd machine" I was forced to admit. "Never heard or seen such a thing before. Does it have computer control?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:58:09 AM
Sejah nearly balked, then tapped the bit of the steerign wheel that was pictured. "Are you kiddind? And take all the fun out of it? No way! You steer with that wheel, and brake and accelleration are controlled through floor pedals. Even has a six-speed manual gear-shift."

Stepping back, he added, "And thankfully, Coruscant has very little ground traffic, so, it's a real kick to drive. I'll have to show you sometime, if you're up for it."

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 07:04:54 AM
"You... use the wheel there... and use floor pedals"

Fine, I was understanding that. Not dissimilar to some speeders.

"Six speed manual gear shift however? What is that and what is it used for? Sounds like a cargo lift of some sort, which is odd for I dont really see room for cargo on this 'car'"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:39:00 PM
"Well, the Flagline wasn't really meant to haul cargo, and the gear shift is the type of transmission it has. It can cycle through gears to send the right amounts of power at the right times. It's....complicated." He explained, then taking the page back, folding it and stuffing it back in his pocket.

"But, that can wait for some other time. And speaking of time, I know yours is valuable, so I shouldn't keep your further here with idle chat. Just, when will be begin my resumption of training?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:47:54 AM
What was it with males and their toys? Marcus had his starship, Sejah had this car.... why couldn't men be interested in things more useful? Like basket weaving?

"Master Haversh, you training never stopped" I replied instead, keeping those thoughts private. "Life is a learning experience. Just because some lessons are formal doesn't mask the fact when you wake every day, it is a learning experience. It will only be different and maybe unexpected when you are with me"

I bowed slightly, making it clear he was for now being dismissed and was free to go. "Meet me in the Bar and Grill tomorrow"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:51:59 AM
Sejah understood, and swept his leg back, leaning down into a full court bow, then stood up and nodded. "Thank you, Senator. And, I will dress better for the occasion, I promise."

Stepping back, he added, "And thank you, Senator, I was beginning to grow worried about your husband. I will pray for his safety and clear judgement."

With that, the mongoose turned and left the council room, wondering just what the future held for him now.