View Full Version : This Black Dog. (open)

Feb 6th, 2003, 01:01:31 AM
An odd sight was seen by the patrons of Yoghurts bar and grill on this night. A wolf. Not the companion of Xazor Elessar, but a large, black wolf. It's long claws clicked as it walked down the street, turning into the alley beside the bar.

The doors to the Jedi eatery pushed open, revealing a face that hadn't been seen in ages. Dark reddish-brown eyes scanned the bar, taking in all the patrons there. her nose taking in all their different scents. Her long black coat hung loosely on her lithe frame, underneath she wore a simple, stylish outfit of black. Her boots made a light click on the floor as she walked to a free seat. Raising a hand, she pushed her long Warrior braids back behind her shoulder. No coins hung from them, as she had always prefered silence when stalking her prey.

Santhia took another look around the bar, before getting the attention of a serving droid.

"An ale please, strongest you got."

Chaos Alexander
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:24:44 AM
::Alexander walked up dressed in his 'street' clothing. Black wide legged jeans. The legs were bigger than his waist, and a black hooded sweathshirt, or 'Hoodie', with blue flames going down his arms and left leg. his hair pulled back into a small ponytail.::

"A Water for me Bar Keep."

::Alexander turned to see Santhia.::

"Well Well, long time no see. What brings you here Santhia?"

Feb 6th, 2003, 01:31:37 AM

She murmured, picking blood and dirt from beneath her nails. She looked up at a young man she had never met, but found to be strangely familar.

'Can I help you with something?"

Chaos Alexander
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:37:57 AM
"Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider/Jinn. Depends on what side of thr family you talk to. I talked to you about two years ago when I was a Sith. I am Verse's son. You knew me as Chaos, I go by Alexander now......."

::Alexander got his drink and took a sip. He called the Bar Keep back to him.::

"Can you bring me a Calrimen Peach? Sliced up if you don't mind."

Feb 6th, 2003, 01:41:14 AM
"Ah, I see. It's been a while."

She continued to clean her dark painted nails, and smiled up at him. 'Care to join me?"

The droid whirled up with her drink, which she took off the tray with one hand, tossing some creds on it with the other.

"How have you been kiddo?"

Chaos Alexander
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:46:38 AM
::Alexander nodded and took a seat next to Santhia. Around that time a droid came with his sliced fruit. Alexander took a spoon as well and stired the blue colored peach into his drink.::

"I am been better, but on teh other hand I have been much much worse. So all in all I can not complain. Life has dealt me a good hand currently. I am just seeing if I only have two of a kind or a winning Royal Flush. How about you?"

Feb 6th, 2003, 09:47:49 AM
"Heh, same old, same old. Hunting, fighting. Normal Garou living. How is your father? And that charming sister of yours.."

She spoke of Xazor with a slight snarl. Their last meeting, and even their first one, did not go smoothly.

Feb 7th, 2003, 02:59:32 PM
As I lay on the floor of the Bar and Grill, my eyes followed the 'people creatures' as she walked to and fro, chattering and laughing with one another. I knew this not because I could hear them, but through the Force and lip reading. Suddenly I got a terrible feeling and then my eyes widened as they came to rest upon one just like me -- and Xazor, when she changed. Our size was comparable but she was completely black. My eyes fell to my paws as I thought of my white and grey fur with black markings. Indeed, this one was strange to me and I had to wonder about her. Being Force sensitive as I was, I allowed my mind to drift to the conversation between she and the man I recognized as Xazor's Brother and what I heard was not friendly talk. Sighing, I lowered my head and attempted to hear more though I felt a great deal of angst for this other wolf.

Chaos Alexander
Feb 7th, 2003, 09:50:14 PM
::Alexander sipped on his drink.::

"My sister is doing well. I am happy for her. She has had it rough lately. I am used to havin' no family around. I have had family bring me close, then leave me to die. After father left to do what he does, she was hurt really bad. I feel for her I really do. She is really all the family I got now. My aunt Daetana used to hate me, now I am her angel. I am still weary on that. Xazor took me in when I was alone and had no one else........"

Feb 7th, 2003, 10:24:50 PM
"Well, that's good. Verse has always done his own thing, though, and I guess Xazor isn't entirely used to that."

She took a drink of her ale and smiled. "But, while I'm here, we should go on a hunt, have some fun..." She sniffed the air, sensing something...familar. Her eyes traveled down to the wolf who lay on the floor. She stared at it for a brief second, then returned her gaze to Chaos. "They allow pets in here now?"

Feb 7th, 2003, 10:38:40 PM
I growled slightly as I heard her comment ring within my mind. Shaking it off, I rose to my feet and trotted over to her and my Master's Brother.

"Companion, m'lady -- I think that is the word you are looking for. I am no 'pet' as you call me -- I am quite atypical for an animal who lives in another's home."

I said informingly inside of her mind as I took my place upon my haunches. Bowing my head for but a moment, I eyed her curiously and then smiled as a wolf does.

"I'm Xazor's companion -- Kaukauana is the name -- who are you?"

Indeed, my curiousity was at its highest -- not only was she cocky but also beautiful and I could not help but let my eyes take in all that she was. Then again -- I did not even fathom a chance with someone like her -- nor anyone really for I was but a deaf wolf who happened to be Force sensitive. There were no others like me save for Grimya -- but I had not seen her in some time. Caught up in the moment, I found myself staring at Santhia.

Feb 7th, 2003, 10:49:22 PM
"I see,' she smiled down at the animal that sat at her feet. "I am Santhia, my little wolf. Would you like to join us?"

Feb 7th, 2003, 11:05:02 PM
I bowed my head as she invited me to join them and then sat for a moment replaying her name in my head. 'Santhia -- how beautiful, I thought to myself before catching the fact that I was staring at her. With a swift jump I was up into a chair and sitting beside her.

"Thank you for your kind offer -- I would love to join you and Master Dawnstrider."

My eyes flickered over to Chaos as I spoke through the Force, allowing both of them to hear my words if they so chose.

"How do you fare this day, Santhia -- m'lady?"

I remembered to keep myself well mannered in the company of a lady and I spoke gentle to her mind as I gaze intensly into her eyes.

Feb 7th, 2003, 11:19:32 PM
"I'm fine. A little sore from my hunting, but that's to be expected. Woud you like a drink, some food?"

She finished up her ale and waved a droid over. "How about you, Alex?"