View Full Version : Waiting for another chance. (Xazor.)
Kaytor Surna
Feb 5th, 2003, 06:31:37 PM
Kaytor stood on a Coruscant building at night. Her eyes shifted around the surroundings, watching for the jedi. She knew that Xazor was coming. She was near the jedi temple so it would not take her long. It was time for Kaytor to prove herself to her old master. To prove that she was stronger.
Kaytor suddenly felt a presense grow stronger. She looked over the edge of the building she was on and spoted the jedi. She stood out like a sore thum to Kaytor. Her light energy seemed to create an aura around her to the dark being. Kaytor's own aura of dark energy came around her in the form of shadows.
She walked back to the center of the roof and watched. She knew Xazor would come up. The only question was in what way. It was a tall building but Xazor could still jump it.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 07:12:02 PM
A figure clad in white robes walked slowly along the sidewalk as her cyan eyes glanced around into the dark of the Coruscant night. She wore a smile upon her face allowing her elongated canines to peek below her top lip and show themselves above the bottom. The Garou Warrior Braids in her waist length blond hair swung back and forth in time with her steps which in turn created a clanging sound from the coins woven into them. The Garou Knight stopped rather suddenly before a building and shifted her gaze to the top where she saw another standing -- though this was no surprise, she knew it was coming. Xazor spotted a stairwell on the side of the structure and upon reaching it, she climbed to the top though it took a minute or so. It was then that she stepped forth and eyed her former student, Kaytor Surna. It was sad to see how the darkness twisted the young ones of the Greater Jedi Order. Lack of willpower and strength led to the Darkside faster than one might have expected. With a graceful bow, Xazor stood upright and clasped her hands upon her weapons belt and met Kaytor's eyes with her own warm orbs.
"Greetings Kaytor -- it has been some time since I have laid eyes upon you. How beautiful you have grown in your absence at the Order -- indeed it has been some time."
Xazor smiled and nodded in recognition to her own words, noting that Kaytor had changed a lot since she had last seen her. Canting her head to the right, the Jedi Knight looked upon the young woman and she did not even need to guess what this meeting was all about -- somehow, she just knew. She knew that Kaytor would end up in a lot of trouble if she pursued the true desires of her heart.
Kaytor Surna
Feb 5th, 2003, 11:36:54 PM
Kaytor bowed slightly to Xazor then stood up right. She had no emotion on her face as she stood their. The odd thing was that she still carried herself much like a jedi would have. With calm and patence. But Xazor could still tell that Kaytor was not a jedi. She had lost hope in the jedi. Lost hope in the minds of the jedi and the hearts of the jedi. But one thing she had not lost hope in was Xazor and the connection they still had as a master and padawan. Kaytor could tell what Xazor was thinking as could Xazor her.
"You have treated me as a trusted friend, as a padawan and... as a daughter. I will probobly never be able to treat you in the same manor for darkness is never like the light. But if I could, I would. And despite what you think I have asked you to come here for, you are wrong. I am not here to fight you. Merly to say thank you."
Once again Kaytor bowed to Xazor. She stood stright and turned to walk away. Several feet away, she stopped and turned to face Xazor with a small smirk on her face.
"Then again, if you wish to battle for old times sake..."
She left the offer hanging as she waited for Xazor to reply to her. A gentle smile was on her face as she spoke.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 6th, 2003, 03:38:05 PM
Xazor's eyes rested upon Kaytor's face as she spoke. The words sounded sincere enough -- but somehow, Xazor was not completely convinced. With a bow, the Jedi Knight nodded and smiled.
"You do whatever your heart tells you -- never forget that you are your own person and no matter what path you follow -- I will always view you as a student, a friend -- and a daughter."
Her gaze followed after the young woman as she took several steps away from Xazor with an offer hanging in the air. The Knight shook her head and continued smiling with a coy expression on her face.
"I came here in peace, Kaytor -- and I wish not to fight. I am a Jedi and conflict does not rule my life as it once did."
The woman was still on her guard, all of her hypersenses alert, ready for her to react if need be. It was not that she did not trust Kaytor -- it was the fact she knew this young woman was capable of surprises and Xazor did not want to be caught up in the moment if something did happen.
"If that is all you wished to tell me then, I say to you this: you need not thank me. I took you through part of your life while you were a Jedi -- and now you are a Darksider, but you are still Kaytor Surna -- and I would still die to defend you."
She said honestly with a great emotion upon her voice. It was evident in the Garou's eyes that she was sincere in all she said and she wanted Kaytor to know that.
Kaytor Surna
Feb 6th, 2003, 08:28:06 PM
Kaytor smiled and turned to leave. She stopped a moment and removed something from the pocket of her robes. She tossed it to Xazor and guided it with the force. It sailed through the air, catching the light of the city and shining it back into the night sky. When it landed in Xazor's hand, she saw a silver star with a dark purple gem in the center of it. Kaytor smiled back at Xazor then lept off the building and onto a different, higher up one. She disappeared into the darkness once again. A single whisper through the force is left behind.
'Until we meet again... Master.'
Xazor Elessar
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:15:27 PM
The Jedi Knight eyed the silver star with a beautiful gem in the center. Curiosity got the best of her and she canted her head to the side, wondering where she could find information on this. Perhaps it was something evil -- but she knew not. Shrugging the negative thoughts from her mind, Xazor slipped the curious object into a pouch on her weapons belt before turning to leave herself. Once at the stairs she used to reach the top of the building, Xazor turned and looked back with a distant look in her eyes.
"Indeed -- we shall meet again -- my Padawan."
The words drifted to Kaytor's mind before Xazor began making her way down the stairs and back into the Coruscant night.
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