View Full Version : I don't get out much. (Open anything)

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 5th, 2003, 04:21:56 PM
Leliarre wandered the city streets. It was dark, very dark. She found it to her liking. Really she was too young to be on the streets at this time, just shy of 15, and very probably too inexperienced in her abilities as well. But she'd only been outside of the walls of TSO once since she'd joined it, and she needed to breathe, and needed a change of scenery.

So she walked, her feet striking a steady rhythm on the ground. The girl was brooding, as she'd spent most her time lately. A few days over a year ago, her younger brother, the last remnants of her shattered family, had died on the streets as she watched. Her lips formed a thin tight line, her coal black eyes growing hard to think of it.

I'm sick of remembering, she thought vehemently, her footsteps growing harder and more impatient as she grew angrier. I want peace, just for a little minute, from remembering. I want to forget for awhile!

"I want a good hard fight," Leliarre muttered. But that was laughable. She wasn't entirely confident in herself yet, and if she went looking for trouble, she'd likely find herself far overmatched. No, she wasn't looking for a fight, but if one came looking for her...

She shook her head, continued walking. If she'd been old enough she would have made her way to a bar or a club. But those places were closed to her for a few years yet, so she just walked, trapped with her memories.

Why did I even go out? I'm not doing anything different from what I'd do there. The girl sighed in disgust.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:52:22 PM
foot steps echoed behind Leliarre a man wearing a black cloak with its hood over his face was folowing her he could sence the force in the girl

he was geting closer to her a few feet away his foot steps geting louder.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 6th, 2003, 06:47:01 PM
Leliarre walked on a short distance on yet, fully aware of the man behind her but not quite sure if he was indeed following her. A few more minutes confirmed her suspicion that he was.

The girl whirled around, her eyes meeting his. For once they weren't hard and emotionless, but burning.

"What do you want?" She snarled.

It was rare for her to show emotion anymore, but when she did, it was deep. Her voice carried an interesting combination of cold anger and pain, not at all her usual monotone. She flushed slightly at the show of feeling which she usually tried to avoid, but held her ground and the man's gaze.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 7th, 2003, 01:49:30 PM
the man came to a stop and looked at Leliarre from under his hood with his red eyes that glowes a little

"hello i can tell that you are a sith but so am I....I saw you leave TSO and decided to follow you....you are a bit young to be wondering the street"

the man was taller then Leliarre and his voice had a cold ring to it.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 7th, 2003, 07:19:30 PM
Leliarre's fury subsided a little to learn he was a fellow Sith of her Order. The realization that she'd never seen him before made her suddenly aware of how much she'd closed herself off to others at the Order. However, her anger returned, only a little less than before at his last comment.

"I can handle myself," the girl who dressed in black hissed, glaring slightly at him. "I always have." The thought brought back memories hot and strong of how she had to survive on the streets for months, with her brother. Until -

"So thanks for your concern," She interrupted her own thought. Didn't want to think about it. "But I don't need a baby-sitter." Leliarre whirled around, her parting comment ringing with scorn. She walked only a few steps before her conscience niggled at her.

He's only trying to help. Besides, he can't have known. And you shouldn't speak so to others of your order! You may need his help one day.

She slowed down, turned reluctantly. Her face returned to its customary neutral expression, and only a slight flush that still lingered in her pale cheeks and a cold light that still gleamed softly in her eyes revealed that anger still burned inside her.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, and it was sincere. "I'm just... a little stressed." A half-smile tugged at her lips, and she almost laughed bitterly at the understatement.

Now the man could see dark circles under eyes that showed she hadn't been sleeping too well lately, and her demeaner was diminished and slouched, now that she was no longer on the attack. She noticed this in the back of her mind, and feeling disgusted, she readjusted her posture. Straight-backed and proud, as she had always walked, before.

"You followed me?" She asked, meeting his eyes once more, and now again her expression and body-language were as inpenetrable as ever, the momentary crack in her walls repaired.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:16:29 AM
"yes i was following you" Zereth noticed the dark rings under her eyes he could tell that something was bothering her "i can tell something is bothering you."

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 8th, 2003, 11:29:26 AM
Her eyes grew harder, if possible. "It's..." Nothing, she'd started to say. Yeah right. She wasn't in the habit of lying, and she disliked saying things aloud that weren't true, because that was like lying to herself. In this case, anyway.

"My brother died, a year ago." She said shortly, getting the whole phrase out in one breath, so she didn't have to think about it too much. Almost as an afterthought, she added quietly, "He was all I had."

Zereth Lancer
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:39:11 PM
"well i think most of us sith have nothing or close to nothing... i've never had anything no family no freinds nothin...." Zereth eyes seemed to glow brighter as he said this.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:05:46 PM
Leliarre thought bitterly, Better nothing from the start than to lose everything. But nonetheless she was no longer angry at this man. She wasn't really angry to start, just looking for something to lash out at.

She heaved a sigh. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to have someone to walk with. "You've got a name, I hope," She said, half-smiling. Rare was it when she smiled outright. "What is it?"

Zereth Lancer
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:42:44 PM
"Zereth Lancer" Zereth pulled his hood of showing his black as night hair.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:40:11 PM
Leliarre nodded slightly. "My name's Leliarre." She held her hand out for the man to shake.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 11th, 2003, 05:02:32 PM
Zereth shanked her hand "nice to meet you Leliarre."

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 12th, 2003, 05:41:27 PM
Leliarre dropped her hand and started walking, gesturing that he should follow.

"So you've never had anything... ever, you say?"

Zereth Lancer
Feb 12th, 2003, 06:16:31 PM
"nothing ever i've just wandered the street's most of my life then i found i had powers and i heard of a place called the Sith order that helped people like me and now i still wander the streets at night like tonight"

Zereth paused to catch his breath.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:26:03 PM
Leliarre considered this. "That's hard." She walked on quietly a bit, still reluctant to open up herself; it was something she wasn't used to. Finally, she asked about him again. "Can you remember anything about before? Anything?"

Zereth Lancer
Feb 13th, 2003, 11:31:54 PM
"all i can't remember anymore then wandering the street's........."

Zereth paused searching hus mind for anything that might point out his past.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 14th, 2003, 08:53:08 PM
Leliarre stared at the ground in front of her, listening. She was quiet for a time before speaking, softly, almost as if to herself. "And an emptiness exists in your heart, because you know that something's missing that can't ever be replaced..." She blinked, as though shaking herself out of a memory. She almost hadn't realized she'd begun to speak.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:43:42 PM
"thats exactly how it feels.... and i dont think i'll ever be able to fill that empty place in my heart...."

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:25:43 PM
"Me neither." Leliarre blew a sigh. "Me neither." She closed her eyes for a moment.

"I had a family... but they... my parents were killed." She spoke haltingly. "My brother died soon later. On the streets." Her eyes were haunted.

"I just can't believe they're gone." Her voice was hoarse. She glanced at Zereth. "Your whole life can change, in just an instant."

She sighed again and looked away.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:33:12 PM
Zereth didnt know what to say to Leliarre he just started at her not plinking or moving a muscle.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:16:06 AM
It's just not fair, she thought bitterly. None of it.

"So how long have you been at the Order?" Leliarre asked softly, changing the subject, finally looking back at him.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:06:48 PM
"almost a year i think."

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:57:48 AM
"You've been there longer," She noted. "It's been... about 8 months, I think, since I've joined. Do you know many others there?"

Zereth Lancer
Feb 17th, 2003, 02:07:19 PM
"no i havnt met many other member's i like to keap to myself"

Zereth said planly.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:08:13 PM
"Me too. I know a few... but not well at all." Perhaps it's time I started meeting people... she thought.

Leliarre sighed. "Cold tonight, isn't it?" She said blandly, not really cold at all. She just... had to say something, anything to take her mind off what she couldn't help thinking about.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:15:05 PM
"cold i guess it sorta cold out here" Zereth really couldnt fell anything cold under his black cloak.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:54:02 PM
"It's just so worthless," She abruptly burst out, rather off the "subject." Deep anger flashed in her eyes. The girl stared at the ground in front of her as if she'd like to tear it to pieces. Noticing this unconsciously, she paused to get herself under control a little before she spoke again.

"It's not fair. Who the hell decides who dies and who doesn't? Why does it have to happen at all?" Leliarre gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. "I mean, look at us. Who decided that you'd get left alone without a single memory, and who decided to leave me alone without escape from them?! Destiny?" She said scornfully, voice thick with unshed tears. "Why does destiny always have to get involved and ruin everything?[/i] And we can't do anything about it!"

I sound like a raving lunatic, she thought miserably. Or maybe not. If I do, it doesn't matter.

She stopped in her tracks, breathing deeply to hold back tears.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:54:05 PM
Zereth was shocked by her sudden outburst he didnt know what to say to her .....

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:37:18 PM
"Sorry," she muttered, turning away from him. "...sorry." Just breathe, she told herself. In, out. In, out.

Suddenly she laughed, a pathetic sound, choked with tears that were now quietly and unbidden falling down her face. "I'm sorry. You don't want to have to listen to me. You can leave if you want. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot."

The girl went over and sat down against a nearby building wall, closing her eyes.

Feb 20th, 2003, 11:45:02 PM
*emerged from out of the shadows between buildings and taps Leliarre's shoulder lightly.*
you look sad. do you need a hug?

Feb 21st, 2003, 12:08:35 AM
Squatting on the second story ledge above them like a gargoyle, Ezra watched for a bit and as the girl came towards the wall and leaned against it he spoke.

"No, you are not an idiot. Just have some things that needs mending."

He tilted his head to look at the cloaked man and nodded in aknowlegment.

"Greetings, I am called Ezra."

He looked at the other newcomer who stood next to the girl. A curious looking creature, but one that made him smirk.

"That I think she does little one."

Ezra answered the newcomer, even though the question was for the girl. He stayed up where he was and scanned the area. No trouble so far. Then he turned his attention to the three below once more.

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:44:19 AM
Leliarre said, "I'm not, and I do not," crossly, getting up and rubbing at her eyes.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:01:32 PM
Zereth looked upward at Ezra "hello Ezra my name is Zereth Lancer" he then turned to the strange person who stood behind Leliarre wondering who she was.

Feb 23rd, 2003, 11:53:06 AM
*tilts head*
no hug?
*digs claws into wall and climbs up high enough to be eye to eye with leliarre and looks at her red slightly puffy eyes...*
look sad....
sure no hug??

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:57:05 PM
Leliarre shook her head. In a slightly softer tone, she replied, "I'd rather not."

The girl glanced upward at Ezra. Deciding stubbornly not to acknowledge him until he came down to talk at eye-level, she turned again to the creature who wanted to give her a hug. "Umm... who are you?"

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:14:33 PM
*chirps happily*
just yesterday we given a name and so soon we get to use it! We called Chame! yep! chame chame!!
*big smile*

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:24:16 PM
A flicker of a smile appeared briefly on the girl's face. "Well, Chame, my name's Leliarre."

Zereth Lancer
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:35:05 PM
Zereth stared at the creature named Chame "what speices are you Chame?"

Feb 28th, 2003, 02:03:08 AM
*giggles in a chirpy manner*
yay! we saw a baby smile on Leliarre!
*looks at Zereth and frowns saddly*
we've not found anyone who knowsdat... some species... adult stays to look after youngling and teach them? Chame had no such person...
so we go find our own answers, nee?

Feb 28th, 2003, 02:30:14 AM
Jumping down from the ledge and landing ever so effortlessly. Ezra stands to his full height and smiles. His fangs showing a bit and letting them know what he was.

"What brings you all out on a night such as this?"

Leliarre Nightshade
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:59:55 PM
Leliarre's face returned to her cold and customary neutral as she looked Ezra over - noting the fangs, but not reacting. He's a dangerous one, she decided, but perhaps not immediately so. But it was best to be careful. Having come to this conclusion, the intensity of her dark gaze lessened a bit.

"Thought I'd take a walk... I don't get out much. Besides, I couldn't sleep."

Zereth Lancer
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:08:02 PM
"so you are a vampire Ezra....very interesting."

Feb 28th, 2003, 10:18:42 PM
"Yes I am, But not to worry....... I've already fed."

He made his way to the wall and leaned against it. Crossing his arms and tilting his head down. He chuckled a bit too.

" I don't randomly pick my prey. So you're all safe. I only take the undesirables...the scum of society. They serve no constructive purpose, so they become my lifeline."

Lazily tapping his boot on the ground to a tune he hears in his head from the club he just came from.

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 1st, 2003, 09:34:28 AM
Leliarre relaxed slightly at that, though not visibly.

She was still a little unraveled by the night's events, but she was slowly regaining control of herself again. She folded her own arms casually.

"I see... so you're just here for a little companionship after dinner then?" She said with an arch look.

Mar 3rd, 2003, 12:28:43 AM
"You could say that, yes."

He smiles, then the smile fades....

"After 500 years of existence, one tends to get very lonely indeed. Immortality.....it's a pleasure and a pain. Sometimes I wonder which of the two it's more of."

He looks up and breathes in the night air. Then walks closer to the others.

"Well now, we know why I'm out here. What's your excuse?"

He says with a grin.

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:35:37 PM
"I got sick of being miserable in my room so I decided to be miserable out here," Leliarre said blandly. "That's really all there is to it." She sighed.

Mar 5th, 2003, 02:18:40 AM
*lets go of the wall and drops onto the ground. leans up against the wall and chirps sadly.* everybody so sad and lonely... why's dat?

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 5th, 2003, 05:32:42 PM
Leliarre closed her eyes briefly.

"I wish I knew, Chame." She said softly.

Mar 5th, 2003, 08:59:31 PM
Ezra carefully watched the young girl.

"I've never seen one so young, carry such pain and sadness. But all will be as it should in time. It always works that way."

He grinned and nodded his head

"I know, I've had my share of pain for 500 years. It will pass."

Mar 7th, 2003, 04:13:50 PM
*is quite and contemplative for a minute or two longer. gets up and tugs lightly on leliarre's clothes*
you want dat hug now?

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:19:35 PM
The girl looked at Ezra.

"Maybe so. But it's going to take a lot of time."

Leliarre shook her head at Chame. "I don't think a hug will make me feel better."

Zereth Lancer
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:22:06 PM
Zereth said nothing he just listened to the conversation.

Mar 8th, 2003, 01:43:30 AM
Ezra offered another smile.

"Time.....yes, time it will take. Nothing heals overnight, well.....unless you're a vampire."

He chuckled lightly. Then looked at the little creature.

"If you really need to hug someone, you can hug me. After many, many years of being by myself, one of those I could use right now."

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:00:02 AM
*tilts head and looks up at ezra*
Ezra needs hug?
*stretches arms up towards him*

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:39:08 AM
Smiling down at the little one, He bends at the knees and picks her up. Letting her give him a hug he laughs. Which he hadnt done in a long time. Not since his parting with Kariss. She always did make him laugh. They always seem to meet at the most darkest of hours in thier lives....he thought about her at that moment, where she could be and what trouble she could be getting into.

"Ahhhhh yes, I forgot what a hug felt like. Thank you Chame."

He places the little one down again and looks towards Zareth.

"You're awfully quiet."

Mar 13th, 2003, 02:07:18 PM
*Decides she doesn't like being so much shorter then everyone else, tugs lightly on ezra's trenchcoat*
we perch on your shoulder?
*gives him the puppy eye treatment*

Zereth Lancer
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:45:19 PM
Zereth had been looking around the area they where in "sorry i was being looking around, dont you think this is a bad place for us to be talking, i mean we should go inside somewhere it would be better."

Mar 13th, 2003, 09:16:00 PM
Ezra looks around at the surroundings and breathes deep.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Don't want trouble do we?"

He bends down and picks Chame up and places her on his shoulder.

"There you go little one."

Turning to Leliarre, he gestured to a nearby "hole in the wall" place to eat.

"Shall we? No trouble in there, we can relax and talk. Unless one of you has a better idea. I'm game for it.'

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:57:45 PM
Leliarre shrugged, then nodded.

"I don't care. Sure."

Mar 17th, 2003, 01:48:51 PM
*moves around on Ezra's shoulder until she finds a comfortable position.*
Chame doesn't care...
*her little tummy grumbles*
hungry though... we haven't eaten for long time...

Zereth Lancer
Mar 17th, 2003, 05:28:12 PM
" i havnt eaten in a while either" Zereth said as he watched Chame.

Mar 18th, 2003, 03:05:52 AM
"Then we go. Don't worry little one, You shall eat, I will see to that."

He nodded to the others.

"Shall we?"

He gestured toward the entrance. And started to walk to it with Chame on his shoulder.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 18th, 2003, 01:40:06 PM
Zereth followed behind Ezra.

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 18th, 2003, 04:22:19 PM
Leliarre followed last. The girl paused though before entering the bulding, taking a last deep breath of the night air that somehow comforted her. Letting it out in an almost inaudible sigh she went in after the others.

Mar 19th, 2003, 10:52:44 PM
As she walked through the entrance, Ezra was waiting for her. He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder and walked with her.
Saying nothing, he lead her to where Zareth was sitting and then took a seat himself.

"This place has good food, I've eaten here once or twice."

He laughed at thier expressions. Then waved a hand and shook his head.

" No, no no no...I mean actuall food. I can eat normal food also."

The waitress came over, a middle aged woman. She said her name, it was Flo. How original he thought. She stood there waiting with a little note puter. He asked Chame what she wanted. Then waited for the others to order.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:16:13 PM
we'd like gimpani fruit...
*indicates the ovaline shape of the fruit with her hands*
don't know if they have them...

Zereth Lancer
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:35:13 PM
Zereth looked up at the waitress "ill have a medium steak and a glass of red wine."

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 25th, 2003, 05:12:56 PM
Leliarre blinked. "Uhh... just water for me. I'm not hungry."