View Full Version : A Lesson Passed On...(Jakob)

Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:51:03 PM
The lights inside of the Jedi Academy were dimmed this day as outside a storm raged on. The rain fell violently upon the ground and hail labeled all that it could. Bolts of lightning struck random objects engulfing them in flames immediatly as its brother thunder roared from behind. The black sky was filled with billowing clouds of grey from which this hateful storm brewed.

One lone figure stood with her back to the entrance of the Academy as she stared at the wall across the room; her mind weighted heavily with what she needed to do today -- and it closely resembled the storm raging on outside. Her right hand grip tightened and loosened upon the hilt of her saber Love which hummed melodically in the air. Its double blue blades cast a glow upon the figure -- but it was grim at this hour.

Clad in black robes with her Garou Warrior Braids pulled up into a pony tail at the back of her head, she looked like a tough match but truth be told -- the Jedi Knight was not here looking for a fight, she was here to teach one of her students a lesson that she was taught long ago -- a lesson she was continuing to learn and deal with. The student was Jakob Burton and she had summoned his presence here this day -- and he would not leave until she had made her point.

Jakob Burton
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:58:46 PM
"You seem a bit....er....um...mad. Somethin' up?"

Jake came in, just coming back from a "spar," if one could call it that. It was more of a failure and a success at the same time. He saved one girl at the expense of another. He was almost naked, save for the shreds of pants that clung to his muscluar legs. His shoes were more rags than boots. His sabers still clung to his sides. He sat on the floor, bracing himself against the wall.

"And imagine, cousin, I was planning to dress all nicely for this occasion, but I figured better to be prompt than properly dressed....So what's up?"

Xazor Elessar
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:10:23 PM
The door behind Jakob slammed shut with a force so great it caused the young Padawan to jump. Xazor's eyes slowly moved upward until they came to rest upon his face -- a look of displeasure and perhaps even disgust rested in her eyes. His cheerful disposition only irritated the Garou woman more as thoughts crossed her mind.

- - - - -

Blond hair whipped around a tall slender figure as she brought her arms around in a blinding flash. The blue blade of her lightsaber nearly took the head off of a man -- a young man possessing dark eyes and light skin.

"Yessss -- anger! Finally I've brought you to anger! But -- what would your dear Master think of this, hmmmmm?"

The voice played over and over in the young Padawan's mind as she glared at the man across from her.

"My Master will never find out -- so don't worry about it!"

She yelled as the rain began to fall and collect like sparkling diamonds in her long flowing hair.

- - - - -

The Jedi Knight's eyes flashed open after having shut involuntarily for a moment as a rememberance flashed across her mind. She stood strong and still like a rock as another memory slipped into her mind -- the reprecussions of her escapades, but not just on one occasion -- on several. She growled slightly but said not a word as she proceeded forward with slow pace. Her cyan eyes were darker than usual as she fixed her hard gaze upon her student. Just half a yard from him, she stopped curtly and brought her hand before her, slowly moving it as if working on something suspended in the air. No -- she was playing with his mind now, and with one small twist of her own thoughts upon his, he was now beginning to choke for lack of breath as his esophogus began to close.

"The first thing I taught you as you entered these doors was to never, ever let anger take over you."

She allowed him to suffer for a minute or so without the oxygen supply to his lungs. Suddenly she released the grip on his mind and the Knight lowered her hand to her side. Slowly she bent down and crasped some loose sand in her hand allowing the cool grains to rub against her palm as she rose to full height and turned around again, shaking her head in disappointment. Suddenly she spun around and threw the sand into the young man's eyes, blinding him for what would seem like forever -- yet would only affect him for at the longest a half hour.

"You didn't listen to me, though. I didn't want you to become like me, but that's where you are headed, Jakob!"

Xazor growled deeply and quite audibly in his young ears as she slowly moved her lightsaber's blade closer and closer to him -- and now, it was just inches from his neck.

"You betrayed my teaching and my trust -- you are a Jedi, not an animal!"

Jakob Burton
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:02:31 PM
Bright spots were everywhere in Jake's eyes. He couldn't breathe! Anger was starting to fill him, but he pushed it away.....this was Xazor......his cousin.....he wouldn't fight her in such a manner. But he, to be quite honest, didn't react in anger. As the grip on his neck loosened, he took a step forward and was in Xazor's face in a matter of milliseconds. He swiftly moved her saber and brought his face forward, almost to where his nose touched hers.

"First and foremost, XAZOR...."

He called her by the name due to seriousness, and slight but not outright disrespect.

"....I did not react in anger. You wouldn't know. It was out of a zealotic want, or a need, to protect. YOU are the one acting out of anger. Besides, you know better than I that I cannot yet entirely control the transformation......I did the best I could with it. I reacted that way because an innocent was blatantly murdered. I'm sure that YOU would act the same way......Master. And I'm able to identify the border between anger and that undescribable feeling.....And had I reacted in anger, the creature wouldn't have survived. But he did, and I failed......"