View Full Version : Dark Footsteps.

Nayala Palain
Feb 5th, 2003, 12:18:16 AM
The Sith Master of the Sith Order stepped onto the Planet of Vjun. Knowing the history of the planet she took in every deadly and boring site she could. Her cloak covering her head, she sought out to find someone. Someone dear to her. And Someone she had not seen in a long time. Maybe to long of a time.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 5th, 2003, 06:33:24 PM
Zasz Grimm had favored being outside today. What, with Vjun being a perfect planet! Well...maybe to die on. But it suited Zasz, the gloom, the dark, the power. He had been just outside the gates when he saw a figure in the distance, a figure that grew closer.

Zasz's crimson locks of hair shook in the wind as he moved his head back and forth with a sigh. Why were people so interested in Vjun. Well, other than it being one of the wonders of the universe...Zasz's red pupils focused more clearly as the figure came into view. Taking a few steps forward, he looked at what appeared to be a female woman...

"Who are you, and what is your business here?"

The Dark Jedi's voice was almost a whisper, but through the Dark Side, it was carried to the woman's ears as if his mouth was right next to them...

Nayala Palain
Feb 6th, 2003, 08:49:34 PM
She smiled as she noticed the voice like an old friend. Well seeing how Zasz Grimm was an old friend she finally looked up.

" Athena, and I seek my family, either my cousin or my sister. "

She thought for a moment why didnt he just search the force and tell who it was. But then neither did she. The cloaked figure removed her hood. The brown hair fell to her shoulders and her violet eyes shimmered with the darkside.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 7th, 2003, 07:49:25 AM
"Apparently, they don't want to see you...Sith... Or they would be here to welcome you."

Yes, they were old friends. But he held no love for Sith. He walked forward closer to her, looking her over...

"Why do you seek them?"

Nayala Palain
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:57:03 PM
" They are not here Dark one because they didnt have for warning I was going to be stopping here on Vjun. And what does it matter to you why I seek my family? "

Her cold eyes watching his every move. She knew of his lack of love for Sith. But that was his choice and she was not here to make him change it. Nor anyone-else for that matter.

" Now be so kind and notify Dale or Taylor of my arrivale. And if not point me in the direction I can tell them myself. "

Zasz Grimm
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:45:33 PM
Zasz scoffed as he looked at her. Who was she to dish orders?

"Do I look to be a servant?"

Bringing a hand up to push back his hair from his face, his blood red eyes stayed on her face. If she wanted to see them so badly, why didn't she call out with the force. It really wasn't Zasz's place to meddle in family business, but Athena and he used to be close. And how she changed...for the worse.

"..You can't use the Force to aid you? Surely a Sith Master can send out a message calling to her family.."

He made it to where his voice sounded incredulous, but with a mocking tone..

"Or are you that inept?"

Nayala Palain
Feb 9th, 2003, 01:56:32 AM
" Ohh Zasz Grimm, for so little I fear you have learned. Why should one always use the force as their crutch. I see you have. No I didn't want to use my control of the force for such a miniscule task. "

The Sith Master walked past her once old friend and onwards towards where she figured she could find someone with in this establishment to tell her where to find Dale or Taylor.

Calling back behind her...

" And no for a servent you couldnt handle their tasks. "

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:12:19 AM
There was a thud of displacing air as Vega dismounted the pillar he had been perched upon. As per usual, he had been watching the conversation from atop a roost on the battlements, effectively acting as guard dog.

“With such a warm welcome, it’s no wonder we don’t get many visitors,” Vega laughed, a grin spreading over his lips as he looked from Athena to Zasz.

“Come now, brother. The Lady Athena is no enemy of ours, she is the kin of Dalethria… let her be.”

Nayala Palain
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:15:58 AM
Athena heard the thud as the Lupin landed not far from her. She had just been in contact with her sister Daiq about the child and union of Vega and her sister.

" My soon to be brother in Law... How dear it is to see you. "

Athena smiled at the sound of her sisters name, it had been far to long since Athena had even seen Dale.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:46:07 AM
Zasz had turned around to stop Athena from getting close to Bast Castle, even if it had meant cutting her down. But upon Vega's appearance, he calmed himself somewhat. Zasz had known someone here would have vouched for her, and that was all he needed. He turned and looked towards Bast and walked towards it, walking past the stopped Athena.

He spoke back to Vega as he did so...

"Yes, I know who the sister of my former lover is."

He grinned. Athena knew of Dale and he, but that was after Zasz and Athena had separated. Oh the twisted things he pulled. He looked up to the massive gates of Bast, and the opened slowly. He slowly walked into them as they had finished opening wide, but as he walked in, they started to slowly close. So whoever was outside should come in rather....quickly.

He looked back, letting part of his eyes catch Athena. She would find out stupid she was for saying what she did only all too soon.

Nayala Palain
Feb 9th, 2003, 11:08:10 PM
Athena said nothing as Zasz past her. Her eyes would have darted daggers if her anger was not in check. She turned and looked at Vega with a slight smile.

" Ooh how ones life can change...no? "

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:33:03 AM
The Lupine replied simply with one word.


He gave a small chuckle to himself, motioning with a glance up towards Bast as he did so. No doubt Athena wished to meet with Dalethria as soon as possible, and Vega did not wish to detain her.

Nayala Palain
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:00:31 PM
Athena followed in suit after Vega, seeing how he was the one who was welcomed here. And she was nothing more then an outsider. She knew some of the people within these walls would give her hell for being here. But it was something she would go threw for Dale.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:13:22 PM
"Forgive Zasz for his rudeness, Sister."

Dalethria's form melded out from the shadows in front of Vega and Athena, arms outstretched in a welcoming manner.

"I believe he may still be bitter about things that happened between us a long time ago.."

She chuckled at that thought and looked towards Vega.

"Thank you for seeing her in, Brother. Course ..."

Her attention centered on Athena once again, eyebrow raised in question.

"... I'm curious what would bring you to come to Vjun to see me. There are other places more welcoming to you then Bast Castle."

Nayala Palain
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:16:36 PM
Athena had noticed her sister right as Dale had spoken. Seeing her sisters outstreched arms Athena greeted her sister in a warm hug.

" Indeed it was kind of Vega here to see me closer to you. And yes there are other places other then here on Vjun I could have gone to see you. But what do I have here to fear? I have done nothing to the members of the Black Hand. I see no hostile reaction here other then Zasz. But then he never did like me. "

Zasz Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:50:28 PM
Zasz looked to Athena from the staircase which he had stayed in view. When he heard Dalethria, and what she said, a smile crossed his lips, but when Athena spoke, his smile went away...

"On the contrary....."

Zasz said as he moved away from the staircase, and somewhat closer to the two. He spoke again, picking up where he last left off...

"...You have done more than just 'nothing' as you put it. You have entered Bast's Walls. A Sith walking inside of our home. Tell me, do you see Dark Jedi walking about The Sith Order's Headquarters? No. You don't belong, you should never have been allowed entry...."

Zasz grinned as he turned around and started for the stairs, but just then he heard something. He stopped and turned around...

"Oh...I'm sure you will find that there is more than just myself that disagree with your being here..."

Dalethria knew immediately what he meant. He saw that in her eyes. Zasz turned back to face them as he waited...

Closing down the steps were two distinguishable figures, hidden somewhat by the dark light of the staircase, that and the lack of lighting throughout all of Bast...

"Isn't that right, brothers?"

Nayala Palain
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:26:01 PM
Interestingly enough for Athena she had seen Dark Jedi walking the halls of TSO. But that she would not speak of now. She was sure her sister had not seen her.

Watching as Zasz ran from where Athena and her sister stood she lost the figure as her eyes noticed two other figures standing in the staircase. She knew better then assume anything at this time. And if push indeed came to shove, Athena would have no problem either fighting her way off Vjun or just leaving and meeting her sister elsewhere and meeting her cousin back on Balmorra.

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:34:54 PM
"Yes, it is"

Cyriam said as he came into view of Athena and Dalethria. The more...outspoke...clone had drew his lightsaber upon immediately seeing Athena. He grit his teeth as he looked to Kineas, who didn't appear to be mad, but no doubt was...

"What is she doing here?"

He said as his indigo pupils seemed to burn into Athena's.

Kineas Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:07:58 PM
"Indeed, what is Athena doing here?"

He looked to his more outspoken counterpart, and then towards Zasz. He nodded to Zasz and then looked towards Athena. He shook his head, disapprovingly. Then his eyes fell on Dalethria. He inhaled. He would not display emotions as he had always done before. He controlled his emotions, they didn't control him.


He looked to Dalethria, curious.

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:19:39 PM

Air near the Grimms dentonated with a tremendous sonic discharge, blowing them back away from Dalethria and Athena. Lightsabers clanged to the ground, although the three couldn't hear it.

Mili was disgusted.

WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING!? She screamed a winter gail. Zasz reached for a lightsaber, but the Siren's dagger found it first, peircing the metal cylinder. It sputtered and shorted with a brief electrical discharge. Wide eyed, they looked at her, confused.

"You idiotic men and your agression. Is she applying for membership? No. Is she a threat to Bast? No. She came here to see Dalethria."

If you so much as sneeze on her, I will turn your bones to gel.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 10:39:39 PM
Sufficiently surprised, he looked to Mili. Drawing his lightsaber was a natural reaction. He looked to it on the floor, and then back to Athena and Dale, and then again to Mili....


Pity about the lightsaber, he thought. Oh well, he needed a new one anyway. He turned his back towards Athena and Dale, and even Milivikal. He passed inbetween his two clones, pushing them aside. He noticed eaches facial expression as he did so, though. Kineas' was still calm as ever, he hadn't really done anything. And Cyriam...

...Was frelled...

He chuckled to himself and then brought himself back to the reality of what was going on. He still disagreed with Athena being there, but now he was certain his opinion was well heard.

Kineas Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:07:41 PM
After Mili's loud entrance, and power exhibit, Kineas looked to Dalethria, letting his question stand. He managed to look at Cyriam for a moment. He would feel sorry for him, but really just didn't...

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:19:14 PM
Cyriam looked to Milivikal, somewhat shaken by what all had just transpired. He had already clipped his saber back to his belt so he wouldn't try anything. He didn't want to make her more mad. He looked to Athena, and then back to Mili.

He stood there, next to Kineas, waiting, and somewhat afraid for how his master might react. What would she do to him?

Nayala Palain
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:06:30 PM
Athena looked between the now three Grimm's. Good god she thought to herself. Then the entrance of a life time. A Lady of the Black Hand appered and set all of them into their place's.

Turning to see just who she was Athena looked at a face that she didnt know.

" Why greetings, and my thanks for taking such a situation from my hands, as to not make the keepers of Bast angery with me. My name is Athena. And indeed I have come to see Dale. "

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:40:45 PM
Mili kicked Cyriam in the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. Hard.

"They will not trouble you anymore, lady Athena." She said as the blueish clone started to his feet. Mili hissed, and kicked him in the mouth. While it wasn't strong enough to loosen any teeth, it did break the inside of his lip open. Cyriam spat, a bit of red mixed into his saliva.

"Out." hands on her hips, k'Vik demanded, both through the Force and aloud. Cyriam looked more than happy to oblidge, although he didn't seem too certain of himself. Mili could be quite vengful. Likely she would do something without any sort of warning.

She waited until he was well out of earshot. "Men can be such ill behaved dogs at times."

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:36:37 PM
Sensing this would be a perfect time to make his leave Vega edged away from Mili and the others before giving a small bow. The Lupine flashed a small smile at Athena before lopping back off towards the Castle, thankful that he was able to evade the siren’s ‘wrath’.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:32:38 PM
Could have Dalethria stepped in to handle the situation? Of course but it was more enjoyable to watch k'Vik quickly disarm her former lover and wipe the floor with his idiotic clone. The pleasure could not be measured ... and Dalethria did not care in the least of Zasz's outburst. Kineas on the other hand surprised her. He was able to keep himself in check, though his disdain for Athena was thick in his voice.

Still, she laughed at her Dark Sister's comment as Cyriam left.

"True enough. Some. Not all."

Her eyes shifted at Kineas.

"Athena already answered your question. She came to see me ... though ..."

Dalethria half smiled while turning to Athena.

"... not sure why ...Social call perhaps?"

Nayala Palain
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:12:23 PM
Smiling at her sister.

" Social, me social? Perhaps. I indeed miss my sister. From here I am off to track the ladies of Mistress Drenkast and her shadowfane. "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:13:46 PM

Her eyes lit up.

"Perhaps I can come with? I've hadn't seen Hera and the others in a very long time. Be a chance for us to spend some time together as well."

Nayala Palain
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:33:45 PM
" Dale you know you can go with me where ever you like, maybe others would like to join in? "

Athena looked at the lady she didnt know, but figured there was no better time to get to know her.

" Indeed, after spending time with you, I must find my sister Daiq. "

Kineas Grimm
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:06:31 AM
Kineas stood at his spot on the stairs. Not even Milivikal's wrath could move him. He was not afraid of her whatsoever. He wasn't afraid of anything, or anyone. Except for one person, and one thing. Dalethria, and her never liking him... He looked to her, then to Athena.

Though they were sisters, he would still never trust Athena. He would never trust her, which is why he didn't leave Dalethria alone...What if Athena made an attempt on her life?

"I see...I hope you won't mind my staying here with you, Master"

Nayala Palain
Mar 1st, 2003, 10:41:16 PM
Athena looked at the clone of Zasz, interesting she found it, that it would not go away. She looked at Dalethria and awaited her sisters answer to the clones question.

" Well sister do you wish for the clone known as Kineas to join us on our outing? "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:49:33 PM

She answered sweetly to Kineas.

"I don't mind you being here as long as you mind your manners."

Athena asked an interesting question that was dwelling on Dalethria's own mind as well. She was just the speak it verbally.

"I'm not sure. We are going to see more Sith afterall.... What do you think, Athena."

Dalethria wrapped an arm around her Sister's shoulder and lowered her voice, just being barely audible to Kineas.

"Think he'll behave if we take him on the field trip?"

Nayala Palain
Mar 16th, 2003, 10:39:18 PM
Athena didnt have to say a single word for her sister to understand her. She looked at Dale and her eyes shined.

via the force on the other hand....

I'm sure we could handle him.... he seems interesting enough.